05/02/1988-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting May 2, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill & Jerry Jenkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Wendall Thomas OZ�ERS PRESENT: Steve Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Billye Hollingsworth, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Wright, Ron McGuire, Burle Bourland, Merwyn Tucker, Gene Hughes, Benny Erwin, Etta Stogsdill, Cindy Barrow, Robin Parker, Trina Carlile, Jerry Don Linn, & Ruth McGuffin - Sanger Courier. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave invocation, and led pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements - Jerry Jenkins made the motion to approve disbursements. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input: Billye Hollings�rth approached the City Council about a problem at Trail's house which has a sewerage problem. Billye Hollingsworth asked if there was anything anyone could do about the problem. Mayor Armstrong stated she had talked to the health department about this and they informed her there wasn't anything they could do, that the City needed to get their health officer to do something and that's where it stands. Mayor Armstrong also stated she had talked to a church group who will check into doing her repairs and cleaning her yard. Billye Hollingsworth stated her main concern was no running water and no sewerage and she is bringing water in and flushes the commode and it goes under the house and in turn it runs out into the street. Billye Hollingsworth asked why couldn't the City fix that problem and charge the woman $5.00 or $10.00 a month extra to pay for the cost. Mayor Armstrong stated that Mrs. Trail's water utilities were dis- connected for non payment due to the fact that she had a water leak and would not fix the repairs and refused to pay the bill. Billye Hollingsworth stated this problem has been going on for several years and it was not a water leak but a sewerage problem. Jerry Don Linn stated that the problem was: a water leak and the mosquitoes were also a bad problem. Billye Hollingsworth felt that the City needed to get the problem straightened out. 5. Consider and Possible Action to approve audit for 86-87 Fiscal Year. Tony Wright went over his summary of the audit: (1) Audit was different this year since it was for a 13 month period instead of a 12 month. (2) The budget was for 12 months instead of 13 months and in the General Fund this made a big difference. (3) Financially, the City is in better shape this year than last year.. (4) The Utility Funds are carrying the City as far as other operation. 427 Tony Wright made some recommendations: (1) Computer back-up of at least taking the disk to someone's home and backing it up monthly. (2) Also to find another City with the same system in case of a castastrophe, the City could use their system until ours was back in operation. (3) City Council needs to approve additional funds to educate employees to update them in procedures to do their jobs easier. (4) Payments need to be fram checking accounts instead of directly from the savings accounts. This would create a better audit trail. (5) Because of the change in employees, inventory was not up to date when the audit was conducted but it is updated now. (Sanger Electric inventory). (6) No one employee should make deposits and reconcile. If such procedure occurs, Rose needs to check the records after reconcilement. Discussion continued on various issues of the audit. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins. and seconded by Carroll to approve 86-87 audit. Motion carried. 6. Consider and possible action to approve Ordinance #05-88 to amend Budget items for City Departments. Mayor Armstrong stated that there were some items that were already overspent in the Electric, Sewer, and Police. In the Police - $1,000.00 needs to be transferred from 414.03 Motor Vehicle Fuel into 419.03 - $250.00 (Motor Veh. Maint.), 412.03 - $250.00 (Minor Tools) and 424.03 - $500.00 (Radio Maintenance). Electric Dept. - 437.08 (Rental $1,100.00, 442.08-$1500.00 Misc. needs to be transferred into 412.08 (Minor tools), and 419.08 (Motor Veh. Maint.). Sewer Dept. - 439.07 ,Travel/School $300.00 427.07 Sewer/Line Maint. 800.00 427.07 1000000 to be transferred into Sewer - 442.07 Miscellaneous 300.00 413.07 Chem. Supplies 800.00 421.07 Mach. Maint. 1000000 Jerry Don stated that he got a bill Friday for $1,000.00 from Texas Water Commission out of Austin. .This is for a federal permit. Jerry Don stated that this item was not budgeted in his budget items, there is not any amounts he can transfer. Mayor Armstrong suggested that the City go ahead and pay it and hopefully at the end of the year, the funds might have some excess to adjust to that budget item. Mayor Armstrong asked Jerry Don to keep cost down in the Sewer Department. Jerry Jenkins made a motion, seconded by Carolyn Adkins, that Ordinance #05-88 be approved. Motion carried. 7. Consider and possible Action to Award Bid Regarding 1988 Fiat Allis Tractor purchased from the City of Sanger. Steve Shutt stated this item was advertised for bids. There was only one bid that was received from Dirt Work who bid to do all the dirt work at the lar_dfill for a specific amount of time in exchange for the tractor. Discussion. 428 Carroll made a motion to table action on this item until the next City Council meeting Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion Carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Award bid Regarding Computerized Motor Control for the City Water We11 and Tower System. The City received one bid on this-�M�.rk Sons & Co. in the amount of $9,042.00. Funding for this project was discussed. Mayor Armstrong stated that Steve Shutt had su;gested that the City pay this out of Utility Fond Construction. She did call Dan Almon on this and he advised her that -��l that the ordinance on this Bond issue must state for water and sewer. He also stated that the City was also on risky ground if the City spent the money other than what it was declared for. Discussion at length. City Council agreed to appoint Steve Shutt, Mayor Armstrong, and Carroll McNeill to a oonm�ttee to investigate this item further. Possibly to contact other cities to see how everyone else controls their water system, etc. and then report back to the City Council. Item tabled for first meeting in June. 9. Consider and Possible Action Concerning Builder's Report. Ronnie Jones reported on this item. Ronnie stated that the group of builders that met had voted to accept Document 100 (which is what the City of Denton uses) with one rninor change on Page 7-Section H. concerning foundation bolts. They wanted this to be the option of the builder to use foundation bolts or whether to shoot the plates down. Also, they wanted it brought to the attention of the inspector to inspect those plates good to make sure those plates are secured properly. Mayor Armstrong stated that on Page 7, Section H, this section should read as fo��ows; that this c�aill be optional with the understanding that the foundation plates will be closely inspected by the building inspector to see that they are properly secured. Motion was made by Carolyn Adkins and seconded by Carroll TicNeill that the City adopt Document 100 as 1 & 2 family Building Permit Construction information forms. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action Concerning bids for Mechanic Work. Danny mcDaniel made the motion and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that bids for mechanic be awarded to B & B Garage. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Size of Square Footage- Burle Bourland Burle Bourland stated Farmers home Administration is running out of suitable lots in older parts of town and would like to continue in his addition. Mr. Bourland requested that the City grant a variance of the square footage on the living area of a new house from 1000 square feet to 864 feet to meet FHA requirements. The people who live in that area signed a form giving their permission that they had no objection to those size homes being built in that area. 429 Mr. Bourland only requested a variance on Lots 6 , 7 , 8 , 91 10 , and 11 in Block 2, Bourland Addition from 1,000 sq. ft. living area to 864 sq. ft. living area plus garage. Carroll McNeill second with one no-. vote- Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 12. Discussion on proposal for Health Officer Mayor Armstrong stated that she found out about two weeks ago that the City does not have a contract with the Denton Co. Health Dept. Discussion. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Danny McDaniel that the City pursue the environmental health services for the City of Sanger with Mr. Ray Merkel ( Health Inspector with the Co. of Denton). Motion carried. 13. Any Other Such Matters: a. Tn7eric�-i7..1 Thomas stated Mrs Ross Anderson called him and and told him she was having a drainage problem. b. Mayor Armstrong stated there is a drainage problem on front of Mr. & Mrs. Gray's property on the corner of Pecan and 9th. Also, J.C. Landers also has a problem about midway in his house. Ronnie Jones also mentioned he is having the same problem on his house across from J. C. Landers. c. Mayor Armstrong stated that Clint Enlow and Don Roberson talked to her about 9 acres just north of Utility Road that goes to the Landfill. They have someone interested in purchasing that acreage and putting in a RV area. - They'll be putting in a building where they can work on motor homes. The gentleman that wants to buy the land wants to be connected to the City Sewer. Mayor Armstrong stated she advised them that the City Council might not tie him to City sewer unless he annexed into the city limits City Council agreed for Mayor Armstrong to inform Mr. Enlow and Mr. Roberson that the City insist that the property annex into the City and if not then he needs to come back and talk to the City. d. City Council discussed the dirt that needs to be brought to the old landfill. Mr. Bohman has done an excellent job. in. loads that were discussed were 30 loads at $4.00 a yard. Mayor Armstrong also advised that Mr. Bohman told her he could come and do the cover work at the new landfill for a minimum of two hours and no more than three per day. He wondered if the City Council could give him a chance to do this for two weeks and see how they felt. Mayor Armstrong advised City Council that she did tell him to cover it for the next two weeks. e. Ronnie Jones also mentioned that the first 6 Roman Numerals of the Document 100 needs to be deleted since they are not inpection items. Rose to make sure the corrections were made. 14. City Manager's Report: a0 City Manager mentioned that there will be a 911 meeting 430 Mayor Armstrong mentioned that before the City starts the 911, the City needs to get correct numbers for the housing. b. Steve Shutt also mentioned that someone had approached him concerning taxi service in Sanger and maybe the City needed to look into this since the City does not have any ordinance regulating a taxi service. c. Steve Shutt mentioned to the City Council that several weeks ago Mr. Woodrow Barton came in for a lot split at his residence. In checking with G.S.A. and the City Attorney,we were in violation of State Law by the lot split way that we have been doing lot splits. This is the reason he has cancelled the last two P & Z meetings because of this situation. Steve Shutt stated that before a lot is split, if it is a commercial zoned area requires a public hearing. If it is zoned SF or Multi -Family (permission of owners within 500') or all people in a subdivision unless more than 100 homes, it reverts back to 500' d. Mayor Armstrong also stated that the city attorney advises that the Pornography Ordinance was as legal as it could be. ty iSecretary 'e r Mayor -�®v llinutes Members Present Others Present: '�� Council Meeting May 9, 1938 Z•7ayor Nel Armstrong, Carolyn Adkins, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkir�,s (new councilmember G1ern Shaw) . Stephen K. Shutt, P.osalie Garcia, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Mervyn Tucker, Bi11ye Hollingsworth and Mrs. Gentle. 1. 1`�ayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Consider and Possible Action regarding Citizen's Complaint. Mayor Armstrong stated that the first item was a citizen's complaint concerning our City Administrator. Mayor Armstrong asked Steve Shutt if he wanted to go into executive session. Steve Shutt replied that he did not want to go into executive - - session. Mr. John Coker and Mrs. Wanda Lester had each wrote a letter complaining against Steve Shutt, City Administrator. After a lengthy discussion among the City Council members and the City Administrator, a decision was made. Wendall Thomas made a motion that Steve Shutt make a formal apology to Mrs. Wanda Lester (the complainant). Motion died from a lack of a second.