05/16/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular432 4. him a letter stating that City Council agrees with what she has already told him. City Council stated to be sure that the Mayor advises him that City Council sets the rules for him to abide by. c. Steve Shutt gave the status on the Marina. He informed City Council that the first letter came in for the Marina Lease Agreement, which will be finalized as soon as old City Council responds. Discussion. Agenda Item for next City Council meeting. Canvass Ballots of City Officials Election held on May 7, 1988 and declare the winners. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that there were two persons that had voted that lived outside the City limits. She recommended that what could be done is remove those two (2) votes as illegal since the votes do not change the results of the election, all they can do is to remove those two(2) votes. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill to remove two (2) votes from the winners. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong read the canvass of the votes as follows: Mayor Position Nel Armstrong Ralph Cole Place 2 Harvey W. Thomas Place 4 Glenn Shaw Woodrow Barton Shirlene Wright Ron McGuire Votes 246 Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to canvass the votes. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. Cit � Secretary , do do lddo $. sdied Ir Mayor e�ez� Minutes: City Council Meeting May 16, 1938 Members Present: Mayor Armstrong, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Glenn Shaw, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Others Present: Stephn K. Shutt, Rosalie Garcia, Mary Jo Stover Kim Shaw, Mrs. Gentle, Billye Hollin;sworth, Stan Day, and Ray Meckel. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 433 2. (5) Administer Oath of Office to Councilmembers Elected Mayor. Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary, administered oath of Office to Mayor Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, and Wendall Thomas. 3. Minutes: Wendall Thomas made a correction to the minutes of May 2, 1988 to reflect that he was not present at this particular City Council meeting;therefore he did not second the motion in in 3. May 9, 1988-Jerry Jenkins made a correction to these minutes. In item #2 last paragraph to read as follows: "Motion was that Steve Shutt write a letter of apology to Wanda Lester and a letter of reprimand be placed in Steve Shutt's file and in that letter so stating that future transgressions of this nature would result in further disciplinary action." Minutes stood approved as corrected. 4. Disbursements: Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to approve disbursements with the exception of item gZb (TML) which was not to get paid until the City receives as itemized statement. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 5. Citizen`s Input- None. 6. Election of Mayor Pro - Danny McDaniel nominated Jerry Jenkins. Wendall Thomas made a motion that the nomination cease and that Jerry Jenkins be elected Mayor Pro-Tem by acclamation and seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 7. Appoint Departmental Commissioners: Mayor Armstrong appointed the following: Public Works and Streets - Jerry Jenkins Code Enforcment - Wendall Thomas Community Planning - Glenn Shaw Public Safety - Danny McDaniel Electric - Carroll McNeill Inspection - Mayor Nel Armstrong 8. Consider and Possible Action Concerning Disposition of Fiat Allis Loader. Steve informed City Council that the only bid received was from Dirt Work, Inc. to trade the Loader for dirt work at the landfill. Steve Shutt stated he had asked Texas Waste Management what they could give the City for that loader and they stated they would broker it and possibly get $8,000.00 for it. The bill against the loader is $1400.00. Discussion. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Wendall Thomas that the City allow Texas Waste Management to broker the fiat Allis Loader for $8,000.00 dollars. Motion carried. City Council instructed Steve Shutt to inform Mr. Paris concerning the hours to be worked at the landfill. 9. (13) Consider and Possible Action on Water and Sewer Problems at Mrs. Trail's Residence located at 413 S. 2nd. 434 10. Mayor Armstrong read a letter that had been written by residences that live in this vicinity of 413 S. 2nd. These citizens are concerned since they feel that this house does not meet housing standards, since the house is not connected to the City's sewer system or any other method of disposing of waste except dumping it out on the ground. The Mayor did inform Mrs. Gentle and Mrs. Hollingsworth that she will be meeting with Mrs. Trail on Thursday to discuss this problem. Discussion continued. Mayor stated that she felt like this problem can be worked out and she advised Mrs. Gentle and Mrs Hollingsworth to be patient until Thursday when she talked to Mrs. Trail. Another issue was the delinquent bill that Mrs. Trail owed the City in the amount of $75.24 for the water service during which time she did have a water leak. The bill has been delinquent since 1983. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill that the City write off the delinquent bill after five (5) years. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. (9). Consider and Possible Action concerning Present and Old Landfill Mayor Armstrong stated that two weeks ago she had asked 1`Zr. Bohmann to cover out at the new landfill. She went out there twice to check his work and he is doing an excellent job. His bill was $407.50. Mayor said that Mr. Bohmann turned in a bid for leveling on the north side of the landfill with a maintainer. There's a shallow ditch on the north fence line to the railroad so that the water runs off in one direction. His bid for eight hours work to do this - $525.00 Mayor Armstrong stated that is City Council did agree for him to do this work she wanted for grass seed to be sowed immediately. Wendall Thomas made the motion that we pay his bill of $407.50 and that Mr. Bohmann continue to cover two to three hours a week on Tuesday if possible until further notice. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. The second issue discussed on the new landfill was grading work-8 hours @ $550.00 Jerry Jenkins made the motion and seconded by Carroll McNeill that the City allow Mr. Bohmann to spend a maximum of 8 hours to grade and dig a drainage ditch at the new Landfill. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong continued on the issue of the Old Landfill which is still trying to decide whether to haul some dirt out there. Steve Shutt stated he is getting some dirt out there from various projects. If the State does happen to come in they will notice that some progress is being made. Steve Shutt stated that maybe City Council could just wait and see if he can continue to get some dirt out there. This item tabled for review once a month. 435 11. Consider and Possible Action Concerning Ordinance Establishing Health Inspection Program. Steve Shutt stated Mr. Meckel had submitted a proposal to do the�City Health and Sanitation (not landfill) inspections at the rate of $50.00 an hour. Steve Shutt also presented an ordinance that is in our codification of ordinance and what he did was omit the Denton Co. Health Department. Mr.Meckel Chief Sanitarian with Denton Co. Health Dept. stated his inspections would be on restdrants, grocery stores, day care, public .�.chools, and (pre -opening inspections) and also rabies control, complaint investigations, garbage or anything that is consider under Texas Health Sanitation as a nuisance. Discussion continued on this issue. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr. Meckel for his presentation and she stated that the City did want to discuss this further before a decision is made and they will let him know something within the next two or three weeks. Steve Shutt did advise City Council that Mr. Glover with the Co. Health Dept. also had approached the City with a proposal before they had ever talked with Mr. Meckel. He felt that maybe they should talk to Mr. Glover before a decision is made. Steve Shutt also mentioned that both men work for the County except Ray Meckel, who is Mr. Glover's supervisor. Item tabled for next City Council meeting, also Item #12 Consider and Possible Action concerning Appointment of Health Inspection Individual tabled, to allow Steve time to talk to Mr. Glover and have him present at the next City Council meeting. 12 (10). Consider and Possible Action Concerning Use of Landfill by Texas Waste Management on Increasing Rate Paid to Texas Waste Management. Mayor Armstrong stated when the City Council started to make Texas Waste Management go to Lewisville to dump our trash, they advised at that time that they continued to so that it would mean an increase of 63 cents to our customers. Mayor Armstrong did stated that the Council needed to do something if they were to continue to keep Texas Waste Management from using the landfill. Discussion. Item tabled to allow staff to prepare report showing revenues and expenses in the Sanitation Department and with direction for City Administrator to prepare ordinance. Consider and Pk©ssible Action on the Marina. Mayor Armstrong stressed certain issues that she did not agree with the Lease Agreement from the U.S. Corp of Engineers. Steve Shutt stated that a year ago when he was. given permission to pursue this that the purpose of this Marina was a generator of recreation on this side of the lake. Steve Shutt stated Sanger has the best asset: of a road Leading to the lake. —� L 436 Steve Shutt stated that a year ago when he was given permission to pursue this that the purpose of this Marina was a generator of recreation on this side of the lake. Steve Shutt stated Sanger has the best asset of a road leading to the lake. Mayor Armstrong felt they needed to talk to other cities who have done this and who have similar agreements with the Corp. Discussion. Steve Shutt was instructed to write a letter to the Corp. of Engineer and advise them that the City Council has discussed this issue and would like a little time to do some visiting with other cities who have similar contract agreements and if they could possible send a list of the cities. They also have some concern with the wording. They would also like for him to schedule a time to visit with City Council and show exact location of the site. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to this effect. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 14.(15) Consider and Possible Action on Resolution for North Texas Council of Governments -Outline of Legislative Strategy for Clean Air Act (R5-88) Motion was made by Danny McDaniel and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to pass R5-88 Resolution for Clean Air. TZotion carried. Any Other Such TZatters: a, Zdendall Thomas stated Mr. Kirby has a problem with sewer backing up at his house. Steve Shutt stated he would get Jerry Don on this problem. b. (1) Glen Shaw asked about water pressure at Snider Addition which is not adequate in case of a fire. Steve atated that it is on the list of things for Public Works Dept. to get done. (2) The Telephone Company is cutting down tree limbs and dragging them through people's yards and not dragging them to the edge of the yard. Glen asked who is responsible? City Council stated Telephone Company is and instructed phone company to be informed. c. Street Light at Cherry and 8th is out and need to be fixed. Stan Day stated they fixed it last Thursday or Friday. d. Mayor Armstrong asked Stan if he has checked Mr. Green's Apartment. Stan Day stated he hadn't but, it has not slipped his mind. Stan Day stated that maybe when people come in for temporary connect that maybe the City needs a 30 day contract and at the end of 30 days it would be automatically disconnected. Mayor Armstrong stated that the problem we are having with temporary connects are that some people do not place deposits and they stay on indefinitely. 437 For instance. Mr. Ed Green and his apa±Iments. Mr. Green pays some -,of the electric bills and no deposits are up. The only problem Mayor Armstrong stressed happened to Mr. Green, who would continue bills for those people who live in those Armstrong stated the City needs a policy Discussion. to e. Mayor Armstrong discussed the letter that Ovid Neal wrote her. She has wrote him a letter but would like City Council to review before she mailed it to Ovid Neal. f. Mayor Armstrong listed some items that need to be done. Drainage problems at 901-902 Pecan, 4th Street and J.C. Landers. g. Cable T.V. will not extend service to Snider Addition. Steve Shutt to check into it. h. What has happened to the downtown street signs the City ordered? Steve Shutt advised he had given Public Works Director a memo. i. Trees piled on Keaton Road, need to be moved or something needs to be done. City Council agreed to burn them -control burning. Steve Shutt to make sure it got done. j. Streets that need attention- Kathryn Lane, 9t1 Street (under Phase IV- Larry Manning). k. Mayor Armstrong asked Steve Shutt if anything has been done about the new water well site? Was the letter written advising those people the City accepted their proposal and were the Engineers contacted? Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that the Bond money that. is sitting at the bank which is about $200,000 or better needs to be spent by June 12, 1988. The Mayor stated that a City has three years to spend Bond money. Steve Shutt replied that he was not aware he was to write a letter. Mayor Armstrong stated City Council needed to proceed on this since time is an essence. 1. Mayor Armstrong also stated that she has given Steve a Budget Schedule this year and he will be working on the budget. m. Mayor Armstrong stated about two weeks ago Tom Stange from Hunter's Associate had called her and asked if they had heard from the Bonding company and Mayor Armstrong advised that they hadn't. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated that if the Bonding Co. has not responded, maybe, we need to contact them. Steve Shutt instructed to do so. n. Mr. Simpson wrote a letter concerning expenses for the Chamber and she would like this to be an agenda item for next time. 438 o. She also wanted to let City Council know that on the Election, they appointed a presiding Judge and two clerks. However, there were three clerks. 16. (17). City Manager's Report: a. Status on Mrs. Giles - Steve Shutt reported 1lrs. Giles had been ill and that is why she had not responded to his letter. b. Steve Shutt stated that Brazos is trying to get out of the Electric business and the City needs to be looking into other areas of buying power. Discussion. City Council agreed that Stan Day pursue this issue further and gather more information. 17. Adjournment. city 5ecre�r�x ... ® a = Mayor Minutes: cil Meeting (Special Called Meeting May 3� , 1988 Members Present: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Others Present: Mrs. Eunice Gray and P.osalie Garcia. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order 2. Consider and Possible Action to Terminate Stephen K. Shutt as City Administrator. Mayor Armstrong read a letter of resignation of Stephen K. Shutt as City Administrator. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to accept resignation of Stephen K. Shutt as City Administrator. Seconded by Glen Shaw. Motion carried. Mrs. Gray spoke on Steve's behalf and spoke highly of all he had done for the City. Mrs. Gray stated Steve Shutt has represented Sanger well. He was named outstanding Lion last year for his work. Mr. Gray stated that after his heart attack, six weeks ago, that nobody let up. He was brought to City Council, embarrassed, made to sign an apology or lose his job. She just thinks in a town where we say it's "Someplace Special" we all need to examine our feelings of a man who came here and served is well. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mrs. Gray for coming. City Council continued by going into executative session to discuss benefits for Steve Shutt, City Administrator. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, severance pay in the amount of $6,224.02 for six weeks of salary, six weeks accured benefits, insurance premium, vacation, comp. time, and car allowance. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion Carried.