05/31/1988-CC-Minutes-Special438 o. She also wanted to let City Council know that on the Election, they appointed a presiding Judge and two clerks. However, there were three clerks. City Manager's Report: a. Status on Mrs. Giles - Steve Shutt reported P'Irs. Giles had been ill and that is why she had not responded to his letter. b. Steve Shutt stated that Brazos is trying to get out of the Electric business and the City needs to be looking into other areas of buying power. Discussion. City Council agreed that Stan Day pursue this issue further and gather more information. 17. Adjournment. ' V 1`..,,, s.\s� Ci y Secrettp ®= z ®� Minutes May �e3: 1988 Meeting (Special Called Meeting Members Present: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Others Present: Mrs. Eunice Gray and Rosalie Garcia. 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action to Terminate Stephen K. Shutt as City Administrator. Mayor Armstrong read a letter of resignation of Stephen K. Shutt as City Administrator. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to accept resignation of Stephen K. Shutt as City Administrator. Seconded by Glen Shaw. Motion carried. Mrs. Gray spoke on Steve's behalf and spoke highly of all he had done for the City. Mrs. Gray stated Steve Shutt has represented Sanger well. He was named outstanding Lion last year for his work. Mr. Gray stated that after his heart attack, six weeks ago, that nobody let up. He was brought to City Council, embarrassed, made to sign an apology or lose his job. She just thinks in a town where we say it's "Someplace Special" we all need to examine our feelings of a man who came here and served us well. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mrs. Gray for coming. City Council continued by going into executative session to discuss benefits for Steve Shutt, City Administrator. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, severance pay in the amount of $6,224.02 for six weeks of salary, six weeks accured benefits, insurance premium, vacation, comp. time, and car allowance. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion Carried. 437 For instance. Mr. Ed Green and his apatlments. Mr. Green pays some -of the electric bills and no deposits are up. The only problem Mayor Armstrong happened to Mr. Green, who would bills for those people who live Armstrong stated the City needs from happening. Discussion. stressed is what is something continue to pay those in those units. Mayor a policy to eliminate this e. Mayor Armstrong discussed the letter that Ovid Neal wrote her. She has wrote him a letter but would like City Council to review before she mailed it to Ovid Neal. f. Mayor Armstrong listed some items that need to be done. Drainage problems at 901-902 Pecan, 4th Street and J.C. Landers. g. Cable T.V. will not extend service to Snider Addition. Steve Shutt to check into it. h. What has happened to the downtown street signs the City ordered? Steve Shutt advised he had given Public Works Director a memo. i. Trees piled on Keaton Road, need to be moved or something needs to be done. City Council agreed to burn them -control burning. Steve Shutt to make sure it got done. j. Streets that need attention- Kathryn Lane, 9th Street (under Phase IV- Larry Manning). k. Mayor Armstrong asked Steve Shutt if anything has been done about the new water well site? Was the letter written advising those people the City accepted their proposal and were the Engineers contacted? Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that the Bond money that. is sitting at the bank which is about $200,000 or better needs to be spent by June 12, 1988. The Mayor stated that a City has three years to spend Bond money. Steve Shutt replied that he was not aware he was to write a letter. Mayor Armstrong stated City Council needed to proceed on this since time is an essence. 1. Mayor Armstrong also stated that she has given Steve a Budget Schedule this year and he will be working on the budget. m. Mayor Armstrong stated about two weeks ago Tom Stange from Hunter's Associate had called her and asked if they had heard from the Bonding company and Mayor Armstrong advised that they hadn't. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated that if the Bonding Co. has not responded, maybe, we need to contact them. Steve Shutt instructed to do so. n. Mr. Simpson wrote a letter concerning expenses for the Chamber and she would like this to be an agenda item for next time. 439 Adjournment City Secretary d Minutes: City Council Meeting June 6, 1988 Members Present: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill and Jerry Jenkins. Others Present: Rose Garcia, Cindy Barrow and Edgar Barrow, Tom Stange, Travis Roberts, E. W. Schategel, John Glover, Elaine Schad ( Denton Record Chronicle), Wayne Hyde, Damion Pemtkal, and Vickie Elieson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes for May 16, 1988, item ��8, Mayor Armstrong requested that the hours the employee is to work at the landfill be included in this paragraph. (Monday, Friday, Saturday plus the hours someone is to be there as indicated. Minutes for May 16, 1988 approved as written. Minutes for Special Called Session, May 31, 1988 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements for June 7, 1988. 4 5. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to approve disbursements with the exclusion of 2nd item on item �k5 (Bohmann's) until that part of the bill is clarified. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong went over the attached list that was added to the disbursements for approval. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to pay the attached list and to pay Metroplex out of insepections and to pay the $5,000.00 to GSA where it was budgeted from and Hunter's from the Street Fund. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. Citizen's Input- None Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance ��06-88, Establishing Health Inspection Program. , Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt Ordinance #06-88, Establishing Health Inspection Program with the exception of the fees not be adopted until a later date with ordinance amendment to the ordinance. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. ORDINANCE # 06-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8, (FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT) OF CHAPTER 6, (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE, ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL HEALTH AUTHORITY, ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PROVIDING FOR A SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY, PROVIDING FOR A PERMITTING PROCESS, ESTABLISHING PENALTIES, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND CREATING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.