06/06/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular439 Adjournment ,- x® � �. Cit'� Secretary � •`.,� °� �� �.� .. a, Minutes: City Council Meeting June 6, 1988 Members Present: Others Present: Mayor Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill and Jerry Jenkins. Rose Garcia, Cindy Barrow -and Edgar Barrow, Tom Stange, Travis Roberts, E. W. Schategel, John Glover, Elaine Schad ( Denton Record Chronicle), Wayne Hyde, Damion Pemtkal, and Vickie Elieson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes for May 16, 1988, item ��8, Mayor Armstrong requested that the hours the employee is to work at the landfill be included in this paragraph. (Monday, Friday, Saturday plus the hours someone is to be there as indicated. Minutes for May 16, 1988 approved as written. Minutes for Special Called Session, May 31, 1988 were approved as written. 3. Disbursements for June 7, 1988. ►� 5. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to approve disbursements with the exclusion of 2nd item on item ��� 5 (Bohmann's) until that part of the bill is clarified. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong went over the attached list that was added to the disbursements for approval. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins to pay the attached list and to pay Metroplex out of insepections and to pay the $5,000.00 to GSA where it was budgeted from and Hunter's from the Street Fund. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. Citizen's Input- None Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance ��06-88, Establishing Health Inspection Program. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt Ordinance ��06-88, Establishing Health Inspection Program with the exception of the fees not be adopted until a later date with ordinance amendment to the ordinance. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. ORDINANCE �� 06-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8, (FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT) OF CHAPTER 6, (HEALTH AND SANITATION) OF THE CITY OF BANGER CODE, ESTABLISHING A MUNICIPAL HEALTH AUTHORITY, ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PROVIDING FOR A SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY, PROVIDING FOPS A PERMITTING PROCESS, ESTABLISHING PENALTIES, PROVIDING FOPS A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND CREATING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 440 6. Consider and Possible Action Concerning Appointment of Health Inspection Individual. Mr. Glover went over his qualifications for this position. He discussed how often inspections would be made and the type of businesses that would be inspected. Mr. Glover did state that fees were never discussed between the City Administrator and himself. He also added that if he was hired, if it would be'possible to have a contract either written or verbally as how mush he was to be paid. He also preferred to be on inspection basis. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong also stated that one of our employees, Cindy Barrow, also has a degree in Community Health Education from University of North Texas. Mayor Armstrong stated tha Cindy had contacted the State Health Agency regarding the steps she needed to take to obtain a license. Cindy informed the City Council the procedures that needed to be taken to obtain a license which took about 7 days to 30 days. She was informed that the City did not need a License Sanitarian. She would obtain a license as a Retail and Food Inspector. Licensed Sanitarians do inspect sewer plants, dump grounds, and schools. Discussion. Item tabled for executive session to be discussed later at the meeting. 7. Consider and Possible Action Concerning Use of Landfill by Texas Waste Management on increasing rate paid to Texas Waste Management. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong did inform City Council that the dozer was purchased by Jack Bentley who is located in Florida. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill that the City pay the 63 cents increase on the residential customers only through the end of this fiscal budget year and that Texas Waste Management be given permission to negotiate with the commercial users up to a 10%increase. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Water Well Site. Travis Roberts discussed issues of importance concerning the water well facilities and the water well site. Travis went over both water well facilities and the problems that need to be corrected before the system can run effectively. He did recommend the central computer control system, but,,he advised it would not correct the problem that now exists. A lengthy discussion continued concerning the repairs on the water system. Travis discussed the computer control system and stated that Lancaster has this type of controlled s stem and the only problem they have is with the phone line o communication. Travis continued to add that it would be cheaper for the City to replace the mercuroid switches 441 and update the system to operating condition and that in the long term, it would be more suitable. Discussion continued regarding the water well site. Travis discussed both site locations, elevated tank facties and ground storage tank facilities which he stated could be installed on a more economical basis. Travis did state no permit is required to drill a well from the State, but, the plans must be approved by the Health Department and the Fire Insurance Commission. Discussion continued. City Council agreed to direct the Mayor to instruct Mr. Travis Roberts from Hunter's Associates to prepare a detail inspection report on the water facilities and the Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations for a $500.00 maximum. Item tabled for a later date. Another issue Mayor Armstrong discussed was the sewer back up problem on 455 and where the City dug up the street. The Highway Department has advised that this has got to stop. Mayor informed the City Council that there is a 4" and a 6"sewer line on the north side of 455 and that Citgo, Snap Shop, and Lemon's Newspaper ties on to the 4" line. Travis has recommended that if the 6" line is lower than their service line then they can tie on to the 6" line. Mayor Armstrong informed the City Council that .the Uniform Building Code was adopted. Discussion. Item tabled in order to allow time to examine the Plumbing Code. 9. Discussed later on in meeting. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment to replace Glenn Shaw on the Utility Board. Motion was made by Glenn Shaw. Seconded by C. G. McNeill to appoint Chuck Trice to the Utility Board. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinate #07-88, P & Z Ordinance, ��08-88. Park Ordinance, ��09-88, Utility Board Ordinance. Changes that were made to the Boards were: 1. Places were appointed to every board 2. Terms of officer no more than three consecutive terms (six years) 3. All board members will be replaced July 1. Danny McDaniel made a motion to adopt Ordinance ��07-88, 08-88, and 409-88. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 07-88 - Planning & Zoning Ordinance (Lee Lawrence will complete and return to adm. staff.) ORDINANCE 08-88 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS TO AMEND SECTION 4, CHAPTER 7, ENTITLED PARK BOARD, PROVIDING FOR A REPEAL OF ORDINACES IN CONFLICT: PROVING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING AND EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINACE 09-88 AN ORDINACE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER TO AMEPdD SECTION 15,CHAPTER 10, ENTITLED UTILITIES 442 BOARD, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT: PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1.2. Consider amd Possible Action on Reappointment of Municipal Judge and Health Officer. Carroll McNeill made the motion to reappoint Danny Spindle as Municipal Judge and Dr. Clyde Chapman as Health Officer. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 13. (14) Adoption of Library Ordinate-��O10-88. Section lA to be amended: 1. Members serve for a 2 year term. 2. Places must be given 1-7 respectively (it can be done by lottery like it states in ordinance.) 3. Limited to 3 consecutive terms. Amend Item E- Removal of Members, delete all that paragraph and add Libraian to serve as ex-officio member of the Library Board representing the City. Item D,�k 1- The Board shall serve the City of Sanger as as consulting, advisory and supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to operation, promotion, enlargement, future planning and such other matters involving the City owned Library as may be referred to it by the City Council. Jerry Jenkins made a motion to adopt Ordinance 410-88 with necessary changes that were discussed. Glenn Shaw seconded. Motion carried. ORDINANCE A010-88 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A LIBRARY BOARD, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMEIQT, TERM OF OFFICE, QUALIFICATIONS AND DEFINING THE POWER AND DUTIES OF SAID BOARD, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 14. 13) Consider and Possible Action Concerning Request from Community Planning Committee for Funding. Danny McDaniel made the motion that the City allow them $57.00. Seconded by Carroll mcNeill. Motion carried. 15. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R6-88 Concerning Denton County Water And Wastewater Study. motion was made by Glenn Shaw to accept Resolution R6-88. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 16. (�k9) Consider and Possible Action on Board of Adjustment Mayor Armstrong stated that Louis Nichols advised that it wasnIt a good idea for City Council to be the Board of Adjustments since it doesn`t leave anywhere for a citizen to appeal. Discussion- no action taken on this item, to be discussed at a later time. 16. Consider Revisions to Zoning Ordinance of City of Sanger Lee Lawrence. Discussion. No action taken on this item. 17. Consider Review of Comprehensive Plank Update and Associated Reports- Lee Lawrence. 443 Lee Lawrence with GSA made a presentation on the comprehensive master plan which includes demographic studies, housing, and Land use , future development of a thoroughfare, and development of city's central business district. Lee reviewed the population growth which is projected to each 8,000 within the next ten (10) years and based on the economy getting better this figure could increase. __ Lee stated it was hard to project lake growth. Lee Lawrence further added that if the city constructed the proposed water well that growth will be extensive west of town and will accelerate to the east. Lee recommended that the city strictly enforce subdivision and zoning regulations to avoid hazard development. Capital Improvements Program. Lee stated that water improve- ment is priority and then next would be drainage improvements. Discussion. 18. Consider approval and Acceptance of Comprehensive Plan Update and Associates Reports -Lee Lawrence Jerry Jenkins made the motion to accept the Comprehensive Plan and Associated Reports as presented by Lee Lawrence. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 19. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Advertising for City Administrator/Manager. Advertisement to be sent to TMT Magazine. Mayor Armstrong stated that if there was not any objections that resumes be addressed to the Mayor, City of Sanger P.O. Box 578, Sanger, Texas. 76266. Rose to check if the T11L Magazine will be out by July 1. 20. Any Other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong advised City Council she had talked to R. Roberts. Corp. of Engineers and he gave her the name of three cities they could contact regarding the Marina. She also had asked them if they could meet with them to discuss the issues concerning the Marina. b. She informed City Council that the only trucking system that serves Sanger right now is Central. She called Ben Campbell concerning the "Free Trade" issue which Sanger is not included in. Ben Campbell told her that he had written the R.R. Commissioner, Kent Hance, requesting Sanger be included in the "Free Trade". Commissioner Hance wrote him back and stated as per your request Lewisville and Lake Dallas were included, however, this is not Ben Campbell's area. Ben Campbell suggested City Council and the Chamber of Commerce write Commissioner Hance a letter requesting "Free Trade" in Sanger. c. Personnel Workshop scheduled for July 13, 1988. 21. Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into executive session. 22. Mayor Armstrong reconvened the meeting to open session. No action taken as result of executive session. 23. Meeting adjourned. y Secretary Minutes: City Council Meeting June 20, 1988 or Members Present: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas and Glenn Shaw Others Present: Rose Garcia, Etta Stogsdill, Chris Harper (Sanger Courier), and Alan Sweeney 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order; Wendall Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes for June 6, 1988, stood approved as written. 3. Disbursements - Item #4 - Beatty Air Conditioning Co. in the amount of $2,615.69, was questioned. At the beginning of the meeting, Mark Sons did submit another bill which was an itemized statement in the amount of $2,118.11 substituting for the other bill. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the disbursements for June l7, 1988 (total amount of $96,738.31) be approved. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 5. Item 5, variance request for Larry Masten at 208 Fifth Street to go to P & Z on June 28, 1988 for their action. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Employees and Vacation Time. After much discussion, motion was made by Carroll McNeill that Rose, Etta and J.P. be permitted to sell back to the City any portion of their unused vacation time that they have as of June 20th on a one time basis. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint or Reappoint Board Members to P & Z Commission, Park Board, and Utility Board. Mayor Armstrong stated that on the P & Z Board, she had contacted the following: P & Z Board Place 6 - Russell Madden (willing to serve again) Place 2 - Charles Kesseler (reappointed - unable to contact to see if willing to serve) Place 4 - Fred Yeatts (willing to serve again) Park Board Place 4 - Esta Lou Morgan Place 2 - J.W. Bucklew (reappointed) Place 6 - Kammie Patten