06/20/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular444 1 WF6, m % Minutes: City Council Meeting June 20, 1988 Mayor Members Present: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas and Glenn Shaw Others Present: Rose Garcia, Etta Stogsdill, Chris Harper (Sanger Courier), and Alan Sweeney 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order; Wendall Thomas gave the invocation. Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes for June 6, 1988, stood approved as written. 3. Disbursements - Item 44 - Beatty Air Conditioning Co. in the amount of $21615.69, was questioned. At the beginning of the meeting, Mark Sons did submit another bill which was an itemized statement in the amount of $2,118.11 substituting for the other bill. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the disbursements for June 17, 1988 (total amount of $96,738.31) be approved. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 5. Item 5, variance request for Larry Masten at 208 Fifth Street to go to P & Z on June 28, 1988 for their action. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Employees and Vacation Time. After much discussion, motion was made by Carroll McNeill that Rose, Etta and J.P. be permitted to sell back to the City any portion of their unused vacation time that they have as of June 20th on a one time basis. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint or Reappoint Board Members to P & Z Commission, Park Board, and Utility Board. Mayor Armstrong stated that on the P & Z Board, she had contacted the following: P & Z Board Place 6 - Russell Madden (willing to serve again) Place 2 - Charles Kesseler (reappointed - unable to contact to see if willing to serve) Place 4 - Fred Yeatts (willing to serve again) Place 4 - Esta Lou Morgan Place 2 - J.W. Bucklew (reappointed) Place 6 - Kammie Patten 445 Mayor Armstrong noted to contact Mike Vinson on the Utility Board. Utility Board that she was in the process of trying (219 David) to replace Jeff Morris Libra Mrs. Eunice Gray, Chairman Nancy Smith Helen Bounds John R. Porter Board Olivia Miller Sandra Moore Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Glenn Shaw to approve appointments and reappointments to the Boards as listed above. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Recommendations of the Sanger Utility Board. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that number 1 was worded wrong and that Stan had given her the correct wording. It states, "The city council will study the equipment needs of the city and make a recommendation to the utility board." It should state, "That the City Council will review all city utility equipment and will make recommendations regarding cost effective repairs versus replacements." Jerry Jenkins made a motion that the department heads preview their equipment and present such a proposal to the Utility Board for study in turn to be presented to the Council before budget time. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong read number 2 - The Sanger Utility Board approves the 1988-89 budget and supports personnel raises. The steps in grades for the lineman series should be especially beneficial in the future. After discussion,. no motion was necessary. This item will be reviewed in the 1988-89 budget workshops. Mayor Armstrong then read last recommendation, number 3 - The Sanger City Council should pass an ordinance requiring any sub -division or development in the Denton County Co-op jurisdiction to provide electricity for the street lights. The City of Sanger should not be billed for electricity or fuel adjustments. Carroll McNeill made a motion that the city supports the Utility Board's recommendation and that we proceed to try to draw up such an ordinance after Stan talks with the Denton Co. Co-op. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Approve R7-88 Reappointing David Purifoy to Board Managers (Denco Area 9-1-1) for a two year term. Jerry Jenkins made a motion and seconded by Wendall Thomas that we adopt R7-88 appointing David Purifoy to the 911 District. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Health Sanitarian and Health Sanitarian Fees. Mayor Armstrong stated that actually four (4) have been recommended: Ray Meckel, John Glover, Cindy Barrow (who was instructed to pursue the training and to come back to City Council at some point in time when training is completed if she is still interested), and Jay Pinkston. 4'4"5 11. 12. 13. Mr. Sweeny, a citizen, spoke informing the City Council that as a retailer, he was present because of this agenda item. He stated that he had a convenience store and mentioned that when the County Health Inspector had inspected his business previously, they had written his business up because of a cracked tile by the front door. Mr. Sweeney stated that he is more concerned for inspections to pertain to anything that could be a health hazard. Some examples that he gave was if the store is kept clean, the food preparation area is clean, or whatever that could be a health hazard. Mayor Armstrong made a suggestion that once they hire the gentleman they have him come in and schedule a meeting with all local retailers to discuss inspections, etc. Discussion continued regarding fees. Motion was made by Carroll Jenkins that the City hire basis on a verbal contract, either way if the need be. Danny McDaniel. McNeill and seconded by Jerry Jay Pinkston on a month to month Pilot Point fees at maybe adjusting Motion carried. 4 ayes & 1 no - Consider and Possible Action to Adopt R8-88 Memorializing Congress to Adopt an Amendment to the Constitution. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had contacted Dan Almon who is the city's financial advisor. She stated that the decision has been handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court has said the new tax laws that has been passed is that municipal government bonds will not be exempt from federal state income tax anymore and the only way to get this changed is by getting an amendment to the Constitution per Ann Richards, Texas State Treasurer. After discussion with Dan Almon, he stated it would not affect us now but it could very well affect us in the years to come and he suggested that we pass this resolution. Discussion. Danny McDaniel made the motion and seconded by Wendall Thomas that R8-88 be passed. Motion carried. Consider and Possible .Action to Approve and Review the Denton Central Appraisal District 1989 Fiscal Year Budget. After discussion, Mayor Armstrong noted the increases in salaries were considerably higher that the year before. As an example, Chief Appraiser went from $49,294.00 to $55,800.00 Discussion. Glenn Shaw made a motion that a letter be written and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that the City Council disapproves of the Central Appraisal District's Budget for 1988-89 and that the only way they approve is if DCAD serves as tax appraiser, tax assessor, and tax collector for the same amount of monies. Motion carried. (City Council voted to officially protest the DCAD 1988-89 budget by writing a letter stating so. Mayor Armstrong will prepare the. letter and check with City Council as to the correct wording before letter is mailed.) Any other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong noted that a copy of a letter from the Department of Commerce had been included in their packet. 447 She had tried to get in touch with Lee Lawrence from GSA. Evidently what the letter is about is our lands, whether it be lots or other, is zoned agriculture and Mr. Midura thinks that the vacant lots need to be distinguished from open land, if more than an acre, should be distinguished as agriculture perhaps. Mayor Armstrong stated that maybe they talk with Lee Lawrence and put it on the next City Council agenda. b. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that their next meeting will be July 5th, Tuesday, since July 4th is on Monday. c. Mayor Armstrong noted that she would be sending a letter to Kent Hance about Sanger to be included in the Denton Free Trade Zone. She stated that Freddy Inman, Wayne Allen,. and John Coker, had been or would be asked to write regarding this item. d. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that they had. received a copy of the job description -- City Administrator/Manager, and wanted to know if they had any changes. Carroll McNeill stated that he felt the last paragraph under EXAMPLES should be moved to #1 under EXAMPLES. e. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had talked with Jerry Don about the Grease Report. She said she would talk with Travis Roberts about this item, and that maybe flushing put certain lines periodically would greatly help this problem. f. Mayor Armstrong stated that Dan Patton had contacted her about his pro-rata agreement and that he is in the process of selling Lake Cities Concrete. Mayor stated that she will update his pro-rata agreement as of now with the Council's approval. g. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that she was attending a Mayor's Conference on Friday in Austin (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). She'll also be able to review council/manager relationship, policy development process, water supply quality in Texas, budget development and excecution, economic developments, small cities success stories, etc., at this conference. She noted that Bob Bullock will be at one of the meetings. h. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that she had an appointment at Benbrook to discuss their Marina and will also be taking pictures. is Mayor Armstrong stated she will be writing a letter to Corp of Engineers to be present at the City Council's July 5th meeting. j. Glenn Shaw inquired about the financial statement as to the new reserves on all the utilities, are they not in place yet or is there no money to be put into them? Etta Stogsdill noted that the Sewer Capital Reserve and the Water Capital Reserve savings are in effect. (They are listed on the financial statement.) However, the Electric Reserve monies are invested in with Sanger Electric's C.D. because it is gaining more interest. k. Meet Ci Glenn Shaw noted that some street repair needed to be done in front of 701 Cherry. adjourned. cretary