06/30/1988-CC-Minutes-Work Session448 Minutes: City Council Meeting (Workshop) June 30, 1988 Members Present: Mayor Armstrong, C.G. McNeill, Danny McDaniel, and Wendall Thomas Members Absent: Jerry Jenkins and Glenn Shaw Others Present: Rose Garcia, Mr. Jay Pinkston, Jimmy Evans, Mrs. Gary Lynch, Kazan Lynch, Allen Sweeney, Mr. Murdock (Video & Subs to Go owner), Mr. & Mrs. Andy Garza L. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Workshop regarding City Health Inspector and Local Retail Food Handlers. City Council and Mr. Pinkston discussed fees for inspections. Issue of importance that Mr. Pinkston mentioned that they should try to see if they can get the files from the county. Mayor Armstrong stated she would write the letter to try to get these files. City Council discussed Pilot Point's inspections and fee schedule as listed below: Grocery's - 2 inspections per year. Convenience stores - 1 inspection every 3 months. Restaurants - 1 inspection every 3 months Childcare Facilities - 1 inspection per year $.01375 per sq. feet - Grocery's $.03265 per sq. feet - Convenience Stores $.0341 per sq. feet - Restaurants Flat Rate ------------- Childcare facilities Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Danny McDaniel that the City inspect grocery stores twice a year, convenience stores and restaurants once every three months unless there is'a problem or they have scored low at an inspection or there is a complaint; and childcare facilities once a year unless the City can work out something where they don't have to be inspected. Motion carried. Mr. Pinkston stated that a complaint would be inspected within 24 hours. Inspection fees as stated above were discussed. Wendall Thomas made the motion and seconded by Carroll McNeill that the inspection fees that the City charge be the same as Pilot Point fees. Motion carried. (Fees to be added to ordinance). Workshop with the local Food Retailers and Mr. Pinkston, Health Inspector followed. Mr. Pinkston was available to answer questions and the retailers received answers to their questions -- question and answer session. Meeting adjourned. Cit Secretary . . irk WAS 801002210, r° Mayor