07/05/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular449 Minutes City Council Meeting July 5, 1988, Members Present: Mayor Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins Others Present: Robin Parker and Carolyn Adkins 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes: June 20, 1988 - item #7, all 3 were reappointed, same for the Park Board. In the Utility Board it was noted that Mr. Vinson was to replace Jeff Morris if he agreed to serve. Mr. Vinson did agree to serve and it needed to be noted in the minutes tonight. Rev. Ed Holmes also agreed to serve and also needs to be noted in the minutes tonight. Mayor Armstrong did state that in her letter she wrote to the Denton Co. Appraisal District she did not include the collections; however, the letter has not been mailed and she will talk about this later under other such matters. Minutes stood approved. 3. Disbursements. Wendall Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements. Danny McDaniel seconded. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input - None. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Variance Request for Larry Masten at 208 Fifth Street. Motion was made by Danny McDaniel to approve variance for Larry Masten at 208 Fifth Street. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Petition Regarding Loop 138 Bridge. Mayor Armstrong has talked to Junior Crepps, Project Overseer. She talked. to him about the problem and the petition that has been going around. Mr. Crepps did advise the mayor that the bridge has been poured and it has to cure for 28 days. Once it has cured, then they will pour the sides. Approaches are almost finished; almost guaranteed that the bridge will be completed before school starts. He did state to the Mayor that the bridge completion dates have no deadlines. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Landfill. Mayor Armstrong discussed certain issues regarding the landfill anA certain recommendations. #1. That they instruct Jerry Don and Jake that Mr. Bohmann be in charge on the decision concerning covering at the landfillI new diggins, and anything other than what he is doing would be cleared by the City Council. The seeds have not sowed for grass due to no rain or water for the grass to germinate. Mayor Armstrong stated it would. cost $600 to $700 to cover the hole at the old landfill. 450 9. NOTE: Instruct all the girls in the office if anyone wanted to dump any dirt to contact Jerry Don or Chuck so they can check it out and show them where to dump it. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carroll McNeill to spend approximately $600 to $700 to move the dirt and concrete and fill the hole. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Lake Cities Concrete's Electricity Installation. Mayor Armstrong stated that when Lake Cities contacted her that they wanted a letter stating that the City would transfer Pro -Bata agreement because they thought they sold their plant, she advised them that they had a bill with the City. Mayor Armstrong stated that they have paid everything except the installation of electricity and the ordinance states that they will extend it to one customer if they've used enough electricity in three years to pay for it. Mayor Armstrong stated that they have more than used it. Mayor Armstrong read that section in the ordinance (Utility) that refers to this. Mayor Armstrong did state she did write the letter with the following corrections to the Pro -Bata agreement. Under #6, the Pro -Bata Agreement for Lake Cities, it read that wn 30 days of receipts of such pro rata charges the City shall transfer such amount to the developer, Ordinance states quarterly, and she changed it. Under 47, Ordinance did read for a period of 20 years. Ordinance states Pro-Rata Agreement can only be for 10 years. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins. Seconded by Wendall Thomas that due to the circumstances that are correct, that the Lake Cities bill for Electric Installation be removed from the Accounts Receivable. Any Other Such Matters: a. Wendall questioned if streets are being patched. Carroll McNeill stated that they hired Richard Skipworth to be working on streets and that is what they hired him for and that is what he should be doing. Glenn Shaw stated that patching needs to be done at 701 Cherry. Mayor Armstrong also advised she had talked to Tom Stange last week and he has not heard a word from the attorney aILd she feels that City Council needs to instruct Louis Nichols, City Attorney, to contact him and see what results he can get. Mayor Armstrong instructed to contact attorney. b. Mayor Armstrong presented the Marina update to the City Council. Mayor Armstrong did state that she is trying to meet with Bill Smith, Trinity River Authority, this week. 451 c. Mayor Armstrong referred to a letter she wrote to Mr. Yeilding concerning freeway lighting at Loop 138. Mayor Armstrong did state she will write him again and the City is interested in the freeway lighting. She did state to the City Council that the City would furnish electricity. d. Lift Station below Sanger South is in bad shape. Last Wednesday or Tuesday, it went out, a new motor was put in. Motor was replaced and Chuck called her that the motor at lift station is out again. Mark Sons recommended that the City put in a power motor protector on the motor to keep it from burning up the motor at a cost of $175.00 and instead of the motor burning up it would just blow the fuses. She did talk to Travis and he recommended to go ahead and do this because when they redo the lift station and put submergical pumps in that can be transferred or put on to those to keep them from burning up. Mark Sons did advise Mayor Armstrong that when the first motor that went out he had found a huge piece of PVC pipe the size of a foot in the motor. He told JerryrDbn to tell plumbers to be careful when they tap onto the sewer line and to be careful not drop things like this into the sewer line. When his motor went out, he thought possible an electrical surge; however, this motor he does not know what went wrong with it. Mark Sons is replacing it at no cost to the city. e. Well Site - Joe Falls is willing to give the City 2 an acre out of two lots. Travis kept telling him it wasn't enough. Mayor Armstrong then advised him that someone else has donated two acres and that the City would not buy any land from him to construct this well. He then suggested that Mayor Armstrong talk to Mr. Degan who owned the property next to him would donate 2 an acre also. She did talk to Mr. Degan, he is willing to work with the City; but, Travis will report on the cost of both well sites. f. Denton Central Appraisal District - Mayor Armstrong stated she would rewrite her letter and write it the way they had made their motion in the last City Council meeting. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary Mayor