07/18/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular452 MINUTES: City Council Meeting July 18, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Harvey W. Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, & Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT. Rose Garcia, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier), Merwyn Tucker, Randall Houchin, Mrs. O.M. Gentle, Billye Hollingsworth, Dwayne Williams, Jeff Weimer, Rex Boyd, Charles Tucker, Jerry Don Linn, and Elaine Schad 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of June 30, 1988 stood approved as written. Minutes of July 5, 1988 - Item #2 - Ed Cherryholmes. Item #8-2nd paragraph -Mayor Armstrong stated that when a new extension is required to serve one customer, the customer will be expected to sign a service agreement which will ensure revenue equal to expenditures over a 36 month period. Mayor Armstrong stated since 1986 Lake Cities Concrete electric bills have exceeded the installation costs. Item #5-Other such matters: last paragraph, correction to Degan. He then suggested that Mayor. Armstrong talk to Mr. Degan who owned the property next to him to see if he would be willing to donate the land.. Item #7 - Correct as follows. Recommendations regarding the Landfill: 1) That we instruct Jerry Don and Jake that Mr. Bohmann will be in charge of decisions concerning covering and new diggings with any major expense for digging to be cleared by the council. 2) That Jake be told that he would not be needed on Tuesday. Thereby the gate would be locked and no-one would try to dump. (I found out that. Jerry Don had let someone dump on Tuesday afternoon, the trash that we saw. I have already instructed him that he is not to do that in the future because if he starts it with one, others will want the same privilege.) 3) Chuck has been shown where dirt in to be dumped in the future at the old landfill and we should get this dirt smoothed out. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the. motion to approve disbursements. Seconded by Glenn Shaw. Motion carried. 40 Citizen's Input - Mrs. Scotty Gentle addressed the City Council and wanted to know what progress has been made on Mrs. Trail's property. Since only one thing has been done which is that :the property has been mowed; it has been mowed that one time and the old car is still sitting there. Mayor Armstrong stated a suit has been filed against Mrs. Trail in the Municipal Court. 453 Billye Hollingsworth stated she thought that when a,car was red tagged, it could automatically be removed. Mayor Armstrong stated that a person is allowed ten days and if the problem is not corrected then they are summoned to appear in Court. Repairs have been done on the outside; however, they have not been able to get into the house. A lengthy discussion continued on this issue due to problems that exist on the Trail house. Mayor Armstrong continued to explain what has been done on this situation and assured Mrs. Gentle and Mrs. Billye Hollingsworth that City Council has not forgotten and that they are trying but are having some difficulties with Mrs. Trail. Discussion Period: Rex Boyd, Reservoir Manager of Lake Ray Roberts and Lake Lewisville, spoke on issues regarding the Marina. Mr. Boyd discussed the water supply at Lake Ray Roberts with the fluctuation of the water level and giving statistics on how this level would change over a ten year period. Next he discussed with the City Council about securing a piece of land for a Park where most likely place is Pond Creek which in the future, they will provide an access road providing that the City provide them with a five year growth plan. Mr. Boyd continued discussing the pro's and eon's of the Laker The major problem was the north wind. but could be corrected if a proper windbreak was built. Mr. Boyd did state that there is a need for another recreation area due to the overcrowding of the other lakes. Discussion continued. Mayor Armstrong did state that she had an appointment with Bill Smith, Trinity River Authority. Their main concern is they want to be sure that the City of Sanger will stand behind everything they decide to do concerning the Marina. Consider and Possible Action regarding termite treatment at the Sullivan Senior Center. Affordable Pest Control--------------- 829.87 Adams Extermination --------------- 705.00 Godi Extermination --------------- 900.7l Discussion. Item tabled. City Courcil asked that the bidders come and inspect the Senior Sullivan Center and give a firmer bid. Consider and Possible Action on Hunter's Associates Inspection Report. Mayor Armstrong apologized for not getting the inspection report to them sooner.. Travis Roberts did ask her to wait until he clarified certain items on the report. Mayor Armstrong stated that Jerry Don, Chuck, and herself met last Friday to discuss the Inspection Report and to prepare an item list of things that had been done and what the city water crew and electrical crew were going to do along with any repairs that Mark Sons needed to do. Mayor Armstrong did not finish the report and would try to get it completed within the next. two days. Briefly discussed this item. Tabled for next City Council meeting. . Water Well sites were discussed. Mayor Armstrong did state Joe Falls will be willing to donate an acre of land right on McReynold's Road. Discussion. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding TML Worker's Comp. Payment for Coverage on Sanger's Police Reserves. 454 6. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to pay the TML bill as presented. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action regarding payment to TML on Payroll Audit for 1986. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to approve payment on the TML payroll audit for 1986. Glenn Shaw seconded. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Park Bricks Bill. Mayor Armstrong stated Debbie at the Chamber called her about the bill for the new bricks that were ordered along with the corrected ones. The bill was on or around $480.00. The money was collected and deposited into the Park Fund but has been spent for other things. Mayor Armstrong asked that City Council give her the authority to go over the bill to make sure it is correct. If it is correct then she would like City Council to approve to pay the bill out of Capital Outlay out of Parks. Jerry Jenkins made the motion that the City Council pay the Park's bill subject to the Mayor's inspection to make sure that it is correct. 11. Any other such matters; a. Mayor Armstrong stated she contacted Louis Nichols regarding the Street Contract, the Bonding Co. She called Travis Roberts and Tom Stange. Tom assured her when she talked to him on Thursday, that he would have it to Louis Nichols by today. b. Mayor Armstrong went over the letter that she sent to the Highway Dept. regarding street lights. c. Mayor Armstrong informed the City Council she wrote the director of transportation, trying to get Sanger included in Dallas -Ft. Worth Commercial zone. d. City needs a policy book of all .policies adopted by City Council to make sure the girls in the office know to go to that book to find out what the policy is. e. Pressure Machine - Mayor advised City Council that there is a pressure machine to unclog the sewer lines. Gainesville does_ have one and recommends it highly. Jerry Don to find out cost. 12. Other such matters; a. Jerry Jenkins was .asked to apologize for the citizens regarding the petition concerning the overpass. They had asked that he turn it in to the mayor. He realized that anything they waid right now could slow the process. Mayor Armstrong stated she would contact Mr. Crepps and advise him she does have this petition in hand and that she realizes that they are working hard, but just would like to make him aware that a petition is on hand. b. Glenn Shaw asked about street repairs. Mayor Armstrong asked Jerry Don to give her a list of what is being done on a day to day basis. 455 13. Glenn asked if Jerry Don Linn and Richard Skipworth could be present at the next City Council meeting to discuss this. Adjournment City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council Meeting August 1, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carroll McNeill, Danny McDaniel, Wendall Thomas, and Glenn Shaw MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Etta Stogsdill, Ruth McGuffin (Sanger Courier) Stan Day, Merwyn Tucker, Ken Sanders, and Keith.Newton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of July 18, 1988 stood approved as printed. 3. Disbursements: Bohmann and G.S.A. bills were discussed. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Carroll McNeill to approve the disbursements for August 1, 1988. Motion carried. 4. Citizen Input: None 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Landfill Permits and Landfill Personnel. Mayor Armstrong stated to the City Council that Oscar had requested a 50� increase in his salary or that if he didn't get it he might have to resign within the next two weeks._ She told Jerry Don that she would bring it before the City Council; However, she felt he should wait till the new budget. Discussion. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Wendall Thomas that we leave Oscar's budget as it is until budget time. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong spoke regarding Landfill Permits. She noted that some citizens were dumping fill -matter at the old landfill which is considered dirt. After reviewing,