08/15/1988-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council Minutes August 15, 1988 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Carroll MoNeill, Danny McDaniel, endall Thomas, Glenn Shaw and Jerry Jenkins Rose Garc ;a, .Ruth 1 icGu fn-San.ger Courier, and Bob Cecil -Marina 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invoca- tion, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of August 1, 1988 were approved as written. 459 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion carried. 4. Citizen (S) Input - None 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Establishing Aity Policy for Sub -Contractors to Provide to the City Proof of Certicicate of Insurance for General Liability. 6. 7. �Z Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that our insurance Company, Employers, has made a recommendation that all sub -contractors need to provide the City with General Liability Insurance before any work begins. Discussion. City Council felt more clarification was needed on this item. Rose was instructed to contact our insurance carrier to get more clarification on what they are recommending. Item was tabled. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Old 77 Lower Lift Station. Mayor Armstrong stated that at the last City Council meeting it was not included on the agenda and she would like a motion that City Council did decide at the August lst City Council meeting to go ahead with preparation of plans and the bid documents to get that work done. Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that the City authorize Hunter Associates to prepare the plans and bid documents to do repair work at the Old 77 Lift Station. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Acceptance of Street Bonding Company's Offer. Mayor Armstrong advised that she had gotten another letter from the attorney advising what the Bonding Co. will do. Mayor Armstrong stated they agreed to seal cracks in all the streets which were done by Mr. Roberts and they will redo Church Street, but, they will not redo base (subsurface failure). Mayor Armstrong did state she had talked to Travis Roberts about this but because Steve was at the job everyday and that the contract does state that the contractors will do it as directed, that he feels City Council does not have a "leg to stand on." Larry Manning has also provided additional bids for resurface repairs on Church Street and gave a price along with complete removal and replacement of all other areas of subsurface failure in Phase I and Phase II. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Carroll McNeill that the City accept what the Bonding Co. has agreed to do. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R9-88 for Street Lighting on I-35. Glenn Shaw made the motion to adopt R9-88. Seconded by Danny McDaniel. Motion. carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #10-88 Supporting Good Roads Amendment. This resolution was sent to the City by the enton Co. Public Works Director. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that it seems that the State Legislation is trying to take the Federal Highway Funds and put them in the General Revenue. The Denton Co. Public Works Director would like this Resolution passed to support this Good Roads Amendment so Federal Funds can remain in the' Highway Fund. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, seconded by Glenn Shaw, to approve Resolution ##R10-88 supporting Good Roads Amendment. Motion Carried. 10. Any Other Such Matters: a. D2ayor Armstorng went over memo that Benny Erwin gave to Jerry Don concerning stop signs and yield signs where limbs are obstruction full view. Mayor Armstrong did state Chuck had informed her that they did not get to it last week but would correct the problems this week. b. Marina Issue - Mayor Armstrong advised City Council she had talked to Bill Smith and had received some information in the mail concerning the Marina. She asked that if City Council didn't object if this could be put on the "back -burner" until the budget is finalized and the City Administrator position is filled. She will call the Corp. and advise that the City Council is still working on the issue of the Marina but haven't had time to really study all the material that has been sent. Danny McDaniel asked about the situation at the Trail house. Benny Erwin advised that MRS. rail is scheduled to come to Court Wednesday concerning the junk car. d. Mayor Armstrong also read a'letter that the Department of Health sent concerning the Landfill. There are certain areas that still need to be corrected by October 8, 1988 when they'll reinspect. Rose instructed to talk to Mr. Bohmann and ask him to give us a bid on what it would take to get the landfill to meet the State's requirements. The Department of Health will reinspect on October 8th. e. Mayor Armstrong advised City Council that Denton Area 911 is doing computerized mapping for all areas and is asking if the City is interested. Rose advised meeting with them Thursday and she was instructed to ask about this item. f. Bob Cecil with Mecco Marina addressed the City Council that he had come from New Burnsfel to discuss the Marina. He thought it was on the agenda. City Council apologized and advised that the reason it isn't on the agenda is that the City is without a City Administrator and that the City is working on the Fiscal Year's Budget. As soon as this is all settled, this item will be later discussed. CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL AND BUDGET WORKSHOP -- 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resumes Submitted for City Administrator. 461 1. Bill Cox 5. John Hamilton 2. Jesse Gilbert 6. Robert Hurley 3. Steven Reed 7. Nicholas Finan 4. Roger Johnson 8. Michael Stoldt City council set a workshop to narrow it to five (5) applicants. 13. Budget Workshop continued. l�. Adjournment - 10:15 p.m. MINUTES: Special Monday, MEMBERS Mayor Called City Council Meeting August 29, 1988, 7:P. M. PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Wendall Thomas, Glenn Shaw, and Danny McDaniel 1. Meeting called to order. 3. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Administrator Position. Brief discussion. seconded by Danny Canyon, Texas to City Manager and carried. Budget Workshop. Adjo nt. Motion was made by Carroll McNeillMcNeill and McDaniel that we call John Hamilton of see if he's willing to come to Sanger as the salary will be negotiated. Motion Cit Sep ary A - '0'Feels 7>c MINUTES: City Council Meeting September 6, 1988 Mayor MEMBERS PP.ESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, ti^�endall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Rose Garcia, Etta Stogsdill, Ruth McGuttin-Sanger Courier, Elaine Schad -Denton Record Chronicle, John Henry, Russell Madden, Rev. Ed Cherryholmes, Merwyn Tucker, and Esmerlada Gamez 1. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order, gave the invoca- tion, and let the pledge to the flag.