09/19/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular465 Mayor Armstrong did state as things to get done. e. Mayor Armstrong asked City attend Sanger Celebration participate. Adjournment. etary she would put it on her list Council Co be sure to at 4:00 p.m. and P i Grp ,® toe ®q® Sre 8 ��'ASi���®�®,® 11068tW MINUTES: City Council Meeting September 19,1988 Mayor MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Carroll McNeill MEPZBERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Rose Garcia, Ruth McGuffin, Stan Day, Jim Bob Ready, Larry Yoast, Chuck Tucker, Edgar Barrow, Don Sable, Tony McGaugh 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of September 6, 1988 were approved. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements of September 15, 1988. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizens Input - Mayor Armstrong stated the new City Manager will be here September 26. 5. (8) Discussion with Don Sable and his son Regarding Development of land South of Ward Addition. Mr. Don Sable introduced himself and his brother-in-law, Tony McGaugh. He stated that together, the three of them, his father, his brother-in-law, and himself will be the three members doing the development for Lotus Corporation. They are the three main proprietors or owners of the property. They feel because of corporations like, Peterbuilt, Boeing Electronics, and Andrews Corporation, that this area will be going through a growth span and they would like to be apart of it.. At this point, they are trying to deter- mine the economic feasibility of developing the 40 acres they have South of the Ward Addition. Mayor'y�,rmstrong talked to Travis Roberts concerning the sewer. Travis said that they could tie onto that line either on 3rd or at Jackilu, come across their property and under the railroad and straight to the sewer plant. Mayor Armstrong then asked Travis as to the cost and he estimated at about $75,000.00. 7. Travis recommended that they look to Lotus Corp. to bear the cost across their property and that the City would take it from there to the sewer plant. Water facilities would be adequate. Mr. Sables' also mentioned that the lot sizes would be about 8,000 square feet. Mayor Armstrong informed Mr. Sables' that the land is zoned agricultural and a zoning change would need to be made. Discussion continued. (5) Consider and Possible Action Regarding an Additional Full-time Employee for Sanger Electric Department -Stan Day. Stan Day, Sanger Electric Director, made his He stated he had originally and this item i 1988-89; but, the budget was tight this yea get the employee. However, he has gathered from Rose and he feels that with the excess form 87-88 budget in the Electric Department budget in this employee. Discussion. presentation. n his budget for r and he didn't some figures monies left over that he can City Council suggested to Stan that he start this employee for $6.00 an hour and in the next six (6) months, do an evaluation and if he is doing a good job then at that time he could be raised to $6.25. Carroll McNeill made the motion and seconded by Glenn Shaw that they allow the Electric Department of hire an additional employee at a total cost of $15,130.00 and that could be taken out of monies that are left -over from the 87-88 budget year. To be started at a base pay of $6.00 for the first six (6) months and upon evaluation he is to be raised to $6.25 per hour if his evaluation is satisfactory. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Amending 87-88 Budget Items for Administration by Approving ORDINANCE #014-88. Wendall Thomas made the motion that the City adopt Ordinance #014-88 Amending 87-88 Budget, seconded by Glenn Shaw. Consider and Possible Action to Set Date for Advertisement for the Lower Lift Station. Mayor Armstrong informed.City Council that the bids for advertisement needed to be publiched in the Sept. 22nd paper to allow the opening of the bids for the 11th. Then at the next regular City Council meeting on the 17th the bids would be awarded. Glenn Shaw made the motion to advertise the bids in this week's paper and for the bids to be opened on Oct.11th and be awarded at the regular City Council meeting on the 17th. Wendall Thomas seconded. Motion carried. 9. City Administration Report. 10. Other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that she gave them a copy of the Landfill User Agreement brought in by Denton Co. Precinct. Mayor Armstrong would like for City Council this and this will be an -item on the agenda next City Council meeting. b. Rose was instructed to Texas Waste Management trucks need to turn in tearing up the street call John Gustafason and inform him that at the Dairy Queen t on Pecan. to study for the from the garbage o keep from 467 c. Jerry Don instructed to please check all the street signs to make sure they are all straightened up. d. Mayor Armstrong advised city staff that TI would be touring again Tuesday and Wednesday and to be sure that the Park and 5th Street be cleaned as soon as possible. e. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that she did get the letter to Mr. Devin. She also did call Mr. Manning's; however, he was not there and she did talk to his son who advised her they can be here Wednesday to work on the streets. When she called Mr. Devin he was not in but his secretary felt there was not any problem with them giving verbal approval. Mr. Manning is a little uneasy about this. Mayor Armstrong is going to call Mr. Devin again and ask if they can put this in a form of a letter. f. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that Mrn Boyd Cole from Texas Department of Health will be here Thursday at 1:00 p.m. to inspect the landfill. g. Jerry Don was instructed that a couple of places on 8th Street need patching and also on Bolivar Street by Kirbys. ll. Executive Session According to V.A.T.S., Article 6252-17, to discuss Personnel. Mayor Armstrong declared City Council into Executive Session. l2. Open Session declared City Council into Executive Session. Mayor Armstrong declared City Council out of executive session and she reported action that City Council took. They had talked to Jerry Don and Chuck about dividing their responsibilities and forming two departments. They did not make any final decisions at this time. This will give Jerry Don and Chuck a chance to consider the proposal of splitting the department and giving Jerry Don -Water and Sewer, Chuck -Sanitation, Parks, and Inspection Department. Two weeks from tonight they will This will allow City Council time City Administrator. Meet' g adjourned. X� *Sdc25iatary QMD eew ®=GAO ® o ®®s®®'° X�� • Oo ®®®®ra®16SOI, � think about the salaries. yor MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting September 26, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins, Danny McDaniel OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton, City Manager, Rose Garcia, Lee Lawrence with GSA, Esta Lou Morgan and Nancy Smith