09/06/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular461 1. Bill Cox 5. John Hamilton 2. Jesse Gilbert 6. Robert Hurley 3. Steven Reed 7. Nicholas Finan 4. Roger Johnson 8. Michael Stoldt City (,ouncil set a workshop to narrow it to five (5 applicants. 13. Budget Workshop continued. l�. Adjournment - 10:15 p.m. c�X.cJ� y 'G,ecretary ® Mayor h +^®®r� QA e MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting Monday, August 29, 1988, 7;P. M. PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Jerry Jenkins, Carroll McNeill, Wendall Thomas, Glenn Shaw, and Danny McDaniel 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Administrator Position. Brief discussion. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill and seconded by Danny McDaniel that we call'John Hamilton of Canyon, Texas to see if he's willing to come to Sanger as City Manager and the salary will be negotiated. Motion carried. 3. Budget Workshop. 4. Adjou,Inment. v Cit Sep" ary J Mayor ZXAS MINUTES: City Council Meeting September 6, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, Carroll '_McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Rose Garcia, Etta Stogsdill, Ruth McGuffin-Sanger Courier, Elaine Schad -Denton Record Chronicle, John Henry, Russell Madden, Rev. Ed Cherryholmes, Merwyn Tucker, and Esmerlada Gamez 1. Mayor Armstrong called meeting to order, gave the invoca- tion, and let the pledge to the flag. 460 Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that it seems that the State Legislation is trying to take the Federal Highway Funds and put them in the General Revenue. The Denton Co. Public Works Director would like this Resolution passed to support this Good Roads Amendment so Federal Funds can remain in the' Highway Fund. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, seconded by Glenn Shaw, to approve Resolution ##R10-88 supporting Good Roads Amendment. Motion Carried. 10. Any Other Such Matters: a. Mayor Armstoong went over memo that Benny Erwin gave to Jerry Don concerning stop signs and yield signs where limbs are obstruction full view. Mayor Armstrong did state Chuck had informed her that they did not get to it last week but would correct the problems this week. b. Marina Issue - Mayor Armstrong advised City Council she had talked to Bill Smith and had received some information in the mail concerning the Marina. She asked that if City Council didn't object if this could be put on the "back -burner" until the budget is finalized and the City Administrator position is filled. She will call the Corp. and advise that the City Council is still working on the issue of the Marina but haven't had time to really study all the material that has been sent. c. Danny McDaniel asked about the situation at the Trail house. Benny Erwin advised that MRS. rail is scheduled to come to Court Wednesday concerning. the junk car. d. Mayor Armstrong also read a letter that the Department of Health sent concerning the Landfill. There are certain areas that still need to be corrected by October 8, 1988 when they`ll reinspect. Rose instructed to talk to Mr. Bohmann and ask him to give us a bid on what it would take to get the landfill to meet the State's requirements. The Department of Health will reinspect on October 8th. e. Mayor Armstrong advised City Council that Denton Area 911 is doing computerized mapping for all areas and is asking if the City is interested. Rose advised meeting with them Thursday and she was instructed to ask about this item. f. Bob Cecil with Mecco Marina addressed the City Council that he had come from New Burnsfel to discuss the Marina. He thought it was on the agenda. �- City Council apologized and advised that the reason it isn't on the agenda is that the City is without a City Administrator and that the City is working on the Fiscal Year's Budget. As soon as this is all settled, this item will be later discussed. CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL AND BUDGET WORKSHOP -- 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resumes Submitted for City Administrator. 462 2. Minutes for both City Council Meetings of August 15, 1988 and August 29, 1988 were approved. 3. Disbursements: Danny McDaniel recommended that if a log could be kept on the maintenance upkeep on city vehicles. Rose to check with Dennis to see if this information could be pulled from the computer. Jerry Jenkins made the motion to approve disbursements. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input - none 5. Conduct Public Hearing for City of Sanger Fiscal Year Budget Oct. 1, 1988 to Sept. 30, 1989 by adopting Ordinance #013-88. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing open. Discussion. Elaine Schad with Denton Record Chronicle asked Mayor Armstrong if she could basically summarize budget totals for this year compared to budget totals of last year. Were there any particular areas where there had been significant changes made? Mayor Armstrong stated that there were not any areas except for certain equipment that several department heads had requested had been deleted due to the availability of funds. Mayor Armstrong went over capital outlay. She further added that employees did get a 3o raise. The new employees that had been requested did not get approved due to the funds not being available. Mayor Armstrong went over expenditures with the three main departments. Last Year 86-87 General Fund 615,000 This Year 87-88 612,000 297.080 1,566,315 the Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Public Hearing for City of Sanger Fiscal Year Budget - October 1, 1988 to September 30, 1989 by adoption od Ordinance #013-88. Motion was made by Glenn Shaw to adopt Ordinance #13-88. Seconded by Wendall Thomas. Motion carried with one NO vote - Danny McDaniel. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Set Tax Rate for Citv of Sanger and Adopt Ordinance #12-88. Motion was made by Carroll McNeill to adopt ORDINANCE #012-88 that sets a tax rate of .4184. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding°Fiscal Inspections. Mayor Armstrong discussed the letter Bud Hauptmann with Metrolpex had sent concerning five (5) building permits that people had gotten to either build a new home or remodel where the final inspections had not been made. 463 11. TZayor Armstrong stated that the front personnel needs to keep a running tab of all the permits and not allow any customer to come in and connect service if final inspections have not been made. Carroll McNeill suggested that maybe the inspector on a monthly basis could submit a list of building permits where inspections are still pending. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong suggested that a letter needs to be sent to these people advising them that they failed to receive a final inspection and if anything is found wrong the problem will need to be corrected. Carroll McNeill made the motion and seconded by Jerry Jenkins that on the following: Permit #88-113 -- Remodel of Doctor's Office Permit #88-119 -- Video & Subs Permit #88-114 -- Remodel 615 N. Keaton Permit #88-111 -- 816 Carmen Court Permit #88-110 -- 818 Carmen Court that the owners be written a letter stating they failed to request a final inspection and that the City of Sanger is requesting it and if anything is found wrong, the problem will have to be corrected with the normal charge for reinspection. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong stated she would call Bud Hauptmann from Metroplex to possibly work out a system to prevent this from reoccurring in the future. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Methodist Church Parking Area. John Henry spoke on behalf of the Methodist Church. Mr. Henry stated that what they would like to do and asked the City Council if they can, is to utilize the easements around 6th Street and Cherry Street so they can put perimeter parking around the church. There is a 30 feet easement on 6th Street and 40 feet easement on Cherry Street and they would like to put curbside parking so they can pull off the street and bring it up to the property line. They'll install a 24 inch Culbert on the south side of Cherry Street with an 18 inch culvert on 6th Street. Discussion. Wendall Thomas made the motion, seconded by Carroll McNeill to give the Methodist Church the permission to put the culverts, an 18 inch on 6th St. and a 24 inch on Cherry St. to care for the drainage and to allow them to put their curbside parking. Motion carried with one abstaining - Danny McDaniel. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Old Landfill. Mayor Armstrong reported to City Council that last Tuesday Mr. Bohmann and herself met with Mr. Boyd Cole from Austin who is the inspector that does the inspection on the land- fill. Mayor Armstrong stated that at this point in time it looks like it's going to cost about $5,000 to $15,000 to completely close the landfill. 464 Mr. Boyd Cole informed Mayor Armstrong that no water must stand anywhere and that the water must drain properly. He did start off by wanting 2 ft. of dirt over the entire landfill. He also gave the City 90 days to complete this and the deadline is November 30, 1988. Mayor Armstrong did advise City Council that this was not budgeted and the money is not available; however, it must be done. Mayor Armstrong stated Mr. Bohmann would like to do a section, probably the worst area and at leasta. 1/3 of the landfill. Get the dirt hauled in it, get it ready, and then get Mr. Boyd Cole to come back and see if he will accept it. This will give them an idea as to the cost of doing all the alndfill. Motion was made by Glenn Shaw and seconded by Jerry Jenkins for the City to spend up to $4,900 at the old landfill and to try to get as much of an area covered properly as possible for a further inspection from the State of Texas. Motion carried. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Setting Public Hearing for Grant application. Glenn Shaw made the motion to set the lst Public Hearing for Grant Application for Sept. 19th and the 2nd Public Hearing for Sept. 26th. Seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Motion carried. ** NOTE: After talking to Lee Lawrence and Mayor Armstrong, the dates were changed due to the lst Public Hearing would not meet the requirements of the five days. Dates were changed to Sept. 26th and Oct. 3rd. 9. Any Other Such Matters: a. Jerry Jenkins - N. WE corner of Elm and 5th- ditch is backing up and water is standing, needs to be unstopped. b. Glenn Shaw asked about street patching. Mayor Armstrong advised they have been street patching except for this week. Jerry was needing all his crew to get the City ready for the Sanger Celebration. c. Glenn asked about the bonding company. Mayor Armstrong stated that she had talked to Tom Stange and he advised her that he talked with the attorney and he advised him that the City had approved it but under protest and that the City would write them a letter which she has not done but will get it done today. She also talked to Jerry and reminded him to get in touch with Larry Manning to see if the Bonding Co. had contacted him. However, she did not get in touch with Jerry later to see if he had. d. Glenn Shaw asked if there was any possible way to widen the ditches especially over by the Easley property over on 8th and Ray Christian's and over by Cooper's on 9th and by Mrs. Dennis's property. He asked if the City had the equipment to do this. Jerry Jenkins informed Glenn that that sort of problem exists all over town; however, there are some areas that need more attention than others. Mayor Armstrong did state she would put it on her list as things to get done. e Mayor Armstrong asked City Council to attend Sanger Celebration at 4:00 p.m. participate. Adjournment. �® W 84®ae0� MINUTES: City Council Meeting September 19,1988 Mayor e bsure to and MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, and Carroll McNeill MEP2BERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: Rose Garcia, Ruth McGuffin, Stan Day, Jim Bob Reaay, Larry Yoast, Chuck Tucker, Edgar Barrow, Don Sable, Tony McGaugh 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of September 6, 1988 were approved. 3. Disbursements - Wendall Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements of September 15, 1988. Seconded by Carroll McNeill. Motion carried. 4. Citizens Input - Mayor Armstrong stated the new City Manager will be here September 26. 5. (8) Discussion with Don Sable and his son Regarding Development of land South of Ward Addition. Mr. Don Sable introduced himself and his brother-in-law, Tony McGaugh. He stated that together, the three of them, his father, his brother-in-law, and himself will be the three members doing the development for Lotus Corporation. They are the three main proprietors or owners of the property. They feel because of corporations like, Peterbuilt, Boeing Electronics, and Andrews Corporation, that this area will be going through a growth span and they would like to be apart of it.- At this point, they are trying to deter mine the economic feasibility of developing the 40 acres they have South of the Ward Addition. Mayorrmstrong talked to Travis Roberts concerning the sewer. Travis said that they could tie onto that line either on 3rd or at Jackilu, come across their property and under the railroad and straight to the sewer plant. Mayor Armstrong then asked Travis as to the cost and he estimated at about $75,000.00.