09/26/1988-CC-Minutes-Special467 c. Jerry Don instructed to please check all the street signs to make sure they are all straightened up. d. Mayor Armstrong advised city staff that II would be touring again Tuesday and Wednesday and to be sure that the Park and 5th Street be cleaned as soon as possible. e. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that she did get the letter to Mr. Devin. She also did call Mr. Manning's; however, he was not there and she did talk to his son who advised her they can be here Wednesday to work on the streets. When she called Mr. Devin he was not in but his secretary felt there was not any problem with them giving verbal approval. Mr. Manning is a little uneasy about this. Mayor Armstrong is going to call Mr. Devin again and ask if they can put this in a form of a letter. f. Mayor Armstrong informed City Council that Mr. Boyd Cole from Texas Department of Health will be here Thursday at 1:00 p.m. to inspect the landfill. g. Jerry Don was instructed that a couple of places on 8th Street need patching and also on Bolivar Street by Kirbys. 11. Executive Session According to V.A.T.S., Article 6252-17, to discuss Personnel. Mayor Armstrong declared City Council into Executive Session. 12. Open Session declared City Council into Executive Session. Mayor Armstrong declared City Council out of executive session and she reported action that City Council took. They had talked to Jerry Don and Chuck about dividing their responsibilities and forming two departments. They did not make any final decisions at this time. This will give Jerry Don and Chuck a chance to consider the proposal of splitting the department and giving Jerry Don -Water and Sewer, Chuck -Sanitation, Parks, and Inspection Department. Two weeks from tonight they will think about the salaries. This will allow City Council time to discuss this with the City Administrator. Peet'„ g adjourned. 4 rPo-� l qr °o- e=p % w Sdcx'tary ®®*ee �� ®A �®gig®® Mayor MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting September 26, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Carroll McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins, Danny McDaniel OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton, City Manager, Rose Garcia, Lee Lawrence with GSA, Esta Lou Morgan and Nancy Smith 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, John Hamilton gave the invocation, and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Conduct lst Public Hearing for Submission of a Grant under 1988 Texas. Community Development Program. Mayor Armstrong stated Lee Lawrence, Vice President with GSA, and some other guests were present who would also get an opportunity to speak. Lee briefed City Council on certain issues regarding submission of the Grant Application. First, the Community Development Program is a grant program and is federal money funded through the State Agency -Texas Department of Community of Commerce. The money within Texas is allocated by regions and the City competes with other cities for grant funds. Lee also discussed the selection criteria to be used by TCDP staff and the RRC's for the scoring of applica- tions. He also recommended that the City apply for the water well project which is a project that benefits the community, city wide. Lee also stated that it will be late spring or early summer before they will know who will be funded. The submission date for the grant is Oct. 27. The city will know how they scored in the regional scoring at least by Dec. 1 or the 15th. GSA will do this application at no cost to the city since they have done two prior applications and the city did not get funded. Mrs. Esta Morgan then addressed the City Council but she was hoping this public hearing for grant funds was for Library funds. Mayor Armstrong did advise her that there are other grants that benefit Libraries. City Manager advised that through Texas Libraries System and Regional Libraries System there are monies available. He advised them he would check into this. Mrs. Morgan representing the Cultural Committee, also addressed the City Council that they would love for City Council to join with them to enlarge the Community' Center and put a large room on the west and if they could get a cost estimate and maybe they could get some clubs to come up with some funds. It is something that is needed. She would like for council to give this their condiseration. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mrs. Morgan and Nancy for coming. 3. Adjournment. Secretary qr 7? Mayor