10/03/1988-CC-Minutes-Regular469 MINUTES: City Council Meeting October 3, 1988 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Glenn Shaw, Wendall Thomas, Danny McDaniel, C. G. McNeill, and Jerry Jenkins. OTHERS PRESENT: John Hamilton, Rose Garcia, Don Hill, Chuck Tucker, Ovid Neal, Benny Erwin, Edgar and Cindy Barrow, Ruth McGuffin-Sanger Courier, J. P. Hampton, Russell Madden, and Ed. Miller 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes of Sept. 19, 1988 were approved as written. Minutes of Sept.'26, 1988 were corrected to reflect others present - Nancy Rowe in lieu of Nancy Smith. 3. Disbursements - Motion was made by Wendall Thomas and seconded by Danny McDaniel that bills for Oct. 3, 1988 be approved for payment. Motion carried. 4. Citizens Input - None. 5. Consider 6. ible Mayor Armstrong briefed City Council on the Sanitary_ Landfill Use Agreement. Mayor Armstrong stated she had talked to Don Hill, County Commissioner, on Item #4 on Page 2 - The owner shall construct and continually maintain an all weather road maintained in a good, smooth condition from the public road through the landfill to the dumping area. Mayor Armstrong did advise Don Hill that the City could not comply with Item #4; therefore, this might have to be deleted from the contract or reworded. On Item #2 - There needs to be a monthly charge inserted. Discussion. On Item #5 - second paragraph - user estimates - that the maximum amount of monthly refuse to be deposited at the site is 140 cubic yards. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins and seconded by Danny McDaniel that this item be tabled until additional information is obtained. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordinance #015-88 for Handicapped Parking as Recommended by Police Department. Motion was made by Glenn Shaw and seconded by Jerry Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #015-88 and it will read as the Carrollton Ordinance with the following changes. Sect. 20-55B- will be eliminated. Sect. 20-124B-that it will say violators are subject to a fine of not less than $50 or up to $200. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #015-88 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS; AND, PRO- VIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 470 7. Conduct Second Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution #R10-88 for Submission of a Grant Under 1988 Texas Community Development Program. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing open. No one spoke for or against the grant. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing closed. Adoption of Resolution #R10-88. Item #2 needs to be changed to read $157,000.00 Jerry Jenkins made the motion to adopt Resolution #R10-88. Seconded by Carroll McNeill authorizing the submission of a Grant under 1988 Texas Community Development Program. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding an Interlocal Agreement for Communication with Denton Co. and City of Sanger. John Hamilton advised City Council that he called Denton Co. Judge's Office concerning the fees. They advised there would be no charges for these services this year. The County will be sending letters confirming that there will be no cost to the City this year. Discussion. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins, seconded by Glenn Shaw to table the Interlocal Agreement for Communication with Denton Co. and the City of Sanger and put on next City Council agenda. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Amending FY' 1988-1989 budget for Police Reserves. Benny Erwin stated that he has eleven (11) reserves, two (2) are still in school. He also stated when the budget was prepared he didn't notice that only eight (8) were budgeted for workers' compensation. Discussion. City Council agreed to freeze the reserves at maximum of eleven (11) for this year's budget purposes. Motion was made by Jerry Jenkins,. seconded by Carroll McNeill to amend Workers' Compensation Budget Acct. #407.03, Police Dept., by $873.00.to cover a maximum of eleven (11) Police Reserve Officers. Motion carried. 12. Any Other Such Matters: a. Brief discussions on inspections. b. Wendall Thomas complained about the problems with cats in his neighborhood. Mayor Armstrong advised that they are working on animal control and it's an item on John's list. c. Mayor Armstrong stated that when the employees start patching streets there are some areas she wants them to do. 1. Corner of Wood and loth (bad spot) . 2o lOth and Denton, there is a place that has been patched and needs to be looked at. 471 d. Glenn Shaw asked about Marina. e. Mayor Armstrong stated that it was on John's list. 13. City Manager's Report: John Hamilton stated he had with the Citv Council. three (3) issues to discuss (1). John stated that staff be instructed to prepare by-laws for Senior Sullivan Center. Mayor Armstrong stated that the City Council certainly needs fo adopt some by-laws and this would be on the agenda for the next City Council meeting. (2) Methodist Church is going to pave the parking area on the West Side of their building. Their plans are to pave from the east pavement line of Sixth Street approximately 30' for entire length of their property. They are requesting the City's participation with the paving of the parking area which part of that is City's property. P10 Action.• Agenda item for next City Council agenda. Mayor Armstrong suggested that Mr. Manning look at this and see what it would cost to do as to what they are planning to do and if seal coating would do anv good. (3). John Hamilton stated in a letter from our safety engineer with Employers he had made some recommenda- tions on a safety audit. One of those recommendations was the Insurance requirement on performance bonds as contractual labor. Brief discussion on this issue. Employee Safety Handbook Manual - agenda item for next City Council. License checks to be done on a regular basis. 10. City Council to convene into Executive Session according to V.A.T.S., Article 6252-17 (g), to discuss: (1) Personnel 11. Consider and Possible Action to take action from Executive Session. Glenn Shaw made the motion that the raises discussed in executive session be effective immediately and the division of the two departments. Jerry Don Linn will be over the Water and Sewer while Chuck Tucker will be over Streets, Park and Sanitation. Also, a $75.00 a month increase for Chuck Tucker for a six (6) month probationary period and Jerry Don Linn's salary stays the same with a six (6) month probationary period. James Ellison will continue to be paid out of water dept. but will transfer into Streets along with Richard Skipworth. The other two (2) employees will remain in the Water and Sewer Dept. City Council discussed weekend call duty and it will continue the way it has been to be fair to the other employee who work weekend calls. Motion carried. Ad j op.}rnment . City Secret es? s .o .� , f' o 'W4f04re4iFXAS e�����,,'�