11/06/2018-BOA-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Board Of Adjustments November 6th, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bo Cooper, Marissa Barrett, Matt Fuller, Phillip Surles, Sandra Hensley, and Dennis Dillon MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Planner Muzaib Riaz, Building Official Ramie Hammonds, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson, Steve Watson, Bobby Laird, John Montoya, Mable Price Coleman, Jacqualine Larkins, Marai Jackson, and Hi Jackson 1. Call Meeting to Order. 7:00 p.m. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. Quorum present 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of October 8, 2018. Commissioner Dillion made a motion to approve minutes. Commissioner Surles seconded, motion passes unanimously. 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From Minimum Lot Area Requirement of Six Thousand and Five Hundred (6,500’) Feet, Minimum Lot Depth Requirement of Hundred (100’) Feet, and Minimum Rear Yard Setback Requirement of Twenty Five (25’) Feet for the Proposed lot Located at 102 Sims Street, Sanger, Texas 76266, Being Approximately 0.13 Acres (5,619 square feet), and Generally Located East of Sims Street and Approximately 108 Feet North of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. Public Hearing opens at 7:03 p.m. Muzaib speaks briefly about the project and goes over the staff report. Jacqualine Larkins lives at 309 Kirkland stands to speak. She asks “How far is the home from the other homes? Will you be coming onto the others lots?” She does not want the new home because it will be too close to her property. Montoya says they will not encroach anyone’s property. Close Public Hearing at 7:18 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum Lot Area Requirement of Six Thousand and Five Hundred (6,500’) Feet, Minimum Lot Depth Requirement of Hundred (100’) Feet, and Minimum Rear Yard Setback Requirement of Twenty Five (25’) Feet for the Proposed lot Located at 102 Sims Street, Sanger, Texas 76266, Being Approximately 0.13 Acres (5,619 square feet), and Generally Located East of Sims Street and Approximately 108 Feet North of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. Hi Jackson speaks up and says it is unfair to put such a small home next to the current homes because the values will drop. Also the quality of the people that come into these homes are not good. Smaller homes will ruin the value of the other homes. Montoya responds to Mr. Jackson. What you are saying is “We don’t want your kind here.” Mr. Jackson states that is not what he said or meant. Montoya explains that it should bring up the value of the homes not down because they build great homes. Commissioner Fuller asks “Why do you need the setback change because the house should fit?” Montoya answer is the need a cushion on the set back. Commissioner Surles makes a motion to approve Commissioner Barrett seconded. Commissioner Hensley and Commissioner Cooper approve Commissioner Fuller and Commissioner Dillon oppose Vote is 4/2 so motion does not pass. 7. Adjourn 7:29 p.m.