08/07/2018-4A-Minutes-RegularBANGER TEXAS MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation AUGUST 7, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Springer, Fred Yeatts, Dennis Dillon MEMBERS ABSENT: John Jacobs, Victor Gann, Don Gillum OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson 1. Call Meeting to Order. 1:02 P.M. 2. Approve Minutes: March 6, 2018 Make a motion to approve by Fred Yeatts. Dennis Dillon seconded. Motion passes unanimously 3. Review Financials. Alina speaks briefly and state the sales tax are performing as projected. We still have a few months to collect. Talks about the budget has not had to spend a lot in the budget due to Alina having to work in multiple departments for a few months. She said what is not reflected in the financials is the board approved $500,000.00 to assist in the infrastructure improvements on the east side of I35 to expand utilities. That transaction has been approved by City Council in October, but we have not made the transfer. 4. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve the Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Budget. Alina speaks briefly about the budget. The budget pretty much was same. A few differences will be that we requested $30,000.00 for an updated comprehensive plan to be done. We were unable to do this as we had personal changes. We are still wanting to do this so we are requesting an increase to $45,000.00. The reason for the increase is we were going to file for a grant. We are still going to file for a grant but in case we don't get it we would like to be able to still proceed. The last comprehensive plan we did was back in 2007 and things have changed since. Another change is the Enterprise Fund normally transfers over $25,000.00 to 4A to help with administrative cost and that will not happen this year as that fund is very tight. We are hoping to be able to do it back in 2019-2020 year. We still have the payment on 103 Bolivar. Mr. Brice made a decision that we will make a transfer into the internal service fund of $4,100.00 because we don't collect rent and to make a contributions. 4A will not be paying the $4100.00 this year Alina has omitted it since there won't be a transfer from Enterprise Fund. Springer asks about the note payment on the warehouse. They go over the print out in the agenda. Motion to approve made by Fred Yeatts. Dennis Dillon seconded. Motion passes unanimously. 5. Staff Updates Regarding the Economic Development Director Position. Alina explains that she was made the City Manager in June. She explains that the departments were divided back as they once were. Ramie was promoted to Director of Development Services. She explains a little about the new applicant. She can't give us too many details until the applicant accepts the position. 6. Discussion of Property Located at 103 Bolivar St. Alina explains the history a little about the property since we have a new board member present. Alina asked if we can revisit the discussion in the next meeting with the new Economic Director. Explains that she believes that the board is wanting a business that is good for the City. Elizabeth Springer brings up the last appraisal was done in 2015 and wants to know how big of a difference in price would be now. Explains that they may have to get a new appraisal because the other is out dated. It is something they should revisit with the new employee. Alina would like to schedule another meeting to introduce the new employee and discuss the property again with them. 7. Citizen Comments. No Citizens 8. Adjourn. 1:42 P.M.