08/13/2018-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularBANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY OF SANGER PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, August 13, 2018 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TX 76266 1. Call Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of July 9, 2018. 5. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, of Red Willow Addition, Being 9.118 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Approximately 375 Feet East of the Intersection of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Union Hill Road. 6. Consider, Discuss and Acton the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 3, Being 11.15 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of the Intersection of McReynolds Road and Lake Ridge Drive. 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Estates at Wind Song Hill Addition, Being 66.181 Acres in the J.P.B. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of Kildee Trail and East of Bob White Way. 8. Consider, Discuss and Acton the Amended Plat of Lots 1-A and 2-A, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being an Amendment of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being 0.473 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located South West of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. 9. Adjourn `p1�� 0Sis#, a % Cheryl ity Secretary ''�v FX As ����`� Date &Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's Office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. AGENDA CITY OF SANGER PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, August 13, 2018 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TX 76266 1. Call Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of July 9, 2018. 5. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, of Red Willow Addition, Being 9.118 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Approximately 375 Feet East of the Intersection of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Union Hill Road. 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 3, Being 11.15 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of the Intersection of McReynolds Road and Lake Ridge Drive. 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Estates at Wind Song Hill Addition, Being 66.181 Acres in the J.P.B. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of Kildee Trail and East of Bob White Way. 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Amended Plat of Lots 1-A and 2-A, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being an Amendment of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being 0.473 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located South West of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. 9. Adjourn _____________________________ ______________________ Cheryl Price, City Secretary Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary’s Office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission July 9th, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Marissa Barrett, Matt Fuller, Phillip Surles, Dennis Dillon, Sandra Hensley, and Bo Cooper MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Collett OTHERS PRESENT: City Planner Muzaib Riaz, Building Official Ramie Hammonds, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson, Roger Hennen, Connie Hennen, Jim Hoen, Chris Frerich, and Katy Hall 1. Call Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of June 11, 2018. Dillon made a motion to approve minutes. Hensley seconded and motion passes unanimously. 5. Consider a Public Hearing Regarding the Replat of Part of Lot 1, Block A, of O’Dell Addition, Being 9.23 Acres in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of the Intersection of FM 455 and McReynolds Road. Muzaib speaks briefly and reads over the staff report. Public Hearing opens at: 7:03 p.m. Roger Hennen stands to speak to board. He lives at 1200 McReynolds. He asks the board what is the applicant wanting to do with the property? He explains that one neighbor has a 4 million dollar home and he has a 3 million dollar home and they do not want a commercial brought in beside their homes. He explains that he has done road work for a living and the roads over there are already horrible. If a new company comes in who is going to maintain the roads because they are already in a bad state. Jim Horn stands to speak with the board. He explains he live directly across the street from this address. He states he received a letter back in January that the applicant is wanting to build a Wedding Venue and they do not want it right next door to them. He also explained that the letters the City Of Sanger sends out does not give enough information to the people for them to understand what the meeting is about. There are gorgeous homes already built and they do not want any commercial properties beside them. Roger Hennen request to speak again. He states that tonight is the first he has heard of a Wedding Venue and is against it. He also do not want a commercial right next to do his 3 million dollar home. Muzaib states that at the P&Z Meeting all we have the right to do is platting. We will not have anything to do with the roads, zoning, or building. The property is in the Sanger ETJ so we do the platting only. For the zoning they will need to go to Lake Ray Roberts commission board and discuss the zoning. Public Hearing closed at 7:10 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Part of Lot 1, Block A, of O’Dell Addition, Being 9.23 Acres in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of the Intersection of FM 455 and McReynolds Road. Commissioner Dillon clarifies platting is all that the board can do in the City of Sanger for the ETJ. Dennis Dillon asks if they can table this for another hearing? Ramie Hammonds says no action is an approval. Commissioner Barrett explains from a platting point of view she doesn’t see any reason not to approve. She understands what they are explaining but from just a platting point of view is how she is looking at it. Commissioner Surles makes a motion to approve Commissioner Barrett seconded and motion passes unanimously. 7. Consider a Public Hearing Regarding the SBRC Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 1, Block A, of O’Dell Addition, and Adding Part of 22.35 Acres of tract, Being 2.00 Acres in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1190 Feet East of the Intersection of FM 455 and McReynolds Road. Muzaib speaks briefly and reads over the staff report. Open Public Hearing: 7:28 p.m. Close Public Hearing: 7:29p.m. No one speaks 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the SBRC Addition, Being a Replat of Part of Lot 1, Block A, of O’Dell Addition, and Adding Part of 22.35 Acres of tract, Being 2.00 Acres in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1190 Feet East of the Intersection of FM 455 and McReynolds Road. Commissioner Hensley makes a motion to approve Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion and the motion passes unanimously. 9. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1-16, Block A of Arrowhead Estates Addition, Being 3.504 Acres Situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No 1241, and Generally Located East of Railroad Avenue, and approximately 215 Feet South of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Willow Street. Muzaib speaks briefly and reads over the staff report. Commissioner Hensley makes a motion to approve Commissioner Dillion seconded the motion and the motion passes unanimously. 10. Adjourn Commissioner Surles adjourns the meeting at 7:33 p.m. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0038 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, of Red Willow Addition, Being 9.118 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located South of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Approximately 375 Feet East of the Intersection of Lake Ray Roberts Drive and Union Hill Road. Applicant: Jerald Yensan, Landmark Surveyors, LLC ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to subdivide 9.118 Acres of tract into 2 lots of 4.0 acres (Lot 1) and 4.760 acres (Lot 2). The subject property is located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger. The subject property is within the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Overlay and is zoned as AG – Agricultural (10-acre minimum) currently. The applicant has submitted a rezoning request to Denton County Planning in order to rezone the subject property to R -4 Residential Estate Medium Density District (4-acre minimum) which is scheduled for public hearing on August 20th. Water services will be provided by Bolivar Water and electric service will be provided by Coserv Electric. The Plat was sent to Denton County Planning for a courtesy review and Denton County Planning comments have been incorporated into the Plat. Staff Recommendation The plat meets City of Sanger Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommends APPROVAL contingent upon a condition that the rezoning to R-4 will be approved by Lake Ray Roberts Board on August 20, 2018. The plat will be withdrawn from City Council Agenda if R-4 zoning proposed for the subject property is denied by Lake Ray Roberts Board on August 20, 2018. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, September 4, 2018. Attachments  Location Map  Application  Letter of Intent  Final Plat 19713 5 146 253 18501 7 89293 524 549 13256 2 63642 4 602 39 18501 6 14625 0 185 018 636 423 LAKESHORE CT LAKE RAY ROBERTS DR RedWillowAddition /Location Exhibit: Red Willow AdditionOrd # __________________ 0 250 500125 Fe et DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 7/21 /2018 2:02:14 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_RedWillowAdditionExhibitsParcels NOTES: 1. PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT. THEREFORE, THERE MAY EXIST ENCUMBRANCES WHICH AFFECT THE PROPERTY NOT SHOWN HEREON. 2. Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations. 3. No portion of subject property lies within a special flood hazard area according to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP for Denton County and Incorporated Area, Map Number 48121CO70G, dated April 18, 2011. (Subject property lies in Zone X).DRAWN BY:JOB NO:SCALE:1"=50' DATE: 4238 I-35 NORTH ANDMARK SURVEYORS, LLC. BTH (940) 382-4016 FAX (940) 387-9784 DENTON, TEXAS 76207 11 JUNE, 2018 184320 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=50' FINAL PLAT RED WILLOW ADDITION LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A BEING 9.118 ACRES IN THE R. BEBEE SURVEY A-29 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TX FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10098600SCALE 1" = 2000' VICINITY MAP PR O J E C T L O C A T I O N OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON; WHEREAS WE, Eddie Delka and Tina Delka, are the owners of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey Abstract Number 29 in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being all that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Randy Roberson and Roxanna Roberson to Eddie Delka and Tina Delka recorded under Document Number 2017-147969, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a fence corner for corner in the north line of Lot 3R2, Block One of Muir-Switzer Addition and addition to Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet M, Page 75, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 1 of Peterson View Addition, an addition to Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet O, Page 79, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 88° 33’ 04” W, 568.30 feet with said north line of said Muir-Switzer Addition to a fence corner for corner in the east line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Richard T. Muir and Chet Switzer to Steve DeJernett recorded in Volume 1175, Page 682, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 00° 26’ 38” E, 700.89 feet with said east line of said DeJernett tract and with the east line of Lot 2 of Bubba’s Ranch, an addition to Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet X, Page 667, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas and with the east line of Lot 1R-2 of Bubba’s Ranch, an addition to Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded under Document Number 2014-117, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas to a point for corner in Lake Ray Roberts Drive, a public roadway having a proposed right-of-way of 60.0 feet; THENCE S 88° 05’ 46” E, 569.05 feet with said Lake Ray Roberts Drive to a point for corner; THENCE S 00° 29’ 51” W, 696.36 feet with the west line of said Peterson View Addition to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 9.118 acres of land, of which 0.358 acre is hereby dedicated for public roadway. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT We, the aforesaid owners of land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, and in person or through a duly authorized agent do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above tract as LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A, RED WILLOW ADDITION, an addition to Denton County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, utility easements, drainage easements, and public places as shown thereon for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. All and any public utilities shall have the full right to remove and keep removed all growths which may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at anytime of procuring the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2018 _________________________________________ Eddie Delka STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Eddie Delka, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2018 ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS My commission expires ______________________ WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2018 ____________________________________ Tina Delka STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Tina Delka, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2018 ________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS My commission expires ______________________ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ____________________________________ Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ATTESTED BY _____________________________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. ______________________________________________ Jerald D. Yensan Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4561 Water service to be provided by: Bolivar Water Supply Corporation 41151 FM 455 W. Sanger, Texas 76266 (940) 458-3931 Electric service to be provided by: Coserv 7701 S. Stemmons Corinth, Texas 76210 (940) 274-4014 Telephone service to be provided by: Century Link 450 Main Street Lake Dallas, Texas 75065 (940) 321-1900 1. NOTES: 2. Sanitary Sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Health Department. 3. All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. 4. Blocking the flow of water or construction of improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited. 5. Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury, or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. 6. Any existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots. 7. Construction not complete within two years of the Commissioners Court approval shall be subject to current Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 8. A driveway culvert permit must be obtained from Road and Bridge Department by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation, or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right-of-way. 9. No construction without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified “FIRM” floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies showing that no rise to the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation. 10. The maintenance of paving, grading and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owners and does not constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County. 11. The purpose of this plat is to divide a previously unplatted tract into two platted lots. 12. Subject property is located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ. 13. Subject property lies in Lake Ray Roberts Zone R-4. 14. Denton County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces; and the owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces, and said owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless Denton County from all claims, damages and losses arising out of or resulting from performance of the obligations of said owner set forth in this paragraph. REVISED: 08 AUGUST, 2018 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0036 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 3, Being 11.15 Acres of Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey Abstract No 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of the Intersection of McReynolds Road and Lake Ridge Drive, and North and East of the Lake Ridge Phase 1. Applicant: Joseph Palmer ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property in 54 lots of record within the Lake Ridge Subdivision. The lots meet the Lake Ridge Estates Planned Development Standards per Ordinance # 09-29-03. Water and Sanitary Sewer will be provided by the City of Sanger. Electric service will be provided by Coserv. The applicant has submitted Construction/Civil Plans which are under review at this time. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for floodplain within the subject property was issued by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on June 26, 2018 and will be effective November 9, 2018. Staff Recommendation The plat meets City of Sanger Subdivision regulations and Planned Development (Lake Ridge PD) Ordinance # 09-29-03. Staff recommends APPROVAL contingent upon the following conditions: 1. Off-site easements will be acquired by separate instrument(s) and acknowledged (with filing information noted on the Plat) by the City prior to Plat filing. 2. Building permits for individual lots and final acceptance by the City of public facilities not be provided until after November 9, 2018, the effective date contained in the FEMA Letter of Map Revision Determination Document dated June 26, 2018. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements and PD Ordinance # 09-29-03. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, September 4, 2018. Attachments  Location Map  FEMA LOMR Cover Letter  FEMA LOMR Determination Document  Application  Letter of Intent  Final Plat 270829 699336 270806 270839 699324 270794 270838 699338 270824 270821 270808 270818 699321 270822 270837 270810 270807 699322 270833 699343 270835 270831 270785 270811 699337 270816 270787 270828 270797 699342 270845 699339270790 270825 270782 270792 270850 270783 270819 270781 270830 270836 699326270820 270795 699329 270793 270814 270826 270852 270784 270846 699331 270817 699344 270842 270848 270789 270780 270796 270841 270843 699328 699335 270844 270788 270847 699340 270809 699334 699341 270823 699327270834 699320 270791 270779 699323 270786 270805 699332 699325 270815 270827 270832 270840 699330 699345270813 270812 699333270851 60050 60054 60061 270849 699319 60061 270798 726939 LAKE RIDGE RD PARK LN RIDGEVIEWCT WATERFRONT DR CLIFFVIEW DR LAKE SIDE DR Lake RidgeEstatesPhase 3 /Location Exhibit: Lake RidgeEstates Phase 3Ord # __________________ 0 300 600150 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 7/22 /2018 7:18:14 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_LakeRidgePhase3ExhibitsParcels CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mayor, City of Sanger P. O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 The Honorable Thomas Muir Dear Mayor Muir: Washington, D.C. 20472 Federal Emergency Management Agency IN REPLY REFER TO: Case No.: 18-06-0546P Community Name: City of Sanger, TX Community No.: 480786 Effective Date of This Revision: The Flood Insurance Study report and Flood Insurance Rate Map for your community have been revised by this Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals issued in your community. Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding this LOMR. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are included. Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the Determination Document. If you have any questions regarding floodplain management regulations for your community or the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in general, please contact the Consultation Coordination Officer for your community. If you have any technical questions regarding this LOMR, please contact the Director, Mitigation Division of the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Denton, Texas, at (940) 898-5127, or the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP). Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip. Sincerely, Patrick “Rick” F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration List of Enclosures: Letter of Map Revision Determination Document Annotated Flood Insurance Rate Map Annotated Flood Insurance Study Report cc: Mr. Neal Welch Director of Public Works and Engineering Service City of Sanger Mr. Matthew Haskin, P.E. Project Manager Homeyer Engineering, Inc. November 9, 2018 June 26, 2018 CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 2 DOC# 2017-34 - P.R.D.C.T. L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 1 CABINET V, PAGE 752 - P.R.D.C.T. LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 CL CL CL CL LOT 21 LOT 20 L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 2 DO C # 2 0 1 7 - 3 4 - P . R . D . C . T . LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 2 DO C # 2 0 1 7 - 3 4 - P . R . D . C . T . L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 1 CA B I N E T V , P A G E 7 5 2 - P . R . D . C . T . LOT 22 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 1 CL CL CL CL REMAINDER OF MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC INST# 2017-92008 R.P.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER OF MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC INST# 2017-92008 R.P.R.D.C.T. CL L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 1 CA B I N E T V , P A G E 7 5 2 - P . R . D . C . T . LOT 22 LOT 21 LOT 20 LOT 19 REMAINDER OF MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC INST# 2017-92008 R.P.R.D.C.T. L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 1 CABINET V, PAGE 752 - P.R.D.C.T. CL CL CL CL MATCH LINE MATCH LINE LOT 1 0.26 ACRE (11,223 SQ. FEET) LOT 2 0.16 ACRE (7,087 SQ. FEET) LOT 3 0.16 ACRE (7,044 SQ. FEET) LOT 4 0.16 ACRE (7,040 SQ. FEET) LOT 5 0.16 ACRE (7,040 SQ. FEET) LOT 6 0.16 ACRE (7,040 SQ. FEET) LOT 7 0.16 ACRE (7,040 SQ. FEET) LOT 8 0.16 ACRE (7,040 SQ. FEET) LOT 15 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 14 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 13 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 12 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 11 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 10 0.151 ACRE (6,597 SQ. FEET) LOT 9 0.183 ACRE (7,984 SQ. FEET) LOT 1 0.227 ACRE (9,871 SQ. FEET) LOT 2 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 3 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 4 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 5 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 6 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 7 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 8 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 9 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 10 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 11 0.146 ACRE (6,363 SQ. FEET) LOT 1 0.177 ACRE (7,706 SQ. FEET) LOT 2 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 3 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 4 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 5 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 6 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 7 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) B LAKEVIEW DRIVE 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY LA K E R I D G E D R I V E 60 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y WA T E R C R E S T D R I V E 50 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y H G 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"IRF 1/2"CIRS 1/2 " C I R S 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1  ƒ       (         6ƒ ( 6   ƒ       :         6ƒ ( 27.01' 6   ƒ       :         B C B 6   ƒ       ( 60 . 0 0 ' 1/2"CIRS 1   ƒ       : 45 . 6 6 ' 1ƒ : 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY (CABINET V, PAGE 752 - P.R.D.C.T.) CL I F F V I E W D R I V E 50 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y (D O C # 2 0 1 7 - 3 4 - P . R . D . C . T . ) DLA K E S I D E D R I V E 50 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y (C A B I N E T V , P A G E 7 5 2 - P . R . D . C . T . ) PARK LANE 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY (DOC# 2017-34 - P.R.D.C.T.) 1   ƒ       (         POB N: 7181603.44 E: 2379405.17 CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 125.46'512.68'ƒ 6ƒ :125.15' C2 140.43'572.68'ƒ 1ƒ (140.08' C3 84.47'780.00'ƒ 1ƒ (84.43' C4 98.81'308.87'ƒ 6ƒ :98.39' C5 35.51'275.00'ƒ 1ƒ (35.48' C6 35.56'225.00'ƒ 6ƒ :35.52' C7 95.37'250.00'ƒ 1ƒ (94.79' C8 62.02'150.00'ƒ 1ƒ :61.58' C1 C2 C3 LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 1ƒ (10.62' L2 1ƒ :27.98' L3 1ƒ :14.15' L4 1ƒ (14.78' L5 1ƒ :13.33' L6 6ƒ (14.07' L7 1ƒ (14.21' L8 6ƒ :5.76' L9 1ƒ :11.55' L10 1ƒ (19.99' L1 1   ƒ       (         10 5 . 2 8 ' 10 5 . 4 1 ' 10 5 . 5 4 ' 10 5 . 6 6 ' 10 5 . 7 9 ' 10 5 . 9 2 ' 1   ƒ       (         64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'75.85' 1  ƒ       (         60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'68.59' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 10 5 . 0 0 ' 1   ƒ       (         72.68'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60'60.60' 1   ƒ       (         10 5 . 0 0 ' 95.71'64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'64.00'56.88' 7.12' 56.90' L4 L 5 L 6 L7 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 66 . 7 1 ' 6ƒ ( 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 75 . 6 7 ' 30 . 3 7 ' 32 . 4 3 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 95.00' 1   ƒ       ( 1   ƒ       ( 6ƒ ( 6ƒ ( 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 1ƒ : 63 . 3 6 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 74 . 3 9 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 39.90' C8 LA K E R I D G E D R I V E 60 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y (C A B I N E T V , P A G E 7 5 2 - P . R . D . C . T . ) 1ƒ       : 60.02 ' A B "NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) 10 0 . 7 1 ' D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T D O C # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R . P . R . D . C . T CO S E R V E L E C T R I C E A S E M E N T DO C # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R . P . R . D . C . T CO S E R V E L E C T R I C E A S E M E N T DO C # 2 0 1 8 - 3 7 8 5 0 "NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "SHADED ZONE AE" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) In d i a n T r a i l La k e R i d g e D r La k e S i d e D r Waterfront Dr Lakeview Dr Wa t e r f r o n t D r E Willow St Drafter Project Date JDC/CF 8/3/2018 1701.062-08 EAGLE SURVEYING, LLC 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 TX Firm #10194177 N 1" = 40' 0 4020 SURVEYOR Eagle Surveying, LLC Contact: John Cox 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 ENGINEER Homeyer Engineering, Inc. Contact: Matt Haskin P.O. Box 294527 Lewisville, TX 75029 (972) 906-9985 = INSTRUMENT NUMBERINST# = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUNDCIRF = CAPPED IRON ROD SETCIRS = RIGHT-OF-WAYR.O.W. DEED RECORDSD.R.D.C.T. = VOLUMEVOL = PAGEPG DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= PLAT RECORDSP.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= LEGEND = POINT OF BEGINNINGPOB OWNER Marion Hills Apartments, LLC Contact: Joesph Palmer 305 North Heartz Road Coppell, TX 75019-2693 (972) 998-1938 Page 1 of 3 REAL PROPERTY RECORDSR.P.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= FINAL PLAT LAKE RIDGE ESTATES, PHASE 3 LOTS 1-22, BLOCK B, LOTS 1-13, BLOCK G, LOTS 2-8, BLOCK F & LOTS 1-11, BLOCK H 11.15 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LOT LOT STREET 25' R/W 25' BL 15' UE 25' BL 20' BL 15' UE 15' BL 15' BL 8' BL 8' BL BL EE 5' EE 5' BLOCK D - TYPICAL LOT DETAIL 8' TYPICAL LOT DETAIL C L CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL CL LOT 19 LOT 18 LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 2 DO C # 2 0 1 7 - 3 4 - P . R . D . C . T . LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15 LOT 16 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 2 DO C # 2 0 1 7 - 3 4 - P . R . D . C . T . L A K E R I D G E E S T A T E S P H A S E 1 CA B I N E T V , P A G E 7 5 2 - P . R . D . C . T . LOT 4 LOT 18 LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT 1, BLOCK F LAKE RIDGE ESTATES PHASE 2 DOC# 2017-34 P.R.D.C.T. CL CL CL CL REMAINDER OF MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC INST# 2017-92008 R.P.R.D.C.T. REMAINDER OF MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC INST# 2017-92008 R.P.R.D.C.T. MATCH LINE MATCH LINE LOT 22 0.216 ACRE (9,392 SQ. FEET) LOT 21 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 20 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 19 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 18 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 17 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 16 0.151 ACRE (6,594 SQ. FEET) LOT 8 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 9 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 10 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 11 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 12 0.147 ACRE (6,394 SQ. FEET) LOT 13 0.220 ACRE (9,588 SQ. FEET) LOT 20 0.191 ACRE (8,321 SQ. FEET) LOT 2 0.154 ACRE (6,710 SQ. FEET) LOT 3 0.154 ACRE (6,710 SQ. FEET) LOT 4 0.157 ACRE (6,822 SQ. FEET) LOT 5 0.206 ACRE (8,977 SQ. FEET) LOT 6 0.198 ACRE (8,604 SQ. FEET) LOT 7 0.152 ACRE (6,600 SQ. FEET) LOT 8 0.152 ACRE (6,600 SQ. FEET) F WA T E R F R O N T D R I V E 50' R I G H T - O F - W A Y 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 1/2"CIRS 6   ƒ       :         B B WA T E R C R E S T D R I V E 50 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y CL I F F V I E W D R I V E 50 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y (D O C # 2 0 1 7 - 3 4 - P . R . D . C . T . ) D LA K E S I D E D R I V E 50 ' R I G H T - O F - W A Y (C A B I N E T V , P A G E 7 5 2 - P . R . D . C . T . ) 6    ƒ       ( 5 0 . 9 0 ' 6    ƒ       (         1/2"CIRS 6ƒ       :         1ƒ : 1   ƒ       (         6ƒ ( 1   ƒ       ( 50 . 5 1 ' 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY (DOC# 2017-34 - P.R.D.C.T.) WATERFRONT DRIVE 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY (CABINET V, PAGE 752 - P.R.D.C.T.) 1   ƒ       (        6ƒ ( 1   ƒ       (         N: 7180845.42 E: 2380198.04 C4 C5 C6L2 L 3 L8 L9 L1 0 49 . 1 3 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 6ƒ ( 71 . 7 0 ' 11 4 . 8 7 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 62 . 8 0 ' 6ƒ       : 57.14 ' 1ƒ       ( 60.00 ' 54.19 ' 5.81' 1/2"CIRS 60.00 ' 60.00 ' 97.35 ' 87.75'62.00'61.00'61.00' 61.00'61.00'46.59' 11 0 . 0 0 ' 11 0 . 0 0 ' 1    ƒ       :         1    ƒ       :         1 1 0 . 0 0 ' 1   ƒ       (         60.64' 62.12' 1   ƒ       ( 1   ƒ       ( 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 105.00' 1ƒ : 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 10 7 . 8 5 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 60 . 9 0 ' 71 . 0 0 ' 32.49' C7 49.76 ' 19.98' 1ƒ : 15.42' 6ƒ ( 20.00'"NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "SHADED ZONE AE" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "SHADED ZONE AE" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T D O C # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R . P . R . D . C . T "SHADED ZONE AE" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) "NON-SHADED ZONE X" (PER L.O.M.R. - CASE# 18-06-054P) In d i a n T r a i l La k e R i d g e D r La k e S i d e D r Waterfront Dr Lakeview Dr Wa t e r f r o n t D r E Willow St Drafter Project Date JDC/CF 8/3/2018 1701.062-08 EAGLE SURVEYING, LLC 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 TX Firm #10194177 N 1" = 40' 0 4020 SURVEYOR Eagle Surveying, LLC Contact: John Cox 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 ENGINEER Homeyer Engineering, Inc. Contact: Matt Haskin P.O. Box 294527 Lewisville, TX 75029 (972) 906-9985 OWNER Marion Hills Apartments, LLC Contact: Joesph Palmer 305 North Heartz Road Coppell, TX 75019-2693 (972) 998-1938 Page 2 of 3 = INSTRUMENT NUMBER CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 125.46'512.68'ƒ 6ƒ :125.15' C2 140.43'572.68'ƒ 1ƒ (140.08' C3 84.47'780.00'ƒ 1ƒ (84.43' C4 98.81'308.87'ƒ 6ƒ :98.39' C5 35.51'275.00'ƒ 1ƒ (35.48' C6 35.56'225.00'ƒ 6ƒ :35.52' C7 95.37'250.00'ƒ 1ƒ (94.79' C8 62.02'150.00'ƒ 1ƒ :61.58' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 1ƒ (10.62' L2 1ƒ :27.98' L3 1ƒ :14.15' L4 1ƒ (14.78' L5 1ƒ :13.33' L6 6ƒ (14.07' L7 1ƒ (14.21' L8 6ƒ :5.76' L9 1ƒ :11.55' L10 1ƒ (19.99' INST# = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUNDCIRF = CAPPED IRON ROD SETCIRS = RIGHT-OF-WAYR.O.W. DEED RECORDSD.R.D.C.T. = VOLUMEVOL = PAGEPG DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= PLAT RECORDSP.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= LEGEND = POINT OF BEGINNINGPOB REAL PROPERTY RECORDSR.P.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= FINAL PLAT LAKE RIDGE ESTATES, PHASE 3 LOTS 1-22, BLOCK B, LOTS 1-13, BLOCK G, LOTS 2-8, BLOCK F & LOTS 1-11, BLOCK H 11.15 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LOT LOT STREET 25' R/W 25' BL 15' UE 25' BL 20' BL 15' UE 15' BL 15' BL 8' BL 8' BL BL EE 5' EE 5' BLOCK D - TYPICAL LOT DETAIL 8' TYPICAL LOT DETAIL Drafter Project Date 1.) The purpose of this plat is to create a subdivision of record from a tract of land. 2.) The flood zone shown was derived from the L.O.M.R. submitted by Homeyer Engineering under case number 18-06-054P. This subdivision is located in community number 480786 and map number 48121c0210G. 3.) Coordinates shown based on Western Data Systems RTK Network, Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone (4202) North American Datum of 1983, 2011 adjustment, no scale and no projection. 4.) Existing or future minimum set-backs established by city ordinance shall take precedence over building lines indicated on the plat. Zoning classifications indicated on this plat reflect the zoning in place at the time this plat was approved and does not represent a vested right to the zoning indicated. 5.) All lots in this subdivision are subject to the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions recorded under County Clerk's File Number 2004-164097, Real Property Records, Denton County Texas and the Bylaws of Lake Ridge Estates Owners Association recorded under County Clerk's File Number 2004-164098, Real Property Records, Denton County Texas. 6.) No Construction of filling, without the approval of the City of Sanger shall be allowed within the floodplain area, and then only after detailed engineering plans and studies show that no flooding will result, that no obstruction of the natural flow of water will result and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming part to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above base flood elevation. GENERAL NOTES JDC/ CF 8/3/2018 1701.062-08 EAGLE SURVEYING, LLC 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 TX Firm #10194177 OWNERS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS † COUNTY OF DENTON † WHEREAS, MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC , is the sole owner of all that certain parcel of land situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract Number 29, Denton County, Texas, being a part of a tract of land described in General Warranty Deed dated July 28, 2017 conveyed from Sanger Development, L.P., to Marion Hills Apartments, LLC, according to the deed thereof recorded in Instrument Number2017-92008 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block B, Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 1, an addition to the City of Sanger, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet V, Page 752 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas, and being at the beginning of a curve to the left, having a radius of 512.68 feet, with a chord bearing and distance of 6RXWKƒ :HVWIHHW Thence along the west boundary line of said Lot 1, arc distance of 125.46 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "Eagle Surveying" set for corner, said point lies in the east right-of-way line of Lake Ridge Drive (60' R.O.W.); 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ :HVWRYHUDQGDFURVVVDLG/DNH5LGJH'ULYHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUWKHQRUWKHDVWFRUQHURI/RW Block A of said Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 1, and being in the west right-of-way line of Lake Ridge Drive, and being at the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 572.68 feet, ZLWKDFKRUGEHDULQJDQGGLVWDQFHRI1RUWKƒ (DVWIHHW Thence over and across said Marion Hills Apartments, LLC tract the following calls to wit: Along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 140.43 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "Eagle Surveying" set for corner; 1RUWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 1RUWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHUDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDFXUYHWRWKHOHIWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRI IHHWZLWKDFKRUGEHDULQJDQGGLVWDQFHRI1RUWKƒ (DVWIHHW Along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 84.47 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "Eagle Surveying" set for corner; 6RXWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ :HVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ :HVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHUDQGEHLQJDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDFXUYHWRWKHOHIWKDYLQJDUDGLXV RIIHHWZLWKDFKRUGEHDULQJDQGGLVWDQFHRI6RXWKƒ :HVWIHHW Along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 98.81 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "Eagle Surveying" set for corner; 6RXWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ :HVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ (DVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 6RXWKƒ :HVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHU 1RUWKƒ :HVWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUWKHVRXWKHDVWFRUQHURI/RW%ORFN)/DNH5LGJH(VWDWHV3KDVHDQ addition to the City of Sanger according to the plat thereof recorded in Document Number 2017-34 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas; 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ (DVWDORQJWKHHDVWERXQGDU\OLQHRIVDLG/RW%ORFN)DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUWKHQRUWKHDVWFRUQHU thereof, and being in the south right-of-way line of Waterfront Drive (50' R.O.W.); 7KHQFH6RXWKƒ (DVWZLWKWKHVRXWKULJKWRIZD\OLQHRIVDLG:DWHUIURQW'ULYHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWDWWKHEHJLQQLQJ RIDFXUYHWRWKHOHIWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRIIHHWZLWKDFKRUGEHDULQJDQGGLVWDQFHRI1RUWKƒ (DVWIHHW 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ (DVWRYHUDQGDFURVV:DWHUIURQW'ULYHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHUDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDFXUYHWR WKHULJKWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRIIHHWZLWKDFKRUGEHDULQJDQGGLVWDQFHRI6RXWKƒ :HVWIHHW Thence along the north right-of-way line of Waterfront Drive, an arc distance of 35.56 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "Eagle Surveying" set for corner; 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ :HVWDORQJWKHQRUWKULJKWRIZD\OLQHRI:DWHUIURQW'ULYHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHUDWWKH beginning of a corner clip at the northeast intersection of Waterfront Drive and Cliffview Drive (50' R.O.W.); 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ :HVWDORQJVDLGFRUQHUFOLSDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUFRUQHUDQGEHLQJLQWKHHDVWULJKWRIZD\OLQHRI Cliffview Drive; 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ (DVWZLWKWKHHDVWULJKWRIZD\OLQHRI&OLIIYLHZ'ULYHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUWKHVRXWKZHVWFRUQHURI Lot 19, Block B of said Lake Ridge Estates, Phase 2; 7KHQFH6RXWKƒ (DVWDORQJWKHVRXWKERXQGDU\OLQHRIVDLG/RWDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH6XUYH\LQJVHWIRUWKHVRXWKHDVWFRUQHU thereof; 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ (DVWDORQJWKHHDVWERXQGDU\OLQHRI/RWV%ORFN%RIVDLG/DNH5LGJH(VWDWHV3KDVHDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRDFDSSHGLURQURGVWDPSHG(DJOH Surveying" set for the northeast corner of said Lot 9; 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ :HVWDORQJWKHQRUWKERXQGDU\OLQHRI/RW%ORFN%RIVDLG/DNH5LGJH(VWDWHV3KDVHDQG/RWV%ORFN%RIDQDIRUHPHQWLRQHG/DNH5LGJH(VWDWHV3KDVH 1, a distance of 523.85 feet to a 1/2" capped iron rod stamped "Eagle Surveying" set for corner in the north boundary line of said Lot 1, Block B; 7KHQFH1RUWKƒ :HVWZLWKWKHQRUWKERXQGDU\OLQHRIVDLG/RW%ORFN%DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRWKHPOINT OF BEGINNING and enclosing 11.15 acres of land, more or less. OWNERS DEDICATION NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC , acting herein by and through its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designated herein as LAKE RIDGE ESTATES, PHASE 3, are hereby dedicated in fee simple to Denton County for municipal purposes. The utility and fire lane easements (street, alleys, and common areas) shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies and all public and private utilities for each particular use. No buildings, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the utility easements as shown. Said utility easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance of efficiency of its respective system on the utility easements and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress-egress to and from and upon the said utility easements for the purpose of construction, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems with out the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Any public utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purposes of reading meters and any maintenance and service required or ordinarily performed by that utility. OWNER: MARION HILLS APARTMENTS, LLC BY: _______________________________________________ Joesph Palmer Date STATE OF TEXAS † COUNTY OF _________† BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared JOESPH PALMER , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this ______ day of ________________, 2017. _______________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires on _____________. PRELIMINARY, THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY REASON CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS † COUNTY OF DENTON † I, Matthew Raabe, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared from and actual survey made on the ground and that the monuments shown hereon were found or placed with 1/2" iron rods capped "Eagle Surveying" under my direction and supervision in accordance with the current provisions of the Texas Administrative Code and the Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. ____________________________________________ Matthew Raabe R.P.L.S. # 6402 Date STATE OF TEXAS † COUNTY OF TARRANT † BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Matthew Raabe, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this ______ day of ___________________, 2017. _____________________________________ John Cox, Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My commission expires on July 11, 2020. Page 3 of 3FINAL PLAT LAKE RIDGE ESTATES, PHASE 3 LOTS 1-22, BLOCK B, LOTS 1-13, BLOCK G, LOTS 2-8, BLOCK F & LOTS 1-11, BLOCK H 11.15 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 29, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ________________________________ ____________________________ THOMAS MUIR DATE MAYOR OF SANGER, TX ATTESTED BY ________________________________ ____________________________ CHERYL PRICE, CITY SECRETARY DATE CITY OF SANGER, TX = INSTRUMENT NUMBERINST# = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUNDCIRF = CAPPED IRON ROD SETCIRS = RIGHT-OF-WAYR.O.W. DEED RECORDSD.R.D.C.T. = VOLUMEVOL = PAGEPG DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= PLAT RECORDSP.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= LEGEND = POINT OF BEGINNINGPOB REAL PROPERTY RECORDSR.P.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= IMPROVEMENTS STATEMENT 1. Water service to be provided by: City of Sanger 301 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 (940) 458-9096 2. Sanitary sewer service to be provided by: City of Sanger 301 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 (940) 458-9096 3. All other utility providers: Coserv (electric)Sprint-Central Texas (telephone) 7701 S. Stemmons 303 E. Walnut Street Corinth, Texas 76210 Decatur, Texas 76234 (940) 274-4014 1-(800)-274-4014 4. All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings, and other obstruction to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. 5. Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited. 6. This property is located within the City of Sanger. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0037 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Estates at Wind Song Hill Addition, Being 66.181 Acres in the J.P.B. January Survey, Abstract No. 658, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of Kildee Trail and East of Bob White Way. Applicant: David Tucker ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property in 57 lots of record for single family residential development. The subject property is located within the ETJ of City of Sanger. The Plat has been sent to Denton County for a courtesy review. Water service will be Bolivar Water, electric will be provided by Coserv Electric. The plat meets City of Sanger Subdivision regulations. The applicant has also submitted Construction/Civil Plans to Development Services which are currently being reviewed by a third party engineer. Staff Recommendation The plat meets City of Sanger Subdivision regulations and Staff recommends APPROVAL of the plat. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, September 4, 2018. Attachments  Location Map  Application  Letter of Intent  Final Plat 24174 5 56285 28370 3 117033 562 69 117 026 113 349 111744 25797 8117040 113359 117037 257 989 117017 257 985 257 991 155 282 117019 113 358 25413 5 132 534 111 768 113 362 15528 4 113354 257 979 257 982 111 755 117025 117021 25798 3 240 152 111 762 257 981 25798 6 257 984 117014 117 023 113352 117 041 111746 117 013 257 980 257 987 117 035 113356 113 361 113 350 117011 117 027 111743 111766 111 741 117 032 117 024 117 028 25413 4 257 988117030117029 111 747 25799 0 254 133 184 064 BOB WHITEWAY N BOBWHITE WAY KILDEE TRL FIELD LARK LN Estates ofWindsongHill /Location Exhibit: Estates of Windsong HillOrd # __________________ 0 500 1,00 0250 Fe et DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 7/22 /2018 8:14:30 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_Estat esWindsongHillExhibitsParcels PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2018 Case #: 18SANZON-0039 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Amended Plat of Lots 1-A and 2-A, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being an Amendment of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, Being 0.473 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey A- 29, an Addition to the City of Sanger, Generally Located South and West of the Intersection of Kirkland Street and Sims Street. Applicant: Jerald Yensan, Landmark Surveyors, LLC ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to amend the existing plat of Lots 1-3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition to decrease the total number of lots from 3 to 2 lots (Lot 1-A; Lot 2-A). The subject property is located in SF-10 (Single Family Residential District - 10) Zoning District and meets all SF-10 zoning standards. The amended lots meet the minimum requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The amendment does not attempt to remove any restrictions, increase the number of lots, or require the creation of new streets or make necessary extension of municipal facilities. The property is served by all City of Sanger utilities. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and recommends APPROVAL. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, September 4, 2018. Attachments  Location Map  Application  Letter of Intent  Amended Plat  SF-10 Zoning Regulations 60078 148417 84780 60123 60106 60133 60127 60117 56804 56802207900722369722370 60394 60391 60393 60392 60038 KIRKLAND ST E WILLOW ST SIMS ST KirklandAddn /Location Exhibit: Kirkland Street AddnOrd # __________________ 0 100 20050 Feet DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 7/21 /2018 2:12:29 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_KirklandStreetAdd nExhibitsParcels DRAWN BY:JOB NO:SCALE:1"=20' DATE: 4238 I-35 NORTH ANDMARK SURVEYORS, LLC. BTH (940) 382-4016 FAX (940) 387-9784 DENTON, TEXAS 76207 17 JULY, 2018 184286 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=20' AMENDING PLAT LOTS 1-A AND 2-A, BLOCK A OF KIRKLAND STREET ADDITION BEING 0.473 ACRE IN THE R. BEBEE SURVEY A-29 CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TX FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10098600Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations.SCALE 1" = 2000' VICINITY MAP PR O J E C T L O C A T I O N OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON; WHEREAS WE, Dentex Investments, LLC, are the owners of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract Number 29 in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being all of Lots 1 through 3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded under Document number 2018-262, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an iron rod found for corner in the original south line of Kirkland Street, a public roadway, said point being the northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Kenneth Cornell to Sylvester Royal and wife, Georgia P. Royal recorded in Volume 911, Page 510, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE S 08° 11’ 19” E, 7.24 feet with the east line of said Royal tract to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 88° 06’ 37” E, 209.91 feet with the south line of said Kirkland Street to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner; THENCE S 00° 48’ 28” E, 102.81 feet to a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for corner in the north line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Delbert George Sims et al to Norvesta B. Sims recorded in Volume 1049, Page 813, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 87° 18’ 59” W, 197.00 feet with said north line of said Sims tract and with the north line of that certain “Tract III” of land conveyed by deed from Larry Bailey et al to Bailey Family Partners II, Ltd. recorded under Document Number 2012-147784, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas to an iron rod found for corner in the east line of said Royal tract; THENCE N 08° 11’ 19” W, 101.54 feet with said east line of said Royal tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 0.473 acre of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT We, the aforesaid owners of land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, and in person or through a duly authorized agent do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above tract as LOTS 1-A AND 2-A, BLOCK A, KIRKLAND STREET ADDITION, amending Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block A of Kirkland Street Addition, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, utility easements, drainage easements, and public places as shown thereon for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. All and any public utilities shall have the full right to remove and keep removed all growths which may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at anytime of procuring the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2018 ________________________________________________________________ Joe Strittmatter, Authorized Representative, Dentex Investments, LLC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Joe Strittmatter, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2018 ________________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS My commission expires ______________________ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ______________________________________________ Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ATTESTED BY ___________________________________________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. _____________________________________________________ Jerald D. Yensan Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4561 SECTION 52 “SF-10” - SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 10 General Purpose and Description - This district was previously the Old SF-3 Single-Family Residential District - 3. The Old SF-3 was renamed in May 2010 to SF-10 to prevent confusion with the SF-3 district described in Section 11 of the Zoning Ordinance. 52.1 PERMITTED USES: A. Uses permitted in the SF-2 through SF-10 districts are outlined in the chart in Section 30. 52.2 AREA REGULATIONS: A. Size of Yards: 1. Minimum Front Yard - Twenty-five feet (25')[.] 2. Minimum Side Yard - eight feet (8'); Twenty feet (20') on corner adjacent to side street. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty -five feet (25'). 3. Minimum Rear Yard - Twenty-five feet (25')[.] B. Size of Lots: 1. Minimum Lot Area - Six thousand five hundred (6,500) square feet[.] 2. Minimum Lot Width - Sixty feet (60')[.] 3. Minimum Lot Depth - One hundred feet (100')[.] C. Minimum Dwelling Size: One thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet[.] D. Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty percent (40%) by the main building; Sixty percent (60%) by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking; and any other concrete work, flat work, etc. E. Parking Regulations: Not less than two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces and Loading Requirements shall be provided in Section 32. F. Other Regulations: 1. Accessory Buildings: a. Minimum Front Yard - Sixty feet (60')[.] b. Minimum Side Yard - Ten feet (10')[.] c. Minimum Rear Yard - Ten feet (10')[.] (Ordinance 05-10-10 adopted 5/3/10)