02/14/2022-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2022 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation. 2.CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The Planning and Zoning Commission is unable to respond or discuss any issues brought up during this section.) 3.CONSENT AGENDA: a.Approval of Minutes b.MINUTES FROM 12­13­21 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.SANGER LODGING ­ REPLAT Conduct a public hearing on a Replat of Block 1 Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 and generally located on the east side of I­35 and approximately 769 feet south of the intersection of FM 455 and I­35 frontage road.  6.VINSON ACRES ADDITION ­ MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Vinson Acres Addition, being 9.728 acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd, 1804 feet south of FM 455. 7.INFORMATION ITEMS: 8.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Board to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Board or at the call of the Mayor). 9.ADJOURN. Page 1 AGENDAPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONMONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 20227:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The Planning and Zoning Commission is unable to respond ordiscuss any issues brought up during this section.)3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutesb.MINUTES FROM 12­13­214.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.SANGER LODGING ­ REPLATConduct a public hearing on a Replat of Block 1 Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2, of the Sanger LodgingAddition, within the City of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 and generally located on the eastside of I­35 and approximately 769 feet south of the intersection of FM 455 and I­35 frontageroad. 6.VINSON ACRES ADDITION ­ MINOR PLATConsider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Vinson Acres Addition, being 9.728 acres, in the City ofSanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd, 1804 feet south of FM 455.7.INFORMATION ITEMS:8.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Board to bring forward items theywish to discuss at a future meeting, A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice hasnot been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may begiven. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for asubsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Board orat the call of the Mayor). 9.ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. Kelly Edwards, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 14, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM:  ITEM/CAPTION: MINUTES FROM 12­13­21 AGENDA TYPE:  ACTION REQUESTED:   BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: FUNDS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type MINUTES FROM 12­13­21 2/11/2022 Cover Memo Page 3 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2021 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Sally Amendola, Jackie Turner, Phillip Surles, Matt Fuller, Allen McAlister, Shane Stone BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Miller STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Stefani Dodson 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation. As there was a quorum Phillip Surles called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. 2.CITIZEN INPUT: No citizens came forward to speak. 3.CONSENT AGENDA: Sally Amendola made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as it was presented.  Matt Fuller seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 6­0 vote. a.Approval of Minutes 1.MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 11, 2021 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items were removed. REGULAR AGENDA 5.BULL BARE ADDITION ­ MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Bull Bare Addition, being 7.013 acres in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on the south side of FM 455 and approximately 226 feet east of Creekview Rd.  Page 1Page 4 MINUTESPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONMONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 20217:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:Sally Amendola, Jackie Turner, Phillip Surles, Matt Fuller, Allen McAlister, Shane StoneBOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:Jason MillerSTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Stefani Dodson1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.As there was a quorum Phillip Surles called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m..2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens came forward to speak.3.CONSENT AGENDA:Sally Amendola made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as it was presented.  Matt Fullerseconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 6­0 vote.a.Approval of Minutes1.MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 11, 20214.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed.REGULAR AGENDA5.BULL BARE ADDITION ­ MINOR PLATConsider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of the Bull Bare Addition, being 7.013 acres in the City of Sanger's ETJ, and generally located on the south side of FM 455 and approximately 226 feet east of Creekview Rd.  Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds briefly went over the project.  She explained the applicant is wanting to build and that is the reason for the plat at this time.  Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds explained there is no zoning as the project is in our ETJ. Phillip Surles made a motion to approve with the condition all comments are made before City Council.  Shane Stone seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 6­0 vote. 6.METZ/VIEW ADDITION ­ PRELIMINARY PLAT Consider a Preliminary Plat of Lots 1­23, Block A and Lots 1­24, Block B of Metz/View Addition, being 59.97 acres of the William Mason Survey, Abstract Number 801, Denton County, Texas, located within the City of Sanger and it’s ETJ, and generally located on the north east corner of Metz Rd and View Rd. (Hammonds) At the time of the meeting the applicant decided to withdraw the project. 7.INFORMATION ITEMS: No items. 8.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: No items were discussed. 9.ADJOURN. As there were no remaining items Phillip Surles called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m.. Page 2Page 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 14, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: SANGER LODGING ­ REPLAT Conduct a public hearing on a Replat of Block 1 Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 and generally located on the east side of I­35 and approximately 769 feet south of the intersection of FM 455 and I­35 frontage road.  AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to replat Block 1 Lot 1R­1, Lot 1R­2 2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City of Sanger, in order to create an additional commercial lot. The site is currently the Holiday Inn Express location. By replatting the lot, it will allow for an additional commercial lot along the I­35 Frontage Rd. The site is zoned B­2. Staff mailed 29 public hearing notices to the owners within 200 feet of the subject property. No responses were received at the time of this report. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A  FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommend APPROVAL with the condition all comments are addressed prior to City Council approval  Page 6 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 14, 2022TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:SANGER LODGING ­ REPLATConduct a public hearing on a Replat of Block 1 Lot 1R­1 and Lot 1R­2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within theCity of Sanger, being approximately 2.637 and generally located on the east side of I­35 and approximately 769 feetsouth of the intersection of FM 455 and I­35 frontage road. AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to replat Block 1 Lot 1R­1, Lot 1R­2 2, of the Sanger Lodging Addition, within the City ofSanger, in order to create an additional commercial lot. The site is currently the Holiday Inn Express location. Byreplatting the lot, it will allow for an additional commercial lot along the I­35 Frontage Rd. The site is zoned B­2. Staffmailed 29 public hearing notices to the owners within 200 feet of the subject property. No responses were received atthe time of this report.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommend APPROVAL with the condition all comments are addressed prior to City Council approval  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Location Map 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Application 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Replat 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Planning Comments 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Engineering Comments 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Page 7 57 23 5 14 93 92 58 07 5 21 90 03 78 09 8 58 14 6 112 94 4 58 07 8 58 15 25712157201 58 03 6 58 05 1 57 08 3 58 02 6 19 98 37 57 20 7 58 05 6 57 22 3 53 65 50 53 65 49 73 35 58 I-35SERVICEI-35SERVICE N 10TH ST I-35 PECAN ST I-35 /Project Name: Sanger Lodging Replat600 N StemmonsProject: 22SANZO N-0002 0 100 20050 Fe et DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 1/29 /2 02 2 4 :5 9:2 5 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 00 2 _S an g erL od gin g Rep latCity L imi ts Exhi bi ts SubjectArea Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 CALLED 0.466 ACRES RICHESON RESTAURANTS COMPANY #2 VOLUME 2133, PAGE 272 R.P.R.D.C.T. FIRST TRACT JAMES RAY O'DELL DOCUMENT NO. 2002-142971 R.P.R.D.C.T. CALLED 0.26 ACRES MIKE WATKINS DOCUMENT NO. 2001-43746 R.P.R.D.C.T. SECOND TRACT JAMES RAY O'DELL DOCUMENT NO. 2002-142971 R.P.R.D.C.T. S 0 0 ° 0 7 ' 0 4 " W 1 4 0 . 1 3 ' N 2 5 ° 4 9 ' 0 2 " E 3 6 1 . 8 6 ' N 67°0 4 ' 1 1 " E 94.88 ' S 3 2 ° 3 5 ' 2 9 " E 2 2 7 . 4 7 ' N 89°49'20" E 40.03' LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SANGER LODGING ADDITION DOCUMENT NO. 2018-283 P.R.D.C.T. 23 3 . 6 9 ' 12 8 . 1 7 ' 1 7 3 . 4 0 ' 5 4 . 0 7 ' 1ƒ : POB L O T 1R-1 2.03 ACRES B L O C K 1 L O T 1R-2 0.61 ACRES CIRS CIRS CIRS CIRS CIRS 1/2"CIRF "METROPLEX 1849" 1/2"CIRF "METROPLEX 1849" 1/2" IRF 1/2"CIRF "METROPLEX 1849" 1/2" IRF TRACT II JAMES RAY O'DELL DOCUMENT NO. 2016-115090 R.P.R.D.C.T. LOT 18, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 17, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 16, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 15, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 14, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 13, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. LOT 12, BLOCK 7 BURGESS ADDITION VOLUME 187, PAGE 574 D.R.D.C.T. STEVIE EATON DOCUMENT NO. 1996-33167 R.P.R.D.C.T. 20 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T DO C U M E N T N O . 2 0 1 8 - 2 8 3 P.R . D . C . T . 2 0 ' U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T D O C U M E N T N O . 2 0 1 8 - 2 8 3 P . R . D . C . T . 15' UTILITY EASEMENT DOCUMENT NO. 2018-283 P.R.D.C.T. M A P L E S T R E E T V A R I A B L E W I D T H R I G H T - O F - W A Y I N T E R S T A T E H I G H W A Y 3 5 S T E M M O N S F R E E W A Y VA R I A B L E W I D T H R I G H T - O F - W A Y LOT 2, BLOCK A RAY ROBERTS PLAZA CABINET O, PAGE 180 P.R.D.C.T. CALLED 0.208 ACRES TRACT II TEK-CO PROPERTIES, LLC DOCUMENT NO. 2016-104339 R.P.R.D.C.T. LOT 1B, BLOCK A RAY ROBERTS PLAZA DOCUMENT NO. 2012-103 P.R.D.C.T. LOT 1A, BLOCK A RAY ROBERTS PLAZA DOCUMENT NO. 2012-103 P.R.D.C.T. N 88°44'16" W 500.35' C1 C2 HENRY TIE R W E S T E R S U R V E Y , ABSTRACT N O . 1 2 4 1 N:7182004.97 E:2372012.46 N:7181875.86 E:2371511.95 CL CL CL CL C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L CL CL CL 82 ' D R A I N A G E / D E T E N T I O N E A S E M E N T VARIABLE WIDTH MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT Drafter Project Date 1.) The purpose of this replat is to split the existing lot into two separate lots. 2.)This property is located in "Non-shaded Zone X" according to the F.E.M.A. Flood Insurance Rate Map dated April 18, 2011 as shown on Map Number 48121C0210G. 3.)The grid coordinates shown on this plat are based on GPS observations utilizing the AllTerra RTKNET Cooperative network. NAD 83(2011) State Plane Coordinate System (Texas North Central Zone - 4202). 4.)Notice: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law, and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 5.) All interior property corners are marked with a 1/2-inch iron rod with a green plastic cap stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" unless noted otherwise. 6.)The bearings shown on this plat are based on GPS observations utilizing the AllTerra RTKNET Cooperative network. NAD 83(2011) Datum. 7.)Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Electric service are provided by the City of Sanger. 8.)All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 9.) This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 10.) All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by teh HOA/POA. Any common area with in the City's right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City. 11.) This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 12.) Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year floodplain. GENERAL NOTES TR 04/28/2020 2003.042-01 VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) REPLAT SANGER LODGING ADDITION LOTS 1R-1 & 1R-2, BLOCK 1 2.64 ACRES REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF SANGER LODGING ADDITION, RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2018-283 P.R.D.C.T., HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1241, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS EAGLE SURVEYING, LLC 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 TX Firm #10194177 SURVEYOR Eagle Surveying, LLC Contact: John Cox 210 S. Elm Street, Suite: 104 Denton, TX 76201 (940) 222-3009 OWNER Sanger Lodging, LLC Contact: Dev Surati 1400 N Stemmons Freeway Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 206-2001 PAGE 1 OF 1 N 1" = 40' 0 4020 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE & DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS, SANGER LODGING, LLC, is the owner of a 2.64 acre tract of land situated in the Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas and being all of Lot 1, Block 1 of Sanger Lodging Addition, recorded in Document Number 2018-283 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNINGDWD´LURQURGZLWKFDSVWDPSHG³0(7523/(;´IRXQGDWWKH1RUWKHDVWFRUQHURIVDLG Sanger Lodging Addition and the common Northwest corner of Lot 12, Block 7 of the Burgess Addition, recorded in Volume 187, Page 574 of the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas and also being in the South Right-of-Way (R.O.W.) line of Maple Street (a variable width R.O.W.); THENCE6ƒ :ZLWKWKH(DVWOLQHRIVDLG6DQJHU/RGJLQJ$GGLWLRQDQGWKHFRPPRQ:HVWOLQHRI VDLG/RW%ORFNDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRD´LURQURGZLWKFDS VWDPSHG³0(7523/(;´IRXQGDWWKH6RXWKHDVWFRUQHURIVDLG6DQJHU/RGJLQJ$GGLWLRQDQGWKH common Southwest corner of said Lot 12, Block 7 and also being in the North line of a tract of land described in deed to Stevie Eaton recorded in Document Number 1996-33167 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE1ƒ :ZLWKWKH6RXWKOLQHRIVDLG6DQJHU/RGJLQJ$GGLWLRQDGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWR D´LURQURGZLWKFDSVWDPSHG³0(7523/(;´IRXQGDWWKH6RXWKZHVWFRUQHURIVDLG6DQJHU Lodging Addition and the common Northwest corner of a tract of land described in deed to Richeson Restaurants Company #2 and also being in the East R.O.W. line of Interstate Highway 35/Stemmons Freeway (a variable width R.O.W.); THENCE1ƒ (ZLWKWKH:HVWOLQHRIVDLG6DQJHU/RGJLQJ$GGLWLRQDQGWKHFRPPRQ(DVW 52:OLQHRIVDLG,QWHUVWDWH+LJKZD\6WHPPRQV)UHHZD\DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRD´LURQURG found at the Northwest corner of said Sanger Lodging Addition, at the intersection of the East R.O.W. line of said Interstate Highway 35/Stemmons Freeway and the South R.O.W. line of said Maple Street; THENCE with the North line of said Sanger Lodging Addition and the South R.O.W. line of said Maple Street the following courses and distances; 1ƒ (DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRD´LURQURGIRXQG :LWKDQRQWDQJHQWFXUYHWRWKHULJKWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRIIHHWDGHOWDDQJOHRIƒ DFKRUG EHDULQJRI6ƒ (DFKRUGOHQJWKRIIHHWDQGDQDUFOHQJWKRIIHHWWRD´LURQURG found; 6ƒ (DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRD´LURQURGZLWKFDSVWDPSHG³($*/( 6859(<,1*´VHW :LWKDQRQWDQJHQWFXUYHWRWKHOHIWKDYLQJDUDGLXVRIIHHWDGHOWDDQJOHRIƒ DFKRUG EHDULQJRI6ƒ (DFKRUGOHQJWKRIIHHWDQGDQDUFOHQJWKRIIHHWWRD´LURQURG ZLWKFDSVWDPSHG³($*/(6859(<,1*´VHW 1ƒ (DGLVWDQFHRIIHHWWRWKHPOINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2.64 acres of land more or less. NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, SANGER LODGING, LLC, does hereby adopt this plat, designating herein described property as SANGER LODGING ADDITION, an addition to the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to public use forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, easements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the drainage and utility easements as shown. Said drainage and utility easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the drainage and utility easement and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said drainage and utility easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. OWNER: SANGER LODGING, LLC, a Texas limited liability company BY: ____________________________________________________ Dev Surati Date STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF ____________§ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEV SURATI, Managing Member of SANGER LODGING, LLC, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this _______ day of _______________________, 2021. _______________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUNDCIRF DEED RECORDSD.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= REAL PROPERTY RECORDSR.P.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= LEGEND = POINT OF BEGINNINGPOB PRELIMINARY this document shall not be recorded for any purpose and shall not be used or viewed or relied upon as a final survey document = CAPPED IRON ROD SETCIRS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS ______________________________________ ___________________________ Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ______________________________________ ___________________________ Thomas Muir Date Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas ATTEST: _______________________________________ ____________________________ Cheryl Price, City Secretary Date City of Sanger, Tx CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I, MATTHEW RAABE, Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared from an actual survey made on the ground and that the monuments shown hereon were found or placed with 1/2-inch iron rods with green plastic caps stamped "EAGLE SURVEYING" under my direction and supervision in accordance with the current provisions of the Texas Administrative Code and the Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. ________________________________ Matthew Raabe, R.P.L.S. # 6402 __________________________ Date STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared MATTHEW RAABE, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE this ________ day of _________________________, 2021. ___________________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas PLAT RECORDSP.R.D.C.T.DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS= 455 35 SITE LOCATION FI F T H S T TE N T H S T PECAN ST MAPLE ST WILLOW ST KE A T O N R D CURVE TABLE CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 33.82'24.76'ƒ 6ƒ (31.25' C2 74.09'76.57'ƒ 6ƒ (71.23' Page 11 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 02/03/2022 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Replat (Sanger Lodging Addition) Request is for a Replat of Sanger Lodging Addition platting Lot 1R-1 and Lot 1R-2, Block 1 being approximately 2.64 acres, prepared by Eagle Surveying submitted on 01/19/2022. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Add total number of lots in title block 2. Provide on Plat the name, address, and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development and include will serve letters. 3. Update City Secretary name to Kelly Edwards Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Replat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, February 14, 2022, and for City Council meeting on Monday March 7, 2022. Engineering Comments and Markups are Provided in Separate Documents Page 12 3803 Parkwood Blvd. Suite 800 Frisco, Texas 75034 (214) 618-4570 Fax (214) 739-0095 February 3, 2022 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Replat for Sanger Lodging Addition First Review Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to provide a first review of the Replat for Lots 1R-1 and 1R-2, Block 1, Sanger Lodging Addition. The purpose of the replat is to subdivide the existing tract into two separate lots. The proposed addition is located within the City of Sanger limits south of the intersection of Maple Street and Stemmons Freeway. The replat was prepared by Eagle Surveying, LLC and is dated April 28, 2020. We have completed our review of the plans and have the following comments: General Comments: 1. Verify the date on the plat. The current date has the preparation as April of 2020. 2. Provide a closure report per 10.104(d)(10)(b) in the Sanger Code of Ordinances. 3. Show required setbacks (front, rear, and side) for all proposed lots on the plat per zoning ordinance. Chapter 4 in the Code of Ordinances. 4. Specify zoning on the plat per Chapter 4, Code of Ordinances. 5. Include a drainage easement for the existing storm drain line that will convey drainage across lot lines to the detention pond once the lot is subdivided. 6. Provide bearings and distances for the proposed mutual access easement per 10.104(d)(10)(J) in the Code of Ordinances. 7. 10.104(d)(10)(W) in the Code of Ordinances. Page 13 Ms. Ramie Hammonds February 3, 2022 Page 2 of 2 The Engineer/Owner shall revise the replat to address the above-stated comments. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (817) 764-7467. Sincerely, HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. TBPELS Firm No. 312 Leigh A. Hollis, P.E. Attachments: Markups Page 14 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 14, 2022 TO: John Noblitt, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: VINSON ACRES ADDITION ­ MINOR PLAT Consider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Vinson Acres Addition, being 9.728 acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on Sam Bass Rd, 1804 feet south of FM 455. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot of 9.728 acres, from 1 unplatted tract. The lot currently has access from Sam Bass Rd and will have approximately 260 feet of frontage on the public ROW. The applicant is dedicating 0.269 acres of right­of­way along Sam Bass Rd. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all staff comments are satisfied prior to City Council Approval. ATTACHMENTS: Page 15 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 14, 2022TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:VINSON ACRES ADDITION ­ MINOR PLATConsider a Minor Plat of Lot 1, Block A of Vinson Acres Addition, being 9.728 acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, andgenerally located on Sam Bass Rd, 1804 feet south of FM 455.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to create 1 lot of 9.728 acres, from 1 unplatted tract. The lot currently has access from SamBass Rd and will have approximately 260 feet of frontage on the public ROW. The applicant is dedicating 0.269 acresof right­of­way along Sam Bass Rd. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoningregulations apply. The property meets City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all staff comments are satisfied prior to City Council Approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Location Map 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Application 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Minor Plat 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Planning Comments 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Engineering Comments 2/10/2022 Cover Memo Page 16 12 28 08 52 76 44 59 76 6 76 73 1 57 68 2 16 31 01 99 06 7 57 69 2 57 70 1 12 28 03 57 74 2 59 75 4 57 70 8 57 69 4 20 43 14 20 43 15 76 43 7 113 14 0 15 53 18 15 53 17 16 31 00 57 64 9 57 65 6 57 76 2 57 76 5 13 26 01 56 40 7 S A M B A SS RD /Project Name: Vinson Acres AddnMinor PlatProject: 22SANZO N-0004 0 200 400100 Fe et DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 1/29 /2 02 2 5 :0 6:1 3 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 00 4 _V in so nA cre sAd dn _Min o rPla tCity L imi ts Exhi bi ts SubjectArea Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Letter of Intent Project Name: Vinson Acres Addition Project Type: Minor Plat Owner Information: Clinton Joseph Vinson & Chelsea Anne Vinson 8802 Bernard Rd Sanger, TX 76266 (214) 998-9454 cvinson@meritprofessional.com Plat Prepared By: Daniel Hogg PLS, Inc. 1200 S. Woodrow Ln, Ste. 200 Denton, TX 76205 (940) 808-1191 d.hogg@plswf.com To whom it may concern, The owners of a called 10.00 acre tract of land located on Sam Bass Road, within the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, TX, wish to plat said property into a single residential lot for the purpose of building a home. The property is located approximately 4 miles West of the City of Sanger This letter is to server as request for the aforementioned Minor Plat to be reviewed and considered by the appropriate approval body of the City of Sanger, TX. Page 27 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS DENTON COUNTY MINOR PLAT LOT 1, BLOCK A VINSON ACRES ADDITION 9.997 ACRES GROSS (435,488 SQ. FT.) 9.728 ACRES (423,759 SQ. FT.) IN 1 RESIDENTIAL LOT 0.269 OF AN ACRE (11,729 SQ. FT.) R.O.W. DEDICATION J. WEST SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1428 M. ROLLS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1096 CITY OF SANGER E.T.J. DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS DATE OF PREPARATION: JANUARY 19, 2022 SURVEYOR: JOE C. VAUGHN, JR. TEXAS R.P.L.S. NO. 5926 PIPELINE LAND SERVICES, INC. (940) 808 - 1191 1200 S. WOODROW LN. #200 DENTON, TX 76205 FIRM REGISTRATION NO: 10129300 LAND OWNERS: CLINTON JOSEPH VINSON CHELSEA ANNE VINSON 8802 BERNARD ROAD SANGER TEXAS, 76266 (214) 998-9454 STATE OF TEXAS DENTON COUNTY APPROVED: SITE STATE OF TEXAS DENTON COUNTY POB N:7178780.04 E:2360159.14 CLINTON JOSEPH VINSON AND CHELSEA ANNE VINSON CALLED 10.00 ACRES INST. NO. 2021-16100 O.R.D.C.T. N:7179271.46 E:2360168.72 THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. IT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND SHALL NOT BE USED, VIEWED, OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT Z: \ 2 0 2 1 \ C l i n t V i n s o n \ T B D S a m B a s s R o w \ P l a t \ T B D S a m B a s s R o a d - P L A T . d w g Page 28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 02/03/2022 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Minor Plat (Vinson Acres Addition) Request is for a Minor Plat of Vinson Acres Addition platting Lot 1, Block A being approximately 9.728 acres, prepared by Pipeline Land Service, Inc submitted on 01/20/2022. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Provide a sign notarized copy of private restrictions (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk. 2. Provide on Plat the name, address, and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development and include will serve letters. 3. Add Accepted to the signature block “Approved and Accepted” Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. 2. The Minor Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, February 14, 2022, and for City Council meeting on Monday March 7, 2022. Engineering Comments and Markups are Provided in Separate Documents Page 29 3803 Parkwood Blvd. Suite 800 Frisco, Texas 75034 (214) 618-4570 Fax (214) 739-0095 January 31, 2022 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Minor Plat for Ridgecrest North, Phase III First Review Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to provide a first review of the Minor Plat for Lot 1, Block A, Vinson Acres Addition. The purpose of the minor plat is to plat a single residential lot from an unplatted tract. The proposed addition is located within the ETJ of the City of Sanger north of the intersection of Sam Bass Road and Duck Creek Road. The minor plat was prepared by Pipeline Land Services, Inc. and is dated January 19, 2022. This replat is in the City of Sanger ETJ. The City of Sanger has an interlocal agreement with Denton County regarding platting, review of construction plans and construction inspection. All City of Sanger and well as Denton County standards, codes, and requirements shall apply with the more restrictive standard governing. See City Code and DCSRR Section IV, Paragraph 11. We have completed our review of the plans and have the following comments: General Comments: 1. Update Surveyor s Certificate to reference the City of Sanger instead of Cross Roads. 2. There is a conflicting document number for the recordation of the called Ready tract. Verify and update accordingly. 3. The legal description references a called Munson tract, where it appears to be referencing a called Higgins tract. Verify and update accordingly. 4. Provide a closure report per 10.104(d)(10)(b) in the Sanger Code of Ordinances. 5. Irons must be set for all property corners per Section VI, Subsection 9 in the Denton County Subdivision Rules and Regulations (DCSRR). 6. Show required setbacks (front, rear, and side) for all proposed lots on the plat per zoning ordinance. Section VI, Subsection 12 (DCSRR) and Chapter 4 in the Code of Ordinances. Page 30 Ms. Ramie Hammonds January 31, 2022 Page 2 of 2 7. Specify zoning on the plat per Chapter 4, Code of Ordinances. 8. The FEMA community panel ID is 48121CO205G. Update on Note 1. 9. Provide will-serve letters from all relevant utility companies. Show the location of existing water and sewer lines, or state intent to use on-site facilities. Section VI, Subsection 9 (DCSRR). 10. Per the City of Sanger Master Thoroughfare Plan, Sam Bass is a future M4U roadway. This requires a ROW width of 80 feet. Increase ROW dedication to 40-feet as measured from the centerline of the road. The Engineer/Owner shall revise the replat and provide construction plans to address the above-stated comments. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (817) 764-7467. Sincerely, HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. TBPELS Firm No. 312 Leigh A. Hollis, P.E. Attachments: Markups Page 31