04/13/2020-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS IMPORTANT NOTICE:  MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCE Meetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. Effective March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to allow telephonic or video ​conference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the public to decrease large groups of people from assembling in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face​to​face meetings to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID​19).  The suspension temporarily removes the requirement that government officials and members of the public be physically present at a meeting location. A recording of the telephone conference will be made available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, upon written request for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved. If you plan to speak or provide public comments during the meeting please email; sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org and indicate which item you would like to comment on.  You will need to provide the Ramie Hammonds your name, address, and the name, and/or number you are calling into the conference with for recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item.  In order to facilitate Public Hearings during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were received and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the Director of Development Services, Ramie Hammonds (sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if you do not wish to speak, and they will be e​mailed to Ramie Hammonds before the meeting.   Please provide your comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting.  The public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the meeting ID/Access Code to join the meeting.  A toll ​free number is available and noted on the list below: Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US 877 853 5257 US Toll­free 888 475 4499 US Toll­free Meeting ID: 986 054 4598 1.Call Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 2.Determine Presence of a Quorum. AGENDAPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONMONDAY, APRIL 13, 20207:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASIMPORTANT NOTICE:  MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. EffectiveMarch 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to allow telephonic orvideo​conference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the public to decrease large groupsof people from assembling in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face​to​face meetings toslow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID​19).  The suspension temporarily removes the requirementthat government officials and members of the public be physically present at a meeting location. Arecording of the telephone conference will be made available to the public in accordance with the OpenMeetings Act, upon written request for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved.If you plan to speak or provide public comments during the meeting please email;sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org and indicate which item you would like to comment on.  You willneed to provide the Ramie Hammonds your name, address, and the name, and/or number you are callinginto the conference with for recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item.  In order tofacilitate Public Hearings during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order theywere received and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to theDirector of Development Services, Ramie Hammonds (sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org) regarding anitem if you do not wish to speak, and they will be e​mailed to Ramie Hammonds before the meeting.  Please provide your comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before themeeting. The public may dial one of the the following numbers and enter the meeting ID/Access Code to join themeeting.  A toll ​free number is available and noted on the list below:Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 253 215 8782 US+1 301 715 8592 US877 853 5257 US Toll­free888 475 4499 US Toll­freeMeeting ID: 986 054 45981.Call Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 2.Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3.Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes 4.Ordinance # 04­12­20 Accessory Building Regulations 5.Kenning Addition ­ Minor Plat 6.Sure Steel ­ Preliminary Plat 7.Sable Creek Phase 4 ­ Final Plat 8.Sable Creek Phase 5 ­ Final Plat 9.Meadow Green Farm Addition ­ Preliminary Plat 10.Adjourn I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. 12:45 PM Cheryl Price City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Ordinance # 04­12­20 Accessory Building Regulations Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #04­12­20 Amending Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 34 "Accessory Building Regulations" AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: Staff has recently had several requests for accessory buildings with bathroom facilities. Our ordinance currently excludes bathroom plumbing and kitchen facilities. Staff is proposing to amend the Code of Ordinance Section 34 Accessory Building Regulations to allow bathroom plumbing and to kitchen facilities. Also, in the same paragraph where it identifies what the ordinance governs, staff is proposing to delete the sections that says "including both those attached to and those detached from the main building".  An accessory building is a detached building, anything attached would be considered part of the main building. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approval  PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Ordinance # 04­12­20 Accessory Building RegulationsConsider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #04­12­20 Amending Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances,Article 34 "Accessory Building Regulations"AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:Staff has recently had several requests for accessory buildings with bathroom facilities. Our ordinance currentlyexcludes bathroom plumbing and kitchen facilities. Staff is proposing to amend the Code of Ordinance Section 34Accessory Building Regulations to allow bathroom plumbing and to kitchen facilities. Also, in the same paragraphwhere it identifies what the ordinance governs, staff is proposing to delete the sections that says "including both thoseattached to and those detached from the main building".  An accessory building is a detached building, anythingattached would be considered part of the main building.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:Approval  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 4/9/2020 Cover Memo Ord #04­12­20 4/9/2020 Cover Memo Article 34 Clean 4/9/2020 Cover Memo Article 34 Redlined 4/9/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #04-12-20 Amending Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 34 "Accessory Building Regulations" ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview Staff has recently had several requests for accessory buildings with bathroom facilities. Our ordinance currently excludes bathroom plumbing and kitchen facilities. Staff is proposing to amend the Code of Ordinance Section 34 Accessory Building Regulations to allow bathroom plumbing and to kitchen facilities. Also, in the same paragraph where it identifies what the ordinance governs, staff is proposing to delete the sections that says "including both those attached to and those detached from the main building". An accessory building is a detached building, anything attached would be considered part of the main building. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends APPROVAL Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve this amendment if it finds it to be in the best interest of the City of Sanger and its citizens. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the amendment at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Ordinance- #04-12-20 • Article 34 Clean • Article 34 Redlined • Planning Review Comments ORDINANCE #04-12-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 34 "ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 34 ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS 34.1 In a residential or apartment district, an accessory building is a subordinate building exceeding one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor area, attached to or detached from the main building. Accessory buildings shall have no sleeping areas, shall not be used for *commercial purposes, shall not be rented and shall not be occupied. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in Sections 34.4 through 34.6 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to single-family, two-family and multi-family residential uses. Where multiple accessory structures exist on the same site, the combined sum of all accessory structures shall be used to determine the regulations applicable to size. *Commercial purposes, in this section, shall be defined as the use or occupation of people for a public purpose or economic gain, which includes, but is not limited to retail sales, manufacturing, or service industry that otherwise impacts the normal volume of traffic in the residential area. 34.2 In other districts, an accessory building is a subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to and used only in conjunction with the main building and attached to or detached from the main building. Accessory buildings shall have no sleeping areas, bathroom plumbing (except for hand sinks) or kitchen facilities, shall not be accessible to the general public, and shall not be rented, leased or sublet. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in Sections 34.4 and 34.6 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to the main building, including both those attached to and those detached from the main building. 34.3 Accessory dwelling units in the Agriculture and Residential districts shall be allowed as an incidental residential use of a building on the same lot or tract as the main dwelling unit and used by the same person or persons of the immediate family when approved as a Specific Use Permit, and meet the following standards: A. The accessory dwelling unit must be constructed to the rear of the main dwelling. Each lot must have a minimum of one-half (1/2) acre upon which an accessory dwelling unit may be constructed. B. The accessory dwelling unit may be constructed only with the issuance of a Building Permit. C. The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately from sale of the entire property, including the main dwelling unit, and shall not be sublet. D. Setback requirements shall be the same as for the main structure. 34.4 No accessory building shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, nor shall it be greater in height than the main structure. 34.5 Area Regulation for Accessory Buildings In Residential and Apartment Districts: A. Size of Yards: 1. Front Yard: Accessory buildings are not allowed within the required front yard, with the exception of a garage or carport as outlined in subsection 4 below. 2. Side Yard: There shall be a side yard not less than three (3) feet from any side lot line, alley line, or easement line; except that adjacent to a side street, the side yard shall never be less than fifteen (15) feet. 3. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard not less than three (3) feet from any lot line, alley line, or easement line. Carports, garages, or other accessory buildings, located within the rear portion of a lot as heretofore described shall not be located nearer than eight (8) feet to any side lot line. 4. Any garage or carport constructed in a residential or apartment district shall be set back not less than twenty (20) feet from any street or alley line on which it faces. 34.6 Maximum number and size of accessory buildings: A. In agricultural districts accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the lot. B. In residential districts the number of accessory buildings shall be limited to two and the total square footage of all accessory buildings combined shall be limited to 3,000 square feet. In no case shall the gross area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under the specific zoning districts. C. In industrial districts the total square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the lot. Warehouses in industrial districts are not considered accessory buildings. D. In districts other than agricultural, Industrial and residential the gross floor area of accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3,000 square feet whichever is more. In no case shall the total square footage of all accessory buildings exceed 6,000 square feet. In no case shall the area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under the specific zoning districts. The total square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed the square footage of the main building. E. Churches regardless of the zoning district may have no more than two accessory buildings. The total gross floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3000 square feet whichever is more. Accessory buildings utilized by churches may be exempted from the requirements of Chapter 3 (Building Regulations), Section 3.17 (Use of Metal Buildings Restricted) [Article 3.1700 (Exterior Construction of Buildings)] if approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. F. Schools regardless of zoning district may utilize accessory buildings only as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. Accessory buildings utilized by may be exempted from the requirements of Chapter 3 (Building Regulations), Section 3.17 (Use of Metal Buildings Restricted) [Article 3.1700 (Exterior Construction of Buildings)] if approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed . Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word , phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, fi1m or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1 .109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect on May 11, 2020. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the __ day of_____ 2020, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED _________________________________ Thomas E. · Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: __________________________________ Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY SECTION 34 ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS 34.1 In a residential or apartment district, an accessory building is a subordinate building exceeding one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor area, attached to or detached from the main building. Accessory buildings shall have no sleeping areas, shall not be used for *commercial purposes, shall not be rented and shall not be occupied. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in Sections 34.4 through 34.6 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to single-family, two-family and multi-family residential uses. Where multiple accessory structures exist on the same site, the combined sum of all accessory structures shall be used to determine the regulations applicable to size. *Commercial purposes, in this section, shall be defined as the use or occupation of people for a public purpose or economic gain, which includes, but is not limited to retail sales, manufacturing, or service industry that otherwise impacts the normal volume of traffic in the residential area. 34.2 In other districts, an accessory building is a subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to and used only in conjunction with the main building and attached to or detached from the main building. Accessory buildings shall have no sleeping areas, bathroom plumbing (except for hand sinks) or kitchen facilities, shall not be accessible to the general public, and shall not be rented, leased or sublet. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in Sections 34.4 and 34.6 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to the main building, including both those attached to and those detached from the main building. 34.3 Accessory dwelling units in the Agriculture and Residential districts shall be allowed as an incidental residential use of a building on the same lot or tract as the main dwelling unit and used by the same person or persons of the immediate family when approved as a Specific Use Permit, and meet the following standards: A. The accessory dwelling unit must be constructed to the rear of the main dwelling. Each lot must have a minimum of one-half (1/2) acre upon which an accessory dwelling unit may be constructed. B. The accessory dwelling unit may be constructed only with the issuance of a Building Permit. C. The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately from sale of the entire property, including the main dwelling unit, and shall not be sublet. D. Setback requirements shall be the same as for the main structure. 34.4 No accessory building shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, nor shall it be greater in height than the main structure. 34.5 Area Regulation for Accessory Buildings In Residential and Apartment Districts: A. Size of Yards: 1. Front Yard: Accessory buildings are not allowed within the required front yard, with the exception of a garage or carport as outlined in subsection 4 below. 2. Side Yard: There shall be a side yard not less than three (3) feet from any side lot line, alley line, or easement line; except that adjacent to a side street, the side yard shall never be less than fifteen (15) feet. 3. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard not less than three (3) feet from any lot line, alley line, or easement line. Carports, garages, or other accessory buildings, located within the rear portion of a lot as heretofore described shall not be located nearer than eight (8) feet to any side lot line. 4. Any garage or carport constructed in a residential or apartment district shall be set back not less than twenty (20) feet from any street or alley line on which it faces. 34.6 Maximum number and size of accessory buildings: A. In agricultural districts accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the lot. B. In residential districts the number of accessory buildings shall be limited to two and the total square footage of all accessory buildings combined shall be limited to 3,000 square feet. In no case shall the gross area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under the specific zoning districts. C. In industrial districts the total square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the lot. Warehouses in industrial districts are not considered accessory buildings. D. In districts other than agricultural, Industrial and residential the gross floor area of accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3,000 square feet whichever is more. In no case shall the total square footage of all accessory buildings exceed 6,000 square feet. In no case shall the area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under the specific zoning districts. The total square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed the square footage of the main building. E. Churches regardless of the zoning district may have no more than two accessory buildings. The total gross floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3000 square feet whichever is more. Accessory buildings utilized by churches may be exempted from the requirements of Chapter 3 (Building Regulations), Section 3.17 (Use of Metal Buildings Restricted) [Article 3.1700 (Exterior Construction of Buildings)] if approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. F. Schools regardless of zoning district may utilize accessory buildings only as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. Accessory buildings utilized by may be exempted from the requirements of Chapter 3 (Building Regulations), Section 3.17 (Use of Metal Buildings Restricted) [Article 3.1700 (Exterior Construction of Buildings)] if approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. (Ordinance 04-11-08 adopted 4/21/08) SECTION 34 ACCESSORY BUILDING REGULATIONS 34.1 In a residential or apartment district, an accessory building is a subordinate building exceeding one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor area, attached to or detached from the main building. Accessory buildings shall have no sleeping areas, shall not be used for *commercial purposes, shall not be rented and shall not be occupied. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in Sections 34.4 through 34.6 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to single-family, two-family and multi-family residential uses. Where multiple accessory structures exist on the same site, the combined sum of all accessory structures shall be used to determine the regulations applicable to size. *Commercial purposes, in this section, shall be defined as the use or occupation of people for a public purpose or economic gain, which includes, but is not limited to retail sales, manufacturing, or service industry that otherwise impacts the normal volume of traffic in the residential area. 34.2 In other districts, an accessory building is a subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to and used only in conjunction with the main building and attached to or detached from the main building. Accessory buildings shall have no sleeping areas, bathroom plumbing (except for hand sinks) or kitchen facilities, shall not be accessible to the general public, and shall not be rented, leased or sublet. A permanent or portable carport is also considered an accessory building. The regulations detailed in Sections 34.4 and 34.6 below shall govern buildings and structures accessory to the main building, including both those attached to and those detached from the main building. 34.3 Accessory dwelling units in the Agriculture and Residential districts shall be allowed as an incidental residential use of a building on the same lot or tract as the main dwelling unit and used by the same person or persons of the immediate family when approved as a Specific Use Permit, and meet the following standards: A. The accessory dwelling unit must be constructed to the rear of the main dwelling. Each lot must have a minimum of one-half (1/2) acre upon which an accessory dwelling unit may be constructed. B. The accessory dwelling unit may be constructed only with the issuance of a Building Permit. C. The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately from sale of the entire property, including the main dwelling unit, and shall not be sublet. D. Setback requirements shall be the same as for the main structure. 34.4 No accessory building shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height, nor shall it be greater in height than the main structure. 34.5 Area Regulation for Accessory Buildings In Residential and Apartment Districts: A. Size of Yards: 1. Front Yard: Accessory buildings are not allowed within the required front yard, with the exception of a garage or carport as outlined in subsection 4 below. 2. Side Yard: There shall be a side yard not less than three (3) feet from any side lot line, alley line, or easement line; except that adjacent to a side street, the side yard shall never be less than fifteen (15) feet. 3. Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard not less than three (3) feet from any lot line, alley line, or easement line. Carports, garages, or other accessory buildings, located within the rear portion of a lot as heretofore described shall not be located nearer than eight (8) feet to any side lot line. 4. Any garage or carport constructed in a residential or apartment district shall be set back not less than twenty (20) feet from any street or alley line on which it faces. 34.6 Maximum number and size of accessory buildings: A. In agricultural districts accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the lot. B. In residential districts the number of accessory buildings shall be limited to two and the total square footage of all accessory buildings combined shall be limited to 3,000 square feet. In no case shall the gross area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under the specific zoning districts. C. In industrial districts the total square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the lot. Warehouses in industrial districts are not considered accessory buildings. D. In districts other than agricultural, Industrial and residential the gross floor area of accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3,000 square feet whichever is more. In no case shall the total square footage of all accessory buildings exceed 6,000 square feet. In no case shall the area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under the specific zoning districts. The total square footage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed the square footage of the main building. E. Churches regardless of the zoning district may have no more than two accessory buildings. The total gross floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3000 square feet whichever is more. Accessory buildings utilized by churches may be exempted from the requirements of Chapter 3 (Building Regulations), Section 3.17 (Use of Metal Buildings Restricted) [Article 3.1700 (Exterior Construction of Buildings)] if approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. F. Schools regardless of zoning district may utilize accessory buildings only as approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. Accessory buildings utilized by may be exempted from the requirements of Chapter 3 (Building Regulations), Section 3.17 (Use of Metal Buildings Restricted) [Article 3.1700 (Exterior Construction of Buildings)] if approved by the planning and zoning commission and city council. (Ordinance 04-11-08 adopted 4/21/08) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Kenning Addition ­ Minor Plat Consider Discuss and Possibly Act on the Minor Plat of Lot 1­3, Block A, of the Kenning Addition, Being 16.96 Acres, and Generally Located on Lois Road Approximately 40 Feet East of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.  AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to create 3 lots of 4.79 acres, 4.77 acres, and 7.36 acres from 5 unplatted tracts. All the lots will have access from Lois Road East. Lot 1 will have approximately 209 feet of frontage on the public ROW while Lot 2 will have approximately 60 feet of frontage on the public ROW and Lot 3 will have approximately 322 feet of frontage on the public ROW. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property does not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. Applicant is requesting a variance from the following regulation in the Subdivision Ordinance: 1.      Section 10.105.4.C – Lots should be rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordinarily exceed two and one­half to one (2.5:1). LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Kenning Addition ­ Minor PlatConsider Discuss and Possibly Act on the Minor Plat of Lot 1­3, Block A, of the Kenning Addition, Being 16.96Acres, and Generally Located on Lois Road Approximately 40 Feet East of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to create 3 lots of 4.79 acres, 4.77 acres, and 7.36 acres from 5 unplatted tracts. All thelots will have access from Lois Road East. Lot 1 will have approximately 209 feet of frontage on the public ROW whileLot 2 will have approximately 60 feet of frontage on the public ROW and Lot 3 will have approximately 322 feet offrontage on the public ROW. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulationsapply. The property does not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. Applicant is requesting a variance from thefollowing regulation in the Subdivision Ordinance:1.      Section 10.105.4.C – Lots should be rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot linesshould be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordinarily exceed two and one­half to one (2.5:1).LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 3/26/2020 Cover Memo Kenning Addition Minor Plat 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Application 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Planning Comments 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0010 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Minor Plat of Lot 1, 2, and 3 Block A of Kenning Addition, Being 16.96 Acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located on the North Side of Lois Road and Approximately 40 Feet East of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. Applicant: Gerald Dyer ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to create 3 lots of 4.79 acres, 4.77 acres, and 7.36 acres from 5 unplatted tracts. All the lots will have access from Lois Road East. Lot 1 will have approximately 209 feet of frontage on the public ROW while Lot 2 will have approximately 60 feet of frontage on the public ROW and Lot 3 will have approximately 322 feet of frontage on the public ROW. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property does not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. Applicant is requesting a variance from the following regulation in the Subdivision Ordinance: 1. Section 10.105.4.C – Lots should be rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordinarily exceed two and one-half to one (2.5:1). Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed staff comments at this time. Plat has been sent to Denton County Planning for a courtesy review. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Minor Plat • Planning Review Comments LOIS RD E BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE /Loca tion Exhibit: Kenning Additio nMinor Plat 0 300 600150 Feet DISC LAIM ER:This map was generated by GIS data providedby the Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sanger does not guarantee the correctness oraccuracy of any features on this map. T hes e mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not sui table for site-specific dec ision making.GIS data is subject to constant c hanges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 3/22/2020 2:57:28 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_KenningAddition Railroads CityLim its Exhi bits KenningAddition KAZ Surveying, Incorporated 1720 Westminster Street Denton, TX 76205 Phone: 940-382-3446 Fax: 940-382-3447 KENNING ADDTION OWNERS: Roger Hennen and Connie Hennen P.O. Box 280 Ponder, TX 76259 Roy Nelson and Nicki Nelson P.O. Box 819 Sanger, TX 76266 James G. Banks and Jahree M. Banks P.O. Box 343 Sanger, TX 76266 03/06/2020 The proposed minor plat contains 16.92 acres located at 3288 Lois Road East Sanger, Texas 76266. The purpose of this minor plat is to create three lots from three tracts (R167632, R58972, & R58972). Gerald Dyer General Manager KAZ Surveying 940-382-3446 gerald@kazsurveying.com DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 04/2/2020 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Minor Plat (Kenning Addition) Request is for a Minor Plat of Kenning Addition, being approximately 16.96 acres of land into 3 separate lots prepared by KAZ Surveying submitted on 03/18/2020. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning 1. Add all applicable Denton County Standard Notes as mentioned on the Denton County Application for Plat and Plat Checklist Effective 01/2019. 2. Add all City of Sanger standard notes 3. Section 10.105.4.C – lots should be rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordinarily exceed two and one-half to one (2.5:1). Variance may be requested. 4. Include total number of lots in title block. 5. Include Right-of-Way acreage in title block. 6. Include name, address, and phone number of all utilities providing service and signature of each or provide a will serve letter. Informational Comments 7. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ. 8. Minor Plat will be scheduled for P&Z Commission on April 13, 2020 and for City Council on May 4, 2020. 9. According to Denton County Thoroughfare plan, property is located along Minor Arterial 4 Lane Undivided/3 Lane (80’ to 100’ ROW) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Sure Steel ­ Preliminary Plat Consider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition being 4.166 Acres, in the City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455. AGENDA TYPE: Work Session ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to create 1 industrial lot from 1 unplatted tract of 4.166 acre site zoned I­2 (Industrial District ­2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square feet  Industrial building that will consist of office and warehouse space. Office and warehouse are permitted uses in the I­2 Zoning District. The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Sure Steel ­ Preliminary PlatConsider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition being 4.166 Acres, in the City of Sanger,and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455.AGENDA TYPE: Work SessionACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to create 1 industrial lot from 1 unplatted tract of 4.166 acre site zoned I­2 (IndustrialDistrict ­2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square feet  Industrial building that will consist of office andwarehouse space. Office and warehouse are permitted uses in the I­2 Zoning District.The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITIONthat all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Preliminary Plat 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Application 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Planning Comments 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Engineering Comments 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0012 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sure Steel Addition being 4.166 Acres, in the City of Sanger, and Generally Located Approximately 420 feet East of the Railroad on FM 455. Applicant: Robert Stengele, P.E. ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to create 1 industrial lot from 1 unplatted tract of 4.166 acre site zoned I-2 (Industrial District -2). The proposed project is for a 14,526 square feet Industrial building that will consist of office and warehouse space. Office and warehouse are permitted uses in the I-2 Zoning District. The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed staff comments at this time. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Preliminary Plat • Planning Review Comments • Engineering Review Comments GROUSERUN E C H A P M A N D R Sure Steel B U R L I N G T O N N O R T H E R N S A N T A F E /Loca tion Exhibit: Sure SteelPreliminary Plat 0 200 400100 Feet DISC LAIM ER:This map was generated by GIS data providedby the Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sanger does not guarantee the correctness oraccuracy of any features on this map. T hes e mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not sui table for site-specific dec ision making.GIS data is subject to constant c hanges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 3/22/2020 2:44:06 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_SureSteel Railroads CityLim its Exhi bits N 69°3 4 ' 0 7 " E 2 4 8 . 2 4 ' S 87°46'11" E 737.52' N 86°20'31" W 126.28' N 0 3 ° 2 6 ' 3 4 " W 2 0 6 . 3 0 ' N 87°45'21" W 76.03' N 87°46'48" W 737.63' S 0 0 ° 5 6 ' 3 3 " W 2 0 7 . 8 2 ' S 0 8 ° 4 4 ' 3 1 " W 9 6 . 8 2 ' /// /// /// /// /// /// X X X X X X X X CL CL /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// / / / /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 4.166 ACRES A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO NS GROUP HOLDINGS, LLC INST# 2018-132959 R.P.R.D.C.T. A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO GRANITE INDUSTRIES LLC INST# 2004-28756 R.P.R.D.C.T. A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO SABLE CREEK PARTNERS, LTD INST# 2017-55475 R.P.R.D.C.T. A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO CLASSIC FIBERGLASS, LLC INST# 2014-65721 R.P.R.D.C.T. F.M. R O A D 4 5 5 EAST C H A P M A N D R I V E 31' AS P H A L T 90' R. O . W . P E R T x D O T REUBEN B E B E S U R V E Y , ABSTRACT # 2 9 DENTON C O U N T Y , T E X A S 1/2" FIR 1/2" FIR FIR/CAP "KAZ" FIR/CAP "KAZ" FIR/CAP (YELLOW) FIR/CAP (PINK) FIR/CAP "ALLIANCE" 5/8" FIR EXISTING 1 STORY FRAME RESIDENCE F.F. ELEV=661.26 EXISTING METAL SHED F.F. ELEV=661.86 EXISTING FRAME SHED F.F. ELEV=661.14 TBM=P.K. NAIL IN ASPHALT ELEV=659.14 NON-SHADED ZONE X SHADED ZONE A BRICK WELL ZONED B-2 ZONED I-2 ZONED B-2 TBM=BOX CUT WITH "X" ON HEADWALL ELEV=657.51 POB PROPOSED SCREENING FENCE PROPOSED TXDOT ROW EXISTING ROW 5 0 ' R O W D E D I C A T I O N C1 C 2 L1 C 4 L 2 C5 L3 C6 L4 L5 L6 C 7 L7 L8L9 C 8 L 1 0 L1 1 C 9 C 1 0 24' F I R E L A N E 20 ' F R O N T S E T B A C K 15 ' L A N D S C A P E BU F F E R 15 ' L A N D S C A P E BU F F E R 50 ' R E A R S E T B A C K 20' SIDE SETBACK 15' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 100-YR FLOODPLAIN PER APPROVED CLOMR 100-YR, FULLY-DEVELOPED FLOODPLAIN FLOO D W A Y FEMA EFFECTIVE FLOODPLAIN 15 ' W A T E R ES M T 2 0 ' F R O N T S E T B A C K 1 5 ' L A N D S C A P E B U F F E R TBM #1 NAD83 N=7182784.88 E=2375120.34 TBM #2 NAD83 N=7182689.19 E=2375105.63 Curve Table Curve # C1 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Length 44.613 44.613 18.308 70.470 47.119 47.129 95.229 35.598 62.909 Radius 30.031 30.031 25.000 74.000 30.000 30.000 100.000 49.006 30.000 Delta 85.1159 85.1159 41.9596 54.5623 89.9898 90.0102 54.5623 41.6198 120.1473 CH Length 40.623 40.623 17.902 67.837 42.423 42.430 91.671 34.821 52.000 CH Direction N25° 53' 53.68"E N25° 53' 53.68"E N12° 14' 15.88"W N60° 29' 55.38"W S47° 13' 30.72"W N42° 46' 29.28"W S60° 29' 55.38"E S12° 24' 22.56"E S51° 19' 53.69"E Line Table Line # L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 Length 64.814 155.103 110.111 70.000 24.000 69.985 30.000 24.000 223.079 154.071 56.425 Direction N8° 44' 31.44"E N33° 13' 03.20"W N87° 46' 47.56"W S2° 13' 49.00"W N87° 46' 11.00"W N2° 13' 49.00"E N87° 46' 47.56"W N2° 13' 12.44"E S87° 46' 47.56"E S33° 13' 03.20"E S8° 44' 31.44"W SCALE:1" = 30' PRELIMINARY PLAT1 Feet 0 30 60 LEGEND EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING UNDERGROUND CABLE LINE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER LINE EXISTING STORM SEWER LINE M PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING POWER POLE M PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED GATE VALVE PROPOSED WATER METER EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING GATE VALVE EXISTING WATER METER EXISTING MANHOLE FIRE LANE STRIPING METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and being a part of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract number 29 and being all of that called 3.65 acre tract of land described in deed to James Roy Pennington and Billie J. Pennington recorded in Instrument number 2001-19693, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, and being all of that called 0.65 acre tract of land described in Final Judgment to Billie Joyce Pennington recorded Cause Number 18-4138-393 and being more fully described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a ½ inch iron rod found in the South line of Farm to Market Road 455 and being the Northwest corner of a called 30.804 acre tract of land described in deed to Granite Industries, LLC recorded in Instrument number 2004-28756, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and being the Northeast corner of said 0.65 acre tract; THENCE along the common line of said 30.804 acre tract and this tract, South 08 degrees 44 minutes 31 seconds West, 96.82 feet to a ½ inch iron rod found at the most Westerly Southwest corner of said 30.804 acre tract and being the Northwest corner of said 3.65 acre tract; THENCE along the common line of said 30.804 acre tract, South 87 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds East, 737.52 feet to a ½ inch iron rod found at an ell corner of said 30.804 acre tract and the Northeast corner of said 3.65 acre tract; THENCE continuing along said common line, South 00 degrees 56 minutes 33 seconds West, 207.82 feet to a capped iron rod found at the Northeast corner of a called 17.893 acre tract of land described in deed to Sable Creek Partners, LTD. recorded in Instrument number 2017-55475, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and being the Southeast corner of said 3.65 acre tract; THENCE along the common line of said 17.893 acre tract and this tract, North 87 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds West, 737.63 feet to a capped iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said 3.65 acre tract and the Southeast corner of said 0.65 acre tract; THENCE continuing along said common line, North 87 degrees 45 minutes 21 seconds West, 76.03 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said 0.65 acre tract and being in the East line of a called 4.17 acre tract of land described in deed to Classic Fiberglass, LLC recorded in Instrument 2014-65721, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE along the common line of said 4.17 acre tract and this tract, North 03 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds West, 206.30 feet to a capped iron rod found at the Northeast corner of said 4.17 acre tract; THENCE continuing along said common line, North 86 degrees 20 minutes 31 seconds West, 126.28 feet to a capped iron rod found at a common corner of said 4.17 acre tract and this tract and being in the South line of said Farm to Market Road 455; THENCE along said South line, North 69 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds East, 248.24 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 4.17 acres of land more or less. FM 45 5 N 1 ST S T N 2 ND S T S A B L E C R E E K B L V D I N D I A N L N TBM #1 P.K.NAIL SET AT THE SOUTH EDGE OF ASPHALT OF F.M. ROAD 455 AT THE INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTH EDGE WITH THE EAST EDGE OF A GRAVEL DRIVE FOR 180 EAST CHAPMAN DRIVE. TBM #2 “X” CUT ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A HEADWALL OF A BOX CULVERT ON F.M. ROAD 455 JUST NORTH OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 200 EAST CHAPMAN DRIVE. PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY APPROVED FOR PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT __ CITY OF SANGER, TX DATE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 1405 W. CHAPMAN DR. SANGER, TX 76266 PH. 940-458-7503 FAX. 940-458-7417 TEXAS FIRM NO. F-12759 MARCH 09, 2020 PRELIMINARY PLAT SURE STEEL ADDITION BEING 4.166 ACRES OUT OF THE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 29 DENTON COUNTY SURE STEEL OWNER: JOE MELTON 200 E CHAPMAN DRIVE 801-201-0572 SANGER, TEXAS 76226 KAZ SURVEYING SURVEYOR: GERALD DYER 1720 WESTMINSTER ST 940-382-3446 DENTON, TEXAS 76205 EIKON CONSULTING GROUP, LLC ENGINEER: ROBERT STENGELE 1405 W. CHAPMAN DRIVE 940.458.7503 SANGER, TEXAS 76226 PRELIMINARY PLAT NOTES: 1.THIS PROPERTY IS CURRENTLY ZONED I-2 INDUSTRIAL 2. 2.OWNER & APPLICANT: SURE STEEL 3.PROPOSED USE: I. OFFICE & STORAGE:14,526 SF 4.THE PURPOSE OF THE PLAT IS TO CREATE A INDUSTRIAL LOT. 5.BEARING BASIS DERIVED FROM GPS OBSERVATIONS MADE ON THE GROUND. TEXAS NO R T H C E N T R A L N A D 8 3 . 6.ALL PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENTS, PRIVATE ROADS, AND COMMON AREAS ARE TO BE MA I N T A I N E D B Y T H E PROPERTY OWNER. 7.ACCORDING TO FEMA FIRM PANEL 48121C0210G, EFFECTIVE APRIL 18, 2011, PORTIONS O F T H I S P R O P E R T Y L I E WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. 8.WATER AND SEWER DEMANDS: I. WATER DEMAND: 600 GPD II. SEWER DEMAND: 600 GPD 9. ABBREVIATIONS: I. P.U.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT UTILITIES: WATER: CITY OF SANGER WATER DEPARTMENT 301 BOLIVAR ST SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940-458-2571 SOLID WASTE: PROGRESSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 1-800-909-9061 ELECTRIC: COSERV ELECTRIC 1-800-274-4014 GAS: ATMOS GAS COMPANY 1-800-460-3030 TELEPHONE: CENTURYLINK PHONE COMPANY 1-800-788-3500 SCALE:NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP2 C0.1 PROJECT LOCATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 02/26/2020 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Preliminary Plat (Sure Steel Addition) Request is for a Preliminary Plat of Sure Steel Addition, being approximately 4.166 acres of land into 1 Industrial lot prepared by Eikon submitted on 03/18/2020. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning 1. Add NAD 83 coordinates to the Point of Beginning. 2. Add total number of lots in title block 3. Provide total acreage of Right-of-Way dedication. 4. Section 10.105.4.C – lots should be rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordinarily exceed two and one-half to one (2.5:1). Variance may be requested. Informational Comments 5. The property is zoned I-2. The set back requirements for I-2 zoning district include: minimum 20 feet front yard setback; minimum 10 feet side yard setback and 20 feet minimum adjacent a street; and minimum 50 feet rear setback adjacent a residential district’s property line. 6. Any development on the site will be required to meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements including parking, landscaping, and setback requirements. 7. Minimum fire land width for any development is 24 feet or 26 feet depending upon the height of the building. 8. Preliminary Plat will be scheduled for P&Z Commission on April 13, 2020 and for City Council on May 4, 2020. 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger ENGINEERING Memorandum To: Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services From: Tracy A. LaPiene, P.E., City Engineer Date: 04/06/2020 Re: Sure Steel – Preliminary Plat Engineering Comments - 1st Review Request is for a Sure Steel Preliminary Plat, being approximately 4.166 acres of land into 1 Industrial lot prepared by Eikon/Kaz Surveying dated 3/09/20. Below are the comments that need to be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. · Variance request will need to be granted from the City of Sanger regarding lot shape. · See attached Preliminary Plat markup for additional comments. · Floodplain 3.905 (b)(2) Min. lowest floor 2’ above BFE 3.905 (e)(4) Floodway easements shall be provided along natural drainage ways and lake reservations. Floodway easements shall encompass all areas beneath the water surface elevation of the base flood, plus such additional width as may be required to provide ingress and egress to allow maintenance of the banks and for the protection of adjacent property, as determined and required by the floodplain administrator. 3.905 (e)(5) The following statement of restrictions shall be placed in the dedication instrument of the subdivision plat: “Floodway Easement Restriction: No construction shall be allowed within a floodway easement without the approval of the City of Sanger and then only after detailed engineering plans and studies show that no flooding will result.” As the following section of Code is more restrictive it shall govern. Sect. 10.106 (d)(12) (C) When adjacent to the floodplain, the finished floor (FF) elevation of commercial buildings shall be two foot [feet] (2') above the 100-year fully developed based flood elevation (BFE) of the ultimate floodplain. The FF elevation of residential buildings shall be two feet (2') above the 100-year fully developed based flood elevation (BFE). As property is adjacent to floodplain revise statement in Sect. 3.905 (f)(1) to be provided on plat as follows Page 2 of 4 The following statement of restrictions shall be placed in the dedication instrument of the subdivision plat: “Floodplain Restriction: No construction or filling, without the approval of the City of Sanger shall be allowed within the floodplain area, and then only after detailed engineering plans and studies show that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100-year fully developed based flood elevation (BFE) of the ultimate floodplain.” Provide study to demonstrate fully developed conditions and place min lowest floor elevation on plat. Show existing FEMA floodplain Show floodplain per CLOMR study (optional) Show limits of the 100-year fully developed based flood elevation (BFE) of the ultimate floodplain. Additional access easement to be provided outside of 100-year fully developed based flood elevation (BFE) of the ultimate floodplain. From Sect. 10.105 (5)(B) additional 15’ wide if possible, additional 10’ minimum. Show drainage & floodplain easement 15’ where possible outside of ultimate flood limits. Additional language shall be required for Owner’s Certificate of dedication on plat or in notes per below. “State of Texas County of Denton I (we), the undersigned, owner(s) of the land shown on this plat within the area described by metes and bounds as follows: (Metes and Bounds Description of Boundary) NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT ________________, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as _____________________ (lot/block/subdivision), an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as Page 3 of 4 shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public utility entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. In addition, the following shall be added to Plat Notes or Dedication Language: 1. The City of Sanger is not responsible for replacing any improvements in, under, or over any easements caused by maintenance or repair. 2. Utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular utilities, said use by the public utilities being subordinate to the public’s and City of Sanger’ s use thereof. 3. The City of Sanger and public utilities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any building, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which may in any was endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in the easements. 4. The City of Sanger and public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. 5. All modifications to this document shall be by means of plat and approved by the City of Sanger. 6. Drainage and Floodplain Easement Restriction: Construction within the floodplain may not occur until approved by the City. (A request for construction within the floodplain easement must be accompanied with detailed engineering plans and studies indicating that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners or the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request.) Where construction is approved, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two (2) feet above the 100-year flood elevation as determined by analyzing the ultimate build-out conditions of the entire drainage basin. Existing creeks, lakes, reservoirs, or drainage channels traversing along or across portions of this addition, will remain as an open channel at all times and will be maintained by the individual owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by the drainage courses along or across said lots. The City will not be responsible for the maintenance and operation of said drainage ways or for the control of erosion. Each property owner shall keep the natural drainage channels traversing his/her property clean and free of debris, silt, or any substance that would result in unsanitary conditions. The City shall have the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of inspection and supervision of maintenance work by the property owner to alleviate any undesirable conditions, which may occur. The City is not obligated to maintain or assistance with maintenance of the area. The natural drainage channel, as in the case of all natural drainage channels, are subject to storm water overflow and natural bank erosion. The City shall not be liable for damages of any nature resulting from the occurrence of these natural phenomena, nor resulting from a failure of any structure(s) within the natural drainage channels. The natural drainage channel crossing each lot is shown by the Floodway easement line as shown on the plat. If a Subdivision alters the horizontal or vertical floodplain, a FEMA Floodway map revision may be required. Page 4 of 4 7. Floodplain Restriction: No construction or filling, without the approval of the City of Sanger shall be allowed within the floodplain area, and then only after detailed engineering plans and studies show that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100- year fully developed based flood elevation (BFE) of the ultimate floodplain. · Civil Engineering comments have been provided at this time. Please see civil markups. Some civil comments may need to be addressed with Final Plat application and others prior to release of any building permit. · Please note attached pdf markups may have comments hyperlinked to plan locations. The comments provided are not exhaustive. Additional comments may also be provided based on new information provided with subsequent submittals. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Sable Creek Phase 4 ­ Final Plat Consider, Discuss, and Act on  a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase 4, Being 12.697 Acres, Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to develop 50 residential lots and 2  open space lots in phase 4 of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF­7 zoning district and meets all of SF­7 district requirements. The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Sable Creek Phase 4 ­ Final PlatConsider, Discuss, and Act on  a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase 4, Being 12.697 Acres, Generally LocatedEast of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to develop 50 residential lots and 2  open space lots in phase 4 of Sable Creek Addition.The property is located in SF­7 zoning district and meets all of SF­7 district requirements.The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITIONthat all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 3/26/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat Pg 1 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat Pg 2 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Application 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0013 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase 4, Being 12.697 Acres, Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street. Applicant: Schaeffer Harris, Allison Engineering ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to develop 50 residential lots and 2 open space lots in phase 4 of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF-7 zoning district and meets all of SF-7 district requirements. The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater and electric. Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed all of staff comments at this time. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat E WILLOW ST S HIGHLANDDR KIRKLANDSTS JO NES S T PLEAS A N T V A L L E Y KRAMERCT SIMS ST COVEY LN KRA MER LN HERONDR CREEKSIDE DR SableCreekPhase 4 Sable Cree kPhase 4 /Loca tion Exhibit: Sable CreekPhase 4 0 180 36090 Feet DISC LAIM ER:This map was generated by GIS data providedby the Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sanger does not guarantee the correctness oraccuracy of any features on this map. T hes e mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not sui table for site-specific dec ision making.GIS data is subject to constant c hanges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 3/22/2020 2:11:17 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_SableCreekPh4CityLimitsExhibits City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat/Replat Vacating Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Conveyance Plat Applicant Owner (if different from applicant) Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Phone Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Submittal Checklist Pre-Application Conference (Date:____/____/______) One (1) Paper Copy of Plat (24”x36”, folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Non-Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Additional Required Documents/Traffic & Drainage Studies etc. One (1) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD or Emailed to development@sangertexas.org Supporting Materials (List if provided): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R Number(s):_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Owner’s Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services _____/_____/________ Complete (Check #_ ) Incomplete (Returned to Applicant / _/ ) X Schaeffer Harris Michael Todd Allison Engineering Group Sable Creek Partners, LTD 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 (940) 380-9453 sharris@ae-grp.com P.O. Box 969 Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 458-3690 Mike@justlanddevelopment.com 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Civil Engineering Plans 466273 322 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 Office: 940.380.9453 Fax: 940.380.9431 www.ae-grp.com TBPE Firm #: 7898 P:\Projects\GEL1902 - Sable Creek Ph 4-5\City Submittals\Final Plat\2020-03-09_1ST SUBMITTAL\Sable Creek IV&V FP Letter of Intent.docx Page 1 of 1 March 9, 2020 City of Sanger Economic & Community Development Department 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Sable Creek Phases IV & V Final Plat Letter of Intent Dear Ramie Hammonds: Please accept this final plat submittal for review by the appropriate approval bodies. This final plat submittal includes both phases IV and V. Phase IV is located to the south of Phase III and to the west of Phase II. It contains 12.697 acres which are proposed to be subdivided into 50 lots for residential use and 2 remainder lots (to be maintained by the HOA). Phase V is located west of Phase III. It contains 17.886 acres which are proposed to be subdivide d into 26 residential lots and 2 remainder lots (to be maintained by the HOA). The larger of the reminder lots is undeveloped floodplain. Please note that, though the current Zone A FEMA floodplain encroaches on both phases, the limits of the floodplain are currently being revised via a flood study, which is under review. Applicant and Future Correspondence: Schaeffer Harris Allison Engineering, Grp. 2415 N. Elm St. Denton, TX 76201 940.380.9453x108 Owner: Michael Todd Sable Creek Partners, LTD PO Box 969 Sanger, TX 76266 Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group Schaeffer Harris, EIT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Sable Creek Phase 5 ­ Final Plat AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 3/26/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat Pg 1 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Sable Creek Phase 5 ­ Final PlatAGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:ATTACHMENTS:Description Upload Date TypeStaff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 3/26/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat Pg 1 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat Pg 2 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Application 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0014 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Final Plat of Sable Creek Addition Phase 5, Being 17.886 Acres, Generally Located East of Railroad Line, South of FM 455 and North of East Willow Street. Applicant: Schaeffer Harris, Allison Engineering ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to develop 26 residential lots and 2 open space lots in phase 5 of Sable Creek Addition. The property is located in SF-7 zoning district and meets all of SF-7 district requirements. The property will be served by City of Sanger water, wastewater, Sanger Electric, and CoServ Electric. Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed all of staff comments at this time. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat COVEY LN R A I L R O A D AV E GROUSERUN B O L I VA R S T E C H A P M A N D R C R E E K S I D E DR Sa bleCreekPhase 5 /Loca tion Exhibit: Sable CreekPhase 5 0 200 400100 Feet DISC LAIM ER:This map was generated by GIS data providedby the Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sanger does not guarantee the correctness oraccuracy of any features on this map. T hes e mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not sui table for site-specific dec ision making.GIS data is subject to constant c hanges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 3/22/2020 2:28:57 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_SableCreekPh5CityLimitsExhibits City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat/Replat Vacating Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Conveyance Plat Applicant Owner (if different from applicant) Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Phone Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Submittal Checklist Pre-Application Conference (Date:____/____/______) One (1) Paper Copy of Plat (24”x36”, folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Non-Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Additional Required Documents/Traffic & Drainage Studies etc. One (1) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD or Emailed to development@sangertexas.org Supporting Materials (List if provided): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R Number(s):_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Owner’s Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services _____/_____/________ Complete (Check #_ ) Incomplete (Returned to Applicant / _/ ) X Schaeffer Harris Michael Todd Allison Engineering Group Sable Creek Partners, LTD 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 (940) 380-9453 sharris@ae-grp.com P.O. Box 969 Sanger, TX 76266 (940) 458-3690 Mike@justlanddevelopment.com 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Civil Engineering Plans 60212 3 21 2019 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 Office: 940.380.9453 Fax: 940.380.9431 www.ae-grp.com TBPE Firm #: 7898 P:\Projects\GEL1902 - Sable Creek Ph 4-5\City Submittals\Final Plat\2020-03-09_1ST SUBMITTAL\Sable Creek IV&V FP Letter of Intent.docx Page 1 of 1 March 9, 2020 City of Sanger Economic & Community Development Department 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Sable Creek Phases IV & V Final Plat Letter of Intent Dear Ramie Hammonds: Please accept this final plat submittal for review by the appropriate approval bodies. This final plat submittal includes both phases IV and V. Phase IV is located to the south of Phase III and to the west of Phase II. It contains 12.697 acres which are proposed to be subdivided into 50 lots for residential use and 2 remainder lots (to be maintained by the HOA). Phase V is located west of Phase III. It contains 17.886 acres which are proposed to be subdivide d into 26 residential lots and 2 remainder lots (to be maintained by the HOA). The larger of the reminder lots is undeveloped floodplain. Please note that, though the current Zone A FEMA floodplain encroaches on both phases, the limits of the floodplain are currently being revised via a flood study, which is under review. Applicant and Future Correspondence: Schaeffer Harris Allison Engineering, Grp. 2415 N. Elm St. Denton, TX 76201 940.380.9453x108 Owner: Michael Todd Sable Creek Partners, LTD PO Box 969 Sanger, TX 76266 Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group Schaeffer Harris, EIT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Meadow Green Farm Addition ­ Preliminary Plat AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 3/26/2020 Cover Memo Preliminary Plat 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 13, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Meadow Green Farm Addition ­ Preliminary PlatAGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/ASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:ATTACHMENTS:Description Upload Date TypeStaff Report 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 3/26/2020 Cover Memo Preliminary Plat 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Application 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 4/8/2020 Cover Memo Planning Comments 4/8/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0011 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Lot 1-13 Block A, Lots 1-3 Block B, Lots 1-7 Block C, and Lot 1 Block D of Meadow Green Farm Addition, Being 97.873 Acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located on the West Side of Metz Road and Approximately 2463 Feet South of Lois Rd. Applicant: Jason Faigle ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to create 23 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each and 1 tract of 67.09 acres for future development from 2 unplatted tracts. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by Bolivar Water, Coserv Electric, and will have on-site septic for sanitary sewer. The development will consist of Phase I with 6 residential lots, Phase II with 17 residential lots, and 1 tract reserved for future development. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property does not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. 1. Section 10.105.4.D – Residential lots shall front on residential class streets Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed staff comments at this time. Plat has been sent to Denton County Planning for a courtesy review. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Minor Plat • Planning Review Comments METZ RD LOIS RD W Me adowGreen Fa rmEstates /Loca tion Exhibit: Me adow G reen FarmEstates - Prelimina ry Plat 0 560 1,120280 Feet DISC LAIM ER:This map was generated by GIS data providedby the Sanger GIS Department. The City of Sanger does not guarantee the correctness oraccuracy of any features on this map. T hes e mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not sui table for site-specific dec ision making.GIS data is subject to constant c hanges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 3/22/2020 2:50:33 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_MeadowGreenF armEstates Railroads CityLim its Exhi bits SL SL SL ME T Z R O A D LOT 1 BLOCK D BLOCK A BLOCK B BLOCK C LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 1 LOT 2LOT 3 LOT 7 BLOCK C P.O.B.P.O.C. 0 10050 200 SCALE: 1"=100' PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION BEING 97.873 ACRES SITUATED IN THE W. MASON SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 801 AND IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1241 CITY OF SANGER ETJ, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS PHASE I: 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS PHASE II: 17 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 1 REMAINDER TRACT FOR FUTURE PHASE(S) PREPARED: MARCH 9, 2020 PLAT SHEET 1 OF 1Texas Board of Professional Engineers Registration Number: F-7898 03/09/2020 WHEREAS WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE IS THE OWNER OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE W. MASON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 801 AND IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A PK NAIL FOUND FOR CORNER IN AN ASPHALT ROADWAY UNDER APPARENT PUBLIC USE POSTED AS METZ ROAD; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 33 SECONDS WEST WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1, BLOCK A OF MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 444.69 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND WHICH SHALL BE THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE BEGINNING AT SAID POINT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK A OF MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION; NORTH 89 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 33 SECONDS WEST WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 2097.74 FEET TO A WFCP AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 895.95 FEET TO A 3/8 INCH IRON PIN; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 600.23 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON PIN; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 48 SECONDS EAST WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION A DISTANCE OF 299.90 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 2552.39 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION A DISTANCE OF 269.72 FEET TO A PK NAIL; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION A DISTANCE OF 539.26 FEET TO A PK NAIL; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 49 SECONDS WEST WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION A DISTANCE OF 493.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 37.92 FEET; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 33 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 42.97 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 376.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 49 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 433.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND CONTAINING IN ALL 97.87 ACRES OF LAND. Approved for Preparation of Final Plat: _________________________________________________________ ___________ City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY FLOOD STATEMENT: I HAVE EXAMINED THE F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, COMMUNITY NUMBER 480774, EFFECTIVE DATE 4-18-11 AND THAT MAP INDICATES THAT A PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN "NON-SHADED ZONE X" DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN" AND THAT A PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN "SHADED ZONE A" DEFINED AS " SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD" AS SHOWN IN PANEL 0065 G OF SAID MAP. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE PROPERTY AND/OR STRUCTURES THEREON WILL BE FREE FROM FLOODING OR FLOOD DAMAGE, ON RARE OCCASIONS, GREATER FLOODS CAN AND WILL OCCUR AND FLOOD HEIGHTS MAY BE INCREASED BY MAN-MADE OR NATURAL CAUSES. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT SHALL NOT CREATE LIABILITY ON THE PART OF THE SURVEYOR. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-4072 (fax) 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Preliminary Plat Final Plat/Replat Vacating Plat Minor Plat Amended Plat Conveyance Plat Applicant Owner (if different from applicant) Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Phone Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Submittal Checklist Pre-Application Conference (Date:____/____/______) One (1) Paper Copy of Plat (24”x36”, folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Non-Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) Additional Required Documents/Traffic & Drainage Studies etc. One (1) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD or Emailed to development@sangertexas.org Supporting Materials (List if provided): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R Number(s):_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Owner’s Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services _____/_____/________ Complete (Check #_ ) Incomplete (Returned to Applicant / _/ ) X Jason Faigle, P.E. Allison Engineering Group 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 940-380-9453 info@ae-grp.com Rachel Corbin Willow Tree Real Estate, LLC P.O. Box 51 Sanger, TX 76266 940-391-1230 rachel@allseasonsfoam.com R59807, R59826, R59828, R56278, R56293, & R56279 3/18 09 04 2019 2:00 PM 03/09/2020 03/09/2020 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 Office: 940.380.9453 Fax: 940.380.9431 www.ae-grp.com TBPE Firm #: 7898 Page 1 of 1 March 9, 2020 City of Sanger Development Services 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Letter of Intent Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition Sanger ETJ, Denton County, Texas R56279, R59807, R59826, R56293, R59828, R56287, R59818, R56300 On behalf of the property owner and Willow Tree Real Estate, of the above referenced tracts, AEG is submitting a Preliminary Plat application for a new subdivision, Meadow Green Farm Estates. This proposed single family estate-style subdivision is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Sanger, on the west side of Metz Road, approximately 1,650 feet south of Lois Road. The overall property is approximately 97.9 Acres and will be developed in multiple phases. Phase 1 proposes six (6) lots, each approximately one (1) acre in size that each front Metz Road. A variance request to allow for driveways fronting on Metz is included with this application. The Preliminary Plat also depicts the concept plan for Phase 2 (an additional 17 lots, one-acre and larger) and a large tract for the remainder of the development. Is unknown at this time how the approximately 67 acres remaining will be subdivided in the future. No infrastructure is proposed as part of Phase 1. Individual water services will tap the existing Bolivar Water line along Metz. Sanitary Sewer service will be provided with individual Onsite Treatment Systems (septic). A Drainage Area Map has been provided to show that runoff from four lots (Lots 1-4, Block A) is directed west and two lots (Lots 5- 6, Block A) will flow into the existing Metz Road ditch. No proposed drainage improvements (other than driveway culverts, if necessary) are proposed as part of Phase 1. Phase 2 improvements will accommodate any increased runoff from Phase 1. We look forward to working together to successfully develop this property for the owners. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group Jason P. Faigle, P.E. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 04/2/2020 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Preliminary Plat (Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition) Request is for a Preliminary Plat of Meadow Green Farms Addition, being approximately 97.873 acres of land with 23 residential lots and 1 remaining tract for future development prepared by Allison Engineering Group submitted on 03/18/2020. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning 1. Add all applicable Denton County Standard Notes as mentioned on the Denton County Application for Plat and Plat Checklist Effective 01/2019. 2. Add NAD 83 coordinates at Point of Beginning. 3. Section 10.105.4.D – Residential lots shall face residential class streets. Variance request may be submitted. 4. Provide legend for all symbols used. 5. Add contours with 2’ or less intervals. 6. Add acreage or square feet of Right-of-Way dedication including corner clips. 7. Show location of cluster mailboxes. Informational Comments 8. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ. 9. Preliminary Plat will be scheduled for P&Z Commission on April 13, 2020 and for City Council on May 4, 2020. 10. Parkland Dedication fees will be due. 11. According to Denton County Thoroughfare plan, property is located along Minor Arterial 4 Lane Undivided/3 Lane (80’ to 100’ ROW)