08/10/2020-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 2020 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING­ 403 N 7TH SANGER, TEXAS 1.Call Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 2.Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3.Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes a.Minutes 7­13­2020 4.Green Meadow Farms Estates Addition Phase 1 Final Plat 5.Country Road Estates ­ Final Plat 6.1404 N Stemmons ­ SUP 7.Adjourn I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. Cheryl Price City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Minutes 7­13­2020 AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: N/A LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Minutes 7­13­20 8/7/2020 Cover Memo MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 13, 2020 7:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Phillip Surles, Matt Fuller, Shane Stone, Jason Miller, Jackie Turner, Allen McAlister,  Bo Cooper COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Sally Amendola STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Ramie Hammonds, Stefani Dodson, Tracey LaPiene 1.Call Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to Order. 7:06 PM(Absent: Amendola, Cunningham) 2.Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3.Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes a.Minutes 5­11­2020 A motion was made by Allen McAlister to Motion. The motion was seconed by Phillip Surles.   Motion to accept minutes made by Allen McAlister. Seconded by Pillip Surles. Motion passes unanimously The motion   with a 6­0 vote  (Absent: Amendola, Cunningham) 4.Indian Springs Estates Phase Two Addition Lot 5 and 6 Replat Open Public Hearing at 7:07 PM Ramie goes over the staff report.  She explains it is two lots they are wanting to make into one lot so the can build and accessory building.  15 notices mailed and only one returned in favor. Staff recommends approval with the condition all staff comments are met by 07/22/20. Close Public Hearing at 7:08 PM Motion made by Jackie Turner with the condition all staff comments are met by 07/22/20. Seconded by Allen McAlister.  Motion passes unanimously. (Absent: Amendola, Cunningham) 5.Sanger Lodging Addition ­ Replat MINUTESPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONMONDAY, JULY 13, 20207:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASCOMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT:Phillip Surles, Matt Fuller, Shane Stone, Jason Miller, Jackie Turner, Allen McAlister,  Bo CooperCOMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT:Sally AmendolaSTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Ramie Hammonds, Stefani Dodson, Tracey LaPiene1.Call Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting to Order.7:06 PM(Absent: Amendola, Cunningham)2.Determine Presence of a Quorum.3.Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutesa.Minutes 5­11­2020A motion was made by Allen McAlister to Motion. The motion was seconed by Phillip Surles.  Motion to accept minutes made by Allen McAlister.Seconded by Pillip Surles.Motion passes unanimouslyThe motion   with a 6­0 vote  (Absent: Amendola, Cunningham)4.Indian Springs Estates Phase Two Addition Lot 5 and 6 ReplatOpen Public Hearing at 7:07 PMRamie goes over the staff report.  She explains it is two lots they are wanting to make into one lot sothe can build and accessory building.  15 notices mailed and only one returned in favor.Staff recommends approval with the condition all staff comments are met by 07/22/20.Close Public Hearing at 7:08 PMMotion made by Jackie Turner with the condition all staff comments are met by 07/22/20.Seconded by Allen McAlister.  Motion passes unanimously.(Absent: Amendola, Cunningham) 5.Sanger Lodging Addition ­ Replat Open Public Hearing at 7:10 PM Ramie goes over the staff report.  She explains that the hotel originally wanted to split this property up.  She states staff recommends approval with the condition that all staff comments are met by 07/22/20. Tracey hands out his comments to the board members and briefly goes over his comments. Close Public Hearing at 7:14 PM Stone made a motion to approve with the condition staff comments are met by 07/22/20. Seconded by McAlister.  Motion passes unanimously. (Absent: Amendola, Cunningham) 6.Adjourn 7:20 PM(Absent: Amendola, Cunningham) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Green Meadow Farms Estates Addition Phase 1 Final Plat Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lot 1­6 Block A, of Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition Phase1, Being 6.874 Acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located on the West Side of Metz Road and Approximately 2463 Feet South of Lois Rd. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to create 6 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each in Phase 1 of Green Meadow Farm Estates Addition. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by Bolivar Water, Coserv Electric, and will have on­site septic for sanitary sewer. Future Phases will come with a final plat at a later date. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property does not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. The Preliminary Plat granted a variance to: 1.      Section 10.105.4.D – Residential lots shall front on residential class streets LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Green Meadow Farms Estates Addition Phase 1 Final PlatConsider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lot 1­6 Block A, of Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition Phase1,Being 6.874 Acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located on the West Side of Metz Road andApproximately 2463 Feet South of Lois Rd.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to create 6 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each in Phase 1 of Green Meadow FarmEstates Addition. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by BolivarWater, Coserv Electric, and will have on­site septic for sanitary sewer. Future Phases will come with a final plat at alater date. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The propertydoes not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. The Preliminary Plat granted a variance to:1.      Section 10.105.4.D – Residential lots shall front on residential class streetsLEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:N/AFUNDS:N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed by 8­ 26­2020 and before City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Planning Comments 8/6/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0011 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Preliminary Plat of Lot 1-13 Block A, Lots 1-3 Block B, Lots 1-7 Block C, and Lot 1 Block D of Meadow Green Farm Addition, Being 97.873 Acres, in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located on the West Side of Metz Road and Approximately 2463 Feet South of Lois Rd. Applicant: Jason Faigle ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to create 23 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each and 1 tract of 67.09 acres for future development from 2 unplatted tracts. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by Bolivar Water, Coserv Electric, and will have on-site septic for sanitary sewer. The development will consist of Phase I with 6 residential lots, Phase II with 17 residential lots, and 1 tract reserved for future development. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The property does not meet City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. 1. Section 10.105.4.D – Residential lots shall front on residential class streets Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed staff comments at this time. Plat has been sent to Denton County Planning for a courtesy review. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be addressed before City Council approval. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Monday, May 4th, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Minor Plat • Planning Review Comments 59794 56254 5632 8METZ RD Mea dowGreen FarmEstates,Phase 1 /Loc at ion Exhibit: Meadow Gree n F armEstates P hase 1Project: 20SA NZ ON -0027 0 330 660165 Feet DIS C LAIM ER:This map was g enerated by G IS d at a providedby t he Sanger GI S D epartment. The City of Sanger doe s no t guarantee the co rrec tness oraccuracy of any f eatures on this map. Thes e m a pproducts are for illus trat ion purposes only andare not suit ab le fo r sit e-sp ecif ic decis ion mak ing.GIS d at a is s ubjec t to cons tan t chan ges , andmay not be c om plete, ac curate or c urrent.Date: 7/19/2020 3 :3 0:59 PMDoc Nam e: Loc ationE x hibit_Mead ow GreenF armE s tPhase1CityLimitsExhibits 2415 N. Elm Street Denton, TX 76201 Office: 940.380.9453 Fax: 940.380.9431 www.ae-grp.com TBPE Firm #: 7898 Page 1 of 1 July 15, 2020 City of Sanger Development Services 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Letter of Intent Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition Sanger ETJ, Denton County, Texas R56279, R59807, R59826, R56293, R59828, R56287, R59818, R56300 On behalf of the property owner and Willow Tree Real Estate, of the above referenced tracts, AEG is submitting a Final Plat application for a new subdivision, Meadow Green Farm Estates. This proposed single family estate-style subdivision is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Sanger, on the west side of Metz Road, approximately 1,650 feet south of Lois Road. The overall property is approximately 97.9 Acres and will be developed in multiple phases. Phase 1 proposes six (6) lots, each approximately one (1) acre in size that each front Metz Road. A variance request to allow for driveways fronting on Metz was accepted with the Preliminary Plat along with a contingency that requires three (3) shared drives to be accessed by two lots each. It is unknown at this time how the approximately 92 acres remaining will be subdivided in the future. No infrastructure is proposed as part of Phase 1. Individual water services will tap the existing Bolivar Water line along Metz. Sanitary Sewer service will be provided with individual Onsite Treatment Systems (septic). A Drainage Area Map has been provided to show that runoff from four lots (Lots 1-4, Block A) is directed west and two lots (Lots 5- 6, Block A) will flow into the existing Metz Road ditch. No proposed drainage improvements (other than three driveway culverts to be permitted through Denton County and installed by the Home Builder) are proposed as part of Phase 1. We look forward to working together to successfully develop this property for the owners. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group Jason P. Faigle, P.E. Pl o t t e d B y : Pl o t D a t e : Sa v e D a t e : Pl o t S t y l e T a b l e : Fi l e N a m e : FOR VICINITY MAP FI N A L P L A T E X H I B I T S FINAL PLAT EXHIBITS ME A D O W G R E E N F A R M E S T A T E S - P H A S E I MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES CITY OF SANGER ETJ, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS JULY 2020 We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 2 : 2 7 : 1 3 P M Ja s o n M o n k We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 2 : 2 4 : 1 8 P M Al l i s o n . c t b P: \ P R O J E C T S \ W T R 1 9 0 1 - W I L L O W T R E E \ D W G \ C O V E R S H E E T . D W G THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, PERMITTING, ETC. JASON P. FAIGLE P.E. 101888 201 BOLIVAR STREET | SANGER, TX 76266 | (940) 458-2059 PHASE I A.P.O . CALLE D 5 2 . 2 4 7 A C R E S WILLO W T R E E R E A L E S T A T E , L L C DOCUM E N T N O . 2 0 1 8 - 1 1 7 1 7 3 R.P.R . D . C . T . A.P.O . CALLE D 3 3 . 3 1 9 A C R E S CHAD C O R B I N A N D R A C H E L C O R B I N ( 5 0 % I N T E R E S T ) NIBRO C I N V E S T M E N T S , L L C ( 2 5 % I N T E R E S T ) SLOAN M I T C H E L L P R O P E R T I E S , L L C ( 2 5 % I N T E R E S T ) DOCUM E N T N O . 2 0 1 9 - 2 9 2 9 9 R.P.R . D . C . T . W . M A S O N S U R V E Y A B S T R A C T N O . 8 0 1 D E N T O N C O U N T Y , T E X A S H . T I E R W E S T E R S U R V E Y A B S T R A C T N O . 1 2 4 1 D E N T O N C O U N T Y , T E X A S M E T Z R O A D CIRS PKS CIRS CIRS CIRS CIRS PKS LOT 1 1.00 ACRE LOT 2 BLOCK A 1.00 ACRE LOT 3 BLOCK A 1.00 ACRE LOT 4 BLOCK A 1.00 ACRE LOT 5 BLOCK A 1.00 ACRE LOT 6 BLOCK A 1.00 ACRE S 89°29'11" E 342.47' S 0 0 ° 4 8 ' 2 1 " W 4 6 8 . 7 3 ' S 0 0 ° 3 1 ' 5 3 " W 4 9 3 . 5 4 ' N 89°29'11" W 269.95' N 0 0 ° 3 0 ' 4 9 " E 8 7 2 . 2 5 ' PKF 6ƒ ( 6ƒ ( 6ƒ ( 6ƒ ( 6ƒ ( 0. 8 7 4 O F A N A A C R E RI G H T - O F - W A Y DE D I C A T I O N 3/8"IRF 6.874 ACRES 6   ƒ       :            6   ƒ       :             L1L 2 L3 L4 SL SL SL SL SL SL LOT 1 , B L O C K A CALLE D 4 . 0 1 5 A C R E S WILLO W T R E E R E A L E S T A T E , L L C MEADO W G R E E N F A R M A D D I T I O N DOC. N O . 2 0 1 9 - 2 8 8 P.R.D . C . T . P.O.B. N 0'50'100' JOB NO. 20194 DATE: 07/14/2020 DRAWN BY: R.S.C. SCALE: 1" =50' PAGE: 1 OF 1 FINAL PLAT MEADOW GREEN FARM ESTATES ADDITION 6.874 ACRES LOT 1-6, BLOCK A SITUATED IN THE W. MASON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 801 & IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 CITY OF SANGER ETJ, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS PHASE I - 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS LOT 1 - 6: 1.00 ACRE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION: 0.874 OF AN ACRE 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 TBPLS FIRM NO. 10048000 LEGEND = PROPERTY CORNER = BENCHMARK = TELEPHONE/UTILITY RISER = BURIED CABLE MARKER = TELEPHONE MANHOLE = POWER/UTILITY POLE (TR/UR) (BCM) (TMH) (PP/UP) CM * FF MFCP WFCP ( ) = CONTROL MONUMENT = FINISHED FLOOR = METAL FENCE CORNER POST = WOOD FENCE CORNER POST = PLAT/DEED CALLS = BEARING BASIS = ASPHALT SURFACE = LIGHT POLE = GUY WIRE = ELECTRIC VAULT = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER = WATER METER = WATER VALVE = FIRE HYDRANT = WATER MANHOLE = BURIED PIPELINE MARKER = GAS METER = GAS VALVE/TEST STATION = GAS WELL HEAD = PROPANE TANK = SEPTIC CLEANOUT = SEPTIC LID = SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE = STORM DRAIN MANHOLE = SIGN = FLAGPOLE = MAILBOX = ABSTRACT CORNER (LP) (GUY) (VLT) (TRAN) (WM) (WV) (FH) (WMH) (BPM) (GM) (GV/TS) (WH) (PT) (C/O) (SEPT) (SSMH) (SDMH) (SIGN) (FP) (MB) POB R.O.W. D.E. E.E. U.E. W.E. P.U.E. B.L. A.E. F.L.E. S.W.E. IRF CIRF CIRS PKF PKS S.S.E. = POINT OF BEGINNING = RIGHT-OF-WAY = DRAINAGE EASEMENT = ELECTRIC EASEMENT = UTILITY EASEMENT = WATER EASEMENT = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT = BUILDING/SETBACK LINE = ACCESS EASEMENT = FIRELANE EASEMENT = SIDEWALK EASEMENT = IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD SET = PK NAIL FOUND = PK NAIL SET = SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT = CONCRETE SURFACE = GRAVEL SURFACE EASEMENT LINES = DEED/LOT LINES = FENCE LINES = ADJOINER LINES = OVERHEAD UTILITY = ASPHALT ROAD = LINETYPE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE = GRAVEL ROAD = SURVEY LINES = SL DENTON COUNTY NOTES 1.) FLOOD STATEMENT: I HAVE EXAMINED THE F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, COMMUNITY NUMBER 480774, EFFECTIVE DATE 4-18-11 AND THAT MAP INDICATES THAT THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN "NON-SHADED ZONE X" DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN" AS SHOWN IN PANEL 0065 G OF SAID MAP. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE PROPERTY AND/OR STRUCTURES THEREON WILL BE FREE FROM FLOODING OR FLOOD DAMAGE, ON RARE OCCASIONS, GREATER FLOODS CAN AND WILL OCCUR AND FLOOD HEIGHTS MAY BE INCREASED BY MAN-MADE OR NATURAL CAUSES. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT SHALL NOT CREATE LIABILITY ON THE PART OF THE SURVEYOR. 2.) THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE ETJ OF THE CITY OF SANGER. 3.) WATER SERVICE TO BE SUPPLIED BY BOLIVAR WATER SUPPLY. 4.) SANITARY SEWER TO BE PROVIDED BY PRIVATE FACILITIES AS APPROVED BY THE DENTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 5.) ELECTRIC SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY "COSERV ELECTRIC" CONTACT: DEWEY BARNWALL 7701 SOUTH STEMMONS, CORINTH, TX. 76210 (940) 321-7800 X77549 FAX (940) 270-7790 6.) BEARINGS BASED ON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS ZONE AND G.P.S. OBSERVATIONS. 7.) THE MAINTENANCE OF PAVING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF SAME FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES BY DENTON COUNTY. 8.) THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN THE LAKE RAY ROBERTS PLANNING AND ZONING JURISDICTION. 9.) ALL SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF FENCES, BUILDINGS, FOUNDATION, PLANTINGS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY. 10.) BLOCKING THE FLOW OF WATER OR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS IN SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, AND FILLING OR OBSTRUCTING THE FLOODWAY IS PROHIBITED. 11.) DENTON COUNTY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE OR PROPERTY OCCASIONED BY FLOODING OR FLOODING CONDITIONS. 12.) THE EXISTING CREEKS OR DRAINAGE CHANNELS TRAVERSING ALONG OR ACROSS THE ADDITION WILL REMAIN AS OPEN CHANNELS AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE LOT OR LOTS THAT ARE TRAVERSED BY OR ADJACENT TO THE DRAINAGE COURSES ALONG OR ACROSS THE LOTS. 13.) A DRIVEWAY CULVERT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM DENTON COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT BY THE OWNER OF EACH LOT PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OR PLACEMENT OF ANY DRIVEWAY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY. 14.) NO CONSTRUCTION, WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM DENTON COUNTY SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN AN IDENTIFIED "FIRM" FLOODPLAIN AREA, AND THEN ONLY AFTER A DETAILED FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT INCLUDING ENGINEERING PLANS AND STUDIES SHOW THAT NO RISE IN THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) WILL RESULT, THAT NO FLOODING WILL RESULT, THAT NO OBSTRUCTION TO THE NATURAL FLOW OF WATER WILL RESULT; AND SUBJECT TO ALL OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY AFFECTED BY SUCH CONSTRUCTION BECOMING A PARTY TO THE REQUEST. WHERE CONSTRUCTION IS PERMITTED, ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET ABOVE THE 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION. 15.) DENTON COUNTY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STREETS, DRIVES, EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENTS, RECREATION AREAS AND OPEN SPACES; AND THE OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STREETS, DRIVES, EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENTS, RECREATION AREAS AND OPEN SPACES, AND SAID OWNERS AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS DENTON COUNTY FROM ALL CLAIMS, DAMAGES, AND LOSSES ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM PERFORMANCE OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF SAID OWNERS SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH. 16.) THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO CREATE 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 6.00 ACRES. 17.) ALL LOT CORNER SET WITH 1/2 INCH REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP LABELED RPLS #4857. OWNERS/DEVELOPERS NIBROC SOLUTIONS CORY CORBIN PH. 940-736-5980 SLOAN MITCHELL PROPERTIES BOB CHEATHAM PH. 940-736-4051 CHAD CORBIN & RACHEL CORBIN PO BOX 501 SANGER, TX 76266 SURVEYOR J.E. THOMPSON II ALL AMERICAN SURVEYING 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COOKE § I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY ON THE GROUND UNDER MY SUPERVISION. _____________________________________________________ J.E.THOMPSON II R.P.L.S. TEXAS REGISTRATION NO. 4857 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COOKE § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED J.E. THOMPSON II, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2020. ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS CHAD CORBIN, RACHEL CORBIN, NIBROC INVESTMENTS AND SLOAN MICHELLE PROPERTIES ARE THE OWNERS OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE W. MASON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 801, AND THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A PART OF A CALLED 52.247 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO WILLOW TREE REAL ESTATE, LLC, AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2018-117173 OF THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND A PART OF A CALLED 33.319 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO CHAD CORBIN AND RACHEL CORBIN, NIBROC INVESTMENTS, LLC AND SLOAN MITCHEL PROPERTIES, LLC AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2019-29299 OF REAL PROPERTYRECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT IN OR NEAR A CENTER OF AN ASPHALT SURFACE ROADWAY ANDER APPARENT PUBLIC USE POSTED AS METZ ROAD IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID 33.319 ACRE TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID METZ ROAD WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID 33.319 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 468.73 FEET TO A PK NAIL FOUND FOR CORNER THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 33.319 ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SAID METZ ROAD WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 493.54 FEET TO A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK A, OF MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2019-288, PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS WEST WITH A NORTH LINE OF SAID OF MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION A DISTANCE OF 37.92 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 45 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 33 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 2.91 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 117.98 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 45 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 42.43 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS WEST SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 269.95 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 49 SECONDS EAST SEVERING SAID 52.247 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 33.319 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 872.25 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST SEVERING SAID 33.319 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 342.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND ENCLOSING 6.874 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. KNOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT CHAD CORBIN, RACHEL CORBIN, NIBROC INVESTMENTS AND SLOAN MICHELL PROPERTIES DO HERBY ADOPT THIS PLAT DESIGNATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS MEADOW GREEN FARM ADDITION, PAHSE I IN THE ETJ OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER, THE STREETS RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND PUBLIC EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON. ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ CHAD CORBIN RACHEL CORBIN ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE OF REPRESENTATIVE OF NIBROC INVESTMENTS SLOAN MICHELL PROPERTIES STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED CHAD CORBIN, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2020. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED RACHEL CORBIN, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2020. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED NIBROC INVESTMENTS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2020. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED SLOAN MICHELL INVESTMENTS, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2020. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ______________________________________________ MAYOR, CITY OF SANGER DATE ATTESTED BY: _______________________________________________ CITY SECRETARY, CITY OF SANGER DATE ______________________________________________ CHAIRMAN DATE PLANNING AND ZONING VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) SITE ME T Z R O A D LOIS ROAD PR I V A T E R O A D IN T E R S T A T E 3 5 CITY OF SANGER ETJ DENTON COUNTY N REVISED DATE: 07-22-20 ADDED BUILDING LINES AND UTILITY EASEMENTS. ME T Z R O A D ME T Z R O A D SHEET Checked by: Drawn by: Pl o t t e d B y : Pl o t D a t e : Sa v e D a t e : Pl o t S t y l e T a b l e : Fi l e N a m e : in f o @ a e - g r p . c o m Te x a s B o a r d o f Pr o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r s Re g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r : F - 7 8 9 8 24 1 5 N . E L M S T R E E T D E N T O N , T E X A S 7 6 2 0 1 Ph o n e ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 5 3 FA X ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 3 1 WI L L O W T R E E R E A L E S T A T E S , L L C PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T ME A D O W G R E E N F A R M E S T A T E S - P H A S E I CI T Y O F S A N G E R , D E N T O N C O U N T Y , T E X A S THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, PERMITTING, ETC. JASON P. FAIGLE P.E. 101888 0 15075 300 SCALE: 1"=150' P: \ P r o j e c t s \ W T R 1 9 0 1 - W i l l o w T r e e \ D W G \ P H A S E 1 D R A I N A G E A R E A M A P . d w g Al l i s o n . c t b We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 1 : 0 7 : 3 6 A M We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 1 : 5 4 : 3 8 A M Ja s o n M o n k Job: WTR1901 JSM JPF 2 DR A I N A G E A R E A M A P NOTES: 1.INTENSITIES PER CITY OF SANGER'S INTENSITY DURATION FREQUENCY CURVE. 2.C VALUE OF 0.30 FOR GRASS AND 0.45 FOR RESIDENTIAL PER CITY OF SANGER'S CODE. 0 4020 80 SCALE: 1"=40' P: \ P r o j e c t s \ W T R 1 9 0 1 - W i l l o w T r e e \ D W G \ P H A S E 1 D R A I N A G E A R E A M A P . d w g Al l i s o n . c t b We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 1 : 0 7 : 3 6 A M We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 1 : 4 6 : 2 1 A M Ja s o n M o n k Job: WTR1901 JSM JPF 3 DR A I N A G E D E T A I L S & D R I V E W A Y C U L V E R T D E S I G N SHEET Checked by: Drawn by: Pl o t t e d B y : Pl o t D a t e : Sa v e D a t e : Pl o t S t y l e T a b l e : Fi l e N a m e : in f o @ a e - g r p . c o m Te x a s B o a r d o f Pr o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r s Re g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r : F - 7 8 9 8 24 1 5 N . E L M S T R E E T D E N T O N , T E X A S 7 6 2 0 1 Ph o n e ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 5 3 FA X ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 3 1 WI L L O W T R E E R E A L E S T A T E S , L L C PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T ME A D O W G R E E N F A R M E S T A T E S - P H A S E I CI T Y O F S A N G E R , D E N T O N C O U N T Y , T E X A S THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, PERMITTING, ETC. JASON P. FAIGLE P.E. 101888 METZ ROAD FU T U R E R E S I D E N T I A L S T R E E T LOT 1 BLOCK A LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 P: \ P r o j e c t s \ W T R 1 9 0 1 - W i l l o w T r e e \ D W G \ P H A S E 1 D R A I N A G E A R E A M A P . d w g Al l i s o n . c t b We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 1 : 0 7 : 3 6 A M We d n e s d a y , J u l y 1 5 , 2 0 2 0 1 1 : 4 7 : 2 9 A M Ja s o n M o n k Job: WTR1901 JSM JPF 4 DR A I N A G E C A L C U L A T I O N S SHEET Checked by: Drawn by: Pl o t t e d B y : Pl o t D a t e : Sa v e D a t e : Pl o t S t y l e T a b l e : Fi l e N a m e : in f o @ a e - g r p . c o m Te x a s B o a r d o f Pr o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r s Re g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r : F - 7 8 9 8 24 1 5 N . E L M S T R E E T D E N T O N , T E X A S 7 6 2 0 1 Ph o n e ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 5 3 FA X ( 9 4 0 ) 3 8 0 - 9 4 3 1 WI L L O W T R E E R E A L E S T A T E S , L L C PR E L I M I N A R Y P L A T ME A D O W G R E E N F A R M E S T A T E S - P H A S E I CI T Y O F S A N G E R , D E N T O N C O U N T Y , T E X A S THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, PERMITTING, ETC. JASON P. FAIGLE P.E. 101888 @ DITCH (NORTH END OF LOT 6)@ DITCH (NORTH END OF LOT 6) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 07/31/2020 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Final Plat (Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition) Request is for a Final Plat of Meadow Green Farm Estates Addition creating 6 residential 1 acre lots, being approximately 6.874 acres, prepared by All American Surveying, submitted on 07/15/2020. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning 1. Provide a signed and notarized copy of private restriction (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk. 2. Provide accurate location of the subdivision in reference to the deed records of the county which shall include the volume and page of the deed of the property to be subdivided. 3. Per DCAD a portion of the property show ownership as Willow Tree Real Estate. Provide information related to the purchase or Willow Tree Real Estate will need to be included on plat with signature line. 4. Add City of Sanger standard notes (see checklist). 5. Provide name, address, and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development and signature of each provider or a will serve letter signifying their ability to provide service to the subdivision. 6. Provide a signature box to include a signature line for the Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission, Mayor, and City Secretary (see checklist). Informational Comments 7. The property is in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger. 8. The Final Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, August 10, 2020, and for City Council meeting on Tuesday September 8, 2020. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: Country Road Estates ­ Final Plat Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 15­49 Block A, and Lots 3­24 Block B, of Country Road Estates, Being 81.45 Acres of the Ed Bradley Survey, Abstract Number 34, Cooke County, Texas, the Ed Bradley Survey, Abstract Number 1705, and the B.B.B. C.RR Co Survey, Abstract number 199 in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located South of County Road 200 and Approximately 4950 Feet West of I­35. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to create 56 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each and 1 commercial lot from 1 unplatted tract. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by Private Water Wells, Bolivar Water, Coserv Electric, and will have on­site septic for sanitary sewer. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The following variances were approved with the Preliminary Plat: 1.      City of Sanger Code of Ordinance Section 10.105.1.L – Cul­de­sacs in residential additions shall not be longer than six hundred feet (600’) from the nearest intersection, except under unusual conditions with the approval of the City Council. 2.      Denton County Subdivision Rules and Regulations Section VIII.,III,C.,17 – A cul­de­sac shall be constructed every 1000 feet along dead­end streets. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:Country Road Estates ­ Final PlatConsider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 15­49 Block A, and Lots 3­24 Block B, of Country Road Estates,Being 81.45 Acres of the Ed Bradley Survey, Abstract Number 34, Cooke County, Texas, the Ed Bradley Survey,Abstract Number 1705, and the B.B.B. C.RR Co Survey, Abstract number 199 in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, andGenerally Located South of County Road 200 and Approximately 4950 Feet West of I­35.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The applicant is proposing to create 56 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each and 1 commercial lot from 1 unplattedtract. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by Private Water Wells,Bolivar Water, Coserv Electric, and will have on­site septic for sanitary sewer. The property is located in the City ofSanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The following variances were approved with the Preliminary Plat:1.      City of Sanger Code of Ordinance Section 10.105.1.L – Cul­de­sacs in residential additions shall not belonger than six hundred feet (600’) from the nearest intersection, except under unusual conditions with theapproval of the City Council.2.      Denton County Subdivision Rules and Regulations Section VIII.,III,C.,17 – A cul­de­sac shall beconstructed every 1000 feet along dead­end streets.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be satisfied prior to 8­ 26­2020. ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Application 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Final Plat 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Planning Comments 8/6/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 1, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0026 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of Lots 15-49 Block A, and Lots 3-24 Block B, of Country Road Estates, Being 81.45 Acres of the Ed Bradley Survey, Abstract Number 34, Cooke County, Texas, the Ed Bradley Survey, Abstract Number 1705, and the B.B.B. C.RR Co Survey, Abstract number 199 in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and Generally Located South of County Road 200 and Approximately 4950 Feet West of I-35. Applicant: Kenny Zollinger ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The applicant is proposing to create 56 residential lots of a minimum 1 acre each and 1 commercial lot from 1 unplatted tract. The property is located in the ETJ of the City of Sanger. The property will be served by Private Water Wells, Bolivar Water, Coserv Electric, and will have on-site septic for sanitary sewer. The property is located in the City of Sanger ETJ and therefore no zoning regulations apply. The following variances were approved with the Preliminary Plat: 1. City of Sanger Code of Ordinance Section 10.105.1.L – Cul-de-sacs in residential additions shall not be longer than six hundred feet (600’) from the nearest intersection, except under unusual conditions with the approval of the City Council. 2. Denton County Subdivision Rules and Regulations Section VIII.,III,C.,17 – A cul-de-sac shall be constructed every 1000 feet along dead-end streets. Staff has reviewed the plat and provided comments. Applicant has not addressed staff comments at this time. Staff Recommendation The applicant has not addressed all of staff’s comments. Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION that all City of Sanger comments will be satisfied prior to 8-26-2020. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission should approve the plat if it finds it to be in conformance with the subdivision requirements. Future Actions The City Council is scheduled to consider the application at the regular meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Plat • Planning Review Comments DENTON COUNTY COUN TRYROADSCT METZRD COU NTRY ROADS D R HOEHN RD Countr yRoadEstates /Loc at ion Exhibit: Coun t ry R oadEstatesProject: 20SA NZ ON -0026 0 500 1,000250 Feet DIS C LAIM ER:This map was g enerated by G IS d at a providedby t he Sanger GI S D epartment. The City of Sanger doe s no t guarantee the co rrec tness oraccuracy of any f eatures on this map. Thes e m a pproducts are for illus trat ion purposes only andare not suit ab le fo r sit e-sp ecif ic decis ion mak ing.GIS d at a is s ubjec t to cons tan t chan ges , andmay not be c om plete, ac curate or c urrent.Date: 7/19/2020 3 :2 3:03 PMDoc Nam e: Loc ationE x hibit_CountryR oadEsta te sExhibitsCityLimitsCounty Lin e DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 08/04/2020 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Final Plat (Country Road Estates Addition) Request is for a Final Plat of Country Road Estates Addition creating 56 residential 1+ acre lots and 1 commercial lot, being approximately 81.45 acres, prepared by KAZ Surveying, submitted on 07/15/2020. Below are the comments that should be addressed prior to recommendation to City Council for approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning 1. Provide a signed and notarized copy of private restriction (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk. 2. Provide accurate location of the subdivision in reference to the deed records of the county which shall include the volume and page of the deed of the property to be subdivided. 3. Show Centerline of existing streets. Dimensions from centerline to edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline. 4. Add City of Sanger standard notes (see checklist). Informational Comments 5. The property is in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Sanger. 6. The Final Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, August 10, 2020, and for City Council meeting on Tuesday September 8, 2020. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020 TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director ITEM/CAPTION: 1404 N Stemmons ­ SUP Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Outside Sales and Display use on Approximately 0.918 Acres of Land, Zoned as Business 2 (B­2), and Generally Located Approximately 115 feet South of Sable Ave and 1585 feet North of the Intersection of North 5th Street and I­35 Frontage Rd. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The subject property is zoned as B­2 (Business District 2).  This district allows the proposed use of Outside Sales and Display only with a Specific Use Permit (SUP). The site has previously been used as a used automobile sales dealership. The applicant is requesting a SUP to be approved for new tractor and equipment sales, new utility trailer sales, and new utility task vehicle sales (UTV). They would also have used automobiles which is an allowed use in the B­2 district. The property is approximately 0.918 acres and is not platted. The property consists of an office building, storage building, and carport. The front half of the property is concrete and has two access drives. The back half of the property is grass and has utility lines running overhead. The property also has the Ranger Branch Tributary 6 stream that runs across the north side of the property outside the concreted area. The applicant operates two other locations, one in Lewisville and one in Whitesboro. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: N/A FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2020TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service DirectorITEM/CAPTION:1404 N Stemmons ­ SUPConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Outside Sales andDisplay use on Approximately 0.918 Acres of Land, Zoned as Business 2 (B­2), and Generally LocatedApproximately 115 feet South of Sable Ave and 1585 feet North of the Intersection of North 5th Street and I­35Frontage Rd.AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The subject property is zoned as B­2 (Business District 2).  This district allows the proposed use of Outside Sales andDisplay only with a Specific Use Permit (SUP). The site has previously been used as a used automobile salesdealership. The applicant is requesting a SUP to be approved for new tractor and equipment sales, new utility trailersales, and new utility task vehicle sales (UTV). They would also have used automobiles which is an allowed use in theB­2 district.The property is approximately 0.918 acres and is not platted. The property consists of an office building, storagebuilding, and carport. The front half of the property is concrete and has two access drives. The back half of theproperty is grass and has utility lines running overhead. The property also has the Ranger Branch Tributary 6 streamthat runs across the north side of the property outside the concreted area. The applicant operates two other locations,one in Lewisville and one in Whitesboro.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:N/AFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: N/A FUNDS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Staff Report 8/7/2020 Cover Memo Location Map 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Application 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Letter of Intent 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Site Plan 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Metes and Bounds Description 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Product for Sale 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Existing Business in Lewisville 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Existing Business in Whitesboro 8/6/2020 Cover Memo Response Form 8/7/2020 Cover Memo PLANNING & ZONING COMMISION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 10, 2020 Case #: 20SANZON-0028 Case Coordinator: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for an Outside Sales and Display use on Approximately 0.918 Acres of Land, Zoned as Business 2 (B-2), and Generally Located Approximately 115 feet South of Sable Ave and 1585 feet North of the Intersection of North 5th Street and I-35 Frontage Rd. Applicant: Horatio Newman ______________________________________________________________________________ Case Overview The subject property is zoned as B-2 (Business District 2). This district allows the proposed use of Outside Sales and Display only with a Specific Use Permit (SUP). The site has previously been used as a used automobile sales dealership. The applicant is requesting a SUP to be approved for new tractor and equipment sales, new utility trailer sales, and new utility task vehicle sales (UTV). They would also have used automobiles which is an allowed use in the B-2 district. The property is approximately 0.918 acres and is not platted. The property consists of an office building, storage building, and carport. The front half of the property is concrete and has two access drives. The back half of the property is grass and has utility lines running overhead. The property also has the Ranger Branch Tributary 6 stream that runs across the north side of the property outside the concreted area. The applicant operates two other locations, one in Lewisville and one in Whitesboro. Surrounding Land Uses Direction Land Use Zoning North Vacant B-2 (Business District - 2) East Vacant B-2 (Business District - 2) South Business B-2 (Business District - 2) West Vacant B-2 (Business District - 2) Issues for Consideration In recommending that a specific use permit for the premises under consideration be granted, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine that such uses are harmonious and adaptable to building structures and uses of adjacent property and other property in the vicinity of the premises under consideration, and shall make recommendations as to requirements for the paving of streets, alleys and sidewalks, means of access to public streets, provisions for drainage, adequate off-street parking, protective screening and open space, heights of structures and compatibility of buildings. Notification Response Form Staff mailed five (5) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. At the time of this report two (2) responses were received one favor of the proposed SUP and the other with comments. Actions for Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning & Zoning Commission shall take action prior to action by City Council. Future Actions If approved by P&Z Commission, the City Council will conduct a public hearing and act on this request on September 8, 2020. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Site Plan • Metes and Bounds Description • Picture of Products to be Sold • Photo of Existing Lewisville Business • Photo of Existing Whitesboro Business • Response forms 11 3124 563636 563634 11312 5 563 634 203993 602 96 244 798 603 01 I-35 SERVICE BELZ RD I-35 SERVICE SABLE AVE I-35 I-35 140 2 NSTEMMONS FW Y 1404 NSTEMMONSFWY 1412 NSTEMMONSFWY /Loc at ion: 1404 N . St emmon s S UPProject: 20SA NZ ON -0028 0 100 20050 Feet DIS C LAIM ER:This map was g enerated by G IS d at a providedby t he Sanger GI S D epartment. The City of Sanger doe s no t guarantee the co rrec tness oraccuracy of any f eatures on this map. Thes e m a pproducts are for illus trat ion purposes only andare not suit ab le fo r sit e-sp ecif ic decis ion mak ing.GIS d at a is s ubjec t to cons tan t chan ges , andmay not be c om plete, ac curate or c urrent.Date: 7/19/2020 3 :4 4:35 PMDoc Nam e: S UP_Locat ionEx hib it_140 4St em monsExhibitsParcels Subjec tArea