04/08/2019-BOA-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Board Of Adjustment April 8th, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Marissa Barrett, Sandra Hensley, Dennis Dillon, Sally Amendola, Bo Cooper, Phillip Surles MEMBERS ABSENT: Matt Fuller OTHERS PRESENT: City Planner Muzaib Riaz, Building Official Ramie Hammonds, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson, Trey Gruenwald, Joe Duty, Lisa Duty, Ronny Beard, Tommy Crutcher 1. Call Meeting to Order. 7:02 PM 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of November 6, 2018. Commissioner Surles made a motion to accept the minutes. Commissioner Cooper seconded. Motion passes unanimously. 5. Conduct a Public Hearing for a Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback Requirement of Twenty (20’) Feet; and to Allow a Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback of Fifteen (15’) Feet, for the Property 4904-4906 Villas Drive, Sanger, Texas; Generally Located at the North-East of the Intersection of Ashton Drive and Villas Drive. Muzaib speaks briefly and goes over the staff report. He explains that the 15ft set back request does not encroach onto any easements. Open Public Hearing at 7:05 PM Tommy Crutcher says he is the builder and explains that they both will fit within the utility easements. He also explains that the duplex will look the same as all of the others if the new setback is aloud. Ramie adds that this area is in a PD for the neighborhood with 15 ft. setbacks. Close Public Hearing at 7:09 PM 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback Requirement of Twenty (20’) Feet; and to Allow a Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback of Fifteen (15’) Feet, for the Property 4904-4906 Villas Drive, Sanger, Texas; Generally Located at the North-East of the Intersection of Ashton Drive and Villas Drive. Commissioner Surles made a motion to approve. Commissioner Barrett seconded. Motion passes unanimously 7. Conduct a Public Hearing for a Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback Requirement of Twenty (20’) Feet; and to Allow a Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback of Fifteen (15’) Feet, for the Property 4905-4907 Sanger Circle Drive, Sanger, Texas; Generally Located South-East of the Intersection of Ashton Drive and Sanger Circle Drive. Muzaib speaks briefly said it the same as the previous request. Open Public Hearing; 7:10 PM Close Public Hearing; 7:11 PM 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback Requirement of Twenty (20’) Feet; and to Allow a Side Yard Adjacent to a Street Setback of Fifteen (15’) Feet, for the Property 4905-4907 Sanger Circle Drive, Sanger, Texas; Generally Located South-East of the Intersection of Ashton Drive and Sanger Circle Drive. Commissioner Surles made a motion to approve. Commissioner Amendola seconded. Motion passes unanimously. 9. Adjourn 7:12 PM