11/11/2019-BOA-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
7:00 PM
1.Call Meeting to Order
2.Determine a Presence of Quorum.
4.Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2019
5.209 Smith Street Variance
Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From
Minimum lot Width of Sixty (60’) Feet, and From Minimum Side Yard Setback of Eight (8’) Feet to
Six (6’) Feet, for the Proposed lot of two Tracks of Land Being Platted as one (1) lot; Being
Approximately 0.159 Acres (6,926.04 square feet), and Generally Located North of Smith Street
and Approximately 265 Feet East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Smith Street.
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the
City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place
convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
9:40 AM
Cheryl Price City Secretary
City of Sanger, Texas
Date/Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City
Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information.
Board of Adjustment AGENDA MEMO
AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 11, 2019
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2019
Description Upload Date Type
Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2019 Meeting 11/8/2019 Exhibit
7:00 PM
Shane Stone, Sally Amendola, Jackie Turner, Allen McAlister, Matt Fuller, Bo Cooper, Phillip Surles
Muzaib Riaz, Stefani Dodson, Ramie Hammonds, Tracey LaPiene
1.Call Meeting to Order
7:00 PM
2.Determine a Presence of Quorum.
Quorum Present
4.N 3rd Street & Plum Street Variance Public Hearing
Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Variance From Section 19 – “MF2” (Multi
Family Residential District 2), Exhibit A – Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Chapter 14 –
Planning and Zoning of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, to Allow Variance From Minimum
Front Yard Setback Requirement of 25 Feet, and Minimum Side Yard Setback Adjacent to the
Street Requirement of 20 Feet for Proposed MultiFamily Development, Generally Located North
West Corner of 3rd Street, and Plum Street.
Muzaib speak briefly about the project and goes over the staff report. Staff does recommend
Open Public Hearing: 7:03 PM
Brandon Miller stands to speak to the board.
Noell is the owner of the property. The reason for the variance is because no one knows what the
ROW is exactly. Either 50 ft or 60 ft. If it is the 50 ft ROW we would be ok, but not if it is 60 ft
ROW. The existing apartments parking lot is very tight and there has already been 2 accidents in the
parking lot from lack of room. I would point out the riser room was approved on the first
apartments. Brandon is baffled at why staff is recommending denial.
MINUTESBOARD OF ADJUSTMENTMONDAY, AUGUST 12, 20197:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASCOMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT:Shane Stone, Sally Amendola, Jackie Turner, Allen McAlister, Matt Fuller, Bo Cooper, Phillip SurlesCOMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT:STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Muzaib Riaz, Stefani Dodson, Ramie Hammonds, Tracey LaPiene1.Call Meeting to Order7:00 PM2.Determine a Presence of Quorum.Quorum Present3.Pledge4.N 3rd Street & Plum Street Variance Public HearingConduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Variance From Section 19 – “MF2” (MultiFamily Residential District 2), Exhibit A – Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Chapter 14 –Planning and Zoning of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, to Allow Variance From MinimumFront Yard Setback Requirement of 25 Feet, and Minimum Side Yard Setback Adjacent to theStreet Requirement of 20 Feet for Proposed MultiFamily Development, Generally Located NorthWest Corner of 3rd Street, and Plum Street.Muzaib speak briefly about the project and goes over the staff report. Staff does recommenddenial.Open Public Hearing: 7:03 PMBrandon Miller stands to speak to the board.Noell is the owner of the property. The reason for the variance is because no one knows what theROW is exactly. Either 50 ft or 60 ft. If it is the 50 ft ROW we would be ok, but not if it is 60 ftROW. The existing apartments parking lot is very tight and there has already been 2 accidents in theparking lot from lack of room. I would point out the riser room was approved on the first
apartments. Brandon is baffled at why staff is recommending denial.
Stone asks questions about previous apartments, and Brandon Miller answers.
Turner asks about the space at the current place.
Ramie speaks briefly about the current apartments.
Noel says we appreciate your consideration.
Close Pulbic Hearing: 7:12 PM
5.N 3rd Street and Plum Street Variance Action Item
Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request for a Variance From Section 19 – “MF2” (MultiFamily
Residential District 2), Exhibit A – Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Chapter 14 – Planning
and Zoning of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, to Allow Variance From Minimum Front
Yard Setback Requirement of 25 Feet, and Minimum Side Yard Setback Adjacent to the Street
Requirement of 20 Feet for Proposed MultiFamily Development, Generally Located NorthWest
Corner of 3rd Street, and Plum Street.
A motion was made by Matt Fuller to Motion. The motion was seconed by Sally Amendola.
Commissioner Fuller asks a question and explains he remembers that there was a hardship on the
last variance because the riser room needed to be added after building was built. He states there is
not a hardship on this building site. If the lot doesn't hold it then it doesn't hold it.
Commissioner Fuller makes a motion to deny the variance. Commissioner Amendola seconded
denial. Commissioners Surles, Cooper, Stone, McAlister, and Turner oppose motion.
The motion Deny Failed with a 25 vote (Nays: Cooper, McAlister, Stone, Surles, Turner) (Absent:
6.April 8th 2019 BOA Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Phillip Surles to Motion. The motion was seconed by Matt Fuller. The motion
Approve Passed with a 70 vote (Absent: Cunningham)
7:26 PM(Absent: Cunningham)
Board of Adjustment AGENDA MEMO
AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 11, 2019
TO: Alina Ciocan, City Manager
FROM: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services
209 Smith Street Variance
Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum lot Width of Sixty
(60’) Feet, and From Minimum Side Yard Setback of Eight (8’) Feet to Six (6’) Feet, for the Proposed lot of two
Tracks of Land Being Platted as one (1) lot; Being Approximately 0.159 Acres (6,926.04 square feet), and Generally
Located North of Smith Street and Approximately 265 Feet East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Smith
AGENDA TYPE: Regular, Public Hearing
The subject property is located in SF10 (Single Family Residential District 10) Zoning District. The applicant is
requesting a variance from SF10 lot width requirement to allow platting the two tracts into one (1) lot. The proposed
lot will meet the lot depth requirement of 100 feet but does not meet lot width requirement of 60 feet. The proposed lot
will be minimum 48 feet wide with the total lot area of 6,926 square feet. The proposed lot does not meet the minimum
lot width requirement of minimum 60 feet. The applicant is requesting a variance from minimum lot width requirement.
In order to plat the property the applicant will have to acquire variance from minimum lot width requirement.
Actions for Zoning Board of Adjustment
The Zoning Board of Adjustment should approve the requested variance from zoning regulations if it finds it to be in
conformance with Section 41 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 –
Planning and Zoning, Exhibit A – Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger Texas.
Notification Response Form
Staff mailed twelve (12) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. We
have received one (1) response in opposition to the proposed variance at the time of this report.
Board of Adjustment AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO.AGENDA MEETING DATE: November 11, 2019TO: Alina Ciocan, City ManagerFROM: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development ServicesITEM/CAPTION:209 Smith Street VarianceConduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum lot Width of Sixty(60’) Feet, and From Minimum Side Yard Setback of Eight (8’) Feet to Six (6’) Feet, for the Proposed lot of twoTracks of Land Being Platted as one (1) lot; Being Approximately 0.159 Acres (6,926.04 square feet), and GenerallyLocated North of Smith Street and Approximately 265 Feet East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and SmithStreet.AGENDA TYPE: Regular, Public HearingACTION REQUESTED: Other: DENIALBACKGROUND:The subject property is located in SF10 (Single Family Residential District 10) Zoning District. The applicant isrequesting a variance from SF10 lot width requirement to allow platting the two tracts into one (1) lot. The proposedlot will meet the lot depth requirement of 100 feet but does not meet lot width requirement of 60 feet. The proposed lotwill be minimum 48 feet wide with the total lot area of 6,926 square feet. The proposed lot does not meet the minimumlot width requirement of minimum 60 feet. The applicant is requesting a variance from minimum lot width requirement.In order to plat the property the applicant will have to acquire variance from minimum lot width requirement.LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Actions for Zoning Board of AdjustmentThe Zoning Board of Adjustment should approve the requested variance from zoning regulations if it finds it to be inconformance with Section 41 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) of the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 –Planning and Zoning, Exhibit A – Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger Texas.Notification Response FormStaff mailed twelve (12) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. Wehave received one (1) response in opposition to the proposed variance at the time of this report.
Staff has found the requested variance will confer on the applicant special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to
properties within the same district, and may seriously affect any adjoining property or the general welfare based on the
information provided. This property is currently a nonconforming parcel and staff recommends DENIAL of the
proposed variance.
Description Upload Date Type
Staff Report 11/8/2019 Backup Material
Location Map 11/8/2019 Backup Material
Application 11/8/2019 Backup Material
Letter of Intent 11/8/2019 Backup Material
Site Exhibit 11/8/2019 Exhibit
Response Form 11/8/2019 Backup Material
Meeting Date: November 11, 2019
Case #: 19SANZON-0035
Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services
Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested
Variance From Minimum lot Width of Sixty (60’) Feet, and From Minimum
Side Yard Setback of Eight (8’) Feet to Six (6’) Feet, for the Proposed lot
of two Tracks of Land Being Platted as one (1) lot; Being Approximately
0.159 Acres (6,926.04 square feet), and Generally Located North of Smith
Street and Approximately 265 Feet East of the Intersection of Railroad
Avenue and Smith Street.
Applicant: Drew Hall
Case Overview
The subject property is located in SF-10 (Single Family Residential District - 10) Zoning District.
The applicant is requesting a variance from SF-10 lot width requirement to allow platting the two
tracts into one (1) lot. The proposed lot will meet the lot depth requirement of 100 feet but does
not meet lot width requirement of 60 feet. The proposed lot will be minimum 48 feet wide with
the total lot area of 6,926 square feet. The proposed lot does not meet the minimum lot width
requirement of minimum 60 feet. The applicant is requesting a variance from minimum lot width
requirement. In order to plat the property the applicant will have to acquire variance from minimum
lot width requirement
The applicant is also requesting a variance of minimum side yard setback requirement through this
application. Currently SF-10 zoning requires minimum 8 feet of side yard setback. The applicant
intends to build a singlefamily home on the proposed lot with 6 feet of side yard setback instead
of 8 feet as required by SF-10 standards.
A similar variance request by Habitat for Humanity, from minimum lot width requirement for this
same property was denied by Zoning Board of Adjustment in October 2018.
Notification Response Form
Staff mailed twelve (12) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the
subject property. We have received one (1) response in opposition to the proposed variance at the
time of this report.
Staff Recommendation
The proposed variance application does not prove any unnecessary hardship. An unnecessary
hardship is defined as:
1. Special conditions and circumstances exist, that are not contrary to the public interest, and
which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable
to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district;
2. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive the applicant of
rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of this
3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the
4. That granting the variance request will not confer on the applicant any special privilege
that is denied by this ordinance to properties, structures, or buildings in the same district;
5. No non- conforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district
and no permitted use of lands, structures, or buildings in other districts shall be considered
grounds for the issuance of a variance; and
6. Financial hardship shall not be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance.
Staff has found the requested variance will confer on the applicant special privilege that is denied
by this ordinance to properties within the same district, and may seriously affect any adjoining
property or the general welfare based on the information provided. This property is currently a
non-conforming parcel and staff recommends DENIAL of the proposed variance.
Actions for Zoning Board of Adjustment
The Zoning Board of Adjustment should approve the requested variance from zoning regulations
if it finds it to be in conformance with Section 41 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) of the City of
Sanger Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14 – Planning and Zoning, Exhibit A – Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Sanger Texas.
• Location Map
• Application
• Letter of Intent
• Site Plan
• Response Forms
209Smith StVariance
/Location Exhibit: 209 S mith St.Variance
0 90 18045 Feet
DISCLAIMER:This map was generat ed by GIS data providedby the Sang er GIS Departmen t. Th e City of Sanger do es not guarantee the corre ctness oraccuracy of any features on this map . These mapproducts are for illustration purposes only andare not suitab le for site-specific decision makin g.GIS data is subject to consta nt ch anges, andmay not be complete, accurate or current.Date: 11 /2/2019 12:25:11 PMDoc Name: LocationExhibit_209SmithStVarianceExhibits