03/26/2019-4B-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Opt 4B Minutes March 26, 2019 Jeff Springer, Beverly Branch, Beverly Howard, Barbara Martin, Carrie Bilyeu John Payne, Will Dutton Economic Director Shani Bradshaw, Jennifer Shumate 1. Call Meeting to Order. Meeting called to order at 6 P.M. 2. Minutes of the Meeting of February 5, 2019. Branch made a motion to accept minutes, Bilyeu seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously. 3. Discuss City Wide Comp Plan. Shani Bradshaw speaks about the Comp Plan. She goes over previous discussion and says the Comp Plan will cost more than $40,000.00. The City will move forward with the Comp Plan eventually. If the 4B board decides not to help she will go back to 4A to request additional funds. She goes over the packet and power point. She explains that people are going outside of our City currently to purchase automotive things. The last Comp Plan was done in 2007. They discuss over the leakage that is in the packet. Shani explains that this is showing your trade area not just the City Limits. Board members go over their packet. Shani explains that the population numbers are estimated for 2019 and 2024. It gives an idea of our potential growth will be. Shani explains that she is showing the building permits. Board asks where is 3000 possible new homes are going be located. Ramie speaks and says that we don't have any lots available right now. Ramie explains where the new developments are going now. She explains that the growth is here and coming. Ramie explains that her concern is the zoning. That the Comp Plan will help us get the zoning correct. Example we have industrial pretty much in down town. She also explains in detail how a comp plan will help with new development with commercial and residential. Jennifer speaks and says that when Jim came in a few years ago there has not been a need for a Park Development. That this will help to pass on the needs to the next people. Ramie explains that the Comp Plan is a very valuable tool for staff. There are areas that are needing to be rezoned and clean up and clarify some areas. The board is asking how much was the old one been utilized and from what they have been told this plan is not out of date. Why should we spend the money if it isn't used a lot? They have been asking and felt like they never got a clear answer. Shani explains that the Comp Plan is out of date. Ramie said the Comp Plan is more like a rule for us and is used greatly in P&Z Department. The Board asks why is only one Development have a park but no other developments have parks. Ramie and Jennifer explain that they are not City parks. The board asks "Is there a way to do an addendum to the 2007 Comp Plan other than spending the money for a whole new plan" Ramie said it is really difficult to do this because Sanger has changed drastically since 2007. A Comp Plan is usually updated every 8 to 10 years. That we are at 12 years now. Shani says or sooner. The Board asks to remind them what amount is being requested. Shani said $40,000.00 The Board asked how much is 4A contributing. Shani answers 4A is contributing $40,000.00, then if approved by 4B they will go back to 4A and request the additional $20,000.00. Board member asks what action item you are needing. Do we need to put it on the April agenda? Shani explains that this was informational and it the action item will be on April's agenda. 4. Discuss Cost Estimates Requested for Phase II of Porter Park. Jennifer explains last month they decided to use the map from 2014. She goes over the hand out. She explains what it would take to get to the point of moving dirt. Survey in the flood plain, Prepare a Master Plan, Range onsite plan ($20,000.00), Prepare a grading plan ($75,000.00), Provide baseball fence location ($15,000.00), Flood Plan study ($50,000.00) Board member asks is all of these fees are separate from the Pre Design Construction Contingency. Jennifer responds with yes that is what she understood. The board has a discussion about all of the plans. Board Member asks does the flood study have to be done before the hike and bike trail. Jennifer says yes all of the plans discussed have to be done first. The board states that they are not the Parks Board. They explain that they have more than Parks that fall under the 4B they also have Economic Development. They wonder why they are the only board being asked for money. They ask if City Council get money requested. Jennifer explains she know they have Economic Development and they are not the only ones being looked at for money. The Board is wanting to know how much it will cost to get the field fixed. 5. Review Financials. They discuss the financial in the packet. 6. Input From Citizens. No Citizens 7. Adjourn. 7:03 PM