10/26/2021-4B-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2021 6:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum, Invocation, Pledge 2.CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The 4B Economic Development Board is unable to respond or discuss any issues brought up during this section.) 3.CONSENT AGENDA: a.Approval of Minutes 1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM 08­10­2021. 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.ELECTION OF OFFICERS Consider electing officers for the Sanger Texas Development Corporation Board of Directors.  6.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICY Consider an Economic Development Incentive Policy for the City of Sanger.  7.REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR PORTER PARK RENOVATIONS Consider a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional design services for renovations to Porter Porter Park Softball Fields. 8.INFORMATION ITEMS: a.FINANCIAL REPORTS b.DIRECTOR'S REPORT 9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of the Board to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Board or Page 1 AGENDA4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARDTUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 20216:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum, Invocation, Pledge2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The 4B Economic Development Board is unable to respond ordiscuss any issues brought up during this section.)3.CONSENT AGENDA:a.Approval of Minutes1.APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM 08­10­2021.4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.ELECTION OF OFFICERSConsider electing officers for the Sanger Texas Development Corporation Board of Directors. 6.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICYConsider an Economic Development Incentive Policy for the City of Sanger. 7.REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR PORTER PARK RENOVATIONSConsider a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional design services for renovations toPorter Porter Park Softball Fields.8.INFORMATION ITEMS:a.FINANCIAL REPORTSb.DIRECTOR'S REPORT9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of the Board to bring forward items theywish to discuss at a future meeting, A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice hasnot been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Board or at the call of the Mayor). 10.ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. October 21, 2021 4:45 p.m. Kelly Edwards, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Date/Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458­7930 for further information. Page 2 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. A.1. AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021 TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development ITEM/CAPTION: APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM 08­10­2021. AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: NA LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: NA FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: NA FUNDS: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve minutes.  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Minutes ­ August 10, 2021 10/21/2021 Cover Memo Page 3 1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation. John Payne called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2.CITIZEN INPUT: No citizens came forward to speak. 3.CONSENT AGENDA: Carrie Billyeu made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Motion was seconded by Beverly Howard.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote. a.Approval of Minutes 1.Approval of Minutes 1.  Approval of 4B Minutes From Board Meeting 06­22­2021 4.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items were removed from the consent agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields Discuss and Consider Renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields. MINUTES 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2021 6:00 PM HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREET SANGER, TEXAS BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: John Payne, Jeff Springer, Carrie Bilyeu, Beverly Howard BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Eddie Piercy STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Director of Economic Development Services Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson, Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate Page 1Page 4 MINUTES4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARDTUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 20216:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:John Payne, Jeff Springer, Carrie Bilyeu, Beverly HowardBOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:Eddie PiercySTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Director of Economic Development Services Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson, Recreation andEvents Coordinator Jennifer Shumate1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.John Payne called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens came forward to speak.3.CONSENT AGENDA:Carrie Billyeu made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Motion was seconded by BeverlyHoward.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote.a.Approval of Minutes1.Approval of Minutes1.  Approval of 4B Minutes From Board Meeting 06­22­20214.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the consent agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields Discuss and Consider Renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields. Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate explains to the board about the information she has gotten from companies to fix the softball fields.  She said this project will take some time to complete.  Jeff Springer asked instead of moving the fields forward can she get a quote on moving the backstop towards the field? John Payne would also like to make sure who ever does the work this time he would like a warranty on the work. Jennifer Shumate explained she will start working on getting quotes and will update the board when she has answers. 6.Fiscal Year 2020­2021 Budget Discuss, Consider and Possibly Reconsider the Fiscal Year 2021­2022 Budget. Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw gives a brief update.  Beverly Howard made a motion to approve the 21­22 Fiscal Year Budget.  Carrie Bilyeu seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote. 7.Election of Officers Discuss, Consider and Act on Electing Officers for the Sanger Development Corporation Board.   Jeff Springer made a motion to table until more board members are available.  Beverly Howard seconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote. 8.INFORMATION ITEMS: a.Financial Reports Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw gives a brief update.  She goes over the taxes that have been collected in the month of May. b.Director's Report Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw gives a brief update.   She explains to the board there will be a training and joint meeting on September 8 from 5:30­8:00 p.m..  She also goes over the Education Foundation Gala information.  She stated she has purchased two tables for the board members to be able to attend. 9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: No items were discussed. 10.ADJOURN. Page 2Page 5 MINUTES4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARDTUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 20216:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING ­ 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:John Payne, Jeff Springer, Carrie Bilyeu, Beverly HowardBOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:Eddie PiercySTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Director of Economic Development Services Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson, Recreation andEvents Coordinator Jennifer Shumate1.Call Meeting to Order, Establish a Quorum (Roll Call), Invocation.John Payne called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.2.CITIZEN INPUT:No citizens came forward to speak.3.CONSENT AGENDA:Carrie Billyeu made a motion to approve the consent agenda.  Motion was seconded by BeverlyHoward.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote.a.Approval of Minutes1.Approval of Minutes1.  Approval of 4B Minutes From Board Meeting 06­22­20214.Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.No items were removed from the consent agenda.REGULAR AGENDA5.Renovations to Porter Park Softball FieldsDiscuss and Consider Renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields.Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate explains to the board about the informationshe has gotten from companies to fix the softball fields.  She said this project will take some time tocomplete. Jeff Springer asked instead of moving the fields forward can she get a quote on moving the backstoptowards the field?John Payne would also like to make sure who ever does the work this time he would like a warrantyon the work.Jennifer Shumate explained she will start working on getting quotes and will update the board whenshe has answers.6.Fiscal Year 2020­2021 BudgetDiscuss, Consider and Possibly Reconsider the Fiscal Year 2021­2022 Budget.Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw gives a brief update. Beverly Howard made a motion to approve the 21­22 Fiscal Year Budget.  Carrie Bilyeu secondedthe motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote.7.Election of OfficersDiscuss, Consider and Act on Electing Officers for the Sanger Development Corporation Board.  Jeff Springer made a motion to table until more board members are available.  Beverly Howardseconded the motion.  Motion passes unanimously with a 4­0 vote.8.INFORMATION ITEMS:a.Financial ReportsDirector of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw gives a brief update.  She goes over the taxesthat have been collected in the month of May.b.Director's ReportDirector of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw gives a brief update.   She explains to theboard there will be a training and joint meeting on September 8 from 5:30­8:00 p.m.. She also goes over the Education Foundation Gala information.  She stated she has purchased twotables for the board members to be able to attend.9.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:No items were discussed. 10.ADJOURN. As there were no items left on the agenda John Payne adjourns the meeting at 6:24 p.m.. Page 3Page 6 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 5. AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021 TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development ITEM/CAPTION: ELECTION OF OFFICERS Consider electing officers for the Sanger Texas Development Corporation Board of Directors.  AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The President and Vice President of the Type B Corporation are elected by the Board and shall serve terms of one (1) year. There are no limitations on the number of consecutive years that a person may serve in the same office.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: NA FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: NA FUNDS: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Appoint a President and Vice President.  Page 7 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 6. AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021 TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development ITEM/CAPTION: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICY Consider an Economic Development Incentive Policy for the City of Sanger.  AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: The proposed Incentive Policy creates standards and guidelines that will govern incentives that facilitate economic growth. Staff worked with a consultant to create a policy with specific parameters while still offering the flexibility necessary to ensure the best interest of the City. The Policy elements include eligibility criteria, financial tools and their limitations, as well as outlining the administrative process. Furthermore, the Policy makes it clear that even if a project meets all of the criteria, an application may be denied for any reason at the discretion of the City Council.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: Legal has reviewed the Policy.  FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: NA FUNDS: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Page 8 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 6.AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4BFROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic DevelopmentITEM/CAPTION:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICYConsider an Economic Development Incentive Policy for the City of Sanger. AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Approval BACKGROUND:The proposed Incentive Policy creates standards and guidelines that will govern incentives that facilitate economicgrowth. Staff worked with a consultant to create a policy with specific parameters while still offering the flexibilitynecessary to ensure the best interest of the City.The Policy elements include eligibility criteria, financial tools and their limitations, as well as outlining the administrativeprocess. Furthermore, the Policy makes it clear that even if a project meets all of the criteria, an application may bedenied for any reason at the discretion of the City Council. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:Legal has reviewed the Policy. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:NAFUNDS:NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Approve the Incentive Policy and application.  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Economic Development Incentive Policy 10/19/2021 Cover Memo Page 9                     RESOLUTION NO. ______ A  RESOLUTION  OF  THE  CITY  OF  SANGER,  TEXAS,  APPROVING  THE  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN INCENTIVES POLICY TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND STIMULATE  BUSINESS  AND  COMMERCIAL  ACTIVITY  IN  THE  CITY;  ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES  AND  CRITERIA  FOR  APPROVAL  OF  TAX  ABATEMENTS  AND  OTHER INCENTIVES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979 (the Act), now codified in Title 12, Subtitle C1, Chapters 501‐505 of the Texas Local Government Code, authorizes communities to collect Type A and / or Type B economic development sales and use taxes; and WHEREAS the residents of the City of Sanger (City) on May 2, 1998 passed an election approving the collection of a 0.50% sales and use tax for the benefit of a Type A Economic Development Corporation (Type A Sales Tax); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City (Council) on May 16, 1998 passed a Resolution ratifying said election and adopting the Type A Sales Tax effective as of October 1, 1998 establishing the Sanger Texas Industrial Development Corporation (STIDC) as a Type A Economic Development Corporation; and WHEREAS, the Board of the STIDC on January 7, 2020 and the Council on March 16, 2020 approved amended Bylaws for the STIDC; and WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation for the STIDC were filed with the State of Texas on November 19, 1998; and WHEREAS the  residents  of  the  City  of  Sanger,  Texas  (City)  on  May  2,  1998  passed  an  election approving the collection of a 0.50% sales and use tax for the benefit of a Type B Economic Development Corporation (Type B Sales Tax); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City (Council) on September 21, 1998 passed Resolution 09‐21‐98 ratifying said election and adopting the Type B Sales Tax effective as of October 1, 1998 establishing the Sanger Texas Development Corporation (STDC) as a Type B Economic Development Corporation; and WHEREAS, the Board of the STDC on April 14, 2020 and the Council on May 4, 2020 approved amended Bylaws for the STDC; and WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation for the STDC were filed with the State of Texas on February 26, 1999; and WHEREAS,  Chapter  312  of  the  Texas  Tax  Code,  cited  as  the  Property  Redevelopment  and  Tax Abatement Act, authorizes municipalities to grant tax abatements upon establishing guidelines and criteria for tax abatement agreements; and WHEREAS, Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code authorizes municipalities to establish and provide for the administration of programs that promote economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; and WHEREAS,  Section  501.158  of  the  Texas  Local  Government  Code  requires  that  an  Economic Development Corporation, prior to providing a direct incentive or making an expenditure on behalf of a business enterprise, enter into a Performance Agreement that includes certain provisions defined in that Section; and WHEREAS, the City hereby elects to be eligible for tax abatement as provided for in the guidelines and criteria established in the Policy; and WHEREAS, the City desires to attract high‐quality long‐term investment and the creation of new jobs and to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City; and Sanger, Texas ‐   Resolution _________ ‐ Incentives Policy   ‐ 2021‐06‐17    ‐    Page 1 of 3 Page 10                                     WHEREAS,  the  City  recognizes  the  importance  of  retaining  existing  businesses,  attracting  new businesses, and providing for the redevelopment of sub‐standard properties; and WHEREAS, the City, the STIDC and the STDC each desire to replace the current incentives policy adopted in 2007  with the Incentives Policy (Policy) attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Board of the STIDC on ________, 2021 considered and recommended approval of the Policy to the Council; and WHEREAS, the Board of the STDC on ________, 2021 considered and recommended approval of the Policy to the Council; and WHEREAS, upon full review and consideration of the Policy and all matters attendant and related thereto, the Council is of the opinion that the Policy will promote economic development and stimulate business  and  commercial  activity  in  the  City  and  establish  guidelines  and  criteria  for  approval  of  tax abatements and other incentives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The  facts  and  recitations  contained  in  the  preamble  of  this  Resolution  are  hereby  found  and declared to be true and correct. SECTION 2. The  City  Council  finds  that  the  guidelines  and  criteria  of  the Policy  will  promote  economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity in the City. SECTION 3. The City Council hereby adopts the Policy authorizing the City to participate in tax abatement and other incentives and take other specified actions, in accordance with the guidelines and criteria outlined in the Policy. SECTION 4. The guidelines and criteria of the Policy, having been reviewed by the City Council of Sanger and found  to  be  acceptable  and  in  the  best  interest  of  the  City  and its  citizens  and  businesses, are hereby approved. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this the ______ day of _________, 2021. ________________________ Thomas Muir, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ City Secretary Sanger, Texas ‐   Resolution _________ ‐ Incentives Policy   ‐ 2021‐06‐17    ‐    Page 2 of 3 Page 11   Sanger, Texas   ‐   Resolution _________   ‐   Incentives Policy   ‐   2021‐06‐17    ‐    Page 3 of 3   EXHIBIT A    Incentives Policy  Page 12 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 1 of 13  Sanger, Texas  Incentives Policy    WHEREAS,  the  Board  of  the  City’s  Type  A  Industrial  Development  Corporation  (A‐Board),  on  ________, 2021  and the Board of the City’s Type B Development Corporation (B‐Board), on _______,  2021 considered and recommended approval of this Incentives Policy (Policy) to the Sanger City Council  (Council); and  WHEREAS, upon full review and consideration of this Policy, the Council is of the opinion that this  Policy  will  assist  in  implementing  programs  whereby  economic  development  will  be  promoted  and  business and commercial activity will be stimulated in the City.  BE IT KNOWN, that the Council on ________, 2021 approved Resolution ________ adopting the  following guidelines and criteria as the City of Sanger’s Incentives Policy.    Section 1.  Introduction & Goals  It is the intent of this Policy to provide guidelines and criteria, requirements, and procedures to evaluate  and  approve  any  Incentives  deemed  necessary  by  the  City  for  the furtherance of its economic  development and community goals.  This Policy shall include provisions for Tax Abatement as well as use  of Type A and / or Type B economic development sales tax funds, general funds of the City, and any other  resources as approved by the Council.  Incentives may be considered for both new facilities and for the  Expansion or Modernization of existing Facilities and structures.  Nothing herein shall imply or suggest  that the City is under any obligation to provide any Incentive to any Applicant. The City retains the right  to evaluate applications and grant Incentives, if any, as deemed appropriate on a case‐by‐case basis  without the necessity of amending any contrary provisions of this Policy.  Following are the goals of this  Policy:  1.1. When in the best interests of the City, provide Incentives to existing businesses that will enhance  the commercial viability and sustainability of existing commercial properties in the City;    1.2. When  in  the  best  interests  of  the  City,  provide  Incentives  to  attract  desired  businesses  or  developers to invest in the City;   1.3. Encourage redevelopment of targeted areas in the City;  1.4. Create or enhance employment opportunities for residents of the City;  1.5. Increase the non‐residential ad‐valorem tax and / or sales and use tax revenue base for the City;  and  1.6. Ensure that all policies, procedures and any resulting Incentive Agreements related to the provision  of Incentives to stimulate economic development shall comply with all applicable state statutes.    Section 2.  Definitions  The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this Policy.    Act:  Shall mean the Development Corporation Act, now codified in Title 12, Subtitle C1, Chapters 501‐505  of the Texas Local Government Code.  Agreement:  Shall mean an Incentive Agreement as defined herein.  Page 13 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 2 of 13  Agreement in Principle (AIP):  Shall mean a non‐binding draft of performance requirements of a Project  and any Incentives to be offered by the City.  Applicant:  Shall mean the Property owner or business occupant signing the Incentives Application.  Application:  Shall mean the Incentives Application as maintained by Staff.  Appraisal District:  Shall mean the Denton Appraisal District.  Base Year Value:  Shall mean the assessed value of the Facility on the 1st of January preceding the  execution of an Incentive Agreement.  Board‐A:  Shall mean the Board of the Type A Industrial Development Corporation of the City.  Board‐B:  Shall mean the Board of the Type B Development Corporation of the City.  City:  The City of Sanger, Texas. Where “City” is used in this Policy as an action to be taken or an incentive  to be offered, City shall include the A‐Board or B‐Board as authorized or permitted by State Law.  Code Violations:  Shall be as defined in the City’s adopted building or zoning codes.  Construction Costs: The cost of permits, fees, construction materials, and installation labor.  All other  associated costs are deemed excluded, including, but not exclusively, the following costs: design,  engineering, construction document preparation, bidding, and construction financing.   Council:  The City Council of the City.  County:  Shall mean Denton County, Texas.  Development Corporation:  Shall mean the Type A and / or Type B Development Corporation authorized  by the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979 (the Act), now codified in Title 12, Subtitle C1,  Chapters 501‐505 of the Texas Local Government Code, to collect Type A and / or Type B economic  development sales and use taxes.  Director:  Shall mean the Director of Economic Development for the City.  Effective Date:  The date this Policy was approved by the Council.  Employee, Full‐Time:  Shall mean any employee of the company that regularly works a minimum of thirty  (30) hours per week.   Employee, Part‐Time:  Shall mean any employee that regularly works less than thirty (30) hours a week.  Employees, Full‐Time Equivalent (FTE):  Shall mean the number of employees equivalent to full‐time  employees, e.g. two part‐time employees working 20 hours each is equal to one full‐time employee.  Expansion:  Shall mean the addition of buildings, structures, fixed equipment or machinery for the purpose  of increasing production capacity.  Facility:  Shall mean the Property, building and Improvements.  Freeport Exemption:  If adopted by the City, the Freeport Exemption from ad valorem taxation applies  only if qualifying goods, wares, merchandise, ores, and certain aircraft and aircraft parts have been  detained in the state for 175 days or less for the purpose of assembly, storage, manufacturing,  processing, or fabricating.  Grants:  Funds provided by the City for a particular Project in accordance with this Policy.  Incentive Agreement:  Shall mean a written agreement summarizing the performance requirements of a  business  or  developer  and  the  Incentives  to  be  provided  by  the City  upon  fulfillment  of  those  performance requirements (e.g Tax Abatement Agreement, Chapter 380 Agreement, Performance  Agreement).  Page 14 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 3 of 13  Impact Fees:  Fees adopted by the City in accordance with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government  Code.  Improvements:  Shall mean the New Construction or Modernization of buildings, interiors, site work,  Public  Works  Improvements,  parking  and  drives,  landscaping,  irrigation,  lighting  and  specifically  excluding land and / or Business Personal Property.  Incentives:  Shall be as defined in Section 5 herein.  Minimum Performance Requirements:  Shall be as defined in Section 6 herein.  Modernization:  Shall mean the replacement and upgrading of existing facilities which increases the  productive input or output, updates the technology, or substantially lowers the unit cost of the  operation,  and  extends  the  economic  life  of  the  Facility.    This  shall  not  include  reconditioning,  refurbishing, repairing or completion of deferred maintenance on the Facility or its equipment.  New Construction:  Shall mean the first‐time construction of Improvements utilizing newly purchased  materials, and specifically excluding any remodeling or renovations undertaken after issuance of the  first Certificate of Occupancy.  Payroll:  The company’s total expenditures for all employees for the month immediately preceding the  Application, multiplied by twelve (12).  Performance Agreement:  An agreement meeting the provisions of Section 501.158 of the Texas Local  Government Code and entered into by a Type A or Type B Development Corporation prior to providing  a direct incentive or making an expenditure on behalf of a business enterprise.  Policy:  Shall mean this Incentives Policy.  Primary Job:  A job that is 1) available at a company for which a majority of the products or services of  that company are ultimately exported to regional, statewide, national,  or  international  markets,  infusing new dollars into the local economy; and 2) included in an acceptable sector of the North  American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as identified in Section 501.002 (12) of the Act.   Project:  The initiative or investment to be provided in accordance with the performance standards of any  Incentive Agreement providing Incentives.  To the extent that any Type A or Type B funds are to be  used as Incentives, the Project shall meet the definitions provided in the Act.  Project Applicability:  Shall be as defined in Section 7 herein.  Property:  Shall mean the physical parcel of land for which Incentives are being granted.  Property – Business Personal:  Shall mean the tangible and movable items used in the course of business  not permanently affixed to, or part of, the real estate.  Examples of Business Personal Property (BPP)  include:  furniture, machinery and equipment, computers, vehicles, inventory and supplies.  Property ‐ Real:  Shall mean the Property and the Improvements constructed on the Property.  Public Works Improvements:  Shall mean improvements that upon completion and acceptance shall be  owned and maintained by the City.  (e.g. water, sewer, streets, drainage)  Recapture (aka Claw‐back):  A provision in an Incentive Agreement that states how and to what extent  any Incentives provided must be paid back to the City if the required performance criteria are not met.   Staff:  The City Manager or their designee.  Tax Abatement:  Shall mean the full or partial exemption from paying ad valorem taxes on real property  or tangible personal property in accordance with provisions of Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code.  Tax Abatement Agreement:  Shall mean an agreement to provide Tax Abatement as authorized by Chapter  312 of the Texas Tax Code.  It may also be referenced herein as an Incentive Agreement.  Page 15 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 4 of 13  Section 3.  General Eligibility  The following shall establish the minimum eligibility for receiving Incentives identified in this Policy.  3.1. Properties:  Only properties meeting the following requirements at the time an Application is  submitted shall be eligible to receive Incentives outlined by this Policy.  3.1.1. Within the City:  Property must be located within the City’s municipal boundaries unless  provisions for annexation into the City are part of the Incentive Agreement.  3.1.2. Zoning:  Property must be zoned for the proposed uses.  3.1.3. Taxes:  Property shall be in good standing as it relates to taxes due to the City.  3.1.4. Liens:  Property shall be in good standing as it relates to any liens held by the City.  3.1.5. Ownership:  Property owners must provide sufficient proof of ownership.  3.1.6. Code Violations:  Property must not have any outstanding code violations with the City.  3.1.7. Construction Commencement: Construction for the Facility must not have commenced  prior to the approval of an Incentive Agreement.  3.2. Businesses:    Only  businesses  meeting  the  following  requirements  shall  be  eligible  to  receive  Incentives outlined by this Policy.  3.2.1. Taxes:  The business shall be in good standing as it relates to taxes due to the City.  3.2.2. Property Owner Approval:  Businesses, if not the owner of the property to be occupied,  must provide a copy of their lease agreement and support of the Incentives Application  from the Property owner prior to City approval of the Application.  3.2.3. Length of Operations:  Existing businesses must have maintained operations in the City for  six (6) months consecutively in order to receive Incentives.  3.3. Statutory Limitations:  It is the intent of the City to comply with all statutory limitations on the use  of any Type A or Type B sales and use tax funds for Projects as authorized by the Act.      Section 4.  Priorities  The City has determined that the following are priorities for the Incentives potentially granted pursuant  to this Policy.  The evaluation of the merits of any Application shall take into consideration whether or not  the Application also meets these priorities.  4.1. Geographic Areas:  The following are the City’s preferences for providing Incentives in geographic  areas of the City.   4.1.1. High Priority:   A. I‐35 and F.M. 455 corridors; and  B. Areas zoned Industrial or designated industrial on the future land use plan.  4.2. Businesses:  The following are the City’s preferences for providing Incentives to certain types of  businesses in the City.  4.2.1. High Priority:    A. Industrial, manufacturing or logistics;   B. Distribution centers;   C. Professional / corporate offices;   Page 16 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 5 of 13  D. Retail and restaurants;  E. Providers of entertainment;   F. Medical services; and  G. High sales tax generators.  4.2.2. Low Priority:   A. Businesses that could have reflect a negative image for the City;  B. Businesses that create pollution, hazardous waste or emissions; and  C. Businesses requiring excessive water usage.     Section 5.  Incentives  Following are Incentives that the City, on a case‐by‐case basis, could consider granting for specific Projects  depending on the merits of the Project.  Incentives, including Tax Abatement, are available to new  Facilities and structures and the Expansion and Modernization of existing Facilities and structures. This  shall include the redevelopment of existing properties.  Applicability for each type of Incentive shall be as  shown in Section 7 herein.  Any Incentives provided pursuant to this Policy shall not reduce the Base Year  Value of the Facility.  5.1. Financial – Ad Valorem Taxes:  The City may consider granting the following Incentives relative to  Ad Valorem Taxes.  5.1.1. Real Property Tax:  The City may consider abating the taxes on Real Property by approval  of a Tax Abatement Agreement or by approval of an Incentive Agreement granting back  Real Property taxes paid to the City.  5.1.2. Business Personal Property Tax:  The City may consider abating the taxes on Business  Personal  Property  by  approval  of a  Tax  Abatement  Agreement  or  by  approval  of  an  Incentive Agreement granting back Business Personal Property taxes paid to the City.  5.1.3. Inventory Tax:  The City grants relief of inventory taxes through their Freeport Exemption  if adopted.  Inventory that is not eligible for Freeport Exemption is also not eligible for  Incentives pursuant to this Policy.  5.1.4. Tax Stabilization / Incremental Increase:  In a situation where an existing Facility may be  Expanded or Modernized, the City may consider stabilizing the ad valorem taxes collected  as of the date of completion and / or an incremental yearly increase to market rates.  This  shall be accomplished by granting back the increase in taxes paid to the City.  5.1.5. Agricultural Exemption:  The City may consider granting back all or a portion of the Ag  Exemption City taxes due at the time of development.  5.2. Financial – Sales Tax Grants / Reimbursements:  Through approval of an Incentive Agreement, the  City may provide Grants of all or a portion of the following sales and use taxes.  Where the Project  is a retail development, for the purposes of evaluating and granting incentives in accordance with  this Policy, sales and use taxes shall be measured net of any business relocations occurring within  the City.  i.e. if a retail business is currently operating in the City, and relocates to the new  development, it’s sales taxes shall be excluded from the calculation of new sales taxes generated.  5.2.1. General Fund Sales Tax:  The sales and use taxes going to the City’s general fund.  5.2.2. Development Corporation Sales Tax:  The sales tax going to the City’s Type A and / or Type  B Development Corporation Sales Tax funds.  Page 17 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 6 of 13  5.3. Financial ‐ Fee Reductions / Credits:  The City may consider the reduction or credit of all or a portion  of the following fees.  This shall not include any charges by third‐parties assisting the City with  implementation of services provided by the fees unless so provided in an approved Incentive  Agreement.  5.3.1. Impact Fee ‐ Water:  Any water Impact Fee charged by the City.  This shall not include the  “pass‐through” Impact Fees owed to any other Agency.  5.3.2. Impact Fee ‐ Wastewater:  Any wastewater (aka sanitary sewer) Impact Fee charged by the  City.  This shall not include the “pass‐through” Impact Fees owed to any other Agency.  5.3.3. Impact Fee ‐ Roadway:  Any roadway Impact Fee charged by the City.  5.3.4. Road Participation Fee:  Any roadway participation fee charged by the City.  5.3.5. Drainage Improvement Fee:  Any fee charged for the improvement of drainage facilities in  the City.  5.3.6. Building Permit Fee:  Any fee related to the review of non‐Public Works construction plans  and building plans required for the issuance of a building permit.  5.4. Financial ‐ Misc.:  The City may consider the following miscellaneous financial Incentives.  5.4.1. Equipment  Purchase:    Funds  provided  to  assist  with  or  provide  for  the  purchase  of  equipment that increases production for the business.  5.4.2. Forgivable Loan:  An agreement by the City to provide a loan whose repayment may be  forgiven under particular circumstances.   5.5. Sales, Lease or Exchange of Land or Buildings:  The City recognizes that the sale and conveyance,  lease, or exchange of certain property owned by the City may meet the objectives identified in this  Policy.  In accordance with State Law, the City may consider the sale, lease or exchange of land  without the necessity of accepting written bids pursuant to a published notice and at or below  market value to further the objectives identified herein.  5.5.1. Build‐to‐Suit / Leaseback:  An agreement where the City builds a building or facility to suit  the needs of the Applicant in exchange for a commitment from the applicant to lease the  facility from the City.  5.5.2. Free / Reduced‐Cost Land:  Any provision where the City provides free or reduced‐cost  lands to the Applicant.  5.5.3. Free / Reduced‐Cost Building:  Any provision where the City provides a free or reduced‐cost  building to the Applicant.  5.5.4. Land Lease:  Any provision where the City leases rights to City‐owned land to the Applicant  to allow construction of their Facility.   5.6. Employment‐Related:  The City may consider the following employment‐related Incentives.  5.6.1. Relocation Assistance:  Any provision where the City provides a ssistance to new employees  relocating to residency within the City.  5.6.2. Cash for Employment:  Any provision where the City provides for  one‐time payments to the  Business for each new employee of a certain classification established at a new or existing  Facility in the City.   5.6.3. Employee Training Assistance:  Any provision where the City provides assistance in the  training of new employees employed at a new or existing facility in the City.  5.7. Infrastructure Assistance:  The City may consider the following infrastructure assistance Incentives.  5.7.1. Water Line Extensions:  Participation in all or a portion of the costs of extending water  distribution lines to the Facility.  Page 18 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 7 of 13  5.7.2. Sewer Line Extensions:  Participation in all or a portion of the costs of extending sanitary  sewer lines to the Facility.  5.7.3. Roadway  Improvements:    Participation  in  all  or  a  portion  of  the costs of roadway  improvements serving the Facility.  5.7.4. Storm Drainage Improvements:  Participation in all or a portion of the costs of storm  drainage improvements at or downstream of the Facility.  5.8. Development Cost Participation:  The City may consider participation in the following development  cost Incentives.  5.8.1. Demolition:  Participation in all or a portion of the costs of demolishing existing structures  on a property.  5.8.2. Environmental  Mitigation:  Participation  in  all  or  a  portion  of the  costs  of  mitigating  environmental issues on a property.  5.9. Economic Development District Establishment:  In instances where the Project is of a significant  scope and scale, the City may consider the establishment of uni que economic development districts  (e.g. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, Public Improvement District).  5.10. Hotel Occupancy Tax:  The City may consider the use of Hotel Occupancy Tax pursuant to Chapter  351 of the Texas Tax Code.  5.11. Support for State Incentives:  The City may consider providing support for the Project in the  application and processing of State of Texas incentives.  5.12. Support for Federal Incentives:  The City may consider providing support for the Project in the  application and processing of Federal incentives (Opportunity Zones, New Market Tax Credits, etc.).    Section 6.  Minimum Performance Requirements  The following shall identify the Minimum Performance Requirements for each project classification.   These requirements are new construction, revenues or employees attributable to the Project.     Project  Classification  Min. New  Construction  Cost  Min. New  FTE  Employees  Min. New  Taxable  Sales1  Notes / Examples  ‐50$5,000,000Corporate  e.g.Significant  office  uses, Corporate HQ or regional HQ  ‐20$5,000,000Industrial  industrial  /Owner  occupied, logistics business  Retail ‐ ‐ $1,000,000    Hotel / Conf.  Center ‐‐$5,000,000  Hospitality  or  entertainment  venues  including  hotels  and  conference centers  $5,000,000‐$5,000,000Development  New development   1Generated annually     Page 19 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 8 of 13  Section 7.  Applicability Matrix  The following Applicability Matrix shall provide a framework for identifying the potential Incentives that  are applicable to various classifications of Projects as identified above.  Term and amount of Incentives  shall be determined on a case‐by‐case basis.     Potential Incentive  Project Classification  Corporate  Industrial  Retail  Hotel /  Conf.  Center  Develop‐ ment Expansion  Tax Abatement  X  X  ‐  X  ‐  ‐  Ad Valorem   Tax Grants X  X  ‐  X  ‐  X  Sales Tax Grants  ‐  ‐  X  ‐  X  ‐  Constr. Sales Tax  Grants X  X  X  X  X  X  Fee Reductions /  Credits X  X  X  X  X  X  Misc. Financial  X  X  ‐  X  ‐  X  Land / Building  Related ‐  X  X  X  ‐  ‐  Employment Related  X  X  ‐  X  ‐  ‐  Infrastructure  Assistance X  X  X  X  X  ‐  Dev. Costs  X  X  X  X  X  ‐  Process Related  X  X  ‐  X  X  X  E.D. Districts  ‐  ‐  X  X  X  ‐  HOT  ‐  ‐  ‐  X  X  X  State / Fed. Assistance  X  X  X    X  ‐    Section 8.  Administrative Procedures  The Applicant shall follow the Administrative Procedures noted below to apply for Incentives as identified  herein.  8.1. Pre‐Submittal:    All  Applicants  are  encouraged  to  meet  with  Staff  prior  to  preparation  of  an  Application.  Applicants should contact the Director of Economic Development to set up a meeting.  8.2. Application Requirements:  The submittal of an Application is required prior to any evaluation of  the request for Incentives.  The Application shall include the following information.  8.2.1. General Information:   A. The name of the Project.  B. The intended use (e.g. Call center, corporate / regional office, professional office,  retail, distribution).  C. If the Project is a relocation, consolidation or expansion of existing facilities, identify  the location of the existing facilities.  D. An overview of the Company.  Page 20 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 9 of 13  E. The NAICS Code of the Company’s business.  F. A description of the experience and qualifications of the Project Team.  G. The type of Project (i.e. retention, expansion, own / lease, new development).  8.2.2. Property Information:   A. Property address.  B. Lot / Block / Subdivision name if platted.  If not platted, a legal description will be  required prior to executing any Agreements.  C. Appraisal District Property ID numbers.  D. Current Appraisal District valuations for all parcels.  E. Acreage.  F. Current owner and proof of ownership (e.g. deed, appraisal info)  8.2.3. Eligibility of Property: Address the eligibility requirements in Section 3.1.  8.2.4. Eligibility of Business: Address the eligibility requirements in Section 3.2.  8.2.5. Priorities: Address the priorities in Section 4.0.  8.2.6. Project Data:   A. Business name.  B. Describe the type of building proposed (e.g. number of stories, style, materials)  C. Describe the development concept (e.g. single building or campus setting, open space,  surface or structured parking)  D. Describe the extent that any infrastructure component is enhanced or expanded.  E. Provide timing estimates for major milestones of the Project.  F. Provide estimates of Project data by phase and date, including but not limited to:  i. List  the kind, number, use, square footage and location of all the proposed  improvements on the property.  ii. Total capital investment including acquisitions, Improvements, building costs and  equipment.  iii. Estimated Appraised Value of all Improvements.  iv. Acquisition cost of all Business Personal Property  v. Estimated Appraised Value of all Business Personal Property.  vi. Number,  type,  quality  and  wage  levels  of  new  Full‐Time  Equivalent  (FTE)  employees.  vii. New Payroll added.  viii. Average employees’ annual salary.  ix. Employees with salary $50,000 or greater.  x. Taxable sales from the Facility.  xi. Hotel Occupancy Tax generated (if applicable).  8.2.7. Requested Incentives:  The Applicant shall itemize the Incentives (Section 5) they are  requesting from the City.  These are to be prioritized by order  of  preference  by  the  Applicant.  Page 21 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 10 of 13  8.2.8. Required attachments and / or exhibits:   A. Legal description of the Property.  B. Proof of ownership, or contract option or offer.  C. Photos of existing conditions  D. Drawings, renderings, plans of the proposed Improvements.  E. Current ad valorem tax appraised value estimates by the applicable appraisal district  showing appraised values for three similar type and size projects within the County.  F. If Applicant is not the Property owner:  i. Written approval of the Application from the owner  ii. Copy of the signed lease agreement  8.2.9. Amendments:  Staff may amend the form of the Application as needed to more efficiently  evaluate the merits of the requested Incentives.  8.3. Review & Evaluation:  Following are criteria to review and evaluate the Application.  8.3.1. Review Criteria:   A. Completeness of Application:  Completeness of the Application; including all required  documentation.  B. Application Information:  Any information provided in the Application.  C. Priorities:  Does the Application include a high‐priority business classification or is it  located in a high‐priority geographic area?  D. General Eligibility:  Does the Project meet the General Eligibility requirements?  E. Revenues:  What are the net tax revenue benefits to the City, both Ad Valorem and  Sales Taxes?  F. Employment:  How many people will be employed by the Project?  What are the  education level requirements for employment?  Are the wages to be paid higher than  the average in the area?  G. Impacts:  An estimation of the positive and negative impacts that the Project might  have.  i. Cannibalization  of  Existing  Businesses:    To  what  extent  does  the  Project  cannibalize the profitability of an existing business?  ii. Private Investment Catalyst:  To what extent does the Project act as a catalyst for  future private investment?  iii. City Services:  To what extent does the Project have a positive or negative impact  on the Services or infrastructure of the City?  8.3.2. Staff Evaluation and Recommendation:  The coordinating Staff member shall convene a  team of the appropriate Staff members to evaluate the Application.  Upon review, Staff  shall prepare a recommendation to forward to the City or appropriate Board.  A. Site Visit:  Prior to formal evaluation of the Application, the Applicant shall allow Staff  the opportunity to visit the Property to verify its status prior to any Incentives.  B. Financial Analysis:  If deemed necessary, Staff shall analyze the financial aspects of the  incentive  proposal  using  an  appropriate  method  (return  on  the  investment  of  Incentives in the Project and / or the timing required for new revenues to “break‐even”  with the cost of the proposed Incentives).  Page 22 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 11 of 13  C. Consulting Services:  Should a consulting service be deemed necessary by the City to  aid in their evaluation (e.g. financial impacts / cost‐benefit analysis, infrastructure  impacts  or  capabilities),  the  Applicant  may  be  required  to  submit  additional  information not required in the Application.  Additionally, the City may require that  the Applicant participate up front in the cost of obtaining these services.    8.4. Preliminary Discussions:  Upon receipt of a satisfactory Application, and preparation of a Staff  Recommendation, Staff shall hold preliminary discussions with approving bodies as follows.  8.4.1. A / B Boards:  Where funds to be used for any Incentive herein are subject to authorization  of the A and / or B Board, the Board shall consider the request for Incentives and make a  recommendation to the Council.   8.4.2. Council:  The Council shall be briefed on the merits of the preliminary Incentives request  and the recommendation of the Board, if any, and advise Staff whether or not to proceed  with negotiations of an Agreement in Principle.  8.5. Agreement in Principle:  The Director shall lead the negotiation and drafting of a non‐binding  Agreement in Principle (AIP) memorializing in writing the Project’s performance requirements and  the Incentives to be provided by the City.  This shall include engagement of Project representatives,  the A and B Boards, City Council and their legal representatives if appropriate.  Evolution of changes  in the AIP shall be documented via redline/strikeout drafts as progress is made.  8.5.1. Preliminary  Approval:    Staff  shall  seek  preliminary  approval  of the AIP from Project  representatives,  the  appropriate  Board,  and  City  Council  prior to  preparation  of  an  Incentive Agreement.  8.6. Incentive Agreement:  An Incentive Agreement shall be required for all Projects receiving Incentives  from the City in accordance with the following.  8.6.1. Preparation:  The Director shall work with legal representatives for the City and / or Board  to  prepare  an  Incentive  Agreement  substantially  conforming  to  the  provisions  of  the  Agreement in Principle.  A. Allied Agency Engagement:  Though not a party to any City Incentive Agreement, Staff  shall  engage  and  keep  informed any  allied  agencies  (County,  School  District)  contemplating their own incentives for the Project.  8.6.2. Tax  Abatement  Minimum  Requirements:    Any  Incentive  Agreement  including  Tax  Abatement shall include the following at a minimum:  A. Improvements:  List the kind, number and location of all the proposed improvements  on the Property.  B. Base Year Value:  Provide that the Agreement does not include any reduction in Base  Year Values.  C. Access:  Provide access to and authorize inspection of the property by City employees  to ensure that the improvements or repairs are made according to the specifications  and conditions in the Agreement.   D. Uses:  Limit the uses of the property consistent with the general  purpose  of  encouraging  development  or  redevelopment  of  the  zone  during  the  period  that  property tax exemptions are in effect.  E. Recapture Provisions:  Provide for the recapture of property tax revenue lost or any  Incentives provided as a result of the Agreement if the owner of the Property fails to  make the improvements or repairs as provided by the Agreement.  F. Term:  Describe the term of the Agreement.  Page 23 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 12 of 13  G. Certification:  Require the owner of the Property to certify annually to the governing  body of each taxing unit that the owner is in compliance with each applicable term of  the Agreement.  H. Cancellation / Modification:  Provide that the City may cancel or modify the Agreement  if the property owner fails to comply with the Agreement.  8.6.3. Responsiveness:  The offer of Incentives by any Incentive Agreement shall expire ninety  (90) days from the date it is provided to the Applicant unless extended in writing by the  City.  The expiration of any offered Incentive Agreement shall not preclude continued  negotiations toward the development of an alternative Agreement.  8.6.4. Approvals:    Evaluation  and  any  subsequent  approval  shall  be  on a  case‐by‐case  basis  pursuant to the introductory paragraph of Section 1 herein.  All Incentive Agreements,  including  any  Tax  Abatement  Agreement,  shall  follow  and  comply with  all  statutory  requirements for notice, hearings and readings where applicable.  The following shall be  required for approval of Incentives.  A. Board Recommendation / Approval:  Where funds to be used for any Incentive herein  are subject to authorization of either the A or B Board, the Board shall consider the  request for Incentives and make a recommendation to the Council.  In instances where  the Council has previously approved the expenditures, either through approving the  Board’s budget or other means as allowed by the Act, the Board shall be the final  approval of the Incentive request.  B. Council:  Unless final approval is authorized by the Board as noted above, the Council  shall  make  the  final  decision  regarding  the  merits  of  the  Application and the  appropriate Incentives to be provided, if any.  8.6.5. Compliance Reporting:  All Incentive Agreements shall include requirements for reporting  compliance with the provisions of the Agreement prior to disbursement of incentive funds.    Section 9.  Applicant / Owner Certifications  The following Applicant / Owner Certifications shall be included in the submitted Application.  9.1. Application Accuracy:  The information provided in this Application, and all that may have been  affixed hereto, is true and correct, and that the City may rely on all of the information contained  herein, and all that may have been affixed hereto, as being true and correct.  9.2. Incentive Agreement: I (we) acknowledge that an Incentive Agreement will have to be executed  prior to receiving any Incentives.  9.3. Discretionary Rights:  I (we) acknowledge that the City has the absolute right of discretion in  deciding whether or not to approve any Incentive relative to this Application, whether or not such  discretion is deemed arbitrary or without basis in fact.    Section 10.  General Provisions  10.1. Flexibility:    The  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Policy  are  to  be  considered  guidelines  during  deliberation and evaluation.  The City reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions herein  at any time, including for any pending application, and may approve a Tax Abatement Agreement  or Incentive Agreement and the Incentives related thereto, on terms and conditions contrary to the  guidelines of this Policy.  Page 24 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Policy     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 13 of 13  10.2. Section or Other Headings:  Section or other headings contained in this Policy are for reference  purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Policy.  10.3. Severability:  In the event that any provision of this Policy is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under  present or future laws, the remainder of this Policy shall not be affected thereby.  ‐‐‐ Remainder of this page left blank intentionally ‐‐‐  Page 25 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Application     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 1 of 3    Shani Bradshaw Executive Director  (940) 458‐2059  sbradshaw@sangertexas.org  Sanger, Texas  Incentives Application    1 GENERAL INFORMATION  a Project Name:    b Intended Use (e.g. Call center, corporate / regional office, professional office, retail, distribution):      c If project is a relocation or consolidation of existing facilities, identify the location of the existing  facilities:    d Company Overview:    e NAICS Code:    (See this link for help) http://www.census.gov/cgi‐bin/sssd/naics/naicsrch?chart=2012  f Project Team Experience & Qualifications:    g General comments from Applicant (if desired):     Yes  No  Type of Project  Notes  h     Retention of existing business  Years in business at this location?  i   Expansion or modernization of  existing facility     j     New business / to own new facility    k     New business / to own existing facility    l     New business / leasing existing facility    m     New business / leasing new facility    n   Development    o   Other:     2 PROPERTY INFORMATION  a Property Address:    b Lot / Block / Subdivision Name:    c Appraisal District Property ID Numbers:   d Current Appraisal District Valuations of all Parcels:   e Acres:    f Currently owned by:    3 ELIGIBILITY OF PROPERTY [Section 3.A]   Yes  No  Item  Notes  a      Within the City?    b      Zoned appropriately for use?    c      City taxes in good standing?    d     No City liens existing?    e     Proof of ownership provided?    f     Outstanding code violations?    g      Construction has not commenced?    4 ELIGIBILITY OF BUSINESS [Section 3.B]   Yes  No  Item  Notes  a      Business taxes in good standing?    b      Tax paying entity?    c      If not owner, authorization provided?    d      If existing business, in City 6 months?       Page 26 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Application     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 2 of 3    5 PRIORITIES [Section 4.0]   Yes  No  Preferred Area?  Notes  a          b          c           Yes  No  Preferred Business?  Notes  d          e          f          g          h          6 PROJECT DATA [Section 8.B]  a Business Name:    b Describe the type of building proposed (e.g. # of stories, style, materials, etc.):    c Describe the development concept (e.g. single building or campus setting, open space, surface or  structured parking, etc.):    d Describe the extent that any infrastructure component of the Town is enhanced or expanded:    e  Month / Year Timing  Notes  f    First development application  (zoning, site plan, etc.)  g    Desired approval date    h    Ground breaking    i   Phase 1 occupancy    j   Phase 2 occupancy    k   Phase 3 occupancy     Estimated Data by Phase and Date Phase 1  Month / Year  Phase 2  Month / Year  Phase 3  Month / Year  l Building(s) construction in square feet        m Construction cost all Improvements        n Estimated appraised value of all Improvements        o Acquisition cost of all business personal property        p Estimated appraised value of BPP        q New full‐time equivalent (FTE) employees        r New payroll added        s Average employees annual salary        t Employees w salary $50,000 or greater        u  Benefits provided        v Taxable sales from the Facility        w Hotel occupancy tax generated        x Add notes about any item above:   6.n  e.g. Note here      7 Policy  Section  INCENTIVE(S) REQUESTED  In priority order  Estimated  Full Cost  Requested  % Term‐Yrs Amount  a  5.?    $      $  b 5.  $   $  c 5.  $   $  d 5.  $   $  e 5.  $   $  f 5.  $   $   Add justification and / or notes about any item above:   7.a  e.g. Note here  Page 27 Sanger, Texas     ‐     Incentives Application     ‐     2021‐06‐17     ‐     Page 3 of 3            8 ATTACHMENTS / EXHIBITS   Yes  No  Item  Notes  a      Legal description of property    b      Proof of ownership    c      Photos of existing conditions    d      Drawing, renderings, plans of the  proposed Improvements   If not included in development application  e      Copy of the signed lease agreement  If Applicant is not property owner  f      Current AV tax appraised value  estimates for 3 similar projects     9 Applicant / Owner Certifications:  In accordance with Resolution # __‐____ adopting the Incentives Policy,  the undersigned do hereby certify the following:  a  Application Accuracy:  The information provided in this Application, and all that may have been affixed  hereto, is true and correct, and that the City may rely on all of the information herein contained, and all  that may have been affixed hereto, as being true and correct.  b Performance Agreement:  I (we) acknowledge that a Performance Agreement (PA) will have to be  executed prior to receiving any Incentives.    c Discretionary Rights:  I (we) acknowledge that the City has the absolute right of discretion in deciding  whether or not to approve an incentive relative to this application, whether or not such discretion is  deemed arbitrary or without basis in fact.  10 I (we) hereby affirm the Certifications noted above and approve this Incentives Application and the  incentive requests identified herein.  Property Owner  Applicant / Primary Incentives Contact  Company:     Company:   Signed:       Signed:   Name:     Name:   Title:     Title:   W:   C:    W:   C:   EM:     EM:   Address:       Address:                                  Page 28 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 7. AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021 TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development ITEM/CAPTION: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR PORTER PARK RENOVATIONS Consider a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional design services for renovations to Porter Porter Park Softball Fields. AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Approval  BACKGROUND: LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: Legal has reviewed the Request for Qualifications. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: NA FUNDS: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: Staff recommends approval to issue the RFQ.  ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type RFQ Porter Park Softball Fields 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Page 29 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 Request for Qualifications Design Services for Renovations to Porter Park Softball Fields #1, #2, and #3 The City of Sanger is soliciting qualifications from firms, partnerships, and corporations for design services for renovations to softball fields #1, #2, and #3 at Porter Park located at 2201 S. Stemmons Freeway in Sanger, TX 76266. Services require expertise in the design of multi- use, softball fields in the South. The City intends to contract with one firm to develop a working design/plan that is acceptable to the City of Sanger (“the City”) and the City of Sanger 4B Development Corporation (“4B”) to: • Develop a multi-use, softball field re-design to replace the existing fields at Porter Park; • Prepare drawings, specifications and contract documents for the project; • Provide estimates of project cost at appropriate stages of the design project; • Assist the City in advertising the project for bids and execution of a contract for the construction work; • Provide inspection and contract administration services during construction; • Provide a combined short-term and long-term operations and maintenance plan. I. Project Description Softball fields #1, #2, and #3 are current fields at Porter Park located at 2201 S. Stemmons Freeway in Sanger, TX 76266. Field #1, #2, and #3 are softball fields that have not been updated in many years. The proposed renovations to all three softball fields include moving the current location of home plate to the correct distance from backstop and moving all the field in conjunction with the move, including infield dirt, outfield grass, irrigation, fences, and foul poles with a design that will allow high school level, little league and higher men’s and women’s softball teams to use the field. Other improvements include new scoreboards on each field. The field design should meet all ADA requirements for accessibility. Page 30 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 It shall be the firm’s responsibility to ensure that the design and contract documents provide for a functional field that can be delivered within the limits of the established budget for the project. To ensure cost-effective delivery, the firm shall provide up- to- date and professionally-developed cost estimates; provide clear, detailed and unambiguous contract documents; specify estimated cost of materials and construction techniques; develop bid schedules that, if necessary, will allow flexibility in making post-bid adjustments to the size and scope of the construction contract to be awarded; and prepare designs and solicitations that maximize competitive interest in the work. The City desires to begin the first phase of construction in the winter of 2021 and have the project completed and ready for use in time for the Spring 2022 season. II. Scope of Services to be Provided The firm hired will work under the direction of City of Sanger in cooperation with the City of Sanger 4B Development Corporation. The following is a general outline of the required basic services. The selected firm shall perform, at a minimum, the following tasks: 1. Conduct an initial project meeting with City and 4B representatives to assure a full understanding of the vision for the field and the requirements for the project. 2. Conduct a site investigation (to include an assessment of prevailing geotechnical conditions, utilities, ground conditions, and other environmental constraints, accessibility, etc.) as necessary to provide a multi-use softball field design. 3. Prior to initiating the facility construction drawings, develop plan and conceptual drawings to serve as the basis of design for various softball amenities that will convey the concept and overall look of the field to be approved by the City and the 4B. 4. Develop a preliminary estimated construction cost for the proposed improvements. 5. Prepare architectural/construction drawings, specifications and contract documents for the improvements, and develop a budget that conforms to the Page 31 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 funding constraints outlined above. Consult regularly with the City and 4B regarding the progress of design and the implications for cost. 6. Conduct a 60% and a final design review meeting with the designated City and 4B representatives. Provide written cost estimates at the initiation of design and at the 60% and final design review meetings. 7. Develop a preliminary milestone schedule for the design, permitting, advertisement/bid, and construction of the project. 8. Provide a colored site rendering as required by the City for its use in publicizing the project. 9. Prepare construction documents for advertisement and bid. 10. Conduct a pre-bid conference. 11. Conduct a preconstruction conference. 12. Provide necessary copies of the contract documents and assist the City in receiving bids for the work. Taking into account the bids received and the budget limitations, prepare a letter giving the firm’s recommendation of award. Assist the City in the preparation and execution of a construction contract with the selected contractor. 13. Upon the direction of the City issue a notice-to-proceed. 14. Provide inspection and contract administration services during and immediately following construction. Maintain records of changes during construction. Upon project completion, furnish three paper sets and one electronic copy of the contract record drawings. Assist the City in obtaining full completion and satisfaction from the contractor and in the enforcement of product guarantees. 15. Provide a combined short-term and long-term operations and maintenance plan. III. Evaluation & Selection The City and 4B will evaluate proposals and select the respondent that they judge to be best qualified to perform the scope of work outlined above. The City shall be the agent for the construction contract and shall be the sole judge of its own best interests, the proposals, and any resulting development agreement and/or sales contract. The City’s decisions shall be final. The evaluation criteria for this Statement of Qualifications shall include but shall not be limited to the following: Page 32 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 • Overall responsiveness to the RFQ • Qualifications and experience of the respondent • Specific experience with multi-use softball fields. • Unique strengths or capabilities of the respondent team • Such other factors as the City and 4B may deem relevant The qualification evaluation and selection process will follow the following general timeline. The City reserves the right to change this schedule to meet the needs of City staff, the selection committee, and the City Council. RFQ Issued: DATE Proposals due: DATE and TIME A review committee consisting of City and 4B representatives will review all proposals and may interview a shortlist of respondents and make a recommendation to the City Council. After selection of the respondent deemed best qualified, City and 4B representatives will enter into negotiations with the respondent. The City may request additional information from respondents at any time prior to the final approval of a selected respondent. The City reserves the right to select one or none of the respondents. The City will select what, in its sole judgment, it determines will be in the best interest of the City. All submittals shall become the property of the City, and, after the selection process, will be a part of the public record. IV. Response Requirements Responses shall include the following information, presented in this order: A. Cover Letter: On firm letterhead, please identify the principal contact, providing the name, title, street address, email address, and telephone number, as well as all persons authorized to make representations for the respondent. The letter must indicate the type of organization of the respondent (e.g., partnership, corporation, limited liability company, joint venture, etc.). The letter must briefly summarize the respondent’s proposal and be signed by an authorized agent of the respondent. Page 33 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 B. Qualifications and Experience: Please summarize the respondent’s design experience, including: 1. Examples of similar projects undertaken by the respondent. 2. Administrative capacity to undertake the project. 3. Overall quality of the design team as shown by their previous experience, as well as that of their principals and participants. 4. Expertise in designing high-quality projects of similar scope and scale. 5. Experience in the local DFW market or similar markets. 6. Proposed development team members. C. Legal Disclosure: Disclose any judgments, bankruptcies, legal proceedings, or conflicts of interest to projects the respondent has developed, owned, or has a substantial ownership interest in. D. References: Submit three references for similar projects. If possible, include contacts at other municipalities you have worked with. Include name, title, telephone number and email address for the person to be contacted. All respondents shall submit six (6) printed copies of their proposal and one electronic copy in pdf format in a sealed package or envelope marked “Porter Park Field Renovations”. Responses must be delivered to: City of Sanger Parks Department | Jennifer Shumate 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Proposals must be received no later than DATE & TIME V. Questions & Information Requests Any amendments or addenda to this RFQ will be posted on the City’s website and distributed directly to respondents known to have the RFQ. To ensure you are sent the Page 34 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 latest information regarding this request, you must register as an interested respondent by submitting your contact information to Jennifer Shumate (jshumate@sangertexas.org). The City will distribute any amendments or addenda by email. Questions about the RFQ may be directed in writing to Jennifer Shumate, Parks Department, at jshumate@sangertexas.org. Contact regarding the RFQ with any persons other than Jennifer Shumate, including both other City staff or City elected officials, may result in the disqualification of the submitted response to the RFQ. All respondent communications with the City will be considered confidential prior to the opening of responses. VI. Terms & Conditions A. The City retains the right to use any or all ideas presented in any proposal. The selection or rejection of the proposal does not affect this right. B. Supplemental materials will not be accepted after the proposals have been opened unless requested by the City. C. The City reserves the right to amend, modify, or withdraw this RFQ for any reason, or no reason whatsoever. D. The City reserves the right to negotiate with any respondent. E. The City reserves the right to reject any proposal or all proposals if deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to waive informalities in the RFQ. F. No respondent may withdraw their proposal for a period of ninety (90) days from the response date. G. All responses to this RFQ and documents are subject to the Texas Open Records Act. H. The selection of a designer is subject to the approval of the City by its City Council, at its sole discretion. I. The City will not be liable for any expenses incurred by a respondent in replying to this RFQ or for expenses incurred by the successful respondent during the negotiation of a development agreement between the respondent and the City. Page 35 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 VII. Scoring for Request for Qualifications Item 1: Submission Requirements: 5 Points A. Submission requirements detailed in this RFQ met (deadline, deliverables, etc). Item 2: Firm Information and Interest: 15 Points A. Provide the following information: • Legal name of the firm • Location of Office that will be conducting the work • Contact Person(s) B. Provide a statement of interest for the project including a brief summary of the proposal and be signed by an authorized agent of the respondent. Item 3: Proposed Team Experience: 50 Points A. Examples of similar projects undertaken by the respondent. B. Administrative capacity to undertake the project. C. Overall quality of the design team as shown by their previous experience, as well as that of their principals and participants. D. Expertise in designing high-quality projects of similar scope and scale. E. Experience in the local DFW market or similar markets. F. Proposed development team members. Item 3: Project Approach: 30 Points A. Explain how the team will approach the project. Discuss proposed method for helping the City ultimately develop the best overall plan for the project. B. Provide up-to-date cost estimates for entirety of project and bid schedule. Page 36 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 VIII. Conflicts of Interest The Texas Ethics Commission adopted the attached Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form CIQ pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 176, as amended. For questions about these forms, please see the Texas Ethics Commission at: https://ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIQ.pdf Proposer shall answer each question in the attached Form CIQ in relation to the following individuals and submit a completed form with its proposal: Local Government Officer Title Thomas Muir Mayor Marissa Barrett Councilmember Gary Bilyeu Councilmember Dennis Dillon Councilmember Allen Chick Councilmember Victor Gann Councilmember John Noblitt City Manager Alina Ciocan Assistant City Manager Jeriana Staton Interim City Manager | Human Resources Hugh Coleman City Attorney Jonathan Perkins Interim Police Chief John Payne 4B Economic Development Board Eddie Piercy 4B Economic Development Board Beverly Howard 4B Economic Development Board Jeff Springer 4B Economic Development Board Carrie Bilyeu 4B Economic Development Board Sue Allison 4A Economic Development Board Nancy McAlister 4A Economic Development Board Shannon Gann 4A Economic Development Board Drew Hall 4A Economic Development Board Shani Bradshaw Economic Development Director Tracy LaPiene Engineering Director Page 37 PO Box 1729 | 201 Bolivar Street ● Sanger, TX 76266 ● 940-458-2059 Local Government Officer Title Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director David Pennington Fire Chief Clayton Gray Finance Director James Bolz Public Works Director Audrey Tolle Library Director Kelly Edwards City Secretary Christy Dyer Court Administrator | Deputy City Secretary SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT LISTED ABOVE MAY INCLUDE: 1. Jennifer Shumate, Parks and Recreation Coordinator 2. Meghann Piercy, Public Works Administrator 3. Tyler Sievert, Parks and Recreation | Keep Sanger Beautiful Board 4. Brad Shumate, Parks and Recreation | Keep Sanger Beautiful Board 5. Brett Bumpus, Parks and Recreation | Keep Sanger Beautiful Board 6. Cale Trail, Parks and Recreation | Keep Sanger Beautiful Board 7. Jackie Turner, Parks and Recreation | Keep Sanger Beautiful Board Disclosure of Interested Parties Prior to entering into a contract that is over one million dollars in value, the Proposer must submit a “Certificate of Interested Parties” Form, in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 2252.908, as amended. Within 30 days of receipt of the form, the City must submit a copy to the Texas Ethics Commission. The Certificate of Interested Parties form is attached. Page 38 Revised 11/30/2015Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us FORM CIQ OFFICE USE ONLYThis questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local governmental entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 176.006(a-1), Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing business with local governmental entity Date Received A. Is the local government officer or a family member of the officer receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from the vendor? Yes No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income, from or at the direction of the local government officer or a family member of the officer AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes No 7 Check this box if the vendor has given the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts as described in Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), excluding gifts described in Section 176.003(a-1). Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity.1 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) 2 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information is being disclosed. Name of Officer Describe each employment or other business relationship with the local government officer, or a family member of the officer, as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A). Also describe any family relationship with the local government officer. Complete subparts A and B for each employment or business relationship described. Attach additional pages to this Form CIQ as necessary. 4 6 5 Describe each employment or business relationship that the vendor named in Section 1 maintains with a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership interest of one percent or more. Page 39 Revised 11/30/2015Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing business with local governmental entity A complete copy of Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code may be found at http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/ Docs/LG/htm/LG.176.htm. For easy reference, below are some of the sections cited on this form. Local Government Code § 176.001(1-a): "Business relationship" means a connection between two or more parties based on commercial activity of one of the parties. The term does not include a connection based on: (A) a transaction that is subject to rate or fee regulation by a federal, state, or local governmental entity or an agency of a federal, state, or local governmental entity; (B) a transaction conducted at a price and subject to terms available to the public; or (C) a purchase or lease of goods or services from a person that is chartered by a state or federal agency and that is subject to regular examination by, and reporting to, that agency. Local Government Code § 176.003(a)(2)(A) and (B): (a) A local government officer shall file a conflicts disclosure statement with respect to a vendor if: *** (2) the vendor: (A) has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer that results in the officer or family member receiving taxable income, other than investment income, that exceeds $2,500 during the 12-month period preceding the date that the officer becomes aware that (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor; (B) has given to the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts that have an aggregate value of more than $100 in the 12-month period preceding the date the officer becomes aware that: (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor. Local Government Code § 176.006(a) and (a-1) (a) A vendor shall file a completed conflict of interest questionnaire if the vendor has a business relationship with a local governmental entity and: (1) has an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity, or a family member of the officer, described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A); (2) has given a local government officer of that local governmental entity, or a family member of the officer, one or more gifts with the aggregate value specified by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), excluding any gift described by Section 176.003(a-1); or (3) has a family relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity. (a-1) The completed conflict of interest questionnaire must be filed with the appropriate records administrator not later than the seventh business day after the later of: (1) the date that the vendor: (A) begins discussions or negotiations to enter into a contract with the local governmental entity; or (B) submits to the local governmental entity an application, response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential contract with the local governmental entity; or (2) the date the vendor becomes aware: (A) of an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer, or a family member of the officer, described by Subsection (a); (B) that the vendor has given one or more gifts described by Subsection (a); or (C) of a family relationship with a local government officer. Page 40 Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Adopted 10/5/2015 FORM 1295CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES OFFICE USE ONLOFFICE USE ONLOFFICE USE ONLOFFICE USE ONLOFFICE USE ONLYYYYY 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Title of officer administering oathPrinted name of officer administering oathSignature of officer administering oath Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said _______________________________________________, this the ______________ day of ________________, 20 _______ , to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity ADD ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Name of Interested Party Nature of Interest (check applicable)City, State, Country (place of business)Controlling Intermediary 4 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. 2 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the goods or services to be provided under the contract. Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. Mu s t file on l i n e at ww w . e t h i c s . s t a t e . t x . u s / F i l e Page 41 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.A. AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021 TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development ITEM/CAPTION: FINANCIAL REPORTS AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Presentation  BACKGROUND: Staff will provide financial reports for September 2021.  LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: NA FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: NA FUNDS: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: NA ATTACHMENTS: Description Upload Date Type Balance Sheet ­ September 2021 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Revenue Expense Report ­ September 30, 2021 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Monthly Sales Tax Report ­ September 30, 2021 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Page 42 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 8.A.AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4BFROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic DevelopmentITEM/CAPTION:FINANCIAL REPORTSAGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED:  Presentation BACKGROUND:Staff will provide financial reports for September 2021. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK:NAFINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT:NAFUNDS:NASTAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED:NAATTACHMENTS:Description Upload Date TypeBalance Sheet ­ September 2021 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Revenue Expense Report ­ September 30, 2021 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Monthly Sales Tax Report ­ September 30, 2021 10/20/2021 Cover Memo Financial Report ­ September 30, 2021 10/21/2021 Cover Memo Page 43 10-20-2021 11:08 AM CITY OF SANGER PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2021 42 -4B CORPORATION ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ASSETS ====== 42-00-1000 CLAIM ON CASH 1,409,926.22 42-00-1010 CKG - 4B CASH (2379694) 197,730.54 42-00-1013 CD - 4B #653500 22,127.23 42-00-1014 CD - 4B #659924 21,883.41 42-00-1015 CD - 4B #664243 21,979.14 42-00-1016 CD - 4B #673277 21,932.44 42-00-1017 CD - 4B #686115 21,951.45 42-00-1018 CD - 4B #689521 21,871.93 42-00-1019 CD - 4B #694371 21,956.72 42-00-1020 CD - 4B #697230 22,082.75 42-00-1021 CD - 4B #699934 22,005.86 42-00-1022 CD - 4B #702285 21,816.99 42-00-1023 CD - 4B #706078 21,727.54 42-00-1024 CD - 4B #720097 21,409.68 42-00-1025 CD - 4B #720119 21,444.88 42-00-1153 SALES TAX RECEIVABLE 96,174.08 1,988,020.86 TOTAL ASSETS 1,988,020.86 ============== LIABILITIES =========== 42-00-2000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CONTROL 3,051.89 42-00-2900 ENCUMBRANCE ( 325.00) 42-00-2910 RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCE 325.00 42-00-2950 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 67,407.55 TOTAL LIABILITIES 70,459.44 EQUITY ====== 42-00-3015 FUND BALANCE - RESTRICTED 1,535,133.59 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 1,535,133.59 TOTAL REVENUE 676,807.91 TOTAL EXPENSES 294,380.08 TOTAL REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 382,427.83 TOTAL EQUITY & REV. OVER/(UNDER) EXP. 1,917,561.42 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & REV.OVER/(UNDER) EXP. 1,988,020.86 ============== Page 44 10-20-2021 11:04 AM CITY OF SANGER PAGE: 1 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2021 42 -4B CORPORATION FINANCIAL SUMMARY % OF YEAR COMPLETED: 100.00 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 462,500.00 52,474.16 0.00 636,104.06 0.00 ( 173,604.06 137.54 INTEREST 5,000.00 312.09 0.00 3,917.65 0.00 1,082.35 78.35 TOTAL REVENUES 467,500.00 52,786.25 0.00 640,021.71 0.00 ( 172,521.71 136.90 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 74-TRANSFERS 237,500.00 0.00 0.00 237,500.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 76-4B FUND 75,025.00 6,323.76 15,881.36 56,880.08 325.00 33,701.28 55.08 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 312,525.00 6,323.76 15,881.36 294,380.08 325.00 33,701.28 89.22 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 154,975.00 46,462.49 15,881.36 345,641.63 ( 325.00)( 206,222.99 233.07 Page 45 10-20-2021 11:04 AM CITY OF SANGER PAGE: 2 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2021 42 -4B CORPORATION FINANCIAL SUMMARY % OF YEAR COMPLETED: 100.00 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF REVENUES BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TAXES 00-4325 STATE SALES TAX 462,500.00 52,474.16 0.00 636,104.06 0.00 ( 173,604.06 137.54 TOTAL TAXES 462,500.00 52,474.16 0.00 636,104.06 0.00 ( 173,604.06 137.54 INTEREST 00-4800 INTEREST INCOME 5,000.00 312.09 0.00 3,917.65 0.00 1,082.35 78.35 TOTAL INTEREST 5,000.00 312.09 0.00 3,917.65 0.00 1,082.35 78.35 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL REVENUES 467,500.00 52,786.25 0.00 640,021.71 0.00 ( 172,521.71 136.90 ============== ============ ============ ============= ============ ============ ====== Page 46 10-20-2021 11:04 AM CITY OF SANGER PAGE: 3 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2021 42 -4B CORPORATION 74-TRANSFERS % OF YEAR COMPLETED: 100.00 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 74-TRANSFERS 74-7403 TRANSFER TO DSF 212,500.00 0.00 0.00 212,500.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 74-7441 TRANSFER TO 4A (ADMIN) 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL 74-TRANSFERS 237,500.00 0.00 0.00 237,500.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 74-TRANSFERS 237,500.00 0.00 0.00 237,500.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Page 47 10-20-2021 11:04 AM CITY OF SANGER PAGE: 4 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT (UNAUDITED) AS OF: SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2021 42 -4B CORPORATION 76-4B FUND % OF YEAR COMPLETED: 100.00 CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 51-SALARIES AND BENEFITS ______________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ______ 52-SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 76-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 400.00 0.00 0.00 302.66 0.00 97.34 75.67 76-5226 MARKETING & PROMOTION 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,095.14 0.00 4,904.86 50.95 76-5235 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 600.00 0.00 0.00 509.99 0.00 90.01 85.00 76-5240 CONFERENCES & TRAINING 800.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 650.00 18.75 76-5280 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 TOTAL 52-SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS 12,050.00 0.00 0.00 6,057.79 0.00 5,992.21 50.27 53-MAINTENANCE AND OPERAT 76-5332 OFFICE MACHINE LEASE 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 TOTAL 53-MAINTENANCE AND OPERAT 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 54-CONTRACT SERVICES 76-5425 LEGAL EXPENSE 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 76-5430 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,615.00 325.00 1,060.00 89.40 76-5450 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 500.00 78.40 0.00 936.94 0.00 ( 436.94 187.39 76-5451 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT 875.00 0.00 0.00 675.00 0.00 200.00 77.14 76-5455 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 0.00 6,245.36 15,881.36 40,595.35 0.00 ( 24,713.99 0.00 TOTAL 54-CONTRACT SERVICES 12,375.00 6,323.76 15,881.36 50,822.29 325.00 ( 22,890.93 284.98 56-GRANT EXPENSES 76-5601 PROMO/COMMUNITY EVENT GRANTS 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 76-5603 PROPERTY ENHANCEMENTS INCENTIV 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 56-GRANT EXPENSES 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 61-CAPITAL OUTLAY ______________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ______ 65-CAPITAL PROJECTS ______________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ______ 70-DEBT PAYMENTS ______________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ______ 74-TRANSFER S ______________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 76-4B FUND 75,025.00 6,323.76 15,881.36 56,880.08 325.00 33,701.28 55.08 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 312,525.00 6,323.76 15,881.36 294,380.08 325.00 33,701.28 89.22 ============== ============ ============ ============= ============ ============ ====== ** REVENUE OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ** 154,975.00 46,462.49 15,881.36 345,641.63 ( 325.00)( 206,222.99 233.07 Page 48 Month 2014-2015 Total 2015-2016 Total 2016-2017 Total 2017-2018 Total 2018-2019 Total 2019-2020 Total 2020-2021 Total OCT 26,843 26,843 29,528 29,528 33,532 33,532 36,117 36,117 35,425 35,425 41,961 41,961 52,602 52,602 NOV 31,897 58,740 36,744 66,272 36,725 70,257 38,951 75,068 36,853 72,278 42,075 84,036 50,054 102,656 DEC 28,786 87,526 30,055 96,327 37,133 107,390 32,669 107,737 36,420 108,698 44,092 128,128 52,405 155,061 JAN 41,810 129,336 28,916 125,243 32,386 139,776 34,264 142,001 33,403 142,102 27,585 155,713 44,941 200,002 FEB 38,909 168,245 35,203 160,446 42,385 182,161 48,966 190,967 36,966 179,068 70,059 225,772 62,144 262,146 MAR 29,841 198,086 30,091 190,537 34,273 216,434 32,712 223,679 32,428 211,496 40,966 266,738 49,700 311,846 APR 29,329 227,415 31,321 221,858 29,088 245,522 28,440 252,119 32,984 244,481 35,736 302,474 48,180 360,026 MAY 33,641 261,056 34,401 256,259 42,345 287,867 39,427 291,546 43,134 287,615 41,692 344,166 63,691 423,717 JUN 29,030 290,086 32,746 289,005 30,853 318,720 31,811 323,357 36,456 324,071 50,482 394,647 47,099 470,816 JUL 27,800 317,886 32,803 321,808 35,710 354,430 34,802 358,159 36,977 361,048 49,189 443,837 50,290 521,106 AUG 35,487 353,373 37,628 359,436 42,725 397,155 39,661 397,820 42,598 403,646 47,386 491,222 62,523 583,629 SEP 33,366 386,739 31,646 391,082 38,361 435,516 38,280 436,100 38,860 442,506 42,073 553,295 52,474 636,104 TOTAL 386,739 386,739 391,082 391,082 435,516 435,516 436,100 436,100 442,506 442,506 533,295 533,295 636,104 636,104 BUDGET 320,000 66,739 362,500 28,582 362,500 73,016 385,000 51,100 385,000 57,506 385,000 148,295 462,500 173,604 Actual Actual %Actual Actual % 2019-2020 2020-2021 Change 2019-2020-2020-2021 Change 42,073 52,474 25%553,295 636,104 15% Year to Date 4A & 4B SALES TAX REVENUE REPORT SeptemberSales Tax Collection 386,739 391,082 435,516 436,100 442,506 533,295 636,104 (50,000) 50,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 450,000 550,000 650,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TOTAL REVENUE 2015-2021 Page 49 4A & 4B SALES TAX REVENUE REPORT Page 50 Percent Budget Actual of Budget Revenue Sales Tax 462,500 636,104 138% Interest Income 5,000 #3,918 78% Total Revenue 467,500 640,022 137% Expenditures Transfer to 4A 25,000 25,000 100% Transfer to Debt Service Fund 212,500 212,500 100% Supplies and Matterials 12,050 6,058 50% Maintenance and Operation 600 - 0% Contract Services 37,375 50,822 136% Community Projects 25,000 0% Total Expenditures 312,525 294,380 94% Revenues Over Expenditures 154,975 345,642 Cash in Bank - Checking 197,731 Certificate of Deposit 184,190 Claim on Cash 1,409,926 Total Cash 1,791,847 September 30, 2021 Fund 4B Sanger Texas Development Corporation Page 51 4B ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD AGENDA MEMO AGENDA ITEM NO. 8.B. AGENDA MEETING DATE: October 26, 2021 TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development ITEM/CAPTION: DIRECTOR'S REPORT AGENDA TYPE: Regular ACTION REQUESTED:  Presentation  BACKGROUND: Staff will provide an update to the Board on economic development activity. LEGAL/BOARD COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS/CITIZEN NOTICE FEEDBACK: NA FINANCIAL SUMMARY ­ FUNDING/FISCAL IMPACT: NA FUNDS: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATION/ACTION DESIRED: NA Page 52