01/07/2020-4A-Minutes-RegularBANGER *TEXAS MINUTES 4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2020 1:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Gillum, Victor Gann, Elizabeth Springer COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Drew Hall STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson 1. Call Meeting to Order 1:00 PM 2. Approval of Minutes Approval of the October 15, 2019 4A Board Meeting Minutes. A motion was made by Elizabeth Springer to Motion. The motion was seconed by Victor Gann. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to accept minutes from last meeting. Seconded by Victor Gann. Passes unanimously The motion Approve Passed with a 4-0 vote 3. Election of Officers Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Electing New Officer Positions. A motion was made by Elizabeth Springer to Motion. The motion was seconed by Fred Yeatts. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to table until July 2020. Seconded by Fred Yeatts. Motion passes unanimously. The motion Approve Passed with a 4-0 vote 4. Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Bylaws Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Passing a Resolution to Amend the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Bylaws. A motion was made by Fred Yeatts to Motion. The motion was seconed by Victor Gann. Shani goes over the one addition to the By -Laws. One year after the term has been met the board member can re -apply to be on the 4A board. They briefly discuss the By -Laws from the last meeting to update members that were not at the meeting. Fred Yeatts makes a motion to approve the change. Seconded by Victor Gann. Motion passes unanimously. The motion Approve Passed with a 4-0 vote 5. Sanger Economic Development Website Consider and Discuss a New Sanger Economic Development Website. Shani speaks about the current website. She explains that it is outdated and limited on what it can offer. She also states it is very basic and not user friendly. She speaks with the board about other option for a new website. She talks to the board about a website ED Suites and goes over the options. One option costs $20,200.00 up front, $3,500.00 per year to include the website, photography, assistance. This is with a 3 year contract. She shows the board other cities web pages and how we could utilize this for our City. Another company is Civic Plus. She states she has a meeting with them on Wednesday and will update the Board. She asks that the board think about it and let them know she would love to update our site. 6. Review Financial Reports Shani briefly goes over the financial report. Elizabeth Springer wants to know when the City asks for bids? She would like to know what banks we could utilize for the CD. She also asks about the Software line item. Shani explains that it pays for our current software. Springer asks about the marketing and promotional line item and what is it used for. Shani explains that is is for marketing material, could be used for the website, etc. 7. Staff Update 1. City -Wide Comprehensive Plan 2. ICSC Conference - January 9-10, 2020 3. Marketing Material - Flyer View LLC 4. Traffic Count Report - EDP Best Practices 5. Industrial Warehouse 6. Business Growth and Development Shani spoke briefly about BNSF project. She explained that the City had a meeting but they were not aloud to talk about the project. Then Cooke County released it to the paper so she is going to explain a little bit about the project. 8. Citizen Comments No one 9. Adjourn 3:00 PM