10/03/2017-4A-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation October 3, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Springer, Fred Yeatts, and Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: John Jacobs OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan, Permit Technician Michelle Burke Mike Todd and Tracy Krierim — Sable Creek 1. Call Meeting to Order. Don Gillum called the meeting to order. 2. Executive Session: Closed Meeting. The Board met in Executive Session to discuss deliberations regarding real property and Economic Development. 3. Reconvene: Open Meeting. Action taken from Executive Session: None. 4. Approve Minutes: August 1, 2017 Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Elizabeth Springer and a second by Fred Yeatts. 5. Election of Officers. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to keep the officers the same for the next year, with a second by Fred Yeatts. Motion approved unanimously. 6. Review Financials. No comments. 7. Citizen Comments. Mike Todd, developer with Sable Creek wanted to know what the vision is for what the EDC is trying to do. Wanted to know if there was any way for the developers to get involved in projects to help that effort. Discussed the frontage property that Sable Creek owns at Indian Lane and 455. Discussed ways to make downtown Sanger more appealing. 8. Meeting Adjourned. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second from Fred Yeatts. The motion passed unanimously.