07/21/2020-4A-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020
1:00 PM
1.Call Meeting to Order
2.Approval of Minutes
Approval of the May 5, 2020 4A Board Meeting Minutes.
3.Fiscal Year 20202021 Budget
Discuss, Consider and Act on Fiscal Year Budget 20202021.
4.Action Plan 2020
Discuss and Develop the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Action Plan 2020.
5.Citizen Comments
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the
City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place
convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
Cheryl Price City Secretary
City of Sanger, Texas
Date/Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City
Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information.
TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B
FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the May 5, 2020 4A Board Meeting Minutes.
AGENDA TYPE: Consent Agenda
APPROVE the May 5, 2020 4A Board Meeting Minutes.
Description Upload Date Type
Minutes 20200505 7/16/2020 Cover Memo
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2020
1:00 PM
Meetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. Effective
March 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to allow telephonic or
video conference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the public to decrease large groups
of people from assembling in order to advance the public health goal of limiting facetoface meetings to
slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The suspension temporarily removes the requirement
that government officials and members of the public be physically present at a meeting location. A
recording of the telephone conference will be made available to the public in accordance with the Open
Meetings Act, upon written request for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved.
If you plan to speak or provide public comments during the meeting please email;
sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org and indicate which item you would like to comment on. You will
need to provide Shani Bradshaw your name, address, plus the name, and/or number you are calling into
the conference with for recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitate
Public Hearings during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they were
received and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the Director
of Economic Development, Shani Bradshaw (sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org) regarding an item if
you do not wish to speak, and they will be emailed to Shani Bradshaw before the meeting. Please
provide your comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting.
The public may dial one of the following numbers and enter the meeting ID/Access Code to join the
meeting. A toll free number is available and noted on the list below:
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
877 853 5257 US Tollfree
888 475 4499 US Tollfree
Meeting ID: 986 054 4598
Don Gillum, Victor Gann, Liz Springer, Drew Hall
MINUTES4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARDTUESDAY, MAY 5, 20201:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. EffectiveMarch 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to allow telephonic orvideoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the public to decrease large groupsof people from assembling in order to advance the public health goal of limiting facetoface meetings toslow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The suspension temporarily removes the requirementthat government officials and members of the public be physically present at a meeting location. Arecording of the telephone conference will be made available to the public in accordance with the OpenMeetings Act, upon written request for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved.If you plan to speak or provide public comments during the meeting please email;sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org and indicate which item you would like to comment on. You willneed to provide Shani Bradshaw your name, address, plus the name, and/or number you are calling intothe conference with for recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitatePublic Hearings during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they werereceived and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the Directorof Economic Development, Shani Bradshaw (sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org) regarding an item ifyou do not wish to speak, and they will be emailed to Shani Bradshaw before the meeting. Pleaseprovide your comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. The public may dial one of the following numbers and enter the meeting ID/Access Code to join themeeting. A toll free number is available and noted on the list below:Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)877 853 5257 US Tollfree888 475 4499 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 986 054 4598COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT:Don Gillum, Victor Gann, Liz Springer, Drew Hall
Fred Yeatts
Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson
1.Call Meeting to Order
1:05 PM
2.Economic Development Action Plan
Discuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Hiring a Consultant to Create an Action Plan for the 4A
Industrial Development Corporation.
A motion was made by Elizabeth Springer to Motion. The motion was seconed by Drew Hall.
Shani speaks briefly and goes over the staff report. The board discusses briefly about an action
Shani talks about Greg Last and what he can do for 4A and the action plan.
The motion with a 40 vote (Absent: Yeatts)
Discussion on Fiscal Year 20202021 Budget
Shani goes over the budget and explains they may need to look into lowering the budget by 10%.
Elizabeth Springer asks if there was a way to add a grant into the budget this year. She would like
to know if the 4A board can offer grant assistance to companies.
Shani said she would need to get back to them and speak with legal.
(Absent: Yeatts)
Review Financial Reports
Shani goes over the financials. Brief discussion with the board(Absent: Yeatts)
Informational Items
1) City Wide Comprehensive Plan
2) Warehouse
3) COVID19 Update
Shani gave an update on the comp plan.
Shani explains that she has had a couple of companies interested in the warehouse.
She said if they would like to speak about details she can add an executive session on the next
Brief discussion about updates.
MINUTES4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARDTUESDAY, MAY 5, 20201:00 PM502 ELM STREETSANGER, TEXASIMPORTANT NOTICE: MEETING HELD BY TELECONFERENCEMeetings will temporarily be held via teleconference and will not be held at Sanger City Hall. EffectiveMarch 16, 2020 Texas Governor Abbott suspended certain Open Meeting rules to allow telephonic orvideoconference meetings of government bodies that are accessible to the public to decrease large groupsof people from assembling in order to advance the public health goal of limiting facetoface meetings toslow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID19). The suspension temporarily removes the requirementthat government officials and members of the public be physically present at a meeting location. Arecording of the telephone conference will be made available to the public in accordance with the OpenMeetings Act, upon written request for up to 90 days after the official minutes of the meeting are approved.If you plan to speak or provide public comments during the meeting please email;sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org and indicate which item you would like to comment on. You willneed to provide Shani Bradshaw your name, address, plus the name, and/or number you are calling intothe conference with for recognition purposes to allow you to speak during the item. In order to facilitatePublic Hearings during the meeting, each name on the speaking list will be called in the order they werereceived and will be provided an opportunity to comment. You may also provide comments to the Directorof Economic Development, Shani Bradshaw (sangerdevelopment@sangertexas.org) regarding an item ifyou do not wish to speak, and they will be emailed to Shani Bradshaw before the meeting. Pleaseprovide your comments or requests to comment for all items no later than one (1) hour before the meeting. The public may dial one of the following numbers and enter the meeting ID/Access Code to join themeeting. A toll free number is available and noted on the list below:Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)877 853 5257 US Tollfree888 475 4499 US TollfreeMeeting ID: 986 054 4598COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT:Don Gillum, Victor Gann, Liz Springer, Drew HallCOMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT:Fred YeattsSTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson1.Call Meeting to Order1:05 PM2.Economic Development Action PlanDiscuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Hiring a Consultant to Create an Action Plan for the 4AIndustrial Development Corporation. A motion was made by Elizabeth Springer to Motion. The motion was seconed by Drew Hall. Shani speaks briefly and goes over the staff report. The board discusses briefly about an actionplan.Shani talks about Greg Glass and what he can do for 4A and the action plan.The motion with a 40 vote (Absent: Yeatts)3.Discussion on Fiscal Year 20202021 BudgetShani goes over the budget and explains they may need to look into lowering the budget by 10%. Elizabeth Springer asks if there was a way to add a grant into the budget this year. She would liketo know if the 4A board can offer grant assistance to companies.Shani said she would need to get back to them and speak with legal.(Absent: Yeatts)4.Review Financial ReportsShani goes over the financials. Breif discussion with the board(Absent: Yeatts)5.Informational Items1) City Wide Comprehensive Plan 2) Warehouse 3) COVID19 UpdateShani gave an update on the comp plan.Shani explains that she has had a couple of companies interested in the warehouse. She said if they would like to speak about details she can add an executive session on the nextagends.
Brief discussion about updates.
(Absent: Yeatts)
6.Citizen Comments
No Citizens (Absent: Yeatts)
2:06 PM(Absent: Yeatts)
TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B
FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development
Fiscal Year 20202021 Budget
Discuss, Consider and Act on Fiscal Year Budget 20202021.
AGENDA TYPE: Work Session
APPROVE the Fiscal Year Budget 20202021.
Description Upload Date Type
4A Budget 20202021 7/16/2020 Cover Memo
2020-21 10%
46-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 568 488 800 234 468 400 400
46-5215 FOOD 37 -300 ----
46-5226 MARKETING & PROMOTION 263 7,798 12,000 2,905 5,810 20,000 -
46-5235 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,917 1,709 2,000 500 1,000 2,000 -
46-5240 CONFERENCES AND TRAINING 1,276 2,646 5,000 1,537 3,073 5,000 -
46-5280 COMPUTER SUPPLIES --500 1,572 3,145 250 250
46-5310 R & M BUILDING 95 -5,000 --5,000 -
46-5332 OFFICE MACHINE LEASE 276 997 825 600 1,201 601 224
46-5425 LEGAL EXPENSE -----1,000 -
46-5430 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE -525 10,000 --25,000
46-5450 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 118 4,647 1,000 1,175 2,350 500 500
46-5451 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT 1,350 (1,350)1,750 --875 875
46-5455 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE --45,000 ---45000
46-5515 ELECTRIC -1,434 ---
46-5516 GAS SERVICE -205 -----
46-5610 GRANT EXPENSE -------
46-6040 OFFICE FURNITURE -----
TOTALS 5,900 19,099 84,175 8,523 17,047 60,626 32,625
TO: Shani Bradshaw, 4B
FROM: Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development
Action Plan 2020
Discuss and Develop the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Action Plan 2020.
AGENDA TYPE: Work Session
Board members will review the Action Plan documents, review and revise the SWOT analysis, review and discuss a
Mission Statement, discuss and finalize Goals and Objectives, and review and prioritize Objectives.
Description Upload Date Type
Transmittal Letter 7/16/2020 Cover Memo
Action Plan Draft 7/16/2020 Cover Memo
EDP Best Practices, LLC / Sanger, Texas – Industrial Development Corporation
2020 Action Plan - 2020-07-09 - Page 1 of 1
Date: July 9, 2020
To: Board of Directors
Sanger Industrial Development Corporation
201 Bolivar Street
Sanger, TX 76266
c/o Shani Bradshaw, Executive Director
Re: Development of an Action Plan for the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation
I appreciate the opportunity to assist the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC) with
development of an Action Plan for 2020. Because we have a lot to accomplish in a fairly short amount of
time, I would like to ask the Board to do the items in red in order to be ready for discussion at the upcoming
• Discuss the Action Plan Overview (attached)
− Review the Action Plan Overview document
• Mission Statement Development
− Review example EDO mission statements, highlight desired wording
• Review Action Plan work-in-progress (WIP)
− Review for accuracy, omissions, prepare questions, add any info you are aware of
• Finalize the SWOT analyses
− Review SWOT in the draft Plan, revise, add to, prepare for discussion
• Discuss and finalize Goals & Objectives
− Review the Goals & Objectives summary, revise, add to, prepare for discussion
• Discuss prioritization of the Objectives prior to the next meeting
− Review and understand the Objectives prioritization process
I look forward to our discussion. It should be a full and productive meeting.
Greg Last, CEO
EDP Best Practices, LLC
Enc: Action Plan Overview
Example EDO Mission Statements
Action Plan Draft dated 2020-07-09 (via separate document)
Action Plan Overview
EDP Best Practices, LLC ‐ 2020‐07‐09 ‐ Page 1 of 2
Action Plan Overview
What is an Action Plan: An Action Plan is a plan guiding the direction and prioritized efforts of an
Economic Development Organization (EDO) in the near term, typically 1‐3 years.
Process: Following are the major steps in developing the Action Plan.
1. Background Information: EDP and Staff prepare the background information in the Action Plan.
2. Pre‐Meeting SWOT Ideas: Request Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) for
both City and EDO prior to the 1st meeting to have ideas to start with.
2.1. EDP combines all similar responses and inputs result in SWOT form
2.2. EDP formulates draft Objectives from the SWOT input and includes in the SWOT form
3. Pre‐Meeting Objective Ideas: Request desired objectives as a starting point for Meeting #1.
3.1. EDP combines all similar responses and inputs result in Objectives Summary form
4. Meeting #1:
4.1. Mission Statement Development: Review example EDO Mission Statements for stimulation
and craft an EDO Mission Statement
4.2. SWOT Development: Review the SWOT forms for both the City and the EDO, confirm SWOT
representation and action item / Objective in the right column.
A. Issues in left column: e.g. “We don’t understand what we can fund.”
B. Action in right column: e.g. “Undergo training on funding limitations.”
4.3. Goals & Objectives: Review the unranked preliminary Objectives and discuss need for
revisions or additional objectives until finalized.
4.4. Review Draft Plan: Review and discuss all information provided in the draft Action Plan
5. Prioritization: EDP randomly lists Objectives on a Prioritization Form and distributes to the Board.
Action Plan Overview
EDP Best Practices, LLC ‐ 2020‐07‐09 ‐ Page 2 of 2
5.1. Ranking: Each Board member will prioritize the list of Objectives, and return to EDP
5.2. Compilation: EDP will calculate the collective prioritization of the Board’s Objectives
6. Meeting #2: Discuss and finalize the results of the Board’s prioritized Objectives and all information
in the Action Plan.
EDP Best Practices, LLC ‐ Mission Statement Development Form 2020‐07‐09 ‐ Page 1 of 1
Mission Statement Development
BAD Practices:
Including a word or concept from everyone so everybody is happy
Including text on how you are going to execute your mission “… this will be
accomplished by …”
Reiterating history “… EDC was formed to …”
Including ways of measuring success “… as measured by …”
BEST Practices:
Be concise
Create something you can remember
Be concise
Task: Review the attached Example EDO Mission Statements. Circle or highlight key
words or phrases that you think pertain to your organization. We will attempt to
coalesce everyone’s preferences into a workable mission statement at the meeting.
Key words / Phrases:
Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
EDP Best Practices, LLC - 2020-07-09 - Page 1 of 4
Example E.D.O. Mission Statements
Local and Regional
• Alton DC: The mission of the Alton Development Corporation is to promote, encourage and enhance the
creation of jobs and expansion of the local tax base through projects which assist in the retention and
expansion of existing primary employers and which attract new primary employers and aid their
development and growth.
• Argyle EDC: The mission of the Argyle Economic Development Corporation is to promote the
recruitment of new businesses, the retention and expansion of existing businesses, and to maximize the
tax base of Argyle while capitalizing upon our rural character and sense of community.
• Azle ED: The Azle Department of Economic Development works to influence business location decisions
by providing information and resources designed to assist in the analysis of establishing, expanding or
relocating a facility in Azle.
• Bartonville CDC: The mission of the Bartonville Community Development Corporation is to retain and
attract businesses that meet the vision and standards desired by the Community.
• Bellville EDC: The Bellville Economic Development Corporation will strive to enhance Bellville’s
economy by expanding the tax base, promoting tourism and providing for a better quality of life for the
citizens of our community.
• Big Spring EDC: The mission of the Big Spring Economic Development Corporations is to assist,
stimulate, and enhance economic development in Big Spring, Texas, subject to applicable State and
Federal laws and the Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation. To utilize its Sales Tax Revenues to
increase the job opportunities available to the citizens of Big Spring by assisting the expansion of local
businesses and attracting new business activities to Big Spring.
• Borger EDC: Our mission is to be the economic growth engine for Borger, Texas. We will accomplish this
through the retention and expansion of local businesses, the recruitment of outside businesses, and
encouragement of community growth through tourism and cultural activities.
• Bowie EDC: The Bowie Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to administer Bowie’s Type 4A economic development sales tax for the promotion and
development of new and expanded business enterprises that result in industrial and economic
development with an emphasis on job opportunities in the Bowie, Texas area.
• Cedar Hill ED: The mission of the Economic Development Department is to retain and expand existing
business through a proactive retention and expansion program, attract desirable industry by fostering a
business friendly environment, and aggressively market Cedar Hill utilizing a multi-faceted approach.
• Colleyville ED: The Economic Development Department is charged with working with property owners
and developers to increase the office and retail sectors of the City. This involves seeking out unique and
interesting venues in which Colleyville residents can shop, dine and explore.
• Coppell ED: The mission of the Coppell Office of Economic Development is to provide a positive business
environment that will foster economic growth through the recruitment of new businesses and the
retention and expansion of existing businesses and to maximize the tax base of Coppell consistent with
the values of the community.
• Decatur EDC: The mission of the Decatur EDC is to achieve sustained, balanced economic growth for the
City of Decatur as measured by improvements in primary employment and increased tax base, while
enhancing the quality of life and providing greater access to desirable goods and services.
Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
EDP Best Practices, LLC - 2020-07-09 - Page 2 of 4
• Duncanville CEDC: The mission of the Duncanville Community and Economic Development Corporation
is to serve as a catalyst for community development and economic opportunity that enhances the
competitiveness of Duncanville and increases property values, sales tax revenues, job opportunities and
quality of life.
• Ferris EDC: The mission of the Ferris EDC is to promote economic development in the City of Ferris
through the attraction of new high wage business and industry and the retention of existing businesses
and industries. This will be accomplished by providing the resources that enable development and
presenting the City of Ferris as the preferred industrial, commercial, and residential choice.
• Forney EDC: The FEDC promotes economic strength for the City of Forney by expanding and diversifying
the local tax base through business development, financial reinvestment and community partnerships.
• Hico EDC: The mission of the Hico Economic Development Corporation is to enrich the quality of life of
the citizens by promoting and enhancing the economic vitality of the community through promoting the
retention and expansion of existing business while also devoting an appropriate amount of resources
toward attracting new businesses.
• Jewett EDC: The mission of the Jewett Economic Development Corporation is to retain and attract
businesses that meet the vision and standards desired by the community while enhancing the quality of
life of all residents.
• Keller ED: The mission of the Keller Economic Development Department is to improve the quality of life
for residents and the business community of Keller through the recruitment and retention of targeted
businesses that will increase property value and sales tax within the City.
• Kilgore EDC: The mission of the Kilgore EDC is to enhance a business climate that is conducive to job
creation and retention improving the standard of living for Kilgore residents.
• Lancaster ED: The mission of the City of Lancaster’s Department of Economic Development is to create
favorable site-selection or expansion decisions for new and existing business and industry through
aggressive sales and marketing programs that are designed to create a growing tax base for the
community of Lancaster through new business development, existing business retention, and job
creation and by ensuring a financially sustainable city government and enhancing the overall quality of
life for the citizens of Lancaster.
• Lavon EDC: The mission of the Lavon EDC is to strengthen and diversify the economic base of the City of
• Levelland EDC: The mission of the Levelland EDC is to strengthen Levelland's economy through creative
and cooperative economic development initiatives.
• Little Elm EDC: The mission of the Little Elm EDC is to advance economic development in Little Elm while
capitalizing on our lakeside character and sense of community.
• Ovilla ED: The mission of Ovilla ED is to create an environment that is diverse and strong by
demonstrating our commitment to business retention and expansion by initiating a proactive approach
towards business recruitment that meets or exceeds the expectations of our community.
• Lubbock EDA: The mission of the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA) is to promote
economic growth by creating high-quality jobs, investing in new capital improvements and improving
Lubbock’s quality of life.
• McKinney EDC: The mission of the McKinney EDC is to work to create an environment in which
community-oriented businesses can thrive.
Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
EDP Best Practices, LLC - 2020-07-09 - Page 3 of 4
• Midland EDC: The mission of the Midland EDC is to promote and advance opportunities that enhance
and diversify the strength and stability of the Midland economy.
• New York City ED: The mission of NYCEDC is to realize New York City as the global model for inclusive
innovation and economic growth, fueled by the diversity of its people and businesses, by strengthening
the City’s competitive position and facilitating investments that grow quality jobs and cultivate dynamic,
resilient, livable communities throughout the five boroughs.
• Pampa EDC: The mission of the Pampa EDC is to encourage and promote industries of the community
by directing attention to opportunities within the industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors. We
will strive to assist with needed resources and financial incentives to interested firms and entrepreneurs
in startup, expansion or relocation to this area. The success of this mission will be demonstrated by
sustained stability and growth of economic activity in Pampa.
• Paradise EDC: The mission of the Paradise Economic Development Corporation is to foster economic
growth through attraction, retention and expansion of community-oriented businesses, while
capitalizing upon our rural character and sense of community.
• Port Arthur EDC: The mission of the Port Arthur EDC is to implement a proactive, aggressive industrial
recruitment process focused upon specific industrial clusters that can achieve world-class competitive
stature in Port Arthur.
• Richmond EDC: The mission of the Development Corporation of Richmond is to serve the community by
promoting private and public investments that will generate multiple public revenue streams to fund
quality of life enhancements and activities that preserve and capitalize on our heritage.
• Royse City EDC: The mission of the Royse City EDC is to preserve our hometown atmosphere with a
spirit of cooperation between businesses, local government, schools, churches, and residents. To
develop an ideal mix of industry, business, cultural, educational, and recreational facilities to help
support the economic growth and development of the community.
• Runaway Bay EDC: The mission of the Runaway Bay Economic Development Corporation is to retain
and attract businesses while capitalizing on our lakeside character and sense of community
• Sanger EDC: The mission of the Sanger EDC is to foster economic growth and enhance the quality of life
for all residents of Sanger.
• Seagoville EDC: Economic Development Corporation Mission Statement is to use funds derived from the
half-cent economic development sales tax to encourage new business and to promote growth and/or
retention of existing businesses, creating new employment opportunities in our city, increasing our tax
base and/or improving the quality of life.
• Sherman EDC: Grow and diversify the economy of Sherman and the surrounding area through the
addition of new jobs and investment of primary employers. Since 1996, Sherman Economic Development
Corporation (SEDCO) has focused on a mission and strategy to grow the primary employment sector —
those companies with statewide, national and global markets. SEDCO is supported by a local 3/8 cent
sales tax. The funds provide the resources for SEDCO to market the community, provide cash incentives
for new investments and jobs and develop business park sites for industry. SEDCO Board of Directors
and Sherman City Council annually adopt a new Plan of Work for SEDCO to guide the development, re-
development and community enhancement in Sherman and the surrounding area.
• Southlake ED: The mission of the Southlake Department of Economic Development is to help create a
diversified, vibrant and sustainable economy through attraction and support of businesses meeting the
vision and standards desired by City leaders.
Example Economic Development Organization (EDO) Mission Statements
EDP Best Practices, LLC - 2020-07-09 - Page 4 of 4
• Tomball EDC: To promote economic growth in the City of Tomball through the attraction of new
business and industry and the retention of existing businesses by providing the resources that enable
development and advance the general well-being of the community.
• Tyler EDC: The Tyler Economic Development Council (TEDC) was formed in 1989 to diversify the
economic base of Tyler/Smith County and to create new job opportunities.
• White Settlement EDC: The Economic Development Corporation exists to enhance community
development within the City. This includes encouraging people and businesses to relocate to White
• Willis EDC: The mission of the Willis Economic Development Corporation is to empower the local Willis
economy, through the expansion and retention of the business community, with infrastructure
assistance, and to promote business opportunities in the market area that enhances the quality of life.
• Wills Point EDC: The mission of the Wills Point Economic Development Corporation is to promote and
enhance economic opportunities through the attraction of new ventures. The Corporation will assist
Wills Point in attracting new ventures by helping to provide an economic environment that is business
friendly and conducive to productivity and prosperity to include the utilization of the airport as an
economic asset essential to the acquisition of business within both the industrial park and airport
grounds. In addition, the EDC fosters an economic development environment through promotion,
cooperation and communication between the public and private sector, enabling an increased standard
of living for our residents and enrich their quality of life.
Regional EDO Mission Statements
• Central East Texas Alliance: The mission of the Central East Texas Alliance is to promote the Central
East Texas region as a prime location to live, work, and play and to support the community and
economic development efforts of the cities, towns, EDC’s, and other economic development entities in
the region.
• Corpus Christi Regional EDC: The mission of the CCREDC is to expand and enhance the region's
economic base by developing and / or supporting projects that create primary jobs.
• Dallas Regional Chamber: Together, we will lead the Dallas region to become the most economically
prosperous region — and the most desirable place to live and work — in the United States.
• Greater Houston Partnership: The Partnership is a place for community-minded business leaders who
want to be involved in Houston's positive growth and influence the direction in which Houston is going.
Through the dedicated efforts of our members, the Partnership addresses Houston's unique challenges,
and champions the growth and success of our region.
• Metroport Chamber of Commerce: The mission of the Metroport Chamber of Commerce Economic
Development Committee (EDC) is to expand and strengthen the region’s economic base through
collaborative efforts.
• Texas Forest Country Partnership: The Texas Forest Country Partnership strives to enrich the economic
and well-being of our region through marketing, business development, and advocacy.
• Texas Midwest Community Network: The mission of Texas Midwest Community Network (TMCN) is to
promote a regional approach to provide the resources and awareness for its members to achieve
economic and community growth.
Sanger, Texas - Industrial Development Corporation
2020 Action Plan - Draft: 2020-06-25 - Page 1
Industrial Development Corporation
2020 Action Plan
Prepared By
Sanger Texas Industrial Development Corporation
Open TBD, President
Elizabeth Springer, V.P.
Victor Gann, Place 3
Open TBD, Place 4
Drew Hall, Place 5
Submitted To
City Council
Thomas Muir, Mayor
Marissa Barrett, Place 1
Gary Bilyeu, Place 2
Dennis Dillon, Place 3
Allen Chick, Place 4
David Clark, Place 5
Contributing Staff
Alina Ciocan, City Manager
Shani Bradshaw, Executive Director
Assisted By
EDP Best Practices, LLC
Greg Last, CEO
Sanger, Texas - Industrial Development Corporation
2020 Action Plan - Draft: 2020-07-09 - Page 2
2 Community Facts
2 Location
2 Action Plan Purpose
2 Action Plan Process
3 Authorization
3 Sales Tax Election
3 Articles of Incorporation
3 Bylaws
3 Meetings
3 Staffing
3 Board Membership
3 Annual Meeting
3 Mission Statement
4 Sales Tax Revenues
4 Total Revenues
4 Expenditures
4 Fund Balance
Existing Resources
5 Mapping, website, policies, etc.
Activities & Projects
7 Activities-Projects Summary
8 SWOT Analysis – City
10 SWOT Analysis – SIDC
Goals & Objectives
11 Prioritized Objectives
12 Goals & Objectives
18 Mission-Goals-Objectives Status Report
20 A - Existing Zoning Map
21 B - Future Land Use Plan
22 C - Terms & Definitions
The City of Sanger (City) is located along Interstate
35 in north central Texas just north of Dallas / Fort
Worth region.
Community Facts: Following are some brief facts
about the City of Sanger, Texas.
Founded in 1888
2010 Census estimated population of 6,916
2019 estimated population of 8,800
Approximately 11.75 square miles currently,
48.52 square miles including the ETJ
Location in North Central Texas:
Action Plan Purpose: This Action Plan (Plan) is
intended to identify, organize and prioritize goals and
objectives providing direction for the Sanger Texas
Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC) Board.
Following is the process to prepare this Action Plan.
1. Identify all organizational documents, budget,
resources, prior projects and summarize in Plan
2. Distribute Pre-Meeting SWOT and Objectives
forms to Board members for initial ideas
3. Summarize all submitted SWOT ideas and
condense common ideas into SWOT statements
4. Summarize all submitted Objectives and
condense common ideas into Objectives
5. Discuss / review all input and create finalized
Goals & Objectives list
6. Distribute a forced-ranking system to the Board
for prioritization of all Objectives
7. Summarize prioritized Objectives
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Meetings: The SIDC Board typically meets at City Hall
at 1:00 p.m. quarterly or as needed.
Staffing: The Executive Director administers and
manages the responsibilities of the Industrial
Development Corporation (A Board) as well as the
Sanger Texas Development Corporation (B Board).
Board Membership: The SIDC Board is composed of
five (5) members, appointed by the Council for three
two-year terms. These members are reflected on
the cover of this Action Plan. Board members are
not compensated for their commitment.
Mission Statement: The Board adopted the following
mission statement as a part of this Plan:
“To foster economic growth and enhance the
quality of life for all residents of Sanger.”
New Mission statement TBD
Authorization: The Sanger Texas Industrial
Development Corporation (SIDC) was authorized for
establishment and shall be governed by Section 4A of
the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (The Act),
Article 5190.6, Texas Revised Civil Statutes.
Sales Tax Election: On May 2, 1998 the residents of
the City approved the adoption of an additional one-
half of one percent Sales and Use Tax for projects
authorized by Section 4A of the Act.
Articles of Incorporation: The Articles of
Incorporation (Articles) were approved on November
19, 1998 authorizing and approving the creation of
the Sanger Texas Industrial Development
Article Four states “The Corporation is organized
exclusively for the purposes of benefiting and
accomplishing public purposes of, and to act on
behalf of, the City of Sanger, Texas, and the specific
purposes for which the Corporation is organized and
may issue bonds on behalf of the City of Sanger,
Texas for the promotion and development of
commercial, industrial and manufacturing
enterprises, to promote and encourage employment
and the public welfare, pursuant to the Development
Corporation Act of 1979.”
SIDC Bylaws: Amended Bylaws for the SIDC were
approved by City Council on March 16, 2020 and
include the following highlights.
2.01 Purposes: “The purpose of the Corporation is to
promote, assist, and enhance economic development
in the City of Sanger in accordance with the Act. Any
project, as defined by the Act, which shall be
undertaken by the Corporation, may include costs,
maintenance and operating costs of such project.”
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Following are major financial aspects of the SIDC. All data reflect a Fiscal Year of October 1 to September 31.
Sales Tax Revenue: The most significant revenue for the SIDC is generated by the one-half percent (1/2%) sales
tax approved by the election previously discussed as reflected in the following chart:
Total Revenues: Total revenues for the SIDC are reflected in the following chart:
Expenditures: Expenditures by the SIDC must be approved by the Council prior to expenditure. This may be
accomplished via the approval of the budget by Council, or a more formal hearing of the project and proposed
expenditures. Actual expenditures over the past several years are reflected in the following chart:
Fund Balance: A conservative approach to budgeting and expenditures has maintained an appropriate fund
balance. The SIDC fund balances over the past several years are reflected in the following chart:
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Major Employers*
Major employers in Sanger include the following:
Wal-Mart Distribution Center
Sanger ISD
Sam’s Distribution Center
City of Sanger
A&W Productions
Eikon Engineering
Babe’s chicken
Super Save
Hollingsworth Manufacturing
North Texas Plastics
Sanger Bank
City Maps
The City maintains a web-based Geographic
Information System (GIS) mapping system including
the following maps.
Interactive City GIS Map
Existing Zoning Map (Shown at end of Plan)
Future Land Use Plan (Shown at end of Plan)
Master Thoroughfare Plan
Flood Plain Map
SIDC Maps*
The following SIDC maps are available.
Aerial marketing map shown above
Three (3) location maps are available showing
national, Texas and local locations
Traffic Counts*
The Economic Development Office maintains a Traffic
Count Report with 24 hour, two-way, traffic counts
for all major roadways in the City.
The SIDC currently utilizes the following resources to
help in their efforts.
SIDC Website - www.SangerTXEDC.org
The SIDC has pages dedicated to purposes of the
SIDC as part of the City’s website. Significant effort is
put into the maintenance and update of information
available on the website. *Represents items
available on the website.
Comprehensive Master Plan Update
The City engaged Norris Design to assist with an
update to the Comprehensive Master Plan (Comp
Plan) and the process is currently underway.
Prior ED Strategic Plans
There have been no prior Economic Development
Strategic Plans for the SIDC.
The SIDC maintains significant data on their website
Education: Sanger ISD and area colleges
Quality of Life: Housing, recreation, shopping &
Taxes: Local and area taxes
Quick Facts: Basic Census data
Workforce: Major Employers and labor data
Business Info
The Economic Development Office maintains a
spreadsheet listing of all the businesses in Sanger.
The list currently includes approximately 140
Chamber of Commerce
The Sanger COC has a website located at:
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Incentive Agreements
The SIDC / City have executed the following incentive
R&L Carriers: Resolution on 2018-05-01 provided
for a grant in the amount equal to 50% of real
property taxes paid by company for seven years,
extension of water and sewer lines to the
property (north of View Road and I-35 north
bound service road), waive 50% of all permitting
and inspection fees, and waive 100% of water
and wastewater impact fees and 50% of roadway
impact fees. (City)
Holiday Inn Express: Resolution on 2018-12-01
provided for a Hotel Occupancy Tax Grant and
Economic Development Incentive Agreement.
The City will provide to the company an
economic grant in the amount equal to 50% of
real property taxes paid by company for seven
years. The City furnished a loop of water lines by
connecting to an existing line and installed
electrical service to the hotel facility. The City
also agreed to provide a grant from the HOT fund
that will be payable on a quarterly basis during
each grant year. (City)
Walmart Distribution Center: The City provided a
Tax Abatement Agreement and the SIDC also
helped in the incentive package for the DC.
STDC Incentives*
The Sanger Texas Development Corporation (Type B
Board) also offers incentives in the form of two grant
Project Grants: To improve the quality of life in
Sanger and meet the eligibility requirements
established by Texas state law
Promotional / Community Event Grants: For
activities that promote the City of Sanger for
business development or tourism
Sites & Buildings Summary*
The Economic Development Office maintains a
Sites & Buildings Summary which provides a
robust listing of available property and buildings
in the City
SIDC Owned Real Estate*
The SIDC currently owns a 51,000 sf office /
warehouse facility on approximately 1.92 acres
of land in the center of the City
The building is not occupied and would take
considerable investment to bring it to a sellable
SIDC / City Incentives*
The City adopted an Incentives Policy in 2019
including the following provisions.
Tax abatement (City)
Sales Tax Grants
Infrastructure incentives
Fee waivers
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of activities and projects currently in progress or completed in recent years.
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City of Sanger, Texas
Participants provided SWOT ideas pre-meeting and with discussion.
STRENGTHS - City of Sanger
What are our strengths? How do we build upon them?
Location along I-35, near DFW, Lake Ray Roberts Develop maps adequate to market location, local
and regional assets
Dedicated funds for Econ. Development Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Availability of rail Engage the area rail service provider
Ample parks & open space Emphasize advantages with marketing and website
Small Town environment Emphasize advantages with marketing and website
Sanger ISD Emphasize advantages with marketing and website
Quaint Downtown Emphasize advantages with marketing and website
City & SISD Leadership Identify and engage allies and stakeholders
Strong and capable City Staff Identify and engage allies and stakeholders
Business opportunities Develop a Marketing & Promotion Plan
WEAKNESSES - City of Sanger
What are our weaknesses? How do we reduce or eliminate them?
Dead downtown Encourage City / SEDC to prioritize downtown
Infrastructure needs improvement / maintenance Identify and fund infrastructure that supports
business growth
No existing business support programs Implement a comprehensive BRE program
Inadequate facilities for youth Defer to City / SEDC
Limited high-end housing Defer to City / SEDC
Lack of unified vision / identity Participate in Comprehensive Plan update to support
Inadequate incentive programs Adopt a comprehensive Incentives Policy
Outdated / vacant buildings Encourage SEDC to adopt / implement a Property
Enhancement Incentives Policy
Lack of business diversity Develop a Marketing & Promotion Plan
Lack of strong business tax base Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Ineffective coordination between City and SISD Defer to City
Lack of higher-quality grocery store Defer to City / SEDC
Unappealing “front door” to the City Defer to City / SEDC
*Items shown in red text are included in the Objectives Summary
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City of Sanger, Texas
Participants provided SWOT ideas pre-meeting and with discussion.
OPPORTUNITIES - City of Sanger
What are our opportunities? How do we take advantage of them?
The Mansion wedding venue Defer to City / SEDC
Proximity of Lake Ray Roberts Develop maps adequate to market location, local
and regional assets
Retail and industrial development Maintain a current Sites & Buildings Summary
I-35 / FM 455 highway improvements Emphasize advantages with marketing and website
Undeveloped properties Maintain a current Sites & Buildings Summary
Existing vacancies allow for new business Maintain a current Sites & Buildings Summary
Establishing more green space Defer to City / SEDC
Organize downtown Defer to City / SEDC
Existing demand for variety of businesses Develop a Marketing & Promotion Plan
Partnerships with nearby universities Partner with allies to establish workforce
development programs
Partnerships with school district Partner with allies to establish workforce
development programs
Expanding City limits Participate in Comprehensive Plan update to support
Develop a balanced diversity in land uses Participate in Comprehensive Plan update to support
Strive to be a destination small town Defer to City / SEDC
THREATS - City of Sanger
What are our threats? How do we overcome or minimize them?
Box retail in nearby markets Defer to City / SEDC
Inadequate retail offerings Defer to City / SEDC
Lack of clear vision for growth Participate in Comprehensive Plan update to support
Competition from Denton / Gainesville Monitor activities / programs of competing cities for
Best Practices
Inadequate tax base Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Loss of businesses due to highway expansion Implement a comprehensive BRE program
*Items shown in red text are included in the Objectives Summary
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Industrial Development Corporation
Participants provided SWOT ideas pre-meeting and with discussion. *Items shown in red text are included in the Objectives Summary
What are our strengths? How do we build upon them?
Desire to make a difference Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Good relationship with City Council Provide an annual report to City Council
Leveraging success by using consultant Utilize Consultant(s) to increase productivity
Diversified / knowledgeable BOD Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
Good / competent leadership Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
Reserve funds available Adopt target reserve fund level to maintain
Staff dedicated to ED Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
What are our weaknesses? How do we reduce or eliminate them?
Lack of clear plan for direction Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Website content Develop a comprehensive and professional Website
Limited training for Board / Staff Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
Limited experience on BOD Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
No support programs for existing businesses Implement a comprehensive BRE program
Too much focus on one SIDC building Evaluate options for the 50,000 sf building and
pursue as appropriate
Failure to implement plans Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
No available workforce training facilities Partner with allies to establish workforce
development programs
What are our opportunities? How do we take advantage of them?
Adopt an Action Plan and pursue objectives Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Evaluate options for existing 50,000 sf building Evaluate options for the 50,000 sf building and
pursue as appropriate
Active participation in Comp. Plan to ensure
adequate industrial properties
Participate in Comprehensive Plan update to support
Acquire / support properties for industrial growth Evaluate opportunities to acquire EDO properties
Extensive / relevant training Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
Identify additional funding sources Identify additional funding sources to assist with
projects / programs
Be more aggressive with incentive programs Adopt a comprehensive Incentives Policy
Implement more pro-active marketing programs Develop a Marketing & Promotion Plan
Implement Business Retention & Exp. programs Implement a comprehensive BRE program
What are our threats? How do we overcome or minimize them?
Board member commitment Establish Board Member roles and responsibilities
Lack of clear plan for SIDC Adopt an Action Plan and implement objectives
Lack of strong relationship with the 4B (SEDC) Hold a joint meeting with City Council and SEDC
BOD turnover Identify what is causing the turnover
Competition from nearby ED programs Monitor activities / programs of competing cities for
Best Practices
Economic downturn / meltdown Adopt target reserve fund level to maintain
Lack of big-picture awareness Identify training needed / desired by Board and Staff
Inadequate infrastructure Identify and fund infrastructure that supports
business growth
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following are the results of the prioritization of the Objectives adopted by the participants.
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of the Goals & Objectives sorted by Goals (tan rows).
NOTE: The Objectives determined by the participants are shown in the GREEN cells. The other Objectives are
from a master list and are provided to facilitate discussion and evaluate the need for any additional objectives.
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of the Goals & Objectives sorted by Goals (tan rows).
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of the Goals & Objectives sorted by Goals (tan rows).
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of the Goals & Objectives sorted by Goals (tan rows).
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of the Goals & Objectives sorted by Goals (tan rows).
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Industrial Development Corporation
Following is a summary of the Goals & Objectives sorted by Goals (tan rows).
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Industrial Development Corporation
This Mission - Goals - Objectives Progress Report summarizes the Prioritized Objectives in a
format that allows monitoring and reporting of progress on a regular basis. (Two -page example only)
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Appendix A
Existing Zoning Map
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Appendix B
Future Land Use Plan
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Appendix C
Terms & Definitions
Following are terms used in this Action Plan or referenced during development of the Plan.
For a comprehensive list of Economic Development Terms, visit www.EDPBestPractices.com.
Act - Development Corporation Act: The Development
Corporation Act of 1979, now codified in Chapters 501-
505 of the Texas Local Government Code. This Act
authorizes the establishment of EDC’s.
Action Plan: A plan developed by an organization to help
them focus on goals, objectives, and tasks needed in
the near term in order to accomplish their mission.
BRE - Business Retention & Expansion: Programs that
support and expand existing businesses.
CIP - Capital Improvement Plan: A plan for funding
improvements to public infrastructure.
EDO - Economic Development Organization: A generic
description to represent all types of ED agencies.
FLUP - Future Land Use Plan: A map of the City showing
the desired ultimate land use for all properties in the
Goal: A statement of a high -level action to be
accomplished through the completion of objectives.
Incentives: Various inducements that a City might offer a
business or developer to invest in their City.
Incentives Policy: A Policy approved by the governing
body identifying their receptivity to providing various
types of incentives, and administrative processes to
implement the incentives.
Infrastructure: Typically means the water, sewer, streets
and drainage improvements owned and maintained by
the City.
Marketing Collateral: Any number of resources used to
help an EDO market their jurisdiction.
Marketing Plan: A Plan identifying the venues, targets,
and resources needed to market a jurisdiction. Often
includes a schedule and budget of events.
Master Planning Components: Typically a Future Land
Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Park Master Plan, Trail
System Plan, Water / Sewer Plans.
Mission: A statement identifying the purpose of an
NTCAR - North Texas Commercial Association of Realtors:
An organization of commercial brokers in the DFW
region. www.NTCAR.org
Objective: A statement identifying what needs to be
done to meet a goal.
Prioritization Process: The process of allowing all Board
members to rank the identified objectives resulting in a
cumulative ranking for the Board.
Prospect: A potential new business.
SCR - Society of Commercial Realtors: An organization of
commercial brokers active primarily in Tarrant County.
SIDC - Sanger Industrial Development Corporation: An
organization of the City funded by City sales tax.
Sites & Buildings Summary: A document showing
graphically the location of all available land sites in the
City, with broker contact information and brief notes
on zoning, land use plan, utilities, etc.
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure: A procedure pre-
established to handle a particular issue consistently.
SWOT Analysis: An analysis of the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
TEDC - Texas Economic Development Council: A state-
wide organization of professionals and volunteers in
the economic development industry.
Traffic Count Report: A summary of 24 hour, two -way
counts of vehicles passing a particular point on a
TxDOT: The Texas Department of Transportation.
Zoning Map: A map of the City showing the existing
zoning for all properties.