1:00 PM
Elizabeth Springer, Drew Hall, Sue Allison, Victor Gann
All board members were present
Economic Director Shani Bradshaw, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson
1.Call Meeting to Order
Board Member Springer called to meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
2.Approval of Minutes
Discuss, Consider and Possible Action on Approval of the Minutes from the September 8, 2020
Board Meeting.
Board member Hall made a motion to accept the minutes from September. Board member Gann
seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimous. (40 vote)
3.Election of Officers
Discuss, Consider and Possible Action on Electing Officers for the Sanger Industrial Development
Board member Gann nominated Elizabeth Springer for President. Board member Allison seconded
the nomination. Vote passes unanimously. (30 vote)
Board member Hall nominated Victor Gann for Vice President. Board member Allison seconded
the nomination. Vote passes unanimously. (30 vote)
4.Local and Regional Profile Report
Discuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Authorizing the EDC Director to Execute an Agreement and
Sign Related Documents with EDP Best Practices, LLC to Create a Local and Regional Profile
Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw summarizes to the board. She explains that in
the packet there is an example from another City provided by Greg Last. She brings up that the
website needs to be brought up to date and they can add multiple items on the website. She
MINUTES4A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARDTUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 20201:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 NORTH 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXASCOMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT:Elizabeth Springer, Drew Hall, Sue Allison, Victor GannCOMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT:All board members were presentSTAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Economic Director Shani Bradshaw, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson1.Call Meeting to OrderBoard Member Springer called to meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.2.Approval of MinutesDiscuss, Consider and Possible Action on Approval of the Minutes from the September 8, 2020Board Meeting.Board member Hall made a motion to accept the minutes from September. Board member Gannseconded the motion. Motion passes unanimous. (40 vote)3.Election of OfficersDiscuss, Consider and Possible Action on Electing Officers for the Sanger Industrial DevelopmentCorporation.Board member Gann nominated Elizabeth Springer for President. Board member Allison secondedthe nomination. Vote passes unanimously. (30 vote)Board member Hall nominated Victor Gann for Vice President. Board member Allison secondedthe nomination. Vote passes unanimously. (30 vote)4.Local and Regional Profile ReportDiscuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Authorizing the EDC Director to Execute an Agreement andSign Related Documents with EDP Best Practices, LLC to Create a Local and Regional ProfileReport.Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw summarizes to the board. She explains that in
the packet there is an example from another City provided by Greg Last. She brings up that the
website needs to be brought up to date and they can add multiple items on the website. She
explains that this could fall under marketing in the budget.
Board Member Allison makes a motion to allow the Director of Economic Development Shani
Bradshaw to execute an agreement and sign related documents with EDP. Board Member Hall
seconded to motion. Motion passes with 40 vote
5.Sanger Industrial Development Corporation 2020 Action Plan
Discuss and Consider Action Plan Objectives.
Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw summarizes. She explains that Economic
Development really needs a new website. She states the website is outdated and needs to be
redone. She gives example of things that could be added to the website to make it more appealing.
She also tells the board there are grants that could help pay for this site. She explains she will bring
them more information at the next meeting in January.
Board Member Allison said she would like to meet more than once a quarter. There was a brief
discussion between the board members. Board Member Gann said that they can always call a
special meeting if needed.
6.Review Monthly Reports
A. Sales Tax Report
B. Director Update
Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw summarizes the financial report with the board.
7.Future Agenda Items and Meetings
Board members shall not comment upon, deliberate, or discuss any item that is not on
the agenda.
No items were discussed
8.Citizen Comments
There are no citizens
Meeting Adjourns at 2:09 p.m.