1:00 PM
Don Gillum, Elizabeth Springer, Victor Gann
Fred Yeatts
Shani Bradshaw, Stefani Dodson
1.Call Meeting to Order
2.Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting May 7th, 2019
Motion made to approve by Elizabeth Springer. Seconded by Victor Gann.
Motion passes unanimously.
3.Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget
4.Review Financials
Shani passes out a copy of the sales tax monthly report.
Springer asks what does it take to move money to a different bank. What percent do we get?
Could we possible look into money market? We could possibly get 2% with First United.
5.Schedule Tour of Warehouse
6.Citizen Comments
MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation
July 2nd, 2019
PRESENT: Don Gillum, Elizabeth Springer, and Victor Gann
ABSENT: Fred Yeatts,
PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Shani Bradshaw, Stefani
Dodson, Thomas Muir
1. Call Meeting to Order.
1:02 PM
2. Approval of the 4A Minutes for the May 7th, 2019 Meeting.
Elizabeth Springer made a motion to approve minutes.
Seconded by Victor Gann. Motion passes unanimously.
3. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget.
Shani asks if they have any questions. Gillum asks if there are any major changes. Shani said
there are a couple of changes. Salary reduced when Alina left the position. Marketing
promotions increased by $2000.00. Conferences increase to offer training to the board members.
Contract services increases for the Comp. Plan. Also $10,000.00 for Consultant Services. Shani
would like to use a consulting firm to help with a future action plan to set our goals and
objectives. For a response template for getting future leads. We do get leads from the Dallas
Chamber. She receives leads from them ever so often. We don’t know the name of the lead but
we get details on they are looking for land, building. For example Amazon if we get a request
from them we have a 24 hour window to get them all our information. The consultant group will
get a packet together and we can send it to them quickly when requested.
As you can see we are hoping to have the note paid off by the end of the year. I sent you
email update about our Financial director has been out.
Springer made a motion to approve the Budget. Seconded by Gann. Passes
4. Review Financials
Not a lot has changed with the sales tax. Shani goes over the handout. The sales tax is at 75% at
$287, 00.00. If you look at your chart you can see the difference between last year and this year.
Gann asks for a little more information about the projected budget.
Springer asks what it would take to put money into another bank other than the two we are using.
She asks what percent do we get and maybe look into a money market. Ask if Shani will double
check on what it would take to move the money
5. Schedule Tour of Warehouse
Shani speaks briefly about the warehouse and explains to the board about why they need to see
the damage. She expresses there is a leak somewhere.
Gillum asks if there is damage to the building where we need to call in our insurance inspector.
Shani said when she spoke with Jim Berman that this has been an ongoing issue. There are new
runs into the walls. Gillum said he thinks we should still have the insurance come look at it.
Tour scheduled for July 9, 2019 at 9 am.
Springer asks what the options are if we see a lot of problems to address the need of the building.
Shani said one thought it once we are paying off the note we are saving 20-30K in interest and we
could put it back into the building. Another idea is wait to do a walk through. We wanted to wait
until a Comp. Plan was completed. We briefly touched on leasing, but as a board you really
wanted to wait to do anything with the building. There are so many options out there. If we have
someone interested in leasing the building and willing to update the building in place of rent, that
is an option. Shani said she would hate to see the building stay vacant until the Comp. Plan is
done because we are looking at least another year. With that said it would take at least 12-18
months once the Comp Plan starts. She explains that is a long time to leave that building vacant
when we could be getting something out of it. Springer speaks saying her son Jeff is on the 4B
and that the City owns a lot of building and maybe they need to be sold. Those building would be
nice for different things. Shani said it is interesting how many building owns.
6. Input From Citizens.
Thomas Muir stands to speak. He said he just want to mention a few things like about the Comp.
Plan. First, Thank you for setting aside funds for the Comp. Plan. I think will be trying to
encourage the boards to broaden the scope of what each board can do. 4A has been pretty good
because you have done a lot of projects y’all have done over the years. We are going to be
working on broadening perspective on what the economic boards can do. We have kind of
operated on one board focused on quality of life/parks and they have owned it. 4A has been
business economic development. When really 4B can do a lot of the same things as 4A. Because
we have done most of our bigger park items then we are hoping a collaborative effort of both
boards. The main reason I wanted to come visit is at one point we decided to wait on the
warehouse. In an ideal world we would wait on a comp plan to see what the plans could be for
the Downtown area. Then get our vision and go find what falls in the vision. Sometimes
opportunities approach us, before we have everything lined out. I don’t want to speak for
Council, but I think Council has a vision for Downtown more vibrant, and retail not industrial. It
has been zoned and has been Industrial. The broader vision is retail. If we got the opportunities
we may finish out or lease. There have been a couple things that may not materialize that have
come up may be should be looking but I wouldn’t want us to not consider an alternative just
because we are waiting on the Comp Plan. There has been a connection I have had with a sports
oriented deal. To me if we could find those sorts of things as opposed to smoke stacks or
industrial type things. Now if something brings in 300 jobs we may reconsider my statement.
The ones I have visited with seem to be an entrepreneurial minded. I am just saying be creative
and don’t be tied to the comp plan. So whatever the opportunities are I think we ought to real
time consider them. If they become fruitful Shani will bring them to you. If I had a guess of
what the comp. plan is going to tell us it will be retail. I think that is what council will say and of
course we will have citizen input.
As a side note on the First United cash deal. We went out for a bid and put it out for all our City
banks and First United is the only bank that came back to the City. We have a contract with First
United. You may want to reach out to Clayton on information.
7. Adjourn.
1:35 PM