10/02/2018-4A-Minutes-Emergency MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation OCTOBER 2ND, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Yeatts, Victor Gann, Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Dillon, Elizabeth Springer OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Shani Bradshaw, City Manager Alina Ciocan 1. Call Meeting to Order. 1:00 P.M. 2. Election of Officers. Motion Made by Commissioner Yeatts to table the election. Seconded by Commissioner Gann. Motion passes unanimously. 3. Approval of the 4A Minutes for the October 2, 2018 Meeting. Motion Made by Commissioner Yeatts to accept minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Gann. Motion passes unanimously. 4. Discuss, consider and act on a request for a city-initiated zoning change of the Sanger Industrial Addition, Being 3.89 Acres of Land in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, Lot 3, Generally Located on the East Side of N. 2nd Street and North of Bolivar Street, from Heavy Industrial District (I-2) to a Light Industrial District (I-1). Shani introduces Ramie Hammonds and Muzaib Riaz. She explains to the board that she had a meeting with The City Manager, Alina Ciocan, regarding the zoning change. The zoning is being changed from Heavy Industrial I-2 to I-1. Shani says they feel that Heavy Industrial is not appropriate for the downtown area. Ramie gives an example of “If a tire retreading plant wanted to come in, it would be zoned for it to be in the downtown area.” The board speaks briefly about the zoning changes. Shani shows the board what I-1 and I-2 permit uses are in those zoning areas. Motion to change the zoning made by Commissioner Yeatts. Seconded by Commissioner Gann. Motion passes unanimously. 5. Discuss, consider and act on a request for a city-initiated zoning change of the Sanger Industrial Addition, Being 0.60 Acres of Land in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, Lot 2, Generally Located on the East Side of N. 2nd Street and North of Bolivar Street, from Light Industrial District (I-1) to a Central Business (B-3). Shani explains briefly about changing to a B-3 zoning. She states that the downtown historical area is mostly B-3 and it would fit in with the existing zoning. Motion made to change zoning by Commissioner Gann, seconded by Commissioner Yeatts. Motion passes unanimously. 6. Citizen Comments: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board concerning an issue of community interest that is not on the agenda. Comments on a specific agenda item must be made when the agenda items comes before the Board. The President may place a time limit on all comments. Any deliberation of an issue raised during Citizen Comments is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. No Citizens 7. Adjourn. 1:10 P.M.