04/02/2019-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation April 2nd, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Springer, Fred Yeatts, Dennis Dillon, and Victor Gann MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Gillum OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Shani Bradshaw, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson 1. Call Meeting to Order 1:09 PM 2. Executive Session: Closed Meeting Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Board Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.072 -Deliberations Regarding Real Property (103 Bolivar St.) Executive Session 1:10 PM 3. Reconvene: Open Meeting Any Action Taken Returned 2:13 PM 4A board would like to schedule a time to do a walkthrough of the building. They would like to assess the maintenance that will be needed. Yeatts made a motion to pay of the note to the warehouse at 103 Bolivar. The balance is $284,609.31 at a 4.6% interest. Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously. Yeatts made a motion to hold off on the sale of the property until after the Comp Plan is done. Dillon seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously. 4. Election of Officers Yeatts made a motion to have Don Gillum – President Elizabeth Springer – Vice President Fred Yeatts – Secretary Gann seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously. 5. Consider and Act on Adding Shani Bradshaw, Director of Economic Development, as a Registered Agent for the 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation Dillon makes a motion to accept Shani as a Registered Agent. Yeatts seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously. 6. Approval of the 4A Minutes for the October 23, 2018 Meeting Yeatts made a motion to accept minutes. Gann seconded motion. Motion passes unanimously. 7. Review Financials Shani speaks briefly over the financials and explains that the only thing really different it the Marketing account. 8. Input From Citizens No Citizens 9. Adjourn 2:21 PM