10/02/2018-4A-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: 4A Sanger Industrial Development Corporation ND OCTOBER 2, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Springer, Victor Gann, Don Gillum MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Dillon, Fred Yeatts OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Shani Bradshaw, City Manager Alina Ciocan 1. Call Meeting to Order. 1:04 P.M. 2. Election of Officers. Shani suggested to table. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to table. Gann seconded. Motion passes unanimously 3. Approval of the 4A Minutes for the August 7, 2018 Meeting. Elizabeth Springer made a motion to approve the minutes. Gann seconded. Motion passes 4. Review Financial Reports. Don Gillum asks if there are any questions. Alina reminds them of the transfer that was previously approved. Elizabeth Springer points out that the salary is different. Alina said it went down because last meeting we had not hired Shani Bradshaw yet. Elizabeth Springer is asking about the note payment. Asking what is the length and amount. Alina said she will double check and send the information. They will have to look at the structure of the note to see if they are able to sell. Elizabeth Springer explains a little history to Victor Gann. Explained that they are wanting to sell it to generate jobs. Alina explains what the board does for the City of Sanger to Victor Gann. She explains all of the projects the board has helped with in the past. Victor Gann askes what does 4A actually do. Elizabeth Springer explains that they promote growth and create jobs. Don Gillum explains that they get a percentage of the sale tax. Springer asks who gets the Hotel/Motel. That goes to the city but the funds can only be spent of certain things like tourism, etc. Alina explains that is to promote growth, jobs, etc. Any decision made by the board will then need to be approved by City Council. Shani will be the go between the board and the City. There are limitations to what the 4A board can spend the money on. Gann thank s them for answering questions. 5. Staff Update: a) 103 Bolivar Street Shani says that she and Alina have spoken about the building. Shani’s recommendation would be to schedule a meeting at a later date to discuss further. Alina brings up that the last appraisal was done in 2015. They probably need a new appraisal. b) Site Visits and Prospects Shani said her plan is to go out and meet business owners. She will be going to do site visits. When they go to executive session she can explain in more details about certain business that may be confidential. c) Upcoming Events, Meetings, and Trainings Shani explains that she will be going to a conference. She will also be going to the Chamber luncheons. Shani has been working with NCTC and Texas Workforce Commission. ON October th 25, will be an event. They set up a bus to talk about hiring. They do this in different cities and the last one was in Pilot Point. Elizabeth Springer asks if Shani came from Justin. Shani says yes ma’am I was the Director there for about 10 years. Alina explains that before that she was at Southlake for about 9 years. Shani said she has worked for Municipality for quite some time. She explains she was even a volunteer fire fighter and E.M.T. 6. Citizen Comments: No Citizens 7. Adjourn. Springer made a motion to adjourn and Gann seconded. 1:30 P.M.