11-25-04-Ordinance-Prohibiting Drilling and Mining in Switzer Park III-11/15/2004ORDINANCE NO. 11-25-04 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, PROHIBITING DRILLING AND MINING OF THE CITY OF SANGER'S PARK AND RECREATION DEVELOPMENT SITE TO BE KNOWN AS THE SWITZER PARK M. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has been awarded a matching Texas Recreation and Parks Account (TRPA) Small Communities Program grant fi-om the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPW) for the purpose of developing recreational opportunities within the site to be known as the Switzer Park III; and WHEREAS, the site for the Switzer Park Ill is a 4.12-acre tract of city -owned park land; and WHEREAS, according to TPW requirements, it is desirable and necessary that the drilling of wells for the purpose of exploring for or producing oil and/or gas, or mining for any purpose be prohibited within the project site; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION l: It shall be unlawful to drill a well for the purchase of exploring for or producing oil and/or gas, or to mine for any purpose within the limits of the Switzer Park III. SECTION 2: Drilling for water wells to be used for on -site irrigation and/or other recreational purposes shall be allowed on the project site after approval of such by TPW. SECTION 3: This ordnance shall take effect upon passage and shall remain in full force and effect after its passage. Passed, approved and adopted on this 15 t h day of Nov emb e r' ,2004, by the following vote: • ATT Rosalie Chavez, CITY SECRE Y --AA. PROVED AS TO FORM j` Y 7 %4 f'," if ,✓3 "r p. : r4 # f '' r City Attorney AGAINST ABSTAIN TommyKiAcaid, MAYOR P •*aIDU2AZocf'3 ' ✓Cl/d19% YT41p$ V tl S h'X