09/19/1983-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES:. City Council September 19, 1983 Thomas gave the second. r PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Debbie McGuire, Tony Franzen, James Hazelwood, Chris Harper, Nell Rita Eggert (Student Council Sponsor), John Goin, Jay Swartz, Tiann Beard, Mark Lockhart, Carol Harper, Melynda Brittian, Felicia Adkins, Angie Elrod, John Briner, and J. R. McAdams. 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 2. Spindle made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $12,030.22. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $5,342.68. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Inman to accept Planning and Zoning`s recommendation to approve the Preliminary Plat of Section III, Gateway Addition with the addition of a 72' utility easement on lots 1-7, Block F and a 25' X 15` guy wire easement between lots 4 & 5, Block F on South boundary line. Bridges gave the second..- Voted unan. 5-6. Council considered variance request on Lots 5 & 6, Block 2, W. B. Shirley Addition for Gene Hughes and Narcisso Cano at the same time. Bridges stated the city staff building ordinance in order to the setback requirements. He someone from Denton (building should do something to the present eliminate the encroachment over stated the City might want to hire inspector) to make sure proper 4 4 setbacks are adhered to. Mayor Cole stated that 14' is too much of an error not to know you were in violation of the setback requirements. I don't feel that Gene, as long as he has been a builder, looked at the foundation and did not know it was wrong. Discussion. Motion was made by Inman to accept Planning & Zoning recommenda- tion to approve the variance requests on Lots 5 and 6, Block 2, W. Be Shirley Addition. Adkins gave the second. Voting For: Inman and Adkins; Voting Against: Bridges and Spindle. Thomas abstained. Mayor Cole voted against to break the tie. Motion failed. Variances not granted. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the agreement with Central Telephone Company to maintain a Neighborhood Agency at City Hall. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Electric Rates were discussed. Questions regarding winter and summer rates were asked. It was the general concensus of Council that rates should be the same all year. Mayor Cole and Council stated they had received numerous complaints from citizens regarding the high utility bills. Mayor Cole stated the City needs to take another look at the rates. Item to be placed on next Council agenda. Lloyd to get with Lindon for comparisons using same customers as on the last rate comparison sheet. 9. Lloyd advised Council that Phil Philips had checked the RAM lease and in his letter stated it appeared to be reasonable and satisfactory. Mayor Cole stated that he wasn't an attorney but that Item No. 4 and 11 needed to be changed. Item No. 4 states "...The basic rent shall include the provision of electricity." Since we don't know how much cost this would involve, Mayor Cole felt they should pay their own electricity. Item No. 11 gives RAM the right to terminate the lease but does not give the City termination power. This item to be changed to include termina- tion clause for City. Council agreed. Item to be placed on next Council agenda. 10. Tony Franzen approached Council regarding the possibility of his company Kapka,-Kapka and Associates collecting outstanding utility bills for the City. Kapka retains 35% of the amount collected on accounts under six (6) months old and 50% on accounts older than seven (7) months or have a balance under $200. Franzen was asked what kind of protection the City would have against lawsuits from harrassment. Franzen stated his firm was regulated by the State and the Debtor Collections Act, also the Bond. The company does not harrass. Motion was made by Inman to approve the contract with Kapka, Kapka, and Associates. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Motion was made by Inman to approve the variance request for Betty and James Hazelwood to construct a carport over the existing concrete slab at 903 Church Street. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Other Such Matters: j (a) The Student Council along with their sponsors and principal came before Council to request that a portion of 7th and Peach Streets be made one-way streets during certain times of the day. Chris Harper read aloud the Student Council Request. Mayor Cole thanked the young group and stated the Item would be placed on the next Council agenda for consideration. 5 (b) Lloyd advised Council that he was working with the High School to have a Student Government Day. This is tentatively set for December lst. Students would role play for a day as Mayor, Council, City Staff, and Citizens. Their issue is to be on streets. (c) Lloyd explained his remarks to Council regarding what was stated in the Sanger Courier regarding the County. It should have been residents in the County. Fire Department and County Commissioners upset but statement used out of context. (d) (e) Motion was Voted unan. Council was advised of the TML Region 8 meeting scheduled on Friday, September 30, in Weatherford. City Staff asked to get information on Building Ordinances and put on next agenda. made by Thomas to adjourn. Bridges gave the second. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council j October 3, 1983 PRESENT: Mayor Ralph Cole, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins ABSENT: Freddy Inman OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Debbie McGuire, Joyce Elrod Parrent, Erma M. Dunn, William B. Dunn, Mary Frances Smith, Frank A. Smith, Jeff McNeill, Tenia Hoops, Lorrain E. Aitken, Martha McNeill, C. G. McNeill, Gene Hughes, Betty and Bill Rice, 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements in the amount of $24,566.84. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Zoning Petition Z-61 - Gene Hughes ---- Mayor Cole declared the Public Hearing on Zoning Petition Z-61 open for comment. Mayor Cole laid the ground rules for the hearing by requesting that each individual wishing to comment would raise their hand and be recognized. Mayor Cole called for those in favor of the petition to speak. No one commented. He asked for those in opposition to speak. Joyce Parrent was recognized and asked if the Mayor and Council had received the formal protest of -the proposed change. The Mayor responded yes. Mrs. Parrent stated she felt the pro- test was self-explanatory. Mayor Cole stated he did not want Council to feel intimidated by the protest and would later in the meeting comment to the protest. C. G. McNeill asked if it would be open and the Mayor responded yes.