01/03/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES. City Council January 3, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas & Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Burl H. Bourland, L. D. Fergus, Tony Wright, Jeff McNeill, C. G. McNeill, Bill Kyle, Ray E. Krueger, and Dan T. O'Connell, 1. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 2. Motion was made to Bridges to approve disbursements for the amount of $29,525.23. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Mayor Cole opened the public hearing regarding the increase in rates for STAR CATV, Mr. Bill Kyle was spokesman for STAR. Kyle was asked why the Cable Company felt it was necessary to increase the rates. Kyle stated that operating cost and plant maintenance along with the increase in license fees charged by premium services (i.e. Showtime, HBO, & Cinemax) made it necessary to ask for an increase. Basic and premium costs were discussed. Kyle stated the increase was primarily in Basic. That Basic had increased by $1.00. The premium cost went up (on some) from $1.00 to $7.00. Rates which STAR CATV is requesting to be effective February 1, 1984 are as follows: Basic Only $ 9.95 Basic + 1 Premium 20.95 Basic + 2 Premiums 29.95 Basic + 3 Premiums 37.95 Basic + 4 Premiums 47.95 Additional Outlets 3.00 Mr. Kyle heard several complaints from citizens regarding services and problems which he assured them he would take care of. After everyone had been given an opportunity to comment, Mayor Cole closed the public hearing. 4. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the rate increase request by STAR CATV. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Lloyd discussed the need for an increase in various city fees with Council. Lloyd felt since the plat fees and zoning change fees were figured and adjusted last year that they were still accurate. Lloyd recommended that the cost for engineering inspection of plats be recovered by passing the actual cost on to developers in cases where it is necessary for the City Engineers to review the plat. The engineers usually review only the larger subdivision plats. Lloyd also recommended that a fee of $75 be added for a variance request and a $200 Special Use Fee be added. Discussion. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the recommended fees as presented with the deletion of the Special Use Permit for $200. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Fee increases approved are as follows: Plats to $75 plus engineering fees if required. Replats to $75 plus engineering fees if required. Zoning Changes to remain at $60. Subdivision Variance to $750 17 had experience in both building and maintenance of a park. He stated he felt like this park would be an asset to Sanger. There will be underground electrical and the sewer and plumbing will be done by a local contractor. Mayor Cole asked if he would like to have Sanger Electric Service as well as REA? Mr. Bourland stated yes. Mayor Cole asked Bourland if he had talked with Sanger Electric? He stated no. Mayor Cole asked Mr. Bourland if he had talked with REA? He stated yes, that they had given him a bid on installation. Lloyd asked Mr. Bourland if he had a private contractor for the electrical. He stated no, he had a firm bid from the co-op. Discussion. Plat analyzed. It was noted that there would be one master water meter and one fire hydrant. The streets to be con- structed with.6" of compacted rock. The minimum lot dimensions are 50 X 99. Mayor Cole called for a motion to approve or deny the application for license. No motion made either way. 6. Motion was made by Thomas to approve an additional $500 for roof repair for the Gary Shuffield rehab project under the HUD Program. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Bridges to stay on summer electric rates. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the preliminary replat for Royce Jones on Block 12-R Lou A, and Block 10-1\., Lots A and B of the Mary H. Shirley Addition. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Mayor Cole again asked if council wanted to approve or reject the application for a trailer park license for Burl Bourland? Motion was made by Thomas to approve the license. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Other such matters: (a) The January council meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, January 3, 1984. (b) Cable T. V. has notified the city of a rate increase. Item to be on next council agenda. (c) It was noted that the extreme cold weather was causing lots of problems throughout the city. Lloyd advised council that the riser pipe on the old water tower had frozen up and split. Lloyd felt it will have to be replaced. Will know more once it thaws. Thomas made the motion second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. City Secretary to adjourn the meeting. Bridges gave the Mayor