03/19/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council March 19, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Cole, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Gene Hughes, Jeff McNeill, Edith M. Ballard, Tom Whitlock, Michael Robinson, Nel Armstrong, Jan Roche, David Means, Richard Golstein, Diane Golstein, Marta Negron, Jerry Gage and Bill Kyle. L. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 27 on her house was $6600. However, after the work was begun it was discovered that her plumbing was beyond repair, the hot water tank needed to be replaced, there was extensive termi..t e damage to the foundation seal and siding and a considerable amount of rotten rafters and decking on the roof of an added on room. The itemized costs to repair the house is as follows: Original Cost $6800. Replumbing 1100. Hot Water Tank 125. Roof & Structure Support 600. Foundation Damage 475. 9100. Ceiling Amt. per Unit -8500. Cost Overrun 600. The plumbing was replaced in the entire house out to the meter. After some discussion Inman .made the motion to approve the cost overrun on the Bertha Wheeler project. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Lloyd advised Council that Mr. James Lyon had petitioned the City to annex 4.42 acres of land into the City. Since annexation proceedings take some time to process, Mr. Lyon has further requested the City to grant him a water meter and electrical service in order for him to get started with the construction of his new home. Motion was made by Spindle to accept the petition for annexation from James Lyon and to grant the water and electrical hookup prior to finalization of the annexation. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Lloyd went over the Trailer Park Ordinance Amendment with Council denoting the major changes. They are as follows: (1) The special use permit was omitted. (2) The section which allowed a developer to subdivide lots and install mobile homes for resale was omitted. (3) The definition of a mobile home park was changed to include a minimum of 10 spaces and states that the spaces are leased spaces. (This takes care of a person purchasing property and setting a mobile home on it and calling it a Mobile Home Park.) Motion was made by Bridges to adopt Ordinance No. 84-2 (Trailer Park Ordinance Amendment). Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 7 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTITLED MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE DEFINING CERTAIN WORDS: PROVIDING FOR THE PARKING OF MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS, EXCEPTIONS: REQUIRING A PERMIT TO OPERATE, CONSTRUCT, ALTER OR EXTEND ANY MOBILE HOME PARK, ESTABLISHING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, A MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT FEE, A PERMIT TRANSFER FEE: ESTABLISHING MOBILE HOME PARK REQUIREMENTS: RESPONSIBIL- ITIES OF MOBILE HOME PARK OPERATORS AND OWNERS, RESPONSI- BILITIES OF MOBILE HOME PARK OCCUPANTS: MOBILE HOME DEVELOPMENTS DESIGNED FOR HOME AND REAL ESTATE SALES: COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY, THE LEGALITY OF EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS AND THEIR COMPLIANCE WITH CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: SPECIAL USE PERMITS: REVO- CATION OF PERMIT: PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION, 14. Mayor Cole requested the fee increase for city attorney be placed back on the next Council agenda. Further study to be given on item. 2. Motion was made by Bridges to approve disbursements in the amount of $19,774.99. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Motion was made by Inman to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $3,364.40. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Cole declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-62 for Abram Millar. Mayor Cole stated the ground rules of the public hearing as follows: to say what you want to say but limit your time to about 3 minutes; arguments are not allowed in the audience; wait until you're called upon to speak and state your name so the secretary/may have a record of whose speaking. Mayor Cole called for those in favor of the petition to be recognized. No one was present to speak for the petition. Mayor Cole called for the opposition to speak and Tom Whitlock of 205 Southside was recognized. Mr. Whitlock requested Council to accept the Planning and Zoning's recommendation to deny the petition. He stated the street was already full and crowded and that he had counted 23 vehicles (most of which were parked on the street) along his street before he came to the meeting. He stated he had moved to the area because it was zoned Single Family. He stated there were 3 lots at the end of the street which had not been developed. The economic thing for a developer to do is to stack up as duplexes. He asked the Council to follow P & Z's recommendation to leave as is. Diane Golstein of 201 Southside spoke in opposition of the petition. She stated she had a small child and there were lots of small children in the area and no speed zones. She stated if duplexes were allowed the area would have more cars which would be more danger to the children. David Means of 206 Southside spoke in opposition. He stated the duplexes would devalue the property and add to the congestion of the street. He requested petition be denied. With no one else wishing to speak for or against the petition, Mayor Cole closed the public hearing. Motion was made by Spindle to accept P & Z's recommendation and deny Petition Z-62 for Abram Millar. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the resubdivision preliminary plat on Tracts 49 and 50, of the H. Tierwester Survey to Lot 3, Blk. 4, of the Hughes Addition. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Cole called the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-63 for Neham Investments, Inc. Mayor Cole again went over the ground rules with the audience. Mr. Jerry Gage spoke in favor of the petition and Council ask Mr. Gage his relationship with Neham. He stated he was a spokesman on their behalf. He stated he was with Denton Federal and they would be the financial lender. Mayor Cole ask Gage what the proposed use would be. Gage stated "as I understand it the owners do not have a specific plan at this time." T7ayor Cole wanted to know why the company would want to go from Local Retail to Local Business if they didn't know what they wanted to put on the property. Gage stated they were approached by one firm to do a convenience store. The present zoning would not allow for gasoline pumps. He further stated they had been approached with the possibility of a motel. Both of these businesses would take a higher zoning classification to be allowed. Mayor Cole advised Council that a trailer park could also be built under the L. Be Classification. Discussion. 30 Mr. Gage suggested to Council that if they would like to put a restriction to omit the trailer park that he was sure Neham would agree; that it was not in their interest to put a trailer park on the property. Motion was made by Inman to approve Zoning Petition 2.-63 for Neham Investments, Inc. contingent upon a letter from Neham Investments to the City of Sanger stating that they would not build a trailer park in that area and would further restrict any future owner from building a trailer park by placing deed. restrictions on the property known as Lot 3, Blk. 4, Hughes Addition. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the preliminary subdivision plat on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block G, White Addition for Gene Hughes. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Benny Bridges went over his proposed street improvements plan with Council. It was the general concensus of Council that all of the city streets were bad, some worse than others. Bridges stated the city gets approximately $50,000 per year off of sales tax but did not feel it should all be used for new streets. He felt $10 or $15,000 should be used for patching and repairing. He felt Council should get off of high center so the bids could be sent out. Carolyn Adkins said she thought Church Street was horrible. It is not projected until 1985. She felt that 13th Street could be eliminated (since it was not a heavily traveled street) and move Church St. up to '84. She stated that all of Sanger South was terrible and the pot holes were gigantic. She said Walnut was not listed and new homes were being built on that street. Discussion. Bridges requested that the citizens of Sanger be made aware of the street improvements project. Cost of the street projects were discussed. Lloyd stated that Council could consider a bond program to fix the streets or increase taxes. Assessment programs were discuss- ed and the possibility of increasing the sales tax was mentioned. Mayor Cole requested Lloyd to check about a chemical used in street base that was used on a portion of FM 455. He wanted to know what company does it now and how much it costs. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the Street Improvements project with one change - 13th Street from Hughes to Bolivar would be moved up to 1985 and Church from 2nd to 5th would move from 1985 to 1984. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. The approved street program is as follows: Streets to be Repaired in 1984 Priority Streets 1 Sims from Willow to Railroad 2 1st St. from Willow to Locust 3 6th North of 455 (behind Carwash) 4 2nd St. from Water Crossing to Plum 5 7th St. from Willow to Peach 6 10th St. from Bolivar to Willow 7 Hughes from loth to Service Road 8 llth from Hughes to Bolivar 9 Church from 2nd to 5th 10 9th from Willow to Bolivar 11 8th from Willow to Cherry 12 6th St. from Bolivar to Elm 13 Carolyn from 120' North of Allen 14 3rd from Austin to Willow 15 Austin from Community Center to Denton Streets to be Repaired in 1985 1 4th from Wood to Locust 2 Locust from 4th to 5th 3 13th from Hughes to Bolivar 4 6th from Wood to Willow 31 Streets to be Repaired in 1986 1 Elm from 9th to Service Rd. 2 7th from Austin to Willow 9. Mr. Bill Kyle, representative of Star CATV met with Council to discuss the CATV service. Kyle advised Council that the firm had had some problems with a certain type of fitting. Star was having to replace the fitting all over town which is the cause of the problems the citizens have been having. Kyle was requested to have the 800 number printed on the cable bills. 10 Mayor Cole stated there were a lot of problems and a lot of complaints. The franchise calls for repairs within 72 hours. He stated that Star had assured the city the services would be better but it seems they are worse. Mayor Cole stated he would like to see Star put an office in Sanger which would help with getting the problems handled. John White requested Council consider increasing the grant ceiling for the Ray Herd Rehab project from $8500 to $10,780, an increase of $2,280. Adkins ask why Herd did qualify for the relocation. White stated he would have qualified, but just so many projects were scheduled and was too far up the list. He told Council that this was Last of the ceiling overruns, but because of Mr. Herd's handicap it was necessary. Mayor Cole called the Council into executive session. Council reconvened to open session. No action taken. Other such matters: (a) Lloyd advised Council that he had talked with John Coker about extending 9th Street. (approximately 120' N. of 9th) Lloyd checked with Bob Roberts be from $6500 to $7500 to pave ask Lloyd to check with Council It was the general concensus of anymore gravel streets. not he the and the cost would the street. Coker about a gravel street. the Council not to allow (b) Drainage was discussed. It was noted that the Merrifield house on 5th Street was flooded from the last heavy rains. Lloyd to write to the highway depart- ment and see if they can put in drainage that would alleviate the flooding at this point and also at the 5th & Willow Street crossing. (c) Mayor Cole requested the city crews to patch the holes on Keeton Road. (d) Mayor Cole requested Lloyd to check with the City of Denton regarding their new Trailer Park Ordinance. Motion was made by Spindle to adjourn the meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. ty Secretary Mayor