04/16/1984-CC-Minutes-Regular35 MINUTES: City Council April 16, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, C. G. McNeill, Martha McNeill, Jeff McNeill, Bill Switzer, Herbert E. Arledge, Sam Tipton, Joe Rogers, Charles Earle, Jan Roche, Tenia Hoops, Erma M. Dunn, William B. Dunn, Earl E. Schafer, Virginia I. Schafer, Ann C. Richardson, Michael Robinson, Barry Heard, Eddie Romines, and Jackson Fulgham. An invocation was given by Mayor Armstrong. 1. The oath of office was administered to Harvey W. Thomas by Mayor Armstrong. Thomas was recently elected to Place 2 on the City Council. 2. The minutes of the April 2, 1984 and April 9, 1984 meetings were approved as printed. 3. After discussion of items 4, 24, and 25, Bridges made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $18,578.13. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Inman requested that the items on the Sanger Electric Capital Statement show the location on new street light installations and names on the service installations. Motion was made by Inman to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of $59148.77. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on the James Lyon request for annexation into the city. No one spoke in favor or against the request. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 6. Mayor Armstrong appointed the following commissioners to various departments of the city. She placed the Police Department and Fire Department together and it will be called the Protection Department. Departments and Commissioners as appointed are as follows: Protection Department: Police & Fire Water Department Danny Spindle Wendall Thomas Street Department Carolyn Adkins Sewer & Sanit. Freddy Inman Electric System. Benny Bridges Park Department Nel Armstrong 7. Lloyd explained the reason for change in legal services on the landfill case that is being handled in Austin. He stated that Mr. Robert Lloyd and Brent Ryan had been handling the city's case and they have left the law firm of Booth, Lloyd, & Simmons to form their own firm. None of the attorneys with Booth, Lloyd, & Simmons have been involved in our landfill case. He stated there is no problem with discontinuing the contract with the other firm and he recommended that the city go with Lloyd, Gosselink & Ryan. Motion was made by Bridges that the City of Sanger contract for legal services with Lloyd, Gosselink & Ryan P.C. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 36 8. County Commissioner, Bill Switzer, addressed Council with regards to the street repair project on Keeton Road and other things he felt Council should be made aware of. Switzer stated he was at the meeting to "hash some things out." He stated he had received a call Thursday night as a week ago from Mayor Ralph Cole and said he had heard that the county couldn't dump in the City dump, but guessed we've got that straightened out. Mayor Cole called back and asked, Vaht about Keeton Road?" I told him, "I wanted to come before Council to give everybody the facts. He stated he didn't have any specific dates, but for 13 years the county furnished the city with a dozer. He said the county furnished the city with a DC Cat and that we tore it up. They purchased a TD 18 for $1300. and had it ready to go for the city and we tore it up. He stated the county had been helping the city with dump grounds ever since he had been commissioner. He stated he was in Lloyd's office one day and saw literature on a big steel wheel and I said, "You're not going to buy that are you?" and he said I don't know -- what do you think. He stated he told Lloyd that the city could use a drag line and the county could dig the trench. Then he said he saw where the city had advertised for the equipment. He stated he had said the same thing to Mayor Cole but the city wanted a new dozer. He said he told him if the City of Sanger has got that kind of money don't look for the county for any help. He stated "you got more money than we have." Then Lloyd called and asked when we would be able to do streets and I said we're not. Switzer stated that last summer he was getting some calls about Keeton Road. He said he told Sam Tipton to call the city and tell them if they would start on one end of the street the county would start on the other. He stated the county started at 7:00 a.m. and the city usually starts at 8:00 a.m. and Lloyd talked with Billy Barclay. Sam stated Billy told him, "If ya'll will stay off of Keeton Road we'll take care of it." The county built the city's road to the dump. Lloyd wanted to meet with the engineers and I told him we didn't need to. They're too expensive and we could call it a county road and not have the expense. Switzer stated, "I'm not going to work with an employee like Lloyd, but will work with you." Mayor Armstrong stated the city would work together with the county and go forward. She stated she wanted the city to work with the schools, the Chamber of Commerce and everybody. Switzer stated, "It's all tax money." He said what the county can do as the letter of law is to help with a connecting street. Mayor Armstrong, "I believe you did tell me you would help us with Keeton Road?" Switzer, "We will." It needs to be repaired and reshot. Bridges to Switzer: Council was aware of the problem the county had encountered at the dump. I would like to suggest to Council that the county pave and put the street in and let the city share in the expense. It's my feeling that we should get started on it immediately. Bridges stated with the city being involved in a new street program we would like to get Keeton done at this time. He also asked Switzer if the county could see what could be done about the south end of Loop 138. Could concrete tile be used on the inside curve and possibly widen the curve. Switzer said he would need to take a look at what the county could do. 37 Council thanked the commissioner for coming and said they Looked forward to working with him. 9. Motion was made by Thomas to elect Mayor Armstrong as the city's representative to serve on the COG's general assembly. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the resolution supporting the TML's proposed "Pothole Bill." Discussion regarding fact sheet. Motion was made by Adkins to adopt the Resolution supporting the Texas Municipal League's proposed "Pothole Bill." Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ll. The City Secretary was asked to read aloud the letter of resignation from Jack Armstrong, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Council accepted Mr. Armstrong's resignation. 12. Mayor Armstrong called for nominations to fill the vacancy on the P & Z Board. Thomas nominated C. G. McNeill and Inman nominated Eddie Romines. Discussion. Item was tabled and requested to be placed on next agenda giving council time to consider the nominations and to see who would be willing to serve on the Board. 13. Motion was made by Adkins to designate the first week in May as "City Wide Clean Up Week." Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Mayor Armstrong requested a Workshop with Council, Monday, April 23, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss the Sanger Electric System and the new Mobile Home Park Ordinance, 15. Mayor Armstrong requested Councilman Bridges to explain his request (Item 15 on the agenda) to establish a Sanger Electric Utility Board and appoint a Chairman. Bridges stated that in the Sanger Electric business, that Ralph Cole, Lloyd and Bridges met with Brazos and Brazos presented the city with a contract that the city could not live with. It was decided that the city would take the system over and Brazos jumped for joy. Bridges felt like for future councils that some of the so-called heat could be taken off the council with the formation of a Sanger Electric Board. Bridges recommended Ralph Cole, the city manager, and two members (to be named by Cole) from the Board. He stated that Ralph Cole could present these names to council at their workshop or no later than their next meeting. He stated an Ordinance of some type could be developed by Cole and presented to council for their approval. Mayor Armstrong stated it was the duty of the city to prepare the ordinance. Bridges stated he felt a heavy responsibility and tax burden in taking Sanger Electric System over. He stated he didn't want service to go down. He said most people know the expertise that Cole has in dealing with utility companies. Bridges made a motion to appoint Ralph Cole as chairman of the Sanger Electric Utility Board. Bridges again stated he felt Cole should select his own members and prepare the Ordinance and bring back to Council. Adkins gave the second. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated she agreed with Bridges in all that he had said but felt that he was getting the "cart before the horse." She stated the city would need to form a Board, designate tenures, decide on how many to be on the Board and this was what she wanted to get worked out at the work- shop. She told Council she did not want to rush into anything and not do it right. She would like to study every facet and make Sanger Electric the number one priority. Adkins stated she did feel that Cole would be excellent as Chairman but felt like the Council should consider the others to serve on the Board. It was noted that this Board would be a recommending Board only. Voting for the motion was Bridges and Adkins. Voting against was Spindle, Inman, and Thomas. Motion failed 3 - 2. 16. Mr. Earl Schafer prospective buyer of the Dunn and Parrent property on Keeton Road requested Council give him concurrent approval of zoning and annexation of the two properties. Proposed use for the area is a KOA Recreational Vehicle Park which would include mini -warehouses and a place to stable horses. He stated he did not want to mislead Council in the KOA Affiliation that it could be something other than KOA, but would be a recreational park. Mr. Schafer showed a film of another park which he has planned to pattern the new one from. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Schafer that no action could be taken at this meeting but that the issue would be studied regarding legalities, etc. and that Lloyd would get in touch with him in the near future. 17. Other Such Matters: (a) Joe Rogers and Charles Earle with the DCAD met with Council to discuss questions Council had regarding the appraisals on Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Parks, and land. It was noted that the District uses the Marshall and Swift Cost Plus Manual. The mobile homes are taxed by the square foot. They place land values on acreage value plus so much per space. Rogers stated per space in Sanger is $750. It is $1200 an acres plus $750 per space. A recent State Property Board Study showed the DCAD on Mobile Homes at 98% of the total market value. (b) Eddie Romines, Chairman of the Parks Committee read aloud the letter from the Wednesday Study Club to the City and signed by Mrs. Nelva Higgs expressing their disapproval of the way the Council had handled their proposed agreement to conduct a catering service at the Community Center. Mayor Armstrong expressed her thanks to Mr. Romines. (c) Lloyd advised Council that he had received a letter of response from Santa Fe regarding the 2.348 acres of land at Willow and lst Street. Santa Fe is asking $25,000 for the property and they will not come off that price. Council directed Lloyd to write to Santa Fe stating the City was not interested in that price at this time. (d) Jackson Fulgham, representative from Sanger Properties Corporation as real estate agent spoke to Council with regards to not receiving a notification of a rezoning of a property in the immediate area. Council received a copy of the letter written by Mr. Fulgham requesting the City to withdraw its action. Mayor Armstrong stated she would check into the matter and notify Mr. Fulgham of the City's position. (e) Benny Bridges requested Lloyd to see what the installa- tion cost of a street light near the back of the bank would be. He stated the poles were there and it would appear all the city would have to do is install the light. There was also a request for a street light on Diane Drive. (f) Lloyd advised Council that the Park Plans had been approved. (g) It was requested that something be done about the dog problems in the city. (h) Lloyd advised Council that the P & Z Commissioners had voted to have two meetings per month. (On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.) Motion was made by Bridges to adjourn the meeting. gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. City Secretary MINUTES: City Council May 7, 1984 Inman PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins., OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Neil Simmons, C. G. McNeill, W. K. Pate, Denise White, Jan Roche, Robert Flood, Gary Fedenet, D. H.. Innus, Harold Miller, Alvin R. Keefer, Bill Arnett, Scott Price, Gary Bowles, John Porrest, Jane Terry, Ben Terry, Gerald Cox, and Danny Creacy, Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.. Councilman Bridges gave the invocation. 1. Mayor Armstrong presented past Mayor Ralph.B. Cole with a plaque of appreciation for his dedication and service to the city, 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed.. 3. Councilman Bridges questioned Items 26 and 27 to Water Tank Service Company. Although two checks were issued the amount totaled to $6700. Bridges stated that the city better be careful going to one company for this type of expenditure.. He said anything over $5,000, the city should advertise for bids, that we should be careful when we repair things that run over the $5,000 amount. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong instructed Lloyd to be more careful in future and bid any items that cost $5,000 or more. Motion was made by Adkins to approve the disbursements in the amount of $46 051.66. Bridges gave the second. Voted: unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong called the second public hearing open on the annexation request of Mr. James Lyon. No one spoke in favor of or opposition to the petition. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt Ordinance No. 84-2 annexing the Lyon property into the city. Inman gave the second.. Voted unan. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, CERTAIN LANDS SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF BANGER, TEXAS, DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, 5. Mayor Armstrong called for nominations to fill the vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission.. Adkins nominated Eileen Brittian, 200 Diane Drive, Sanger to fill the vacancy.