05/07/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council May 7, 1984 Inman PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins., OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Neil. Simmons, C. G. McNeill, W. K. Pate, Denise White, Jan Roche, Robert Flood, Gary Fedenet, D. H., Innus, Harold Miller, Alvin R. Keefer, Bill Arnett, Scott Price, Gary Bowles, John Porrest, Jane Terry, Ben Terry, Gerald Cox, and Danny Creacy.. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order., Councilman Bridges. gave the invocation. 1. Mayor Armstrong presented past Mayor Ralph B. Cole with a plaque of appreciation for his dedication and service to the city. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed.. 3. Councilman Bridges questioned Items 26 and 27 to Water Tank Service Company. Although two checks were i0. ssued the amount totaled to $6700. Bridges stated that the city better be careful going to one company for this type of expenditure. He said anything over $5,000, the city should advertise for bids, that we should be careful when we repair things that run over the $5,000 amount. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong instructed Lloyd to be more careful in future and bid any items that cost $5,000 or more. Motion was made by Adkins to approve the disbursements in the amount of $46 051.66. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong called the second public hearing open on the annexation request of Mr. James Lyon. No one spoke in favor of or opposition to the petition. Motion was made by Spindle to adopt Ordinance No. 84-2 annexing the Lyon property into the city. Inman gave the second.. Voted unan. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A MUNLCLPAL CORPORATION, CERTAIN LANDS SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF BANGER, TEXAS, DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. 5. Mayor Armstrong called for nominations to fill the vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission.. Adkins nominated Eileen Brittian, 200 Diane Drive, Sanger to fill the vacancy. 40 Mrs. Brittian is an employee of Denton Coop. Motion was made by Bridges that Eileen Brittian be appointed to fill the vacancy. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Several Centel representatives were introduced to council and made themselves available to answer any questions council might have with regards to the franchise extension agreement with Wise County Telephone Company dba Central Telephone Company- Midstates. Lloyd advised council that the city attorney had gone over the franchise and that he had pointed out the follow- ing differences and concerns: Item Old Contract New Contract (1) length of franchise 25 years 20 years (2) % of annual gross sales paid to City 2% 3% I have asked City Attorney, Phil Philips, to review these contracts and advise us. He pointed out over the telephone two other concerns: (1) There is no provision for continuing Extended Area Service in the new contract allowing Sanger residents to call Krum and Slidell. (2) Should we sign a contract for 20 years and lock in the 3% franchise fee. This fee may increase in the future before the 20 years terminates. The Centel representatives assured Council that the "extended area services" would be continued. They stated since 1959 when the original franchise was drafted that the jurisdiciton had shifted to the PUC. The extended area service clause is described in the tariff with the PUC. Bridges felt if the EAS was not locked into the franchise that the city wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Adkins ask the representatives if they plan to go to PUC and ask that the EAS be removed. The Centel representative stated that "they had no plans in the foreseeable future in reducing any services." Length of contract and percent of gross sales was discussed. Councilman Bridges also requested to know if Centel could put an emergency ambulance number in the phone directory. Alvin Keefer responded, "yes, it will be under Ambulance Service in the yellow pages." Council was made aware that the franchise agreement expires July 6, 1984. Council requested more time to study the franchise. Item tabled and requested to be placed on the neXt council agenda. 7. Street improvement plans were presented to council by Hunter Associates' representatives. Plans and specifications were included along with location maps of specific streets and construction plans. Lloyd advised council that under the HUD Program that all gravel streets within the project area would have to be paved. He further stated that streets which had been designated for sewer projects would be left until the sewer projects were completed. Discussion. Inspections and street testing will be done. Motion was made by Bridges to accept the street improvement plans and agreement with Hunter Associates. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Spindle made the motion to approve the Quit Claim on property for W. K. Pate (Sanger Motor Co. - 9th street extension). Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Council conducted a workshop on transferring the Sanger Electric System over to the city. 41 10.. Motion was made by Inman to appoint Phil Philips as AttornEyat a rate of $100. per hour. Spindle gave Voted unan. City the second. 11. Mr. Earl Schafer was not present to discuss his request for simultaneous zoning and annexation. Council discussed the fact that they could not zone and annex at the same time. A possibility of disannexation was mentioned. Council felt they should stay with policy on these matters. Lloyd advised Council that some cities have a section in their zoning ordinance called Plan Development. It is like another zoning classification and would be the highest classification. It would be used on zoning requests that were questionable or objectionable. Council could request a detailed plan of what would be placed on the land (fences, landscaping, buildings, etc.) and the owner would have to construct the area to the plan. If the plan of the property was not completed within 4 or 5 years it would revert back to the original zoning. Lloyd stated that this would prevent speculative land sales. Council instructed Lloyd to draw up this type of classification to use with the city's present zoning ordinance. Lloyd requested to know what he was to advise Mr. Schafer. Council told him to tell him they would have to comply with policy. 12. Motion was made by Bridges to grant the Quit Claim on property for Ben Terry. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Other such matters: (a) It was agreed by Council that the agenda would be closed on Thursday at 12:00 noon for items to be considered in the following Monday meeting. (b) Mayor Armstrong reminded council that May 31st would be the deadline on the Lone Star Gas rate increase. B. J. Thogmartin with Lone Star Gas requested a workshop. It was agreed to have a workshop after the regular meeting on May 21st. (c) Mayor Armstrong stated she would like to appoint a Parks Board consisting of five (5) members to deal with future park plans. The Board would be a recommending board with regular meetings. She ask Council to consider nominations. (d) Councilman Bridges stated that County Commissioner Switzer had done an outstanding job on Keeton Road. He stated he should be commended. He had enhanced the curve on Keeton with guard rails and had also done work on Duck Creek Road and Loop 138. Mayor Armstrong stated she would write him a letter of appreciation. The city staff was also commended for clean up week. (e) Lloyd was asked to check on the following: (1) old car on 5th Street. (2) Lot needs mowing north of Care Inn. (3) Hopper property on Marshall Street needs cleaning up. Motion was made by Inman to adjourn the meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting Adjourned. ty Secretary