06/04/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council June 4, 1984 Bridges PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins ABSENT: Danny Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Bill Rice, Arnold Lynch, Alvin R. Keefer, C. G. McNeill, Duane Tucker, Dick LaDul, Jan Roche, Tim Tumulty, Richard Allen, Debra McGuire, Kammie M. Patten, Bob Roberts, Allie Davenport, Herbert Arledge, Michael Robinson, Lillie Belle Horst, John W. White, and Mrs. Bob Roberts. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and called on Lloyd Henderson to give the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. L. Five bids were received on the street improvements project. They are as follows: Company Bid Amount Adkins Bros. Equipment, Inc. $2859669.00 Abcom Paving, Inc. 3029725.00 Souter Paving 324,325.00 Austin Paving 288,254.00 Mariott Bros., Inc. 279,500.00 A11 bids were given to Hunter Associates, Inc. to be checked. Is to be awarded June 18, 1984. 51 2. Motion was made by Adkins to approve the minutes of the May 21, 1984 regular council meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. The following corrections and additions were noted in the minutes of the Special Called City Council meeting on May 29, 1984. Item No. 2 - Paragraph two - Addition Mayor Armstrong mentioned that Ralph Cole could not be present at the meeting. However, Mr. Cole had sent test year 81 book which was noted that some items denoted that depreciation accumulation was less than 83. Item No. 2 - Paragraph three - Addition Thogmartin stated that old were rai wsed by council why down rather than being rai the new installation was f the old steel pipe with pl Sanger as necessary. fi Item No. 2 - Paragraph 15 - Correction Bridges stated: raise base rate from $5 to $6; Item No. 2 - Paragraph No. 20 - Correction Commercial: $10.00 winter $5.00 Summer Addition: Motion was made by Inman to adjourn the meeti Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Inman to approve the minutes of the May 29, 1984 special called meeting with the corrections and additions as presented. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Adkins made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $3,707.92. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. After reading statistics and accomplishments of the HUD Program, Mayor Armstrong awarded Certificates of Appreciation to members on the HUD Housing Relocation Rehabilitation Committee and commended them for the good job they had done. Lloyd Henderson expressed his appreciation to the committee for their personal time given and the many good deeds they had done on their own. He also expressed his appreciation for the excellent job done by CDBG Director, John White and advised Council that John would be taking a position at the end of his program with the City of McKinney. Those at the meeting to receive certificates are as follows: A11ie Davenport Lillie Belle Horst Kammie Patten Others to receive certificates are as follows: Franklin Smith Marland Knight Georgia Royal 5. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the following letter from Hunter Associates, Inc. regarding the park construction at the Community Center. Dear Mr. Henderson: The bids taken by the City Council on May 21, 1984 for the subject project have been checked and tabulated. The low bid was submitted by Foundation Tendons, Inc. of Fort Worth, 52 Texas. The total amount for construction was $31,832.00 and the time was 45 calendar days. A copy of the bid tabulation is attached. If the low bid is within your budget for this can recommend that the contract be awarded to Tendons. They have been general contractors concrete tennis courts and a concrete parking have designed and their work has been good on projects. I can furnish you the locations of if you care to inspect them. Please let me know if you need anything else. prof ect, we Foundation for two other area that we all three these projects It was agreed by Council that the contract be awarded to Foundation Tendons for a total amount of $31,832.00 and a time of 45 calendar days. 6. It was necessary to conduct the 2nd and final public hearing on the Community Development Program grant application within the CDBG target area; therefore, council and local citizens left city hall and reconve-ne�-d-, at the Sanger Public Library. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing opened and emphasized that the planning grant would be a plan for future development in the areas of Economic Development, Downtown Business Improvement and a Community Development Plan. She called for citizen input and suggestions. Lloyd stated that planning for future water and sewer improve- ments could also be included and that priorities should be noted. Lloyd added that TDCA scores the application for grants that are submitted. He stated they give you points if your city is willing to put in money. He advised council that they would need to decide on this before the application is filed. Adkins requested that new downtown sidewalks be in the plan. Bridges spoke of lighting for the business district. Mayor Armstrong emphasized the need for face lifting of the buildings downtown but felt that the economic development was more important. The city needs a plan on how to go out and seek business, how to get things done to get industry to locate in our area. Lloyd gave an example of a downtown plan using the City of Lancaster. He stated guidelines were set up and that none of the money they received could be used to improve private property, but they redid all the sidewalks, curb and gutters, and awnings. These were owned by the city. They received a plan on how to deal with the local store owner. Discussion. Zoning was discussed. It was noted that top priority should be given to the economic development and downtown improvements. Mayor Armstrong closed the public hearing. 7. The resolution authorizing submission of the grant application was discussed. Adkins made a motion to adopt the resolution. Inman gave the second. Discussion. It was noted that the authorized areas to be filed with TDCA were not complete nor the amount of local commitment. Adkins withdrew her motion and Inman his second. Lloyd to get this completed and place on next council agenda for action. 8. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-66 for Bob Roberts. She called for those in favor of the petition to speak first. Bob Roberts spoke in favor of his petition stating that his plans were to put mini -warehouses on the property. The Mayor called for the opposition to speak. No one spoke in opposition of the petition. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Zoning Petition Z-66 from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business) Tracts 66 and 67, A1241, Tierwester Survey. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 53 9. Mayor Armstrong informed Council that the new franchise agreement was exactly what was presented at the last council meeting. She read from the minutes of the May 21st meeting where Bridges requested that a statement regarding Extended Area Service be added to the agreement. She asked Council, "What is your pleasure?" Bridges stated, "It better be in writing." Alvin Keefer with Central stated that Central would not put it in but that the City could add it in as long as it states that it is governed by the PUC. Mayor Armstrong asked Keefer where it should be added. It was noted that in the original agreement that it was included in section 7. Lloyd asked if the city could request by letter to Central that this be added to the agreement. Keefer stated yes. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong requested Lloyd to write the Letter of request to Central requesting that they put a statement on extended area service in the agreement in section 7. Motion was made by Bridges that somewhere in the franchise agree- ment a statement be made regarding extended area service which are governed by the PUC be added. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the preliminary replat of Lots l0A and 12A. Block 14, Burgess Addition for Arnold Lynch. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Motion was made by Inman to grant the variance request of John Anderson on a house at 112 Freese Drive. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Motion .was made by Bridges to appoint Dr. J. Clyde Chapman as City Health Authority for a time of two years beginning June 30, 1984. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 13. The appointment of three planning and zoning commissioners was discussed. Mayor Armstrong stated she would like to give others a chance to serve. She stated the more citizens the city can get involved, the better it will be. Thomas requested the City Manager to go around town and see who would be willing to serve. Inman stated he had talked with John Anderson and he would be willing to serve. Council ask if anyone had talked to the commissioners rotating off - if they would like to continue to serve. No one had. Adkins stated if you change some, you need to make sure you change all. Item tabled until next meeting. Lloyd to talk with present commissioners. 14. Council discussed the ordinance establishing a city park board. The mayor stated the ordinance would establish a park board similar to the P & Z and electrical boards. She requested that under Section D a statement be made that all governmental meetings be open meetings as per Article 6252-17 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. It was requested that No. 2 under Section 4-E be omitted in its entirety. In No. 3 the follow- ing be deleted: ..the incurring of indebtedness, the issuance of bonds Ordinance to be retyped and put back on the agenda. Mayor Armstrong requested council to be considering five (5) citizens to be appointed to the board. She mentioned the fact that the depot project needs to be gotten under way and if there is a Board they could get into the project 54 15. and get it going. Other Such Matters: (a) Council was urged to attend the NCTCOG 18t11 General Assembly Meeting to be held June 15th in Arlington. (b) Mayor Armstrong shared some things she learned at the Mayors and Council Institute in Corpus Christi dealing with the growth of Texas and how the cities should be planning for 10 to 15 years in the future now. (c) Lloyd informed council that the members on the Utility Board had ask for clarification of their duties and responsibilities. They requested to know if the Board was responsible for all utilities? Mayor Armstrong called for the newly adopted ordinance. The mayor requested that the statement be made in the ordinance Section 15:D that all governmental meetings be open as per Art. 6252-17 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. She stated that parts of the ordinance needed to be eliminated. Council agreed that no decision could be made since this was not an item on agenda. Item to be placed on next council agenda. (d) Lloyd told council that he had been to Celina to get information and see now their street improvements project was going. He stated that Celina was doing essentially what Sanger is doing except their bids called for two types of streets - Hot Mix Application and Penetration. Bidder had to bid both ways. Their council then decided which way they would do what streets. He stated Celina planned to scarify every street in their city. To pay for the project they floated a $500,000 Bond Issue. Raised taxes 10 cents. Their specifications were somewhat different consisting of only one sheet. Lloyd stated he felt that their specs were geared more at what we need. The specs prepared for Sanger by Hunter would be more for a city like Dallas. He stated if the city did another street project that he would check about another engineering firm. Bob Roberts, bidder on the project stated he felt they were a poor set of plans and specs. It was requested that Councilwoman Adkins sit down with Roberts and maybe other contractors for more input and learning. (e) Lloyd requested to be absent from the next meeting in order to attend the TCMA Annual Conference in Ft. Worth. Request granted. (f) Mayor Armstrong stated she had gotten a lot of criticism because council took no action on the Marshall zoning petition. She requested staff to put item on the agenda for council to appoint a committee to see what can be done about citizens conducting a business in their home. She stated council needed to make some rules and stick by them. (g) Bridges stated he felt the city had a sewer problem on south 5th somewhere in the area of the Ricky Dean home. Lloyd to check. (h) Inman stated there was a lot of tall grass all over the city and that the city needed to stay on top of keeping it mowed because of the dry weather. With no other business, Inman made the motion to adjourn. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 55 Meeting adjourned. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council June 18, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman and H. W. Thomas , ABSENT: Lloyd Henderson and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Travis Roberts, Alvin Keefer, Kammie Patten, C. G. McNeill, Debra McGuire, Phyllis Kerby, Jan Roche, John D. Springer, Sharon Edgar, Herbert E. Arledge, and Richard Muir. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag followed. 1. Motion was made by Inman to approve the minutes of the June 4, 1984 regular meeting. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $20,459.62 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Bridges made the motion to approve Sanger Electric.Capital Improvements in the amount of $2731.30. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mr. Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates, Inc, was present to discuss the bids on the Street Improvements Project. A total of five (5) bids were received with the low bid submitted by Marriott Brothers, Inc. of Dallas, Texas in the amount of $279,500.00. The second low bid was submitted by Atkins Brothers Equipment Company, Inc. of Grand Prairie in the amount of $285,669.00. Mr. Roberts stated that both contractors were capable and had completed several projects for them during the past years. Hunter Associates recommended the low bid as submitted by Marriott be accepted by the city based on the instruction to bidders and the legal advertisement for the project. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong requested to know the amount of lime that would be used. Roberts stated 72% in the ground. She wanted to know how much life it would add to the street. Roberts stated the life of the street (approximately 5 to 10 years). Thomas wanted to know who would do the inspection? Roberts stated the inspection could be done at the time the lime was being applied. Discussion. qeseUad tickets when lime was delivered. Mayor Armstrong questioned Roberts with regards to Hunter Associates giving the city more than the city needs. (specifications). Roberts went over each of the items listed explaining each. He stated that the lime stabilization was a large part of the expense. That it could be taken out. That it is a financial judgment on the part of the city. It was the general concensus of council to lime the streets. Discussion. Roberts advised council of their legal responsibilities should they decide to award the bid to the 2nd: low bidder. Motion was made by Thomas to award the bid on the Street Improvement Project to Marriott Brothers, Inc. of Dallas,