06/18/1984-CC-Minutes-Regular55 Meeting adjourned. City Secretary or MINUTES: City Council June 18, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, and H. W. Thomas ABSENT: Lloyd Henderson and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Travis Roberts, Alvin Keefer, Kammie Patten, C. G. McNeill, Debra McGuire, Phyllis Kerby, Jan Roche, John D. Springer, Sharon Edgar, Herbert E. Arledge, and Richard Muir, Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag followed. L. Motion was made by Inman to approve the minutes of the June 4, 1984 regular meeting. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 2. Disbursements in the amount of $20,459.62 were approved on a motion by Bridges. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Bridges made the motion to approve Sanger Electric.Capital Improvements in the amount of $2731.30. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mr. Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates, Inc. was present to discuss the bids on the Street Improvements Project. A total of five (5) bids were received with the low bid submitted by Marriott Brothers, Inc. of Dallas, Texas in the amount of $279,500.00. The second low bid was submitted by Atkins Brothers Equipment Company, Inc. of Grand Prairie in the amount of $285,669.00. Mr. Roberts stated that both contractors were capable and had completed several projects for them during the past years. Hunter Associates recommended the low bid as submitted by Marriott be accepted by the city based on the instruction to bidders and the legal advertisement for the project. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong requested to know the amount of lime that would be used. Roberts stated 72% in the ground. She wanted to know how much.life it would add to the street. Roberts stated the Life of the street (approximately 5 to 10 years). Thomas wanted to know who would do the inspection? Roberts stated the inspection could be done at the time the lime was being applied. Discussion. Thomas requested to see the load tickets when lime was delivered. Mayor Armstrong questioned giving the city more than the ci Roberts went over each of the it stated that the lime stabilization That it could be taken out. That on the part of the city. It was to lime the streets. Discussion Roberts with regards to Hunter Associates tneedsfitions) y . (specica. ems listed explaining each. He was a large part of the expense. it is a financial judgment the general concensus of council Roberts advised council of their l egal responsibilities should they decide to award the bid to the 2nd low bidder. Motion was made by Thomas to award the bid on the Street Improvement Project to Marriott Brothers, Inc. of Dallas, 56 Texas in the amount of $279,500.00. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Inman to adopt Ordinance No. 84-9 (L. G. Gentle), 84-10 (Jimmy W. Sebastian), and 84-11 (Sharon Edgar) and to approve the Quit Claim Deeds on same. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 84-9 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING A PORTION OF AN UNOPENED SEVENTH STREET BEING A PART OF THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING A PART OF HILLCREST ADDITION, CITY OF SANGER, RECORDED IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 74 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" (ATTACHED); AS SHOWN BY THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND SAID PORTION OF SEVENTH STREET LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND TERMINATING PUBLIC MAINTENANCE THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE PORTION OF SAID STREET TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, ORDINANCE N0. 84-10 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING A PORTION OF AN UNOPENED SEVENTH STREET EXTENDING SOUTH FROM HOUSTON STREET A DISTANCE OF EIGHTY FEET (80') AND BEING EIGHT FEET (8') IN WIDTH ON THE NORTH END AND SEVEN FEET (7') IN WIDTH ON THE SOUTH END AS SHOWN BY THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND SAID PORTION OF SEVENTH STREET LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND TERMINATING PUBLIC MAINTENANCE THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE PORTION OF SAID STREET TO JIMMY WAYNE SEBASTIAN, AND WIFE, MARY ROSENE, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE N0. 84-11 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING A PORTION OF AN UNOPENED SEVENTH STREET EXTENDING SOUTH FROM HOUSTON STREET A DISTANCE OF ONE HUNDRED FEET (100') AND BEING EIGHT FEET (8') IN WIDTH ON THE NORTH END AND SEVEN FEET (7') IN WIDTH ON THE SOUTH END AS SHOWN BY THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND SAID PORTION OF SEVENTH STREET LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND TERMINATING PUBLIC MAINTENANCE THEREOF AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO THE PORTION OF SAID STREET TO SHARON A. EDGAR SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 6. Motion was made by Spindle to approve the Final Plat of the replat of lots l0A and 12A, Block 14, Burgess Addition for Arnold Lynch. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt Ordinance No. 84-6 grant- ing a franchise agreement with Wise County Telephone Company dba Central Telephone Company-MidStates. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 84-6 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WISE COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY D/B/A CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANY-MIDSTATE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, LESSEES, SUCCESSOP�S, AND ASSIGNS, A NON- EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY (20) YEARS TO USE THE HIGHWAYS, STREETS, ALLEYS, BRIDGES, RIVERS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING, MAINTAINING AND OPERATING A TELEPHONE 57 SYSTEM, INCLUDING ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES, AND PRESCRIBING CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID COMPANY IS TO OPERATE. 8. Motion was made by Bridges to amend a portion of Section D of Ordinance No. 84-5 (Utilities Board Ordinance) by adding the following statement: The board shall meet at meetings shall be open Texas Open Meetings Act proceeding maintained, least as per and a once each month; Article 6252-17 permanent rec all of the of th Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Bridges to amend Section 15, E-1 and Section II of the Utilities Board Ordinance No. 84-5 as follows: E. Powers and Duties of the Utilities Board 1. The board shall serve the department of utilities as a consulting, advisory and supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation, pro- motion, enlargement, future planning and such other matters involving city -owned, and any other such utility as may be referred to it by the council. Section II At intervals not exceeding Five (5) years the council shall at the expense of the utilities involved, cause a general management survey to be made to evaluate the conditions of the physical electric distribution system. This evaluation to be done under the jurisdiction of the board by a compe- tent management consulting or industrial engineering firm, the report and recommendations of which shall be made public; provided, that the first such survey shall be made within three (3) years of the effective date of this Charter. The council may at its own discretion at such time as council Feels it necessary request a cost analysis of any of the other city owned utilities. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Item tabled for further study. To be placed on agenda for Special Called Meeting of June 25. 10. Item tabled. 11. Motion was made by Inman to defer the appointment of a committee to study business being conducted in a residential area until June 25 at the special workshop. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Motion was made by Thomas to appoint John Anderson, Fred Yeatts, and Bill Enlow to fill the three (3) expiring terms on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Motion was made by Inman to adopt the resolution establishing an equal employment opportunity policy and an Affirmative Action Plan for the City of Sanger. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Motion was made by Thomas that the Lone Star Gas increase of installation costs on new construction item be tabled until the next regular council meeting and to request Mr. Thogmartin to be present to answer questions. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Citizen Input to Council:: 16. Other such matters: (a) Bridges stated that the flags around town looked terrible and needed attention. (b) Bridges mentioned a problem with leaving the garbage truck by Hollingsworth property and also loose papers, etc. that fly out of the truck. (c) Bridges requested information from Keefer (Central) as to why it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get telephone service to a residence that has had prior service. Also question- ed Keefer about mailing addresses for Central. Motion was made by Spindle to adjourn the meeting. gave the second. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: Special Called Council Meeting (Workshop) June 25, 1984 Thomas PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Bridges, Inman, Thomas, and Adkins ABSENT: Spindle OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jerry Jenkins, John Coker, C. G. McNeill, Kathryn Usrey, Sanfred Elieson, R. Glenn Davis, and Jan Roche. 1. The City Council held a workshop to discuss retirement programs for the city personnel. Two programs were presented: (1) SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) and (2) TMRS (Texas Municipal Retirement System.) Mr. Sanfred Elieson, Charter Financial Consultant, made the SEP presentation. Mr. Elieson explained that the SEP plan was an IRA except there was no limitation on the amount an employee could contribute. He stated it was better than a defined pension plan. Contributions do not have to be made in the same amounts. Each employee can contribute what he feels able to contribute. Anyone who terminates has full control of the funds and can take the money with them. Elieson stated that American Capital located in Houston, Texas is an administrative and investment firm. If the city should choose to go with an insurance product (endow- ment or annuity). He stated that the SEP program had greater flexibility than the TMRS. Lloyd asked how the company recouped the administrative costs. Elieson stated the city would pay the administra- tive cost which would run approximately $500 per year. The Mayor wanted to know if the city would contribute only on those who wish to participate. He stated the city sets the rules. IRS notification was discussed. Elieson stated if the city chooses the SEP plan the IRS would be notified. Kathryn Usrey, personnel director for the City of Denton, made the presentation on the TMRS program. She stated that TMRS required mandatory participation of all employees.