07/16/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council July 16, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Etta Stogsdill, Kammie M. Patten, Jan Roche, Sanfred Elieson, and Pat Ficorilli. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order and Benny Bridges gave the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag followed. 1. The minutes of July 2, 1984 were approved as printed. 2. H. W. Thomas made the motion to approve disbursements in the amount of $13,938.38. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 3. Mayor Armstrong presented the Sanger Electric Capital Improve- ments and Revenue Statement. Discussion. A list of materials were provided from Sanger Electric System. The Council mentioned they would be getting this information for one more month. Motion was made by Inman to approve Sanger Electric Capital Improvements and Revenue Statement. Seconded by Thomas. Voted unan. 4. The council conducted a public hearing where citizens could suggest ways the Revenue Sharing money should be used. No citizen spoke in behalf of this hearing; therefore, the mayor closed the public hearing. 5. Mayor Armstrong brought before the council a list composed of seven (7) citizens to serve on the Municipal Park Board. The seven citizens were: Esta Lou Morgan, Joe Higgs, Sam Burrus, Kammie Patten, Jackie Echols, Bill Lloyd, and Royce Frederick. Carolyn Adkins made the motion to approve these seven citizens to serve on the Municipal Park Board. Seconded by H. W. Thomas. Voted unan. Mayor Armstrong suggested Mr. Henderson contact the names listed above to schedule a meeting. 6. Mayor Armstrong presented an ordinance establishing a Retirement Program for city employees. 63 Mr. Sanfred Elieson was present to speak for Simplified Employee Pension Plan after Anderson's presentation (TMRS) at a previous meeting. Mr. Elieson explained S.E.P.'s contrast to TMRS, emphasizing that their expertise was money management. Questions were asked by the Council concerning participation and how much was the management fee. Discussion. Bridges made a motion to approve the TMRS. Seconded by Thomas. Adkins abstained. Motion carried. ORDINANCE N0. 84-15 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, THE SUPPLEMENTAL DISABILITY BENEFITS FUND, AND THE SUPPLEMENTAL DEATH BENEFITS FUND BY THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; 7. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that Mr. Louis Nichols was to be considered for appointment as Municipal Attorney for the City of Sanger. Mayor mentioned his expertise is with municipal law. He is with Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols law firm located at the Dallas Republic National Bank. Mr. Nichols charges $90 an hour plus travel time and mileage. He handles most of his business by the phone and correspondence. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong noted that she had a taped conversation with him if the council would like to hear it. Bridges said it was not necessary; Thomas said he would like to hear the tape. Adkins motioned to approve Mr. Nichols as municipal attorney. Seconded by Bridges. Thomas abstained. Motion carried. 8. The council was presented with a letter from Trinity Chapel ask- ing for annexation into the city with a building permit attached requesting city services at the new church site. The council agreed to instruct staff to inform Trinity Chapel to take the necessary legal steps for annexation. Motion was made by Thomas. Seconded by Inman. Voted unan. The mayor asked council in regard to the approval for a building permit, "What's your pleasure concerning that?" The council had a brief discussion in regard to the sewer tap, water tap, and easements. Mayor Armstrong asked the council, "Shall we instruct the staff to issue a building permit whenever Trinity Chapel presents easements, a statement signed acknowledging that they agree who's responsible?" Bridges noted that they show all easements, drainage, etc. as was required from another church that was built in the city. Henderson mentioned land is slightly Lower, there should not be a drainage problem. Discussion. Freddy Inman made a motion and seconded by Wendall Thomas that Trinity Chapel be granted a building permit with three stipulations: (1) They show proof of easement, (2) Letter of acknowledgement of Line extension, and (3) Letter stating who has the proper signature authorization to sign for Trinity Chapel. 9. Mayor presented Bob Hopper's request for a variance on Lot 3, Blk. 6, Hampton Addition. It was recommended by the P & Z that a variance be granted. Henderson mentioned Hopper had been given a FHA loan to build on this property. Motion was made by Thomas and seconded by Bridges to approve this variance. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Armstrong presented request from State Department of Highways and Public Transportation to adopt an ordinance setting the speed limits on Loop 138 & FM 455 in the City of Sanger. Mayor Armstrong read aloud the letter from Robert Yielding with the Highway Department. After discussion, a motion was made by Bridges and seconded by Inman to approve the speed limits set by the State Department of Highways. However it was to be noted: "The City Council is against this speed limit request, our hands are tied, being forced by the Highway Department to accept this speed limit request," per Benny Bridges. The Council unanimously was objective to this speed limit request by the State Highway Department. Request was voted unanimously. 64 ORDINANCE NO. 84-14 11. 12. AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 169(b) OF ARTICLE 6701 d, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON LOOP HIGHWAY NO. 138 OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE INCORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BANGER, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 169(b) of ARTICLE 5701 d, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON FARM ROAD HIGHWAY N0. 455 OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE INCORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. Mayor requested Citizen Input: a. Kammie Patten stated she was against the speed limit request because too many children are on these streets. Also, she expressed her opinion that this request will cause problems for the elderly to get to the grocery store. Patten mentioned she did not care for high speed. b. Carolyn Adkins mentioned the Highway Department needs to give school zone markings on Acker, Bolviar, Willow, and Elm. Discussion as to who would put up signs. Lloyd noted the Highway Department puts up signs on their roads. Other matters brought before the council: a. Lloyd mentioned a copy of the proposed 1984-85 budget had been distributed. Discussion as to when to schedule the workshop. The council has scheduled a Special Workshop for the 30th of July for the Budget and the Zoning Ordinance to be placed on the agenda. b. Mr. Henderson told the council that on Wednesday, July 18, the Sanger Electric stores were being moved from Whitesboro to Sanger. He said most of the shelving was erected. The city would get the stores moved and let Brazos bill the City for the price they paid at the time of purchase. Sanger Electric is keeping an inventory ledger, debit and credit, on items being brought to Sanger. He mentioned that Whitesboro has transformers they will sale to us; however, the city is not interested at the present time. c. Mr. Henderson mentioned he had given the council a report on the water consumption. He stated that the water is hold- ing out well even though it is being used twice as much. One item mentioned was that the city needs to install another water line under 135 which would help transfer water from one system to the other system. The water is not equalizing fast enough to keep the system full on this side of the City. It's not pressure, it's volume. d. Lloyd mentioned the slab for tennis courts at the Community Center Park was going to be poured on Friday, July 20. e. Bridges inquired about the garbage truck. Henderson said it was being repaired and hoped it would be back in service for customers Tuesday. f. Mayor Armstrong thanked all council members for being present and requested that when a member can not be present would they call her o.r Lloyd in advance. g. Freddy Inman stated that on loth and Marshall the stop sign could not be seen due to limbs. He asked about the grass ordinance since certain locations (behind Diane) grass is too tall. 65 h. Kammie Patten made a plea to the Council about grass on the east side of the track. She has had to call the fire department several times. She suggested if the city could not mow, could the fire department stand by while this grass is being burned off. Mayor asked if the city could hire someone to mow. Two names were mentioned that might mow for the city, Sid George or Junior Denison. Discussion. Lloyd will contact these people about contract mowing. Inman motioned to adjourn, seconded by Bridges. Voted unan. Meeting adjourned. ty Secretary Mayor MINUTES: Special Called City Council Workshop July 30, 1984 MEMBERS PRESENT: Net Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jan Roche, Pat Ficorille, John W. Coker, Herbert Arledge, Jerry Jenkins, C. G. McNeill 1. Mayor Armstrong led the council workshop as they considered the Municipal Budget for FY.84-85. Additions and deletions were made and line items were explained. Time would not allow for discussion of the other items listed for the workshop. Workshop closed at 10:35 p.m. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary Mayor