09/04/1984-CC-Minutes-Regular73 MINUTES: City Council September 4, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jan Roche, Prentice Preston, Herbert Arledge, Jerry Jenkins, John Henry, Geneva Roberts, Bob Roberts, Oscar Shelton, Mary Shelton, W. B. Dunn, Anna Elsey, Reva Rogers, Jeff McNeill, Craig Waggoner, Bill Rice, Sr., Betty Rice, Frank A. Smith, B. H. Bourland, Shirlene Wright, J. L. Wright, Bob McClary, Merwyn Tucker, Helen Bounds, Eddie Romines, and Rev. Russell McDonnell. 1. Lloyd gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into Executive Session to consider personnel. 3. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into open session at 6:00 p.m. 3. The minutes of the August 20, 1984 and August 27, 1984, meetings were approved as printed. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements in the amount Or $27,999.63. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. A total of three bids were received on the 1985 Police Car. The dealers submng bids, the bid total, and delivery dates are as follows: Hilz-Snider Chev. $ 9,934. 8 to 11 weeks Al McNatt Chev. 10,450. 90 da. Bill Utter Ford 101624. 90 to 120 da. All Bids will be reviewed. Consideration for awarding the bid will be given at the 9-17-84 meeting. 6. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open to consider the Municipal and Revenue Sharing Budgets for FY'84-85. There were no comments from the citizens. 7. Council discussed the expenditure for the electric signal at Willow Street and Railroad Crossing. The State Department of Highways and Public Transportation is requesting a check in the amount of $5,765.00 which represents the city's 5% of the cost of the project. Council requested to know the start-up date of the project. Mayor Armstrong read a portion of the letter from the Highway Department which stated: "The railroad will soon be given authority to start the assembly of materials for the project. This may take several months. They will then schedule their crews and request authority to begin work. We do not believe that your delay of a few days past September 1, 1984, in forwarding your payment will delay the project." Motion was made by Spindle to approve the expenditure in the amount of $5,765.00 for the city's share of the electric signal project on Willow Street. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 8. A public hearing was held on zoning petition Z-69 for Mr. Earl Schafer who requested a change on part of Tract 62, AB 1241, H. Tierwester, from R-1 (Single Family) to LB (Local Business). Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open and requested those in favor of the petition to speak first. No one spoke in favor of the petition. (Mr. Schafer was not at the meeting). 74 The mayor requested those in opposition to speak. Mr. Bill Dunn stated he lived just across the road and objected to the change. Bob Mt. ary stated that he felt once a property had been zoned residential and had a house built on it it should stay that way. Frank Smith stated he could not see that it would help the area. Burl Bourland stated the traffic that a KOA park would bring in that our street would not handle it. It could cause a police problem due to late hours of arrival in and out the park. He felt it would be unbearable to those who live on the street. Shirlene Wright stated that she and her family had just recently built their home in the area and that they didn't want the change, that it would only benefit tourist. Bill Rice stated he owned property to the north and that he Felt campers coming in and out would cause a hardship on police, cause congestion to the streets in the area, and ruin the valuation of their property. He stated it was not needed for our city. Mary Shelton stated she lived across the street and felt it should stay residential. With on one else wishing to speak, Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Spindle to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and deny the request for change. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Bridges to table the final subdivision plat for Neham Investments until the utility easement is shown on the plat. Adkins gave the second. Again council stated that all utilities be tied into Bolivar Street and that no taps or cuts be done to llth Street. Voted unan. 10. It was agreed by Council that the employment of a public works director be discussed in executive session. 11. Council considered the request of the Trinity Chapel Church .for a building permit. Council requested that the church furnish the city the following: 1. furnish all easements 2. provide a letter acknowledging they are responsible for extending all utilities 3. provide a letter from East Texas District Pentacostal Church identifying the local offl who is authorized to do business for the church. Lloyd advised council that Items 2 & 3 were complete and the letters addressing same were in the council packet. Lloyd further stated that he had talked with the city engineer and there is sufficient easements. Mayor Armstrong asked Rev. McDonnell if he had a plat showing the easements. He stated he had only a hand drawn plat. Spindle stated he knew the church was anxious to get started with building but he dint feel the city should grant a building permit without a proper plat. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong requested Rev. McDonnell to get the plat to the city by Thursday in order to be acted upon at the next council meeting. Motion was made by Spindle to table the request of Trinity 75 Chapel Church for a building permit until a proper plat is presented. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Z. Other such matters: (a.) (X (b.) The mayor informed council of two important meetings to be held in September. The Region 8 Quarterly meeting on September 28th in Ft. Worth and the National Main Street Videoconference at McKinney on Sept. 18th. She urged council to attend these meetings. Mayor Armstrong informed council that she had been appointed by T.M.L. to recommend to their Board which legislation should be brought up and what the Board should work for or against. She stated she had attended the meeting in Austin. They had eleven items on the agenda and discussed 30 different areas. Three of which were discussed at length. (1) They voted to sponsor unilateral annexation laws for General Law Cities. (2) They voted to support a Water Resource Package (3) They voted that TML would be against any legislation that would restrict city power over mobile homes. (She stated TML had appointed a committee to come up with a clear definition of a modular and manufactured home.) (c.) Nel advised council that Mrs. Eunice Gray had requested the city proclaim the week of.September 17-21 as Constitutional Week. It was agreed. (d.) Members of the Fire Department met with council to discuss the need.for a new fire truck. Fire Department member Craig Waggoner spoke regarding the certification of the fire truck. He advised council that it would cost approximately $20 to $30,000 to upgrade the old truck and he felt this would make a good down payment toward a new truck. The old truck would be used in the department to serve as a booster. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong stated the city needs to get something going on this. Item to be placed on next council agenda. (e.) Prentice Preston representing S & I Investments advised council that his final subdivision plat item had inadvertently been left off of the council agenda. He requested Council to give him an unofficial yes or no on the plat so that he might proceed in the sale of the property. It was the general con~ census of the council that the final plat would be approved. Item to be placed on next council agenda for formal action. (f.) Bridges called council's attention to an immediate need for the electric system to correct a serious problem at the Middle School. He stated since the fire there are electric wires hanging down from a transformer and he felt this should be given top priority and fixed. Staff was advised to get this fixed. (g.) The City received a request from the Sanger School that an electric pole be relocated. The school is planning a six classroom addition. Permit fees were discussed. Mayor Armstrong ask council if they wanted to treat the school as any other business. Danny Spindle requested to know if the bids included utilities. Earl Ross to be contacted to make sure contractors had not included the item in their bids. (h.) Drainage and paving at the middle school was discussed. Mayor Armstrong appointed herself, Carolyn Adkins, and Lloyd to talk with school officials regarding the problem. Jerry Jenkins stated there was a problem on loth Street during football season. He said should there be a fire it would be virtually impossible to get a truck down the narrow street with parking allowed on both sides. Parking designations were discussed. It was recommended that the east end gate be closed to public. Staff to talk to school about closing east end entrance to the field. 76 Benny Erwin introduced Ronald J. Parker as a new police officer for the city. Ron has worked for the Denton Police Dept. and as a security officer at a horse ranch in Aubrey. J. Herbert Arledge, Chairman of the Sanger Utility Board, met with council to present the Board's Recommendation #2. The recommendation is as follows: 1. Personnel Because of the complexities and safety procedures involved in the operation of an electrical system, on just the average daily routine, not to mention complicated and involved processes of expansion, system balance, etc., we feel that the various positions in the electric system should be filled by the most qualified and experienced people available to us. The training and hands on experi- ence factors, above all others, should have top priority when filling management and supervisory positions in our system. Sending someone, outside of experienced electrical personnel, to school for a few weeks or placing someone with limited experience into management positions within the system could prove to be very costly in both safety and financial aspects. Anyone can fill a position in any type system as long as no problems arise. But, what happens when the system encounters major breakdowns, unusual and unforseen repairs, or sustained periods of downtime? Therefore, we recommend that the Sanger Electrical System be made up with there positions and salaries: a. Manager/Foreman. At least a Class A Lineman Certifica- tion. Minimum Salary of @ 27,500 per yr. b. Two Class B Linemen. Minimum Salary of $20,500 per year. c. One Groundman/Trainee. Minimum Salary of $16,000 per year. d. One Secretary/Office Manager. Should have experience related to electrical system procedures. Minimum Salary of $17,500 per year. 2. Contract Labor We recommend that the City of Sanger establish and main- tain a list of electrical service contractors to be used in emergency situations. 3. Service Connect Fees We recommend that the City of Sanger continue the present 'Electrical Service Connection Fees' as set out in Chapter 10, Section 6 of the Sanger City Codes. Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr. Arledge and praised the work the Board has done so far. She stated the council would certainly study the recommendations. Wholesale power cost was discussed. Arledge further advised council that Brazos had stated they would appear before the PUC and request a 10% rate hike which would go into effect the summer of '85 if it is granted. Arledge emphasized the need for contractors in case of power emergencies. 14. Eddie Romines, Chairman of the Community Center Committee, met with council and gave the committee's following recommendation: 1. Denied request by SPAN for use of building five (5) days a week. Recommended that in six (6) months their use be limited to three (3) days each week and in twelve (12) months to two (2) days each week. The committee will pledge its support to work with any other organization in securing a site to be used as a Senior'KCitizens Center. 2. Approved the use of the Center to the WIC Program, as a Clinic site, to be used two (2) hours each week. There are to be none of their equipment or supplies stored in 77 the building and at the end of twelve (12) months this agreement will be reviewed. If it has not proved to be satisfactory it will be terminated. 3. Members volunteered their support of a "Work Day" to set up playground equipment at the Presbyterian Center Park. A date to be announced later. 4. Progress on the "Sign" and the "Bell" was questioned. Discussion. Motion was made by Bridges to deny Span's request for use of the Community Center five days a week. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. (Span to continue on 4-day basis.) Motion was made by Inman to accept the committee's recommenda- tion and approved the use of the center to the W.I.C. Program two hours per week from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. This program is not to use the building on Wednesday. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Lloyd to find out what day they wish to schedule their meeting. Council supported the "Work Day" as recommended. Council discussed the sign and bell at noted that the Chamber of Commerce has the Community Center. Council members be allowed to use the Building without placed on next council agenda. the Center. It was $1400. to be spent on felt the Chamber should charge. Item to be Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting into Executive Session. The meeting was reconvened to Open Session with the following action taken. Motion was made by Thomas that Jerry Don Linn be hired as - Public Works Director at a salary of $15,000. He will be re- viewed at the end of a six (6) months period and if acceptable his salary will be increased $100. per month. At the end of one (1) year he will be reviewed again. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. With no other business to come before the council, the meeting adjourned. ty Secretary yor