08/27/1984-CC-Minutes-Special72 MINUTES: City Council (Special Called Workshop) August 27, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Etta Stogsdill, Jan Roche, Jack Burkholder, and Leslie Browning. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order with her giving the invocation. The pledge of allegiance to the flag followed. 1. Mayor Armstrong presented a resolution authorizing city manager and mayor to get a Certification of Obligation from the First National Bank of Sanger. The certification of obligation would provide for the purchase of a digger dereck truck, a bucket truck, and electric materials to be used in the distribution system. Brazos Electric has also offered 1982 pickup to be made available to the City for purchase in the amount of $8,314. However, after much discussion the Council agreed to instruct Lloyd to purchase a new 3/4 ton pickup by taking bids. Motion was made by Bridges and seconded by Spindle to approve the resolution enabling the city to purchase up to $96,500 and the purchase of the same amount for a new 3/4 ton pickup. 2. Council reviewed the 1984-85 Municipal Budget and Revenue Sharing Budget and made the following changes. 1. Delete$5,000 from motor vehicle item in the Police Department and to take $5,000 out of G. F. Equipment Replacement money to apply toward the purchase of the police vehicle. 2. Danny Spindle mentioned to the Council that the Fire Department would lose its certification on its fire truck on December 31, 1985. He pointed out that we need to begin now with the purchase of a new truck and requested the Council to attempt to find someway to work this money into the budget for the truck. After much discussion, the Council instructed Lloyd to find various ways of financing a new fire truck. Lloyd pointed out to the Council that in two years the General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $41,000. will be paid out and this money can be applied at that time toward the purchase of a new fire truck. 3. Mr. Bridges raised a question regarding the accounting of Landfill fee funds. It was agreed by Council that all fees from the Landfill should be accredited to Sanitation funds rather than miscellaneous. 3. Council convened into executive session to discuss personnel. 4. The council reconvened back into open session. No action taken. 5. Inman made the motion to adjourn. Bridges seconded. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary C yor