09/17/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council September 17, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Jan Roche, C. G. McNeill, Harold Easley, George Duggan, Terri Witte, Faye Morrison, Karen Blake, Karen Lambert, Jean Banks, Sherry Boldin, Craig Waggoner, James Waggoner, David Hammon,Merwyn Tucker, Mike Tucker, Jeff McNeill, Bill Lloyd, Leslie Browning, Ken McGuire, Jim Neale, Gary Hammett, Bob Roberts, Martha Brown, Roy Taylor, Joe S. Waide, Jim Smith, Herbert Arledge, and Prentice Preston, 1. Councilman Bridges gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Inman to approve disbursements with the exception of Item No. 4 to Brazos Electric System for the power bill in the amount of $129,364.07. City Staff to check with Tony Wright to make sure the city owes the August power bill before paying. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the Sanger Electric Capital Improvements in the amount of 9,201.11. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 5. A public hearing was held on Zoning Petition Z-68 for Roy Taylor to change Lots 2 and 3, Block 47, Original Town from R-1 (Single Family) to LR (Local Retail). Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open and re- quested those in favor of the petition to speak. No one spoke in favor of or against the petition. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Bridges to accept P & Z's recommendation and deny the request for change. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 6. A public hearing was held to consider Zoning Petition Z-70 for the City of Sanger to change the zoning on the Roberts Park Addition from LB (Local Business)to R-1 (Single Family). Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open. There was no opposition and the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Spindle to accept P & Z's recommendation and approve the change. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Electric service to Roberts Park Addition was discussed. Total estimated cost to serve the park is $17,258. It was noted that $680. of this cost would be recovered in service fees. Motion was made by Bridges to approve service to Roberts Park. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Mrs. Faye Morrison, Administrator for Care Inn of Sanger presented Fire Chief Mervyn Tucker with a Cashier's Check in the amount of $1,645.00 toward the purchase of a new Fire Truck. The Care Inn employees held a Bar-B-Cue to help raise money for the truck. The City and Fire Department greatly appreciated the generous gift received and the work of the Care Inn employees. Representatives with the fire department met with council to discuss the purchase of a new fire truck. Chief Mervyn 79 Tucker stated that the fire department committee met with the city manager and drew up the specifications. He re- ferred council to the demo truck which they saw and he advised them that the truck was real close to the specs. which had been prepared. Chief Tucker stated that the department felt this truck would meet the city's needs. The price listed was 93,048. which included 600' of 12" hose. Mayor Armstrong asked Tucker if he felt this was an excel- lent price. Tucker stated it was the cheapest that he had found. The truck is a 1983 Model. The certification would not go into effect until the truck is put into service. Warranty was discussed. Financing and down payments were discussed. Council asked if th&.city would need to let bids on this item. Lloyd stated that a lease/purchase option did not have to be bid. Council requested Lloyd to be sure and to check with the city attorney. Motion was made by Adkins to purchase -the 1983 Fire Truck Demo from Sun Fire Corp. at a price of 93,048 contingent upon Lloyd checking with the city attorney to see if it is legal to purchase without bidding. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Several revisions .were made before council would adopt the Budget Ordinance for Fy84-85. It was noted that the City Secretary had received a 3% increase which did not offset the 5% deduction on the new retirement program. Council gave an increase of 8% in lieu of the 3% to the City Secretary. It was noted that the City Manager's salary had been figured in error. He is to receive an 8% increase changing his salary from (error) 29,700. to (correct) 29,431.45. Social Security and Retirement figures were checked and changed accordingly. Police Department Social Security and Retirement figures were corrected. Error in calculation. Council added $6900 to item 01-02-422.31 in the Fire Department. This expense to be offset by the 12 cent increase in advalorem taxes for '84. $45 was added to the training workshop acct. for a total of $245. The expenditure of $5,000 for the drive-thru window in the electric department was deleted. Property tax revenues were increased to $217,900. Social Security and Retire- ment figures were corrected also in Sewer Department. After revisions had been made council considered the adoption of Ordinance No. 84-19. Motion was made by Thomas to adopt Ordinance No. 84-19 adopting the Budget for 84-85. Spindle gave the second. Total Budget Revenues were $2,139,368. Total Budget expenses were $2,139,368 for a balanced budget for '84- 85. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0, 84-19 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 AND ENDING AUGUST 31, 1985; AND APPROPRIATING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS THEREOF. 10. Motion was made by Bridges to adopt Ordinance No. 84-20 setting the tax rate at $0.485 for 1984. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE NO. 84-20 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BANGER AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE YEAR 1984 AND APPORTIONING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE, 11. Council discussed the bid quotations received on the police vehicle. Council noted that Bill Utter Ford had specified the warranty and the cost for same. Hilz-Snider had the low bid but did not specify a warranty or figure :1 amount. Council requested that this item be tabled until the warranty and possible cost is determined on the Hilz- Snider Bid. Council felt the city should make sure that there is a warranty. 12. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the Final Subdivision Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, M. R. Burleson Survey, Tract 71, for S. & I. Investments. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Council discussed the Final Subdivision Plat for Neham Investments. Council had requested in the previous meeting that Neham include an easement on the front of their three (3) lots on llth Street. Council did not want the new street (llth) to be cut to supply the taps. Gary Hammett advised council when he had brought the plat to Lloyd that the street had not been paved, and that Mariott had agreed to wait until taps could be made. Hammett stated that he had checked with Lloyd but the city did not have type of pipe needed. Hammett stated that the city should have some type of policy regarding cutting streets. He stated the lines in llth Street were adequate. R. L. Roberts stated he could put the street back like it was if council would allow the cuts to be made. Curb and guttering was discussed. Mayor Armstrong read aloud a letter from John L. Sullivan regarding same. She requested city staff to make copies of the letter and see that each council person receives a copy. Discussion. Inman made a motion to grant final approval on the Sub- division Plat on Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 1, Hughes Addition for Neham Investments with the stipulation that the llth Street be put back as is. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. City Manager was instructed to get a copy of the street specifications to Mr. Hammett. 14. Item regarding the Chamber of Commerce use of Community Center without user charge was tabled. 15. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the preliminary plat of Lots lA and 1B, Block 1, Hughes Addition for Harold Easley. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Other such matters: (a) City Manager was instructed to prepare an ordinance dealing with the specifications for repairing streets which require cutting and boring for service lines, utilities, etc. (b) Mrs. Thompson was unavailable to discuss the SPAN Program with council. (c) Benny Erwin introduced new police patrolman Mike Riley to council. Officer Riley has had previous police experience with the City of Denton Police Department. (d) It was noted that Lloyd, Nel, and Carolyn had talked with the school regarding the paving at the Middle School. Mayor Armstrong .requested this item be placed on the next council agenda and requested Lloyd to see Mr. Ross and see if a representative from the school could be at the meeting. (e) Mayor Armstrong requested a verbal report on the following: (1) Response on the city's ad for Electric Supt. ans. Lloyd stated that he had one today and an appointment scheduled for Wednesday Herbert Arledge interjected that he received one inquiry and referred the party to Lloyd. (2) What about winding up the HUD Program? ans. Lloyd -We're trying to get it finalized by the end of this month. (3) Mayor Armstrong not satisfied with ditch at Community Center. Requested Lloyd to get engineers back and get them to take a look at it. (4) What about the electrical safety school. ans. Lloyd -It will be held in Nov. at A & M. (5) Thomas -There is something wrong with transmission in garbage truck. ans. Lloyd -It has been scheduled for repair. (6) Adkins -How many police reserve is the city using at the football games? ans. The school calls and the police department sends how ever many they request. It was noted that some problems occurred and there were not enough police on hand. (f) Adkins stated that she had talked with school officials and the east. gate at football field would be closed to public. Uniform people will be able to come and go through this gate. No parking designation will be placed on loth St. to alleviate heavy congestion and fire hazard. (g) Lloyd advised council about the upcoming walk-a-thon to be held Sat., Sept. 22, at the Selebration. He told council that it had been requested that council dress silly or with the same type of shirts. (h) .Joe Waide made council aware of some junked vehicles on South Manor and South Meadow. (i) Bridges stated that he had walked the new streets put in by Mariott and that some of the driveway approach off the street was not done. Lloyd stated that the engineer was going to walk it out to see what all Mariott had failed to do accord- ing to plans. Motion was made by Inman to adjourn the meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council October 1, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Danny Spindle, and Freddy Inman. ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins (sick), H. W. Thomas (sick), and Benny Bridges (out of town). OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Barbara McClary, Bob McClary, Bill Rice, Betty Rice, Jan Roche, Anna Elsey, Gary Lake, J. P. Hampton, R. D. Mollahan, Vera Mollahan, "Babe" Mabel Watkins, Eunice Gray, Dorothy Thompson, Nancy Hribar, Harold Easley, Daniel L. Hribar, Craig Waggoner, Herbert Arledge, and Howard Ashcraf t .