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11/05/1984-CC-Minutes-RegularG MINUTES: City Council November 5, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Wendall Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, I`7erwyn Tucker, Howard Ashcraft, Oscar Shelton, C. G. McNeill, Bob McClary, Barbara McClary, Betty Rice, Bill Rice, Jan Roche, Harold Easley, Mrs. Elsey, and Jeff McNeill. 1. Mayor Armstrong gave the invocation and led the pledge to the f lag. 2. The minutes of the October 15, 1984 and October 24, 1984 meetings were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements in the amount of $34,780.85 plus payment of a Brazos Power Bill in the amount of $76,434.56 for a total of $111,215.41. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open. on Zoning Petition Z-71 for Howard Ashcraft, Fred Simmons, and Ricky Powell requesting a change in the zoning classification of 4.4677 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, AB 1241, from R-1 (Single Family) to LI (Light Industry). Mr. Bob McClary was recognized and spoke against the petition for change. McClary stated there were deed restrictions on the property and that 150' from his driveway was supposed to be residential and from there on could be zoned for business. Bill Rice spoke in opposition of the petition. Rice stated he lived within 200' of the property to be changed and felt if the zoning was approved it would devalue the surrounding property. Mrs. Elsey spoke in opposition she was sure that Mr. Ashcraft service road and that she felt their neighborhood. to the petition. She stated had excellent property near the it would be a disaster to ruin Howard Ashcraft spoke in favor of his petition stating that they were not out to upset anyone in the neighborhood with the requested change. He stated there had been some change in plans since they originally bought the property and this was the reason they were asking for complete zoning of the whole thing to an industrial classification. He stated it didn't mean necessarily that they would use all the tract for industrial application. He stated they would like to use the rear side for industrial application and primarily hold the front portion for other speculation which would probably include local retail. The reason for the change and why they feel that it should go all the way back to the property line is because there is light industrial zoned on both sides of the property. They feel there is no need for two different zonings on their tract of land. Ashcraft stated the operation they plan on putting in they are prepared to start on immediately. It will be 5,000 sq. feet and will be in line with the deed restrictions as far as kind of construction etc. He stated they planned to put up a building that looks nice. He stated it was just a difference in opinion in where a particular zoning should begin or end. He felt the road would be the proper dividing point. LAshcraft stated nothing would be constructed to downgrade the area. Planned use and deed restrictions were discussed.. Betty Rice stated that some of the residents built their homes in the area thinking it would be residential. She ask council to "please consider us as you would want us to consider you." Mrs. Elsey didn't understand why one man should be allowed to wreck their area. 93 Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Inman to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to change the zoning classification of 4.4677 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, AB 1241, from R-1 (Single Family) to LI (Light Industry). Adkins gave the second. Voting for was: Inman, Adkins, and Bridges. Abstaining was: Spindle and Thomas. Motion carried. 5. The item to consider adopting an ordinance regarding the repair of streets was tabled on a motion by Bridges. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Council discussed the resubdivision of lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 1 of Sanger South with Harold Easley. Thomas stated the only questions was if Easley planned to have any kind of parking with entrance from Southland Street. Mr. Easley assured the group that he had no specific plans for the type of buildings he would put on this lot. Cluster Apts. had been considered but it was not necessarily what he might construct on the property. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the preliminary resubdivisions of Lots 11, 12, and 13, of Block 14, Sanger South Subdivision for Harold Easley. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Thomas to adopt Ordinance No. 84-21 initiating annexation proceedings for Trinity Chapel Church property. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. ORDINANCE N0. 84-21 AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING. 8. & 9. Mayor Armstrong read aloud recommendation #4 and #5 sub- mitted by the Sanger Utility Board. The recommendations are as follows: Recommendation A4 In an attempt to standardize expansion and maintenance of Utility Board recommends that the most current edition of S the procedures for installation, the Sanger Electric System, the the Sanger City Council adopt pecifications and Drawings for 7.2/12.5_KV Line Construction, R.E.A. Specification. Recommendation #5 The Sanger Utilities Board recommends that the Sanger City Council authorize the Utility Board to make a study on the most efficient and economical way of reading Sanger water and electric meters and then present our recommendation to the City Council. Motion was made by Thomas to accept recommendation No. 4 and adopt Ordinance No. 84-22 adopting REA Specifications and Drawings for Line Construction. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, TO ADD SECTION 16, CHAPTER 10 ENTITLED COMPLIANCE WITH RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR 7.2/12.5 KV LINE CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Motion was made by Inman to accept recommendation #5 of the Sanger Utility Board. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan.. GZ� 10. Council discussed Planned Development, Specific Use, and Home Occupation Permits. They felt the need of someone well informed on this subject to speak to them and answer questions regarding the different uses. Council requested Lloyd to get someone from a small city who understands these items and conduct a workshop to iron out the bugs. Council was requested to read over the material they have and mark those items they have questions on. 11. Other Such 1`Zatters : (a) Carolyn Adkins gave a report on the National Main Street Program she recently attended. She stated that most of the work had been done in the larger cities, however, the historical society was pushing for it to be in the smaller cities. She stated there must be pride in the city. The projects usually begin in the downtown area. It was suggested that a project manager be hired and that the downtown area be cleaned up. It was suggested to get the downtown members to join an association. She talked of grants that were available, of the need of uniformity with regards to signs, etc., and utilization of the two and three story structures. Mayor Armstrong suggested that she and Carolyn get together and go over the different plans and come back to council with some recommendations. It was agreed. (b) Mayor Armstrong stated that Fire Marshall, J. C. Landers had requested the following items be added to the city's fire ordinance. 1. No wood shingle roofs be allowed in a dense populated area. 2. Require all business firms to have fire extinguishers available. 3. All commercial building firms to keep grass and weeds cut eight feet back from building. 4. No Propane, Butane, or Gasoline Trucks be allowed to park in the city over night. 5. Smoke detectors in apartment building in each unit, also motels and duplexes. 6. The city has no burning ordinance as such. 7. All fire plugs to be kept clear of trees, grass, and weeds. 8. Fire walls be built in attics of apartment buildings each 30' if possible, also motel and duplexes. Items to be considered. (c) Lloyd informed council of the letter received from the Denton City -County Health Department advising the city of the recent action of the Commissioners Court to increase the minimum lot size requirements from 15,000 square feet to 43,560 square feet where installing an individual private sewage facility (septic system) or property in unincorporated areas in Denton County. The Department requested the city to adopt this new requirement into our ordinance. Lloyd stated since the city has no ordinance on this that his recommendation was to write them a letter in the spirit of cooperation etc. It was agreed. (d) Lloyd advised council that Mr. Don Waddell would be on the job as Director of Electric Department, Monday, November 12, 1984. 95 (e) Mr. Bridges requested council consider putting up a street light in the area behind Denton Savings. Ask Lloyd to check about an orange vapor light. Items to be checked about and put on next council agenda. Danny Spindle asked that a light be put on the fire station. It was agreed. Lloyd stated that Mrs. Garrett of Garretts Greenery had requested a street light at her flower shop on the service road. Since she was not located at an intersection, Council felt she should be responsible for the lighting. Motion was made by Adkins to adjourn the meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council November 19, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor A:�rmstrong, Benny Bridges, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Don Waddell, Anne Kyle, Travis Underwood, Joe Higgs, Bill Rice, Frank Smith, Jerry Don Linn, Bob Roberts, Kammie Patten, Jan Roche, Ginny Schafer, Earl E. Schafer, Anna Elsey, Bill Cross, Joe Powell, R. H. DeHaven, Jackie Echols, Ricky Perry and Fred Hill. L. Lloyd Henderson gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the November 5th meeting were approved as printed. 3. After discussion of several items on the disbursement list, Councilman Bridges made the motion to approve the disbursements in the amount of $13,6.59.53. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing on the annexation of the Trinity Chapel Church Property open for discussion. No one spoke in favor of or opposition against. Hearing closed. 5. Motion was made by Thomas to adopt the resolution in support of development of a county wide transportation plan. Adkins ID ave the second. Voted unan. 6. Joe Higgs, Chairman of the Sanger Park Board, updated Council on Park Board ideas and recommendations toward the relocation of the Santa Fe Depot. He stated the Park Board was actively pursuing the relocation of the depot. The Park Board would like to move the Depot to the City Park. They would like to poll the Sanger citizens to get their input about the location. Higgs stated the board had agreed to the northeast corner of the park for the depot location. He stated the dock area could be used as an outside stage for different functions. Higgs read the following recommendation submitted by the Park Board. 1. We the Sanger Parks Board unanimously voted to consider the downtown park area as site for the relocation of the Santa Fe Depot. We as the Parks Board would recommend