11/19/1984-CC-Minutes-Regular95 (e) Mr. Bridges requested council consider putting up a street light in the area behind Denton Savings. Ask Lloyd to check about an orange vapor light. Items to be checked about and put on next council agenda. Danny Spindle asked that a light be put on the fire station. It was agreed. Lloyd stated that Mrs. Garrett of GSrrett'S Greenery had requested a street light at her flower shop on the service road. Since she was not located at an intersection, Council felt she should be responsible for the lighting. Motion was made by Adkins to adjourn the meeting. the second. Voted unan. ty Secretary yor MINUTES: City Council November 19, 1984 Bridges gave PRESENT: Mayor Arrmstrong, Benny Bridges, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Don Waddell, Anne Kyle, Travis Underwood, Joe Higgs, Bill Rice, Frank Smith, Jerry Don Linn, Bob Roberts, Kammie Patten, Jan Roche, Ginny Schafer, Earl E. Schafer, Anna Elsey, Bill Cross, Joe Powell, R. H. DeHaven, Jackie Echols, Ricky Perry and Fred Hill. 1. Lloyd Henderson gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the November 5th meeting were approved as printed. 3. After discussion of several items on the disbursement list, Councilman Bridges made the motion to approve the disbursements in the amount of $13,6.59.53. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing on the annexation of the Trinity Chapel Church Property open for discussion. No one spoke in favor of or opposition against. Hearing closed. 5. Motion was made by Thomas to adopt the resolution in support of development of a county wide transportation plan. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Joe Higgs, Chairman of the Sanger Park Board, updated Council on Park Board ideas and recommendations toward the relocation of the Santa Fe Depot. He stated the Park Board was actively pursuing the relocation of the depot. The Park Board would like to move the Depot to the City Park. They would like to poll the Sanger citizens to get their input about the location. Higgs stated the board had agreed to the northeast corner of the park for the depot location. He stated the dock area could be used as an outside stage for different functions. Higgs read the following recommendation submitted by the Park Board. # 1. We the Sanger Parks Board unanimously voted to consider the downtown park area as site for the relocation of the Santa Fe Depot. We as the Parks Board would recommend 7. to you the City Council that a plat drawing of the depot as it would sit on the downtown park be done, to use as a presentation to the citizens of Sanger. Mr. R. H. DeHaven, Santa Fe representative, stated that Santa Fe's main purpose was to emphasize that their patience was getting short and would like the building moved. He stated that 18 months had passed and if the project is going to drag on that Santa Fe would be forced to revoke the gift and put it up for sale. He stated he was here to urge council to act as promptly as possible. He stated Santa Fe needed assurance of when the building would be moved. The mayor and council assured Mr. DeHaven that things are being done toward the relocation of the depot. Mayor Armstrong praised the Park Board and their efforts in getting something done. Financing was discussed. Lloyd stated he had made a trip to Davis, Oklahoma for information on relocating of the depot and it seems that the moving cost figure the city had received was way out of line and was given the name of another mover who does this particular thing all the time and is much cheaper. Anne Kyle commented that the traffic congestion in downtown Sanger is already a problem. Streets are not wide enough. She suggested that council consider trading off with a property owner - such as land, utilities, etc. City should consider alternate site. Private financing was also mentioned. Mayor Armstrong read aloud a letter from Fran Clark and what she stated she could do with regards to funding. This of course takes time. Cost of plat drawing was discussed. Lloyd stated that $1200 had been allocated in the Park Budget for trees and council could amend a part of this to pay for the plat drawing requested by the Park Board. Discussion. Motion was made by Adkins that the Park Board be allowed to have the plat drawing made to present to the citizens. She further requested that an article be done in the paper regarding the alternate site location. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Councilwoman Adkins ask Mr. DeHaven what time frame Santa Fe is looking at. DeHaven stated "right now." He suggested that Mayor Armstrong write Mr. Valentine with Santa Fe a letter stating what the city is doing and planning. Agreed. Before the ordinances was discussed Lloyd introduced the new Director of Sanger Electric System, Don Waddell. Ordinance No. 84-23 was discussed. The ordinance amends the city personnel policy by omitting the employee`s birthdate and adding the Friday following Thanksgiving Day and Good Friday as holidays. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Ordinance No. 84-23. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, SECTION 3, APPENDIX A-III-B ENTITLED PERSONNEL POLICIES HOLIDAYS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Ordinance 84-24 was discussed. This ordinance would revise the disciplinary action, termination, and reprimand procedures of the city. The revision is to comport with the current Texas laws. Items to be studied and placed on next council agenda. Lloyd advised council that sometime ago, Mr. Ricky Perry with Southwest Disposal Service had approached the city 97 about contract hauling of the city garbage service. Lloyd stated with the city facing the immediate problem of upgrading their equipment, the numerous request for dumpsters, etc. that he ask Perry to get him a proposal. Lloyd stated that Southwest would contract the hauling of the city's garbage at basically the same rates we now charge. Southwest would need to increase the container rates and ask the city to allow them to negotiate this with each businessman who uses a container. In addition, Southwest Disposal would pay the city a 7% franchise fee and $1.13 per compacted cubic yard for dumping at the landfill. Lloyd said by doing this the city residents could be given 1-free dump at landfill per month with the presentation of their utility bill. Sanger mail route customers would not be allowed the free dump only city tax payers. Council ask Perry how soon they could begin the service. They stated they could start on January 1, 1985. City employees were discussed. Perry stated they could negotiate with the employee or furnish their own. Sanitation problems were discussed. Motion was made by Adkins to accept the contract with Southwest Disposal Service for solid waste collection service. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 9. It was noted that Mr. Bob Roberts had completed the construction of the Roberts Park Addition and requested that the streets and utility lines be accepted into the city. Lloyd stated that he had done the inspection and had received the "as built" plans. Lloyd recommended approval of this request. Motion was made by Bridges that the streets and utility lines in the Roberts Park Addition be accepted into the city system. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. Bob Roberts requested that his maintenance bond be waived stating he was both owner and contractor and that council would have his personal guarantee to maintain and repair any problems in Roberts Park for a one year period. Discussion. The mayor and council felt if they waived the bond that it could set a precedent. Lloyd was asked to check with the TML attorney and get legal advise before any action is taken. Item to be placed on next council agenda. 10. notion was made by Thomas to approve the final plat on the resubdivision of Lots 11, 12, and 13, Sanger South Subdivision for Harold Easley. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Motion was made by Inman to appoint J. W. Bucklew to serve on the Sanger Park Board to fill vacancy left by Royce Frederick. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 12. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on zoning Petition Z-72 for Mr. Earl Schafer. She stated that she had received a petition of protest objecting to the zoning change which she read aloud. Lloyd stated that Planning and Zoning had recommended the change contingent upon Mr. Schafer making the proposed residential lots 125` deep instead of 100'. Schafer met P & Z's requirement. Mayor Armstrong called for those in favor of the petition to speak. Mr. Earl Schafer spoke in favor of his petition stating that he had re-evaluated what the residents in the area wanted and had tried to keep the area along Keeton Road as residential so that those in the area would be protected in their present housing from noise and the business zoning that is already there. He stated he had planned for R.V. Repair Service, posibly a restaurant, and metal type mini -warehouses. Mayor Armstrong asked Mr. Schafer if he agreed to the 125' for residential lots and he stated "yes." Mayor Armstrong asked for those in opposition to speak. No one spoke openly against the petition. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 98 Motion was made by Inman to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to approve the change and to reserve 125' for R1 (Single Family) along Keeton Road. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Lloyd advised council that Steve Fannin would be glad to come up and talk with council on December 3rd regarding Planned Development zoning. Council requested Lloyd to set up a workshop with Fannin on a night other than council meeting night on Monday. 14. Motion was made by Thomas to allow water service line connections below the existing water meter at the Double JP Ranch (Millar Property, old 77 Hwy.) for the hook-up of two mobile homes. The city to bill double rates for three residents. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Other Such Matters: (a) Bridges asked about street project finalization. Lloyd to call Hunter Associates. (b) Inman requested tract of land behind Diane Dr. to be mowed. (c) Bridges stated the pot holes on 3rd and Plum were needing attention. (d) Adkins asked about distance of fire plugs. (e) Lloyd wanted to know what Don Waddell's official title should be. Council stated Director of Sanger Electric System. Motion was made by Inman to adjourn. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. ity Secretary yor MINUTES: City Council December 3, 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, and Carolyn Adkins. ABSENT: Harvey W. Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Jo Stover, Herbert Arledge, C. G. McNeill, Jackie Echols, Kammie Patten, and Jan Roche. 1. Mayor Armstrong gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag . 2. The minutes of the November 19, 1984 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Inman to approve disbursements in the amount of $29,544.35. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the 2nd public hearing on the annexation of the Trinity Chapel Church property open. No one spoke in favor of or against the annexation. The mayor declared the hearing closed.