01/07/1985-CC-Minutes-Regular104 City Secretary Mayor MINUTES: City Council January 7, 1985 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Bridges, Spindle, Inman, Thomas, and Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Don Waddell, Benny Erwin, Merwyn Tucker, C. G. McNeill, Rik Mansell, Richard Muir, Travis Roberts, Jan Roche, Herbert Arledge, John Wilson, Billy Hood, Mike and Patty Pennington, 1. Mayor Armstrong gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the December 17, 1984 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Thomas made a motion to approve disbursements for a total of $45,685.00 plus two invoices from Brazos totaling $25,002.82, Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Lloyd stated that he had gone over the disbursements with Brazos personnel and recommended payment of the invoices. Mayor Armstrong explained that the mapping had been deducted but felt it would continue to be a problem. She stated that Brazos would keep billing the city for it and she felt the city should try and work the problem out with Brazos. Council- man Bridges felt the matter should be negotiated since the city has and needs the maps. Lloyd was requested to contact Brazos to come up and see if the mapping problem could be worked out. 4. Fire Marshall J. C. Landers was unable to attend council to discuss his request for a Fire Ordinance. Mayor Armstrong read the following list of things Landers requested be considered in the ordinance. (1) No wood shingle roofs allowed in populated areas (2) A11 businesses be required to have a fire extinguisher (3) On Commercial Buildings no grass be allowed within 8' of the building. (4) No propane or butane trucks be allowed to park in the city overnight. (5) Smoke detectors be required in motels (6) Grass be kept cut from around fire hydrants (7) Fire Walls required in Apartment buildings (8) City needs a burning ordinance Mayor Armstrong suggested that a committee be appointed to study a Fire Ordinance and make a recommendation to council. It was requested that an item to cover the appointment of a committee to study a Fire Ordinance be on the next agenda. 5. Lloyd presented to council a comparative cost for operating the mercury vapor and sodium street lights. He stated that the city could recoup the cost difference on the sodium lights within a two year period and this would save one-half as much after two years had passed. Lloyd recommended that all of mainstreet be changed out at one time at a cost of $1100.00. This would be down Bolivar Street from 5th to 2nd and around the square. Discussion. Inman stated he had rather spend the money on the ground fixing potholes first. Adkins stated she couldn't see taking down something that is working o.k. 105 and changing it out. Mayor Armstrong suggested that the lights be changed out as they go out. Adkins made a motion that the city electric department change out the mercury lights to the sodium lights when the mercury lights go out and need replacing. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Motion was made by Bridges to approve the alteration of City Hall to construct an office used by the electric department. The work to be done by Jeff McNeill at an approximate cost of $1200 plus the cost of an additional door at the end of the hallway. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. The Ordinance amending the Municipal Budget for FY.84-85 was tabled. Revenue figures were not increased to offset the ad- ditional expenditures. 8. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the wholesale power supply agreement between the City of Sanger and the Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. as recommended by the Sanger Utility Board. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Inman to approve the final subdivision plat on Lot 2 of the Hyman Kahn Industrial Development. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mr. Travis Roberts with Hunter Associates spoke to council with regards to the street problem at the corner of 8th and Cherry Streets. He stated that a concrete valley gutter would be need- ed. He said that the asphalt there needed to be taken out. Since this was not in the city plans Roberts stated the city would be responsible for the cost which he would try to work out with Marriott and see if they would do the work. Roberts suggest.ed that the city pay all but a 5% retainage on the last invoice received from Marriott Bros. which is for a total of $91,317,89, Motion was made by Thomas to pay the Marriott invoice for $91,317.89 less a 5% retainage fee. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Roberts pointed out that the street program carried a one year warranty and the city should watch for large .cracks that could occur. 11. Lloyd advised council that at their December 17th meeting the electric department had presented a plan to cross I-35 to serve a new subdivision on Belz Road but had run into difficulty in getting easements on the east side of I-35. The electric de- partment is now coming with an alternate plan to extend a line from FM.455 at the corner of Acker Street north to the subdivi- sion: Council reviewed a map showing the location of the pro- posed line.. Estimated cost for this line construction will be $8341.00. Inman made the motion to approve the Sanger Electric System Capital Improvement from FM.455 north to the subdivision. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 12. 'Richard Muir discussed the -insurance coverage on city vehicles with. council. Council reviewed a chart which showed the amount of coverage the city is presently carrying and on the chart Lloyd had denoted the coverages that he felt should be dropped or added. It was further brought to council's attention that the city is only carrying $25,000 property damage coverage on the vehicles. Lloyd recommended that council consider increas- ing this amount to either $50,000 or $100,000. The increase in premium to be approximately $200 more for $50,000 and about $300 more for $100,000 property damage. Inman made the motion to accept the recommended changes that Lloyd had given and increase the property damage to $100,000. .Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 106 13. The Southwest Mining & Aggregate Inc. has offered to purchase from the city four power units, accessories, and 55 used trans- formers for a total price of $5500. The city staff recommended to council that Southwest's offer be accepted provided they will do the following: (1) Build an acceptable barrier to protect the city distribu- tion panel. (2) Make cash payment prior to the removal of any equipment (3) Remove equipment on the power panel only under the direc- tion of Brazos Electric Technicians. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong asked Lloyd if he had discussed these items with Mr. Jones and Lloyd stated he had discussed all except No. 3. Spindle asked if Southwest had good liability insurance and property damage insurance. Council felt that the city should have a contract with Southwest and asked Lloyd to draw one up. Item tabled until the next meeting. 14. Mr. Rik Mansell from STAR Cable T.V. met with council to discuss some of the problems and complaints of the system. Council - members complained of ghosting, poor reception, and poor service response. Mansell stated that he had just been given the Sanger area and would check into the complaints and get them worked out. Don Waddell requested a key to the CABLE their electric meter. He also stated he CO. several times requesting their field where their cables were buried. Mansell and stated he would have someone contact gate in order to read had called the CABLE personnel advise him gave Waddell the key him about the lines. 15. A total of six bids were received on the sale of the garbage truck and containers. Summary of the bids are as follows: Garbage Truck: 1. Duncan Equipment $3500.00 2. Southwest Disposal Service 2750.00 3. Hollingswortt Grain & Trk. 2577.77 4. Davis Truck & Equipment 2500.00 5. Industrial Disposal Supply Co. 1250.00 6. Heil Basic Waste System 250.00 Containers: 1. Southwest Disposal Service 140 each $3640.00 2. Hollingsworth Grain & Trk. 125 each 3250.00 3. Heil Basic Waste Systems, Inc. 75 each 1950.00 4. Duncan Equipment Inc. 60 each 1560.00 5. Industrial Disposal Supply 60 each 1560.00 6. Davis Truck & Equipment 50 each 1300.00 Motion was made by Inman to award to Duncan Equipment Company for a the bid on the garbage truck 16. Benny Erwin, Chief of Police, requested the city purchase a new radar unit for a cost of $1695.00. This unit would be used at night to verify speeding tickets. Erwin stated the night unit could serve more purpose than just as a patrol unit. He stated the radar unit would generate more revenue and could help with probable clause when someone had to be stopped. Lloyd advised council that revenue sharing funds were more than was expected and would take care of the expenditure. Motion was made by Inman to approve the purchase of the radar unit and pay for it with Revenue Sharing funds. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 17. The Sanger Utility Board recommended to council that Sanger no Longer reciprocate with the City of Denton on licensing elect- ricians. Their recommendation is as follows: Recommendation #6: 107 Because of action taken by to the Reciprocal Agreement between the City of Denton Board of the City of Sanger the City of Denton and in reference regarding the use of Electricians and the City of Sanger, the Utilities makes the following recommendation: That the City of Sanger no longer reciprocate with the City of Denton on any Electrician License issued by the City of Denton and that this recommendation is to take effect immediately after consideration by the Sanger City Council at its next regular meeting. y Lloyd advised council that the UtilitBoard had met with Rick Svehla, Assistant City Manager of Denton, to discuss why Denton terminated the reciprocal agreement. It seems that they are unhappy with some of the people that have received electrical license in Sanger. They felt a few were not qualified electricians even though they passed our test. Sanger changed their fees to be comparable with Denton and also went to once a month for test- ing. If an applicant fails the test in Denton he is required to wait six months before he can take their test. Sanger gives the test again in one month. Denton gives 4 hours to take the test and Sanger gives 8 hours to take the test but the applicant can- not leave the building. Lloyd further advised council that the wheels were in motion for a countywide test which would be administered under a particular board for the area. Discussion. Motion was made by Adkins to accept the recommendation of the Utility Board to terminate the reciprocal agreement between the City of Denton and the City of Sanger. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 18. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting -into executive session to consider personnel. 19. Council reconvened to open session and Inman made the motion to (1) Authorize Don Waddell to employ another employee to work with the Electric Department making a total of (5) em- ployees in this department. (2) that J. P. Haskins be employed at $6.50 per hour, and; (3) that Richard Skipworth's present salary be increased to $6.00 per hour. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 20. -Other such matters: (3) (4) (5) Council was advised of the Energy Crisis Intervention Program. Thomas stated the city needed to check a hole in the sewer line on Keeton Road by the Roberts Park Addition. Staff was advised of seepage in the road on Plum Street between 4th and 5th Streets. Lloyd advised council that employee Mike Pennington had resigned, that J. P. Haskins was back on the payroll and Dwight Howard would be at work with the electric system January 16th, Mayor Armstrong requested the police department to keep closer watch out on the dumpsters at Burrus Supermarket Smith's Country Store. The dumpsters are being used by unauthorized persons. that on a and Motion was made by Bridges and seconded by Inman to adjourn the meeting. .Voted unan. City Secretary yor