01/21/1985-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City.Council January 21, 1985 PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, H. W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, B. McMurray, Don Geiger, Jan Roche, Jackie Echols, Joe Higgs, Estalou Morgan, Ralph Cole, Judy Selph, 1. Benny Bridges gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements totaling $85,065.33. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-73 for Lucille B. Story. Mayor Armstrong called for those in favor of the petition to speak first. Ralph Cole spoke in favor of Ms. Story's petition stating that Ms. Story's plans were to sell tle property to Nancy L. Lindsey of Collinsville, Texas. Ms. Lindsey wants to use the house as an antique shop and possibly use the vacant lot for a parking lot. Cole stated that she may even con- sider putting a beauty shop in. With no one wishing to speak against the petition Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Inman to accept Planning and Zoning`s recommendation and change the classcation on Lots 2 and 3, Block 17, Original Town of Sanger from LR (Local Retail) to LB (Local Business). Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-74 for J. M. Sims, Jr. No one spoke in favor of or against the petition. The public hearing was closed. Lloyd advised council that Planning and Zoning had approved the petition. It was noted that Ed Green and Ricky Moore were purchasing the property and planned to construct a two- story 4 unit apartment building. Two apartments on top and two on the bottom. The apartments will be of brick construc- tion with the required parking space. Parking space, privacy fencing and setbacks were discussed. Motion was made by Adkins to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to approve the Petition Z-74 on Lot 3, Block 28, Original Town from R-1 (Single Family) to R-3 (Multi - Family) with the stipulation that a privacy fence be built on the north and east property lines. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Motion was made by Inman to approve the agreement with M Bank in Dallas to act as paying agent for bearer securities for the City of Sanger. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 7. Motion was made by Inman to accept P & Z's recommendation and approve the preliminary subdivision plat for the Schafer Bros. Addition for Earl Schafer. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 8. Motion was made by Thomas to accept P & Z's recommendation and approve the preliminary subdivision plat for the Powell Addition for Ricky Powell. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan . 109 9. Motion was made by Thomas to accept P & Z's recommendation to approve the preliminary subdivision plat for the Sideline Addition for Marland Knight. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Motion was made by Bridges to accept P & Z's recommendation and approve the substandard lot size on Lot 1, Blk. 52 Original Town, for John Springer with a front yard setback of 18.3 instead of the required 25'. This would align with the other dwellings in this block. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. lla. Consideration of the Ordinance amending the Municipal Budget for FY'84-85 was tabled until the next council meeting. llb. Consideration of the Ordinance amending the Revenue Sharing Budget for FY'84-85 was tabled until the next council meeting. 12. Lloyd advised Council that he had talked with Bobby Atteberry with Marriott Bros. Atteberry stated that they had fulfilled their contract with the City. The problem at 8th and Cherry was not in the specifications and the company wanted the final payment. Council received an estimate from Bob Roberts to do the job for $4,250.00. Lloyd stated that he felt the Roberts estimate was too high and he would check to see if Marriott would consider giving the city an estimate. Motion was made by Inman to pay Marriott Bros. their final payment of $4,565.89 less $729.58, an amount owed to the City for repairs during the street paving project. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Motion was made by Adkins to approve the Contract Agreement with Southwest Mining & Aggregate, Inc. to purchase and remove the generating equipment from the city plant. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 14. Council considered the expenditure of the funds from sale of the generating equipment when received from Southwest Mining & Aggregate, Inc. Lloyd advised council that certain repairs would be needed at the electric plant once the equipment had been removed. He stated that a permanent wall should be built to protect the remaining equipment. Motion was made by Adkins to put the funds from the sale of the generating equipment in an interest bearing account. to be used for the repair of the electric plant to make it usable and any balance to be used toward a Drive-thru-Window at City Hall. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Council set February 5, 1985, at 6:00 p.m. as -the date and time for a workshop to discuss Planned Development and Special Use Zoning Permits. 16. Mayor Armstrong moved the executive session to be the last item on the agenda. 17. Open session after the executive meeting. 18. Joe Higgs, Chairman of the Parks Board read aloud the following recommendation from the Board: # 3. We the Sanger Parks Board recommend to the City Council that we move the Santa Fe Depot to the north end of the down- town city park. The 1985 goal proposed for this project is: 1. Move the Depot (plumbing and ng) 2. Outside Renovation 3. Necessary Landscaping (relocation of war memorial, playground equipment and certain sidewalks). 110 Estimated cost for this step of the project will be between $35 and $40,000. We propose to raise this money by donations from individuals, businesses, corporations, fund raising functions, and eventually applications to foundations. After the recommendation, Judy Selph presented a preliminary artist sketch of the park with the Depot shown in the proposed location. She stated that placing the depot on this site would entail moving 1-park bench, 1 tree and the monument. The monument to be moved to the south side of the park with flag poles on each side. She stated that the existing walls would be retained. The playground equipment would be moved leaving the center of the park free. The gazebo would be moved off the platform it sits on and the platform would stay and could be used for speakers, plays, etc. She said the idea was to put the park back in use. Head -in parking along the north and a portion of the north- east corner was discussed. Mayor Armstrong thanked Ms. Selph for the presentation and advised the Parks Board that their recommendation would be considered in executive session. Mayor Armstrong requested that the Parks Board meet more often in the upcoming months. Higgs _stated that the $18,000 needed to move the building would relocate the building, put it back on a foundation, but would not include plumbing. Council viewed pictures of the Davis, Okla. depot project. 19. Mayor Armstrong asked Chairman Higgs if the Parks Board had any recommendations for the replacement of Bill Lloyd. Higgs stated he had asked Harold Easley if he would consider serving. Easley to let him know. 20. Mayor Armstrong requested Lloyd to go over the events with Brazos regarding the payment of the mapping. Lloyd stated he had talked with Dan Swenke and Swenke feels that the cost is not negotiable. He also feels the city ow es the rent on the Sanger Electric building. Swenke talked to McCaskell and his answer was the same. He feels the city owes for the whole thing. Mayor Armstrong stated she felt that Brazos was acting a little "horsey" about the matter. She asked Lloyd if he would let Don Waddell look at the maps and see if we were using them. The city could possibly purchase new maps at the cost they would be paying Brazos. Item to be tabled until the next council meeting. 21. Motion was made by Adkins to approve the renewal of the contract and hire McCreary, Veselka, Beck, and Allen for the collection of Delinquent Taxes. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 22. Other Such Matters: (a) The following appointments were made to the Fire Ordinance Study Committee: 1. J. C. Landers, Fire Marshall 4. Merwyn Tucker, 2. Danny Spindle, F.P. Commissioner Fire Chief 3. Craig Waggoner, Fire Department 5. J. P. Hampton, Rep. Former F.D. trainer Council requested that Don Waddell, Electric System Director be added to the committee as ex officio member. Agreed. (b) It was noted that Southwest Disposal was setting the garbage containers too close to the road. Staff requested to advise Southwest to move them back. (c) Mayor Armstrong stated she would like to see council pass an ordinance prohibiting outside city residents and others from us0 ng the dumpsters provided for 111 businesses. She feels there should be a fine for the illegal use. It was noted that Lloyd is getting this information together. (d) Council requested that they be given the name of those city employees on call who have weekend duty and their phone numbers. This information to be included in the council packet. (e) Lloyd distributed the following update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and Line Improvements: January 31 Water Resource Board will give final approval of City's plans and instruct city to proceed with bidding process. February 4 Council agenda will contain an item for Council to instruct Engineering firm to submit specifications for bid to contractors. March 18 March 19 Bids due in Council and opened by Council. Bids submitted to Water Resource -Board for their approval. They check contractors to make sure they qualify. This takes approximately 30 to 45 days. May 6 or 20 Council awards bid to contractor. July 1 Approximate start up date. Also we are asking Dan Almon to meet with Council at the February 4th meeting. This project will call for a bond issue in the amount of $194,000 and a sewer increase as follows: Present: base rate for first 1000 gal. $4.00 rate per 1000 gal. after base rate .40 Proposed: Base rate for first 1000 gal. $6.00 rate per 1000 gal. after base rate .60 16. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting into executive session. 17. Council reconvened to open session. Motion was made by Adkins that the City Council support the recommendation of the Parks Board, however, the Depot Building is not to be moved on the park site until the $40,000 is raised for the moving and rehabilitation of the building. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. Motion was made by Bridges that the city notify Mike Pennington that upon the advise of the city attorney the city is not liable for any additional vacation time as per Mike Pennington's request. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Adkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary