03/04/1985-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council `" March 4, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, Harvey W. Thomas, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Joe S. Waide, Truitt Bishop, Jan Roche, C. G. McNeill, Jeff McNeill, 0. W. Davis, Jr. and Herbert Arledge. 1. Mayor Armstrong gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Councilman .Bridges to approve the disburse- ments in the amount of $36,005.82. Councilman Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition 7-75 for 0. W. Davis, Jr. who was seeking a change in zoning class on Lots 1-2, Lots 3-7, Block 14, Original -Town from Local Business to Light Industry. No one spoke in favor of or opposition to the requested change. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation and approve the request for change. Councilwoman Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Councilwoman Adkins to approve the final plat on Tract I and Tract II, of the W. E. Henry Industrial 119 Development for Skeeter Henry. Voted unan. Councilman Inman gave the second. 6. Council postponed action on the final plat for Jean Haddock on Lots 1 and 2, Block C, of the White Addition. Mrs. Haddock wants to revise her plat. 7. Mayor Armstrong proclaimed the week oCL.L cL. ru April 6, 1985 as City Clean -Up Week. Mayor Armstrong stated that she would appoint a committee of 6 or 7 people to this task. She stated she hoped that new ideas and new ways to stimulate interest in the clean-up would be developed by the committee and that their ideas could become an on -going thing for the future. Mayor Armstrong noted that she would appoint the committee very soon and if council had any names to recommend to let her know. 8. Council received a worksheet listing all the streets in the city which have not been rebuilt, giving their length in feet and the estimated cost to rebuild. Bond information was also made available. Mayor Armstrong stated that the city needed to come up with an ideal on how to solve the street problem. She felt the city needed to get the citizens involved in the program and she plans to appoint a task force to help with the solution. She stated that the group could look at the situation and make recommendations to solve the problem. She stated that Carolyn Adkins had contacted several of our citizens that had agreed to serve if asked. Carolyn read the following names: Jim Simpson, Ronnie Beard, Sue Trego, Charlie Haskins, Sue Cook, Ernie Travelstead, Lillie Belle Horst, and George Gilkison. Mayor Armstrong requested council to give the street program careful thought and advise her of any recommendations or appointments they would wish to make or consider. 9. Herbert Arledge, Chairman of the Utility Board, spoke to council with regards to the Utility Board's recommendations. Arledge stated that the group was trying hard and doing their best. That they were trying to look beyond -visualize areas in what the Board feels needs to be done to aid in future growth of the city. He stated where money is involved that the Board is not far enough into the budget to understand all that, but felt a definite need for future planning. Mayor Armstrong expressed the city's appreciation for the time and help which the Board gives to the city. The Utility Board requested the following: RECOMMENDATION N0. 9 That the Sanger Utilities Board, through action of the City Council, be approved a budget of $1,000 to study the sewage system development for future use and proposals CO pay for such studies. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas to approve the recommenda- tion from the Utility Board that funds be allocated for future sewer study. Councilman Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Council considered a recommendation from the Utility Board which is as follows: RECOMMENDATION N0. 10 That the Sanger City Henry Cooper for the land with designated tract. This sight to Sanger Water System. Council enter into an agreement with purchase. of approximately 2 acres of easement from Marion Road to the subject be used for future expansion of the Discussion. Councilman Bridges suggested that council delegate 120 11 Lloyd to negotiate with Cooper and come back to council with Citizen Participation: about cost and pay out methods a recommendation. It was agreed. (a) Truitt Bishop came before council Co discuss electrical permits. Bishop stated that people were moving buildings in prewired. They are wired by electricians that are*not licensed with the city. Bishop stated "either we have an electric.allicense or we don't." Lloyd stated that a judgment call had been made on the part of the city manager. He advised council that several weeks ago the owner of Muenster Garden Center had come to the office regarding his business. The owner wanted to bring in a portable building that was already wired. The building had been used before. It had the mast, meter loop, etc. Lloyd stated that he and the electric director had talked about the problem and it was decided to charge the owner for an electrical inspection and when he brought the building in if it did not pass the inspection that it would have to be rewired. When the inspection was made everything was in good shape. Lloyd stated his thinking was "it is a portable building, like a mobile home, and we would not hook it up until it had been inspected." Mr. Bishop's complaint to council was the building was not wired by a licensed electrician with the city. Mayor Armstrong stated she felt both parties were right to an extent and requested the Utility Board to look at the rules concerning this and make a recommenda- tion and suggestion to clarify future problems of this nature. 12. Other Such Matters: (a) Councilman Thomas ask if there was any way the city could get the Highway Department to install a red light at FM 455 and the Service Roads. Discussion. Lloyd to pursue the matter. (b) Thomas stated that he had checked on the recorder but felt that what he had learned that council might not want to get it at this time. (c) Nel asked Lloyd and Freddy if -they had had time to come up with a policy regarding the landfill used by citizens outside the city. They advised the Mayor that they had not gotten into the matter yet. (d) Lloyd advised council that Steve Hollingsworth had quoted him a price of $1500 for the gasoline tank for the city yard. He stated that Jerry Don Linn had stated that he and the city crew could take the old tank up and set the new tank. The tank people would hook up the gasoline pump. (e) Danny Spindle stated that the Fire Department would like to advertise for bids for a 1-Ton Chassis. He stated that the Fire Department would be responsible for the full cost of the chassis. Mayor Armstrong requested that this item be placed on the next council agenda for action. (f) Benny Bridges requested that the flag in the park be changed. (g) It was noted that the Park Board was in the process of getting a live tree for the park and get it in place so that it could be used as a Christmas Tree each year. Thomas advised Lloyd to tell the Park Board that G. A. Moore of Pilot Point had a tree digger if they needed some help in getting it moved. 121 With no other business to come before the council, Councilman Inman made the motion to adjourn. Councilman Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary MINUTES: City Council March 18, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: H. W. T -iomas OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Hend.ersor_, Mary Jo Stover, Dave Prewitt, Sohnnie Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Forrester, Joe Topper, Ann Topper, Jerry Jenkins, Craig Snider, W. 0. Neal, Dwight Wiley, Paul Devan, Carl Hite, Jr., Dorothy Bell, John Gunitlum, W. W. Jound, Michael Jordan, C. Neil Cantrell, Charles Luminn, Joe S . Wai.d.e , Jan Roche, Harlen Fike, Herbert Arledge, C. G. McNeill, Merwyn Tucker, Bonnie Prettyman, Ida Belle Hammons, Carolyn Hirschi, Mary Dickens, Joan Kirk, Lucille Hammons, Francille Sullivan, Jack. Burkholder, Margaret Long; Mike Rosenberg, Ernie Travelstead, Terry Howard, and C. H. Easley. 1 flaor Armstrong gave the invocation and. led the pledge to the g- 2. The minutes of the March 4, 1985 regular meeting and the March 14, 1985 special called meeting were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Freddy Inman to approve disbursements in the amount of $114,357.06. Danny Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Dave Prewitt with Hunter Associates opened the bids on the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation. A total of eleven (11) bids were received on the Treatment Plant and one (1) on the Collection System. Bids were as follows: Sewer Treatment Plant Lakemont Construction Co. $ 7372650. B.R.B. Contractors, Inc. 7489000. Twin-C, Inc. 8942000. Heritage Constructors, Inc. 728,0000 Gracon Construction. Co. 872,000. Monarch Contractors Inc. 777,000. Cole & Smithen Construction Co. 7199570. Onyx Construction Co. 190029331. Bell Constructors 761,551. Cajun Contractors 727,000. B-5 Construction Co. 825,814. Collection Svstem Bell Constructors $ 99,481.90