04/01/1985-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council April 1, 1985 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman, and Harvey W. Thomas ABSENT: Carolyn Adkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Joe S. Waide, Helen M. Gray, C. G. McNeill, Vickie Abernathy, Gary Lake, Daniel Hrlbar, B. J. Hollingsworth, Craig Snider, Merwyn Tucker, Jackie Echols, Joe Higgs, Esta Lou Morgan, Russell Madden, J. W. Bucklew, John Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Topper. 1. Benny Bridges gave the invocation and Mayor Armstrong led the pledge to the flag. 2. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements were discussed. It was noted that Item #14 for $105.00 would be paid by the Fire Department. Motion was made by Bridges that disbursements in the amount of $50,341.29 be paid. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-76 for B. J. Hollingsworth who is requesting a change in zoning on Lots 1 thru 7, and Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 10, Original Town from Local Business to Light Industry. Mayor Armstrong called for those in favor of the petition to speak. No one spoke for the petition. 125 Mayor Armstrong called for those in opposition of the petition to speak. No one spoke in opposition of the petition. Motion was made by Thomas to approve Zoning Petition Z-76 for B. J. Hollingsworth. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 5. Motion was made by Thomas to approve the Final Plat on Choctaw Ridge, AB. 103, Phiney S. Black Survey for Don Holson. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Armstrong declared, the public hearing open on the Annexation Petition of 26.743 acres, AB. 1241, H. Tierwester Survey (Snider Estates) for Craig Snider. Gary Lake, area resident, requested a point of information. Mr. Lake wanted to know what the City's intentions were regard- ing the ingress and egress streets to and from the subdivision. He stated both streets were inadequate. He requested to know what the city had in mind for updating streets and the city's plans for maintenance. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Lake that the city is planning to upgrade the streets. A street committee is comprising informa- tion now. Mr. Lalce asked about the water and sewer systems. Mayor Armstrong stated the city's water supply could serve 6,000. She stated the sewer plant was proposed and would be well underway before many homes would be built. Mr. Lake wanted to know what would be available for the people in the area with regards to hooking up to sewer. Lloyd stated a pro r ata charge would be applied for those connecting to the system since Mr. Snider would be out the expense of the lines. Lloyd further stated it is the policy of the city to tie on all residents in the city limits. Daniel Hribar spoke to council requesting information about the planned subdivision. He wanted to know if the city knew the impact that 134 homes would have on the schools. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Hribar that he should talk with the school administrators; that there is a problem but the city is going to grow and the schools have to plan for the growth just like the city. She explained that the city and school are two separate entities. Mr. Hribar wanted to know if the city had given their approval to the 6' sideyard and what would happen if it were 8'. He wanted to know if there would be smaller homes or less homes. Mayor Armstrong stated that council had approved the preliminary plat granting the 6' sideyards. She explained that the city's ordinance had been written years ago and that most cities now have the 6' setback and also a 15' front yard setback. Mr. Hribar thanked council for their information. Mr. Craig Snider requested to speak regarding his subdivision. He stated that he was responsible for getting the water and sewer lines to the subdivision and also for paying for this. He explained the process of tieing on to the city's existing lines and stated that he had rather not have the expense but that by looping it would be best for the city. He gave the price range of the houses in the upper $50's. Houses to be a minimum of 1200 square feet. He stated he wanted something in the area that would look nice and attractive. He stated that other properties would be developed, and that he wanted the area to be nice, clean and affordable. He stated he would be available during the week if others had questions concerning the project, contact him at Hilz-Snider Chevrolet. Mayor Armstrong closed the public hearing. A second public hearing will be scheduled on April 15, 1985. 8. Council considered the appointment of two police reserve officers as recommended by Chief Benny Erwin. Erwin stated that Edgar Barrow, Jr. and James Woodall, Sr. were both certified and had worked as Reserve Officers for the County under Kenneth George's administration. 126 Mayor Armstrong asked Chief Erwin where he planned to get the money to purchase uniforms for these men. Erwin stated cost of the uniforms would be paid for out of the Police Reserve Fund. Motion was made by Spindle to appoint Edgar Barrow, Jr. and James Woodall, Sr. as Police Reserve Officers for the City of Sanger. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Lloyd spoke on behalf of the Fire Code Committee. He advised council that the committee found several codes available but the most popular was the Standard Building Code. It was noted that a building code was needed more than a fire code since a building code is for prevention where as the fire code is for maintenance. The Fire Code Committee made the following recommendations: 1. That the City adopt the Standard Building Code and the Standard Fire Prevention Code. 2. That the City Council employ a part time inspection official qualified to enforce these codes. 3. That the City Council raise Building Permit Fees sufficiently to cover the cost of the employment of a part time building official. Spindle stated that he was in agreement with the committee. That it would do no good to have a fire code without a building code. Lloyd stated that the city had fine buildings but that we are getting more apartments and more planned for the future. He stated that we need the building code to give the apartment occupants more protection. Mayor Armstrong asked if any study had been done with regards to how much the city would need in order to pay the building official. The answer was no, but the amount would be paid for by the increase in the building permit fee. Mayor Armstrong instructed Lloyd to check and see what other cities are doing and charging. Item tabled. 10. Joe Higgs, Chairman of the Park Board Committee presented the city council with a two year plan for the upgrading of the City Park. Recommendation No. 6 is as follows: 1. Remove old dead trees and replace. 2. Remove - replace - relocate playground equipment. 3. Move overhead electric lines and put in underground. 4. Install sprinkler system; estimated cost $5,000 commercially or less if done by city crew. 5. Till and re-establish sod. These are plans for year one to be finished by Sanger Sellabration. Year Two ---- 1956 1. Rebuild or remove corner walls. 2. Remove gazebo and put stage area in its place with possible cover and lights. 3. Add more shade trees. 4. Relocate war memorial to south end and place Texas Flag and American Flag on either side with lights. 127 Motion was made by Thomas to approve Items 1 and 2 of year one (1985) as recommended by the Park Board. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. Joe Higgs presented Mayor Armstrong with a bid on the sprinkler system stating that the city crew might put it in for less if they had the time. Mayor Armstrong instructed Lloyd and Don Waddell to get bids on Items 3, 4 and 5 of the recommendation and advise council. She stated that year two (1986) would be considered in the future and would be considered in the 1985-86 budget for expense items. Agreed. Esta Lou Morgan advised council that several people had expressed the desire to donate to a Park Fund and she asked Mayor Armstrong if the city would want to consider this. Mayor Armstrong stated the city would be happy to accept personal donations. 11. This item consider with Item No. 15 on agenda. 12. Motion was made by Inman to approve the agreement between the City of Sanger and the Denton County Appraisal District for taxation purposes to perform the assessing function for the 1985 tax year. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 13. Lloyd presented council with the following purchase and installa- tion cost for radios for the public works and electric departments. At the present time the city has only one mobile radio in the public works department and none in the electric department. Don Waddell voiced concern.should his people get into trouble with a hot line they could not radio in for help. Discussion. Councilman Inman stated that staff should have anticipated the need for these radios and budgeted for them. Agreed. Discussion. Cost of Radios, Installation Cost, and Revenue Source is as follows: Purchase 5 Moxy Radios from Motorola $ 4,072.40 Installation by North Counties Communication 5 Moxy Radios Installed.@ $65.00 each 325.00 Replace Low Band Base Antenna & Tower Work 722.50 TOTAL $ 5,119.90 Installation Cost for Police Dept. Remove 3 G.E. units from Police Cars @ $30.00 ea. 90.00 Install 3 new Syntor W/Siren @ $125.00 each 375.00 TOTAL $ 465.00 Installation Cost for Fire Dept. Install 3 VHF Radios Removed from Police Cars @ $95. ea. $ 285.00 TOTAL $ 285.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 5,869.90 -Revenue Source- 1. Revenue Sharing Undesignated Funds $ 3,276.61 2. Water Dept. 170.45 Radios 400.00 3. Electric Dept. 172.32 Equip. Purchase or Cap. 21258029 TOTAL $ 5,869.90 Motion was made by Spindle to approve the purchase of 5 radios plus installation cost in the amount ofThomas gave the second. 1-no, voting for were: Bridges, Thomas and Spindle, voting against was: Inman. Motion carried 3-1. 128 14. Motion was made by Inman to set the date of April 8, 1985 at 7:00 p.m. to canvass the ballots of the City Officials Election. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 15. Mayor Armstrong read aloud Recommendation gll and fiz from the Utility Board. They are as follows: Recommendation 11: That the Sanger Utilities Board recommend to the City Council that they proceed with the Electric Utility Application to the Public Utilities Commission to amend the electric service area of the City of Sanger in order to service the Snyder Addition. Recommendation 12: That the Sanger Utilities Board recommend to the City Council that the City of Sanger begin enforcing a franchise tax on Denton County Electric Co-op on the electric service provided by D.C.E.C. to citizens living within the Sanger City Limits. Don Waddell explained the PUC Application process to council. He stated it would probably be three months before anything comes up for final action. Waddell stated he anticipated a Long drawn out affair with the coop. He stated that the coop does intend to fight the request for change in their certified area. The assessment of a Franchise Tax to Denton County Coop was discussed next. Council expressed concern with the assessment since the city might be able to do a trade off with the coop for the certified area. Mr. John Henry of the Utility Board stated his personal feeling was that it was going to be a fight either way the city goes, and he felt the city should go ahead and pass the franchise tax to the Coop and use it for leverage. C. G. McNeill requested to know how many meters the coop had inside the city. Stated "who knows what they might trade for." Freddy Inman requested staff to find out exactly how many meters the coop has in the city. Dually certified areas were discussed. Council instructed Lloyd to get the exact figures on how many meters the coop has in the city and to prepare a franchise document for the next council meeting. Motion was made by Inman to accept the Utility Board's recommenda- tion and the city proceed with the Electric Utility Application to the PUC to amend the electric service area of the City of Sanger in order to serve the Snider Subdivision. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Citizen Participation: (a) Mr. Joe Topper, resident on Rising Star Lane, requested to know the Kilowatt Cost between the City and Denton Coop. Waddell gave the comparison which showed the coop to be much higher (rate wise) than the city. Topper stated that he was neither for or against the subdivision but couldn't imagine that many homes on the amount of acreage. Mr. Topper asked council if they had received a set of deed restrictions. The city had the restrictions and Mr. Topper was given a copy. He questioned Item No. 6 on page 3 of the restrictions. In the restrictions it states as follows: Exterior Finish. The facing of the exterior walls and underpining of each dwelling shall be constructed of not less than 75% masonry finish or of such other finish as the Architectural Control Committee shall approve in writing.... Mr. Topper cautioned council to be concerned with this statement since construction other than a 75% masonry finish could be used in the subdivision by going to the Architectural Control Committee. 129 Mayor Armstrong thanked Mr. Topper for pointing this out to council. 17. Other Such Matters: (a) Wendall Thomas stated that the Senior Center is ready for the air conditioning and that the labor will be furnished by Fred Simmons if the unit can be purchased from him. Joe George plumbing will do the plumbing free but cost of plumbing equipment will run about 1,000. Acoustic ceiling & finishing to be put in with all labor being free. Total estimated outlay is $12,000. It was noted that the Senior citizens should appoint a group to raise money to help fund the project. (b) Lloyd read the memo from Sanger Electric regarding standby and private telephone pay for the Electric and Water Departments. (c) Lloyd advised council that the Community Center Association would like to consider giving the Library to the City and let the City take it over as a department. Lloyd stated that Eunice Gray had polled the committee and they are in favor of giving the library to the City. Mayor Armstrong stated she felt that if they were considering this that they should come before council with a proposal. (d) Council was advised that the Highway Department would be installing All -Way Stops at both frontage roads at FM 455. (e) Mayor Armstrong called council's attention to the letter from Mr. Brent Ryan, Attorney on the Landfill Case, stating that the case was final. (f) An answering machine for City Office phones was discussed. It would advise citizens who and what number to call in case of emergencies with Electric and Water problems after office hours. (g) Council reviewed a memo from Lloyd regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collection Line Improvements project. The information is as follows: Texas Department of Water Resources 5552000 City of Sanger - Bonds 290,000. Total 8452000 Bid Proposal on Treatment Plant 7192570 Bid Proposal on Collection Lines 99,481 Engineer Fees on Project 9090000 Total 909,051 Financial Revenues Exprenses fference 845,000 We can cut back on the project as follows and reduce the cost from $75,000 to $100,000: 1. Eliminate the new blower building and mount the blower on a pad outside. 2. Move motor control equipment into the existing building. 3. Eliminate the laboratory. Texas Department of Water Resources has "limited" money for projects in which the bids exceed the resources of the city. This may be available to Sanger if we make every effort to cutback on our own first. In order to cutback on the project it will be necessary to rebid the project.. Hunter Associates recommends the city rebid the project. 130 Mayor Armstrong recommended that the city delay the project. She recommended that city staff and Utility Board members tour the new treatment plant at Groesbeck before making any cutbacks. Bridges stated he felt the city should look at the overall cost. She informed council of the Utility Board Meeting with the city engineers next Thursday, April llth. Motion was made by Inman to adjourn. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary yor MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting April 8, 1985 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Freddy Inman and Carolyn Adkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Harvey W. Thomas OTHERS PRESENT: Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, and Gerald Jenkins 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Council canvassed the ballots of the city officials election held on Saturday, April 6th. Freddy Inman made a motion and introduced a resolution to approve the order declaring the results of the City Officer's Election. Carolyn Adkins gave the second. Voted unanimous. A total of 274 valid and legal votes were cast. The results are as follows: Place l: Place 3 Place 5 Freddy Inman 235 Write Ins: Henry Cooper 2 David Arrlington 1 Carroll Howard 4 Allie Davenport 1 Gerald H. Jenkins 216 Joe S. Waide 69 Danny Spindle 238 Write Ins: Ralph Cole 1 Jack Pennington 4 Carroll Trego 1 Debby Spindle 1 Motion was made by Freddy Inman to adjourn the meeting. Benny Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor