04/15/1985-CC-Minutes-Regular131 .:MINUTES: City Council April 15, 1985 MEMBERS PRZCErin`P: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Benny Bridges, Danny Spindle, Harvey W. Thomas; Freddy Inman, and Carolyn Adkins. OTHERS PRRSEN`i': Lloyd Henderson, Nlary Jo Stover, Gerald Jenkins, Horace F. McGuffin, Ben Terry, Joe and Patsy Howard, Vickie Jenkins, Teddy Inman, Helen M. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Belcher, C. G. McNeill, Herbert Arledge, Jerry Don Linn, Teddy A. Barclay, Dennis Hewlett and Maurine McClain. 1. Councilman Bridges gave the invocation and Mayor Arr zst-rong led the pledge to the flag, 2. The minutes of the Regular meeting held on April 1, 1985 were approved with one correction. It is as follows: Correction To: Item #13 - Voting For were Bridges, Spindle, and 1^homas. Voting Against was Inman. Motion carried 3-1. Minutes of the Special Called Meeting, April 8, 1985 were approved as printed. 3. Motion was made by Thomas to approve disbursements in the amount of $90,155.79. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 11. Mayor Armstrong requested that council consider Item #11 before the oath of office was administered to the new council elect. It was agreed. Mayor Armstrong called the public hearing open on Zoning Petition Z-77 for Prentice Preston and Jerry Jenkins who are requesting a change in zoning on approximately z of Tract 47, of the H. Tierwester Survey from R-1 (Single Family) to L-R (Local Retail). Mayor Armstrong called for those in favor of the petition to speak first. Jerry Jenkins spoke on behalf of the petition request. Jenkins stated that he was one half owner of the property that he and Prentice Preston were requesting to be changed. Jenkins stated that the property was purchased in February. They requested Plan ing and Zoning_ to change the back one-half of the tract to Local Retail as shown on the official city zoning map. He stated that P & Z had o.k.'d the request. He further stated that a citizen had called him stating that it wasn't necessary to zone the back one half since the entire tract had been zoned back in 1971..Jenkins presented council with copies of the P & Z minutes which approved Lots 9i & 92 to be rezoned to Local Retail. (Tract 92 has been re -numbered to Tract 47). It was also approved. by the city council. Discussion. 300' blanket zoning along I-35 was discussed. Statement by Jenkins. "My beiief in looking at the map that this property is already zoned. I believe there is an error in the master map."O Jenkins drew an illustration on the board showing approximate 3001 zoning. me stated I -le felt that P & Z zoned wanted Tracts 91 and 92 zoned in their entirety. If the P & Z zoned 300' it would 'nave cut-off several feet of the tract.. Jenkins stated that he and Preston would be willing to withdraw their petition if the city council would make it a part of the official record that the property is already zoned. Discussion. Ma L or Armstrong stated., `' I feel we should not have opened for a public heara.ng, but since we did we will allow those speaking against to proceed: 132 Freddy Inman stated that Jenkins presentation was based on assumption. Joe Howard spoke in opposition to the petition stating his property adjoined Tract 47 (92). Howard stated at the time the zoning took place there was a city street which run through the property. There were two separate lots. He stated his reason for opposing the change was that it will extend across his entire south property line. He stated the business in front of him was bad enough but that it was separated by a street. Howard stated he felt the city council should do further research on this matter. Mayor Armstrong closed the public hearing. Thomas made the motion to table Zoning Petition Z-77 until more information could be gathered. Bridges gave the second. Voted unan. 4. Mayor Armstrong administered the Oath of Office to Councilmen Danny Spindle,Gerald Jenkins and Freddy Inman. 5. Mayor Armstrong presented a plaque of appreciation to Councilman Benny Bridges for his service to the City of Sanger. 6. Mayor Armstrong called for nominations for Mayor Protem. Jenkins nominated Freddy Inman. Motion was made by Thomas that Inman be elected by acclamation. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 7. The following departmental commissioners were appointed by the Mayor. Protection Department Fire and Police Water Department Street Department Sewer & Sanitation Electric System Park Department Danny Spindle H. W. Thomas Carolyn Adkins Freddy Inman Gerald Jenkins Nel Armstrong 8. Motion was made by Inman that Mayor Armstrong continue serving as the official NCTCOG Voting Representative from the City of Sanger for 1985-86. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 9. Motion was made by Spindle to change the City Council meetings from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. beginning May 6, 1985. Inman gave the second. Voted unan. 10. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open on the pro- posed Annexation of 26.743 acres in AB.1241 H. Tierwester for Craig Snider. No citizens spoke in favor of the petition. Joe Topper of 620 Rising Star Lane requested to know if Snider had changed Item 6 of his Deed Restrictions? Spindle advised Mr. Topper that the deed restrictions had nothing to do with the annexation, that the deed restrictions would be dealt with when the final plat was presented to council. Topper requested to know the date. Mayor Armstrong advised Mr. Topper where the agenda's were placed in order for him to be informed of the meeting which would involve the final plat of the Snider Estates. Mayor Armstrong closed the public hearing. 12. Motion was made by Adkins to accept Planning and Zonings recommendation and approve the preliminary replat of Part of Blocks 9 & 13 Hampton Addition for Ben Terry. Thomas gave the second. Voted unan. 133 13. 14. Council considered the renewal application for seven Sanger Police Reserve Officers. Thev are as follows: Daniel Joe Spin..dle Curtis Amyx Allie M. Davenport Sidney R. George Rickey Dwa�7ne George Dale Elton. Moorehead Wanda Jane Mauldin Motion was made by Inman to approve the renewal application on the seven reserve officers listed. Thomas aave the second. Voted unan. Mayor. Armstrong explained that the Senior Center Committee would be responsible for the following*. 1. Oversgr.t cf.. the facilities. 2. Development of rules and policy for recommendation to Council. 3. Drogr..a.m Planning. 4 e Raising of funds for restoration of the building and furbi.shi.ng of equipment and furniture. A.c�.};ins stated. sh.e would like to see one or two younger people on the. committee to help in the fund ra.iisina. Jenkins asked how necessary was it to act on the appointments toninh.t. Mayor_ Armstrong stated that the building is �etti.ng there needing to :he finished but funds are needed. Shc fe't that the committee needed to aet started at raising funds to complete the project. PZa.yor Armstr_onn stated that she had talked. with Eunice Gray, Bertha Johnson, an,d Irene Nix and they would be wng to serve. She mentioned T. A. Melton and J. P. Hampton had been considered but she had not contacted them to see if they would be willing to serve. ,Tenki,.ng requested that the item be tabled until_ the next meetinn to give ca�_znc_1_m�mbers an opportunity to make recommen- dations for appointments. Mayor Armstrong agreed and requested that the three ladies she had contacted be appointed tonight. Motion was made ry Tnman to appoint Eunice Gray, Bertha Johnson, and Irene Nix to the Senior Center Committee and that others be appointed at the next council meeting. Jenkins gave the second.. Voted unan . 15 , Tlotion was made by Thomas that the City enter into an agreement with the Texas Department of Water Resources to train city employees in the operation of the sewer treatment plant. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. 16. Motion was made by Thomas to accent the recommendation of the Utility Board and appoint Jack Burkholder to serve out the term. for Jerry Jenkins. Adkins gave the second. Voted unan. 17. Citizen Participation: Nerbnrt Arledge smoke cn behalf of the Utility Board stating the,� had heg'J.n to _r�a.n. into some problem areas which they felt needed to }�e coo r di rta.ted more closely with the City Council . Be Suggested a workshop. Council set April 29th at 7:00 p.m. a.s a workshop with the Utility Board. Staff to ask Travis Roberts to come. 18 . ^the.r Such Matters (a.) Mayer. Armstrong reminded council of the �aorkshop with T;cne Star Gas scheduhed for Monday, P._pril 22nd at 6:30 p.m. (b) The Mayor called council's attention to a Region 8 meeting to be held in Weatherford on April 26th beginning at 6:00 p.m. She stated she planned to attend and if council planned to go to advise the city staff before Friday in order to make reservations. (c) It was noted that a Lone Star Gas surcharge of .33 per customer would be included in the April billing. This is to cover the cost of providing the energy conservation program to customers. (d) Council reviewed a quotation sheet from the Muir Agency on the Liability Insurance on the EMT's. Spindle requested to know if the insurance was on a per man basis or was it blanket coverage. Lloyd stated he felt that it covered only the EMT's. (e) Spindle informed council that the Fire Department in conjunction with the Pilot Point Ambulance Service would be conducting ECA (Emergency Care Attendant) classes in Sanger and would like to use the Community Center on Tuesday and Thursday night beginning April 30th for four weeks and on Saturday, May 4th and May 18th. City Staff to reserve the community center if there are no conflicts. (f) Lloyd advised council that Don Waddell was attending a meeting at A & M. Waddell called stating that he had talked with Mike Simmons with Texas Public Power Association. This is the Association that the city is working with to get the certified area amended for the Craig Snider subdivision. Simmons is advising the city to sit tight for one month. The Texas Legislature is working on this type thing now. (amending certified area) Lloyd informed council that Waddell was also working with Simmons on the Franchise Agreement for Denton County Coop. and it should be ready by the next council meeting. (g) Lloyd stated that the Building Code and Fire Protection Code and Inspection recommendation should be ready by the next meeting. (h) Swimming Pool drainage was discussed. It was noted that letters should be sent out to pool owners advising them that they need to drain the pools down the street and not on their neighbors property. (i) Carolyn Adkins reported that she attended the Denton County Transportation Committee meeting. She stated that no representatives were from the small cities. (j) Freddy Inman requested a biographical sketch on police reserve officers in the future. Inman stated when the city appointed citizens to a committee the city should do a preliminary workup--- give the Committee a budget sheet whether it is zero or whatever and a schedule of what the city would like the committee to accomplish. Inman stated that he. would like council to review all committees and give them direction. Agreed. (k) Jerry Jenkins wanted to know if the administrative comments section of the council packet could be distributed with the agenda so that the citizens in the audience would know more about what council was talking about. Discussion. Council to take this under consideration. Jenkins requested that the street signs be replaced that have fallen down or that are illegible, or that have fallen down and just not there. 135 (1) Dennis Hewlett met with council to protest the Junk Vehicle Ordinance. He stated he felt the exceptions were too vague. Hewlett described his vehicles as follows: '61 Chevy Panel Truck, '62 Chevy Pickup, and a '65 Chevy Station Wagon. These vehicles are not licensed or inspected and they have not been dismantled. He stated he cleaned and mowed his property. He asked council, ','what is a public nuisanceo> He stated is my property (cars) a public nuisance or is whats across the street from me a public nuisance. He distributed pictures to council reflecting the conditions of the area. Mayor Armstrong stated she agreed with Hewlett that the ordinance does need some clarification. Mayor Armstrong suggested that the problem be placed on the next council agenda. Hewlett stated his time expired on Wednesday (April 17th) and did he have to comply. Jenkins suggested to Hewlett that he get a letter to the Chief of Police requesting a public hearing before council. Hewlett stated he would. Hewlett then stated that two months back the city electric crew had pulled their vehicles through his ditch when it was muddy and left large ruts. The ditch belongs to the state but Hewlett keeps it mowed. Now it is impossible to mow because of the mess. He stated he had contacted the city twice about getting it straightened out and nothing had been done. Lloyd advised council that he was aware of the problem, that it was a state highway ditch but the city had messed it up and the city would take care of the problem. Hewlett further went on to ask council," If the city makes a written contract with an individual, does the city carry it out?" (reference here was made to an agreement between the City Electric Department and Ben Harvey). Lloyd stated that he had talked with Don Waddell and Waddell had talked with Ben Harvey and Harvey said it was o.k. for the pole to stay. Council advised Lloyd to check on this and get something in writing from Mr. Harvey. (m) Teddy Barclay, 116 Southpark Ct., also protested the Junk Vehicle Ordinance. Barclay stated his vehicle was not being dismantled, but that he did have to go and have the vehicle licensed and would he have to continue to be out the expense in the future. He stated the car was not being driven now, that he was saving it for his kids when they became driving age. Discussion. Danny Spindle explained the police department's position. Jerry Jenkins stated that he did not agree with the Ordinance, that it needed clarification. Inman stated the city needed some type of control. It was noted that those wishing to protest need to submit a letter to the Chief of Police and the item would be considered at the next meeting. Motion was made by Inman to adjourn the meeting. Spindle gave the second. Voted unan. City Secretary Mayor